2007-03-07 23:26 +0000 [r3268-3269] Elan Ruusamae * templates/associate.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_responses.tpl.html, templates/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html, templates/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/new.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html, templates/login_form.tpl.html, templates/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, templates/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/manage/faq.tpl.html, templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html, templates/requirement.tpl.html, templates/preferences.tpl.html, templates/manage/account_managers.tpl.html, templates/manage/statuses.tpl.html, templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/manage/news.tpl.html, templates/close.tpl.html, templates/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/select_project.tpl.html, templates/attached_emails.tpl.html, templates/emails.tpl.html, templates/list.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, templates/manage/categories.tpl.html, templates/manage/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/manage/priorities.tpl.html, templates/forgot_password.tpl.html, templates/post.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/notification.tpl.html, templates/checkins.tpl.html, templates/notes.tpl.html, templates/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/releases.tpl.html, templates/manage/resolution.tpl.html, templates/removed_emails.tpl.html, templates/view_form.tpl.html, templates/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/navigation.tpl.html, templates/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html, templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, templates/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/update_form.tpl.html, templates/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js, templates/manage/general.tpl.html, templates/signup.tpl.html, templates/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html, templates/manage/groups.tpl.html, templates/manage/round_robin.tpl.html, templates/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/post_note.tpl.html, templates/duplicate.tpl.html: - massive: use {t escape=js} where {/literal}{t} was matched (reviewed only diffs). fixes problem reported by alessandro ogier on devel list * templates/help/scm_integration.tpl.html: - use {literal} where it is really needed. NB! one translation string altered 2007-03-07 12:00 +0000 [r3267] Elan Ruusamae * templates/update_form.tpl.html: - add link to update issue again after issue has been updated 2007-03-06 20:18 +0000 [r3266] Elan Ruusamae * misc/download_emails.php, misc/irc/bot.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum, misc/process_mail_queue.php, misc/check_reminders.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: - if register_argc_argv is enabled $argc, $argv are available also as globals (this should speedup code by avoiding array lookups) 2007-03-06 20:09 +0000 [r3265] Elan Ruusamae * templates/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html, misc/download_emails.php, misc/irc/restart.php, misc/cli/eventum, INSTALL: - -q option is for php.cgi, in php.cli it is ignored 2007-03-06 15:11 +0000 [r3264] Elan Ruusamae * stats_chart.php: - missing ev_gettext() fix by Grzegorz Sterniczuk 2007-03-06 15:06 +0000 [r3263] Elan Ruusamae * misc/localization/pl (added), misc/localization/pl/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/pl/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), init.php: - add pl localization by Grzegorz Sterniczuk 2007-03-05 21:23 +0000 [r3262] Elan Ruusamae * templates/header.tpl.html: - use also $rel_url for favicon, so pages like /reports/ have also icon attached 2007-03-02 17:28 +0000 [r3261] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail_queue.php: Suppress error 2007-02-28 23:30 +0000 [r3260] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.mail_queue.php: - unify: use $_SERVER array for REMOTE_ADDR 2007-02-14 23:26 +0000 [r3258-3259] Elan Ruusamae * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: - pointless code dropped (remnaint from code conversion) * main.php, post.php, phone_calls.php, help.php, benchmark.php, removed_emails.php, misc/route_drafts.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, view_note.php, custom_fields.php, requirement.php, authorized_replier.php, misc/route_notes.php, switch.php, signup.php, faq.php, login.php, emails.php, associate.php, time_tracking.php, forgot_password.php, offline.php, misc/route_emails.php, notification.php, mail_queue.php, get_attachment.php, new.php, send.php, searchbar.php, clock_status.php, adv_search.php, history.php, preferences.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, download.php, index.php, rss.php, logout.php, view.php, duplicate.php, post_note.php, list.php, news.php, spell_check.php, redeem_incident.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, update.php, misc/monitor.php, get_remote_data.php, file_upload.php: - keep newline between header and code to avoid silly indenting in vim 2007-02-14 23:18 +0000 [r3254-3257] Elan Ruusamae * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: - formatting, unify * misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: - sync attributes * misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: - sample for new $eventum_url * misc/route_drafts.php, misc/route_notes.php, misc/route_emails.php: - should include init.php not config 2007-02-14 22:23 +0000 [r3253] Elan Ruusamae * misc/route_drafts.php, misc/route_notes.php, misc/route_emails.php: - routing paths fix by Alessandro Ogier (from -devel mailinglist) 2007-02-13 16:06 +0000 [r3252] Elan Ruusamae * ChangeLog: - remove duplicate ChangeLog entry 2007-02-12 16:50 +0000 [r3250-3251] Elan Ruusamae * csv.php: - single quotes * csv.php: - remove duplicate headers (reported from mailinglist) 2007-02-11 06:24 +0000 [r3248] Bryan Alsdorf * init.php: Updated version to beta1 2007-02-09 09:11 +0000 [r3246-3247] Elan Ruusamae * include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, include/customer/class.example.php: - formatting * include/class.stats.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, include/class.setup.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.link_filter.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, include/class.email_response.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.user.php, include/class.db_api.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.status.php, include/class.search_profile.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.lock.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.validation.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, include/db_access.php, include/class.resolution.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.news.php, include/class.category.php, include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.date.php, include/class.prefs.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, include/class.mail.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.session.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.help.php, include/class.misc.php: - formatting 2007-02-08 22:54 +0000 [r3245] Elan Ruusamae * misc/irc/bot.php, misc/irc/restart.php: - unify 2007-02-08 22:49 +0000 [r3244] Elan Ruusamae * include/private_key.php (removed): - created by setup now 2007-02-08 22:46 +0000 [r3243] Elan Ruusamae * misc/irc/bot.php: - warning is pointless now 2007-02-07 22:45 +0000 [r3241-3242] Bryan Alsdorf * view_note.php: Fixed undefined variable error. * include/class.note.php, view_note.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with displaying note sequence 2007-02-06 09:26 +0000 [r3240] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog, setup/irc_config.php: Actually include IRC config file 2007-02-06 09:13 +0000 [r3239] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php, include/class.auth.php: Set system user to always have a role of administrator. Make sure system user can't login. 2007-02-06 09:07 +0000 [r3238] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/index.html, include/class.auth.php, init.php: Misc upgrade changes 2007-02-06 07:27 +0000 [r3237] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php: Added method to populate custom fields. 2007-02-04 02:50 +0000 [r3236] Bryan Alsdorf * init.php: Set cookie domain to null by default 2007-02-03 12:18 +0000 [r3235] Elan Ruusamae * templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text: - remove dot at the end commit message, it looks funny when close message has newlines at the end 2007-02-03 12:10 +0000 [r3234] Elan Ruusamae * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/upgrade_config.php: - formatting; indicate failure with exit 1 2007-02-03 12:07 +0000 [r3233] Elan Ruusamae * include/custom_field/class.reporter_list.php: - formatting 2007-02-03 09:47 +0000 [r3232] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/upgrade_config.php: Change upgrade script to handle new config setup. 2007-02-02 20:37 +0000 [r3231] Bryan Alsdorf * include/custom_field/class.reporter_list.php (added): Added class to list reporters. 2007-02-02 07:07 +0000 [r3230] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php: Make the code to set cookies actually work. 2007-02-02 06:26 +0000 [r3229] Bryan Alsdorf * select_project.php, include/class.auth.php: Return proper error on select project if user is not logged in. Set all cookies through a single method to handle if a cookie domain is not set. 2007-01-30 18:25 +0000 [r3227-3228] Elan Ruusamae * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: - XML_RPC/RPC.php needs PEAR class but it doesn't include by its own; do it here * misc/cli/eventum: - should use config.inc.php not init.php 2007-01-30 18:18 +0000 [r3226] Elan Ruusamae * misc/cli/config.inc.php: - update like main config 2007-01-30 18:03 +0000 [r3223-3225] Elan Ruusamae * setup/index.php: - files shouldn't have executable bits * setup/index.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph.php, include/class.misc.php: - sane permissions for dirs * include/class.draft.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.support.php: - save routed mails with 644 instead of 777 permissions 2007-01-30 17:56 +0000 [r3222] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.draft.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.support.php, init.php: - introduce APP_ROUTED_MAILS_SAVEDIR constant 2007-01-30 17:41 +0000 [r3221] Elan Ruusamae * init.php: - use single quotes 2007-01-30 17:36 +0000 [r3220] Elan Ruusamae * setup/index.php: - use constants 2007-01-30 17:28 +0000 [r3218-3219] Elan Ruusamae * setup/index.php: - APP_VERSION should not be set in user config * setup/index.php: - use single quotes 2007-01-30 17:14 +0000 [r3215-3217] Elan Ruusamae * setup/config.php: - use single quotes * init.php: - indent fix * index.php: Use APP_TPL_COMPILE_PATH constant. 2007-01-29 09:04 +0000 [r3214] Elan Ruusamae * setup/index.php: - remove duplicate include path setup 2007-01-29 09:00 +0000 [r3213] Elan Ruusamae * js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php: - drop debug 2007-01-29 08:54 +0000 [r3212] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.php: Supress error reporting. 2007-01-29 08:51 +0000 [r3208-3211] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php (removed): this file is not needed anymore * misc/irc/bot.php, setup/irc_config.php (added): Moved IRC config * setup/config.php (added): missing file * setup.conf.php (removed), include/class.setup.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, phone_calls.php, include/class.auth.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, reports/custom_fields.php, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, ChangeLog, include/class.template.php, init.php, templates/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, include/class.custom_field.php, setup/index.php, js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/setup.tpl.html, post_note.php, include/class.search_profile.php, templates/manage/general.tpl.html, misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php, setup/changes.sql, templates/attached_emails.tpl.html, time_tracking.php, templates/view.tpl.html: Fixed bug with associate emails page not remembering search parameters Changed configuration structure to seperate directories / files Changed default to "Allow un-assigned issues" to "Yes" Enabled email integration by default Prevent users with a role of reporter from accessing time tracking information Display multi-combo custom fields on custom fields report Misc localization fixes. 2007-01-24 20:26 +0000 [r3206-3207] Elan Ruusamae * config.inc.php (removed): - no more in svn * phone_calls.php, reports/estimated_dev_time.php, removed_emails.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/download_emails.php, reports/tree.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php, reports/top.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/flush_compiled_templates.php, init.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_config.php, manage/news.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php, manage/general.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/flush_compiled_templates.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php, login.php, setup/check_permissions.php, associate.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1/database_changes.php, manage/email_accounts.php, config (added), offline.php, new.php, send.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, close.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/setup_columns_to_display.php, logout.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, manage/link_filters.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_saved_searches.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/database_changes.php, post.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/database_changes.php, help.php, manage/resolution.php, misc/cli/eventum, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, switch.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php, signup.php, emails.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, reports/workload_date_range.php, manage/users.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, popup.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, convert_note.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, redeem_incident.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, get_remote_data.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/restart.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php, misc/upgrade/flush_compiled_templates.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, reports/weekly.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/flush_compiled_templates.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/customize_listing.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/flush_compiled_templates.php, reports/index.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php, manage/reminders.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, forgot_password.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/fix_setup_file.php, get_attachment.php, clock_status.php, manage/faq.php, scm_ping.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/flush_compiled_templates.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php, download.php, setup/index.php, post_note.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_last_action_date_fields.php, view.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php, setup/config.inc.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/database_changes.php, manage/priorities.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/upgrade_config.php, custom_fields.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, UPGRADE, reports/customer_stats.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, mail_queue.php, manage/custom_fields.php, reports/open_issues.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, history.php, preferences.php, manage/statuses.php, rss.php, js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php, duplicate.php, news.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, update.php, file_upload.php: - initial commit of splitting config to two parts 2007-01-22 22:11 +0000 [r3204-3205] Elan Ruusamae * setup/config.inc.php: - suppressing errors with @ is considered bad practice * setup/config.inc.php: - drop support for is_a() (php 4.2.0 is 5 years old) 2007-01-22 14:20 +0000 [r3203] Elan Ruusamae * include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_innerhtml.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_display_style.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_textarea_size.php: Use $_COOKIE superglobal (fixes hide settings being lost) 2007-01-18 02:57 +0000 [r3202] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/notifications/password_confirmation.tpl.text: Fixed broken link. 2007-01-16 19:20 +0000 [r3198-3201] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.note.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.support.php: - memory optimizations, no problems reported so far withing month of heavy usage ;) * templates/notifications/notes.tpl.text: - email signature separator for email clients that can trim signatures * misc/irc/bot.php: - echo cosmetics * misc/irc/bot.php: Update config section not to require any logic from Eventum code (so you could move your irc setup to config.inc.php. 2007-01-16 19:09 +0000 [r3197] Elan Ruusamae * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Allow IRC bot to join server with username/password optionally. 2007-01-16 19:06 +0000 [r3196] Elan Ruusamae * misc/irc/bot.php: cosmetics 2007-01-16 08:15 +0000 [r3195] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with associate emails page not remembering search parameters 2007-01-15 04:45 +0000 [r3194] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with not setting the issue ID in the subject of emails sent to users not on the notification list. 2007-01-11 22:30 +0000 [r3193] Elan Ruusamae * templates/spell_check.tpl.html: Spelling fix by Greg Larkin (patch from mailinglist) 2007-01-11 22:07 +0000 [r3192] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.setup.php, phone_calls.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.history.php, reports/estimated_dev_time.php, removed_emails.php, include/class.note.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/download_emails.php, misc/route_drafts.php, reports/tree.php, reports/top.php, include/class.workflow.php, manage/news.php, include/class.db_api.php, manage/general.php, login.php, associate.php, include/class.search_profile.php, misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.validation.php, offline.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, new.php, include/db_access.php, send.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, include/class.reminder.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.scm.php, logout.php, include/class.mail.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.routing.php, post.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, switch.php, include/class.support.php, signup.php, include/class.user.php, include/class.status.php, emails.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, misc/route_emails.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, reports/workload_date_range.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, include/class.news.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, include/class.session.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, config.inc.php, redeem_incident.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, get_remote_data.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/index.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/customize_listing.php, reports/index.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.lock.php, include/class.attachment.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, forgot_password.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.pager.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, clock_status.php, manage/faq.php, scm_ping.php, include/class.date.php, download.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, setup/index.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.display_column.php, view.php, post_note.php, include/class.filter.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.help.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, manage/priorities.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, custom_fields.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/customer_stats.php, include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, history.php, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, include/class.misc.php, update.php, file_upload.php: Set utf-8 encoding for vim 2007-01-11 22:00 +0000 [r3189-3191] Elan Ruusamae * config.inc.php: Fix charset * include/class.authorized_replier.php, phone_calls.php, include/class.link_filter.php, include/class.email_account.php, misc/route_drafts.php, self_assign.php, view_note.php, authorized_replier.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, manage/customer_notes.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customize_listing.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, associate.php, misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php, reports/customer_stats.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, include/class.group.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, mail_queue.php, manage/custom_fields.php, reports/workload_date_range.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, reports/custom_fields.php, include/class.faq.php, manage/faq.php, manage/field_display.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, manage/account_managers.php, convert_note.php, manage/phone_categories.php, include/class.round_robin.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.priority.php, manage/column_display.php, include/class.session.php, post_note.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, manage/link_filters.php, include/class.monitor.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, manage/priorities.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, misc/monitor.php, file_upload.php: svn propset svn:keywords Id * include/class.history.php, include/class.customer.php, removed_emails.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, misc/download_emails.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, reports/tree.php, confirm.php, manage/index.php, reports/top.php, manage/news.php, reports/index.php, include/class.db_api.php, manage/general.php, login.php, include/class.search_profile.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.lock.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/reminders.php, include/class.validation.php, forgot_password.php, offline.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, js/post_load.js, include/class.pager.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, include/db_access.php, new.php, send.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, include/class.reminder.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, clock_status.php, scm_ping.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.date.php, include/class.category.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, setup/index.php, download.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.scm.php, logout.php, view.php, list.php, include/class.filter.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, include/class.error_handler.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, stats_chart.php, include/class.help.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, main.php, post.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, benchmark.php, js/validation.js, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, custom_fields.php, requirement.php, js/global.js, misc/route_notes.php, switch.php, include/class.template.php, misc/cli/include/pear/PEAR.php, misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, include/class.user.php, signup.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.status.php, emails.php, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, adv_search.php, history.php, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.news.php, manage/statuses.php, popup.php, include/class.custom_field.php, index.php, rss.php, manage/time_tracking.php, duplicate.php, news.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, config.inc.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, manage/anonymous.php, update.php, get_remote_data.php: svn propset svn:keywords Id 2007-01-11 21:54 +0000 [r3184-3188] Elan Ruusamae * main.php, post.php, phone_calls.php, help.php, benchmark.php, removed_emails.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, view_note.php, custom_fields.php, requirement.php, authorized_replier.php, switch.php, signup.php, faq.php, login.php, emails.php, associate.php, time_tracking.php, offline.php, forgot_password.php, mail_queue.php, notification.php, get_attachment.php, send.php, new.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, clock_status.php, scm_ping.php, adv_search.php, history.php, preferences.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, download.php, index.php, rss.php, logout.php, view.php, duplicate.php, post_note.php, list.php, news.php, spell_check.php, redeem_incident.php, stats_chart.php, view_email.php, update.php, get_remote_data.php, file_upload.php: Restore block indent * include/class.setup.php, phone_calls.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.history.php, reports/estimated_dev_time.php, removed_emails.php, include/class.note.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/download_emails.php, misc/route_drafts.php, reports/tree.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php, reports/top.php, include/class.workflow.php, manage/news.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php, manage/general.php, include/class.db_api.php, login.php, setup/check_permissions.php, associate.php, include/class.search_profile.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.validation.php, offline.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, new.php, include/db_access.php, send.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.scm.php, logout.php, include/class.mail.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.routing.php, post.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, switch.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, signup.php, include/class.status.php, emails.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, misc/route_emails.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, reports/workload_date_range.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, include/class.news.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, include/class.session.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, config.inc.php, redeem_incident.php, manage/email_responses.php, get_remote_data.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/index.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/customize_listing.php, reports/index.php, include/private_key.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.lock.php, include/class.attachment.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, forgot_password.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.pager.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, clock_status.php, manage/faq.php, scm_ping.php, include/class.date.php, download.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, setup/index.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.display_column.php, view.php, post_note.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.help.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, manage/priorities.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, custom_fields.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, misc/cli/include/pear/PEAR.php, misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/customer_stats.php, include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, history.php, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, include/class.misc.php, update.php, file_upload.php: Massive: remove closing PHP tag * reports/workload_date_range.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php: Massive: update copyright years * include/class.setup.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.customer.php, reports/estimated_dev_time.php, include/class.note.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/route_drafts.php, misc/download_emails.php, reports/tree.php, reports/top.php, include/class.workflow.php, manage/news.php, manage/general.php, include/class.db_api.php, include/class.search_profile.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.validation.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, include/db_access.php, include/class.reminder.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.mail.php, manage/column_display.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, manage/link_filters.php, include/class.routing.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, include/class.status.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, manage/users.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, include/class.news.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, include/class.session.php, manage/categories.php, config.inc.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/index.php, manage/customer_notes.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customize_listing.php, reports/index.php, manage/groups.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.lock.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, include/class.group.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, manage/faq.php, include/class.date.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, setup/index.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.filter.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.help.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, misc/check_reminders.php, manage/priorities.php, misc/monitor.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, reports/recent_activity.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/customer_stats.php, include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, reports/custom_fields.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, include/class.misc.php: Massive: update copyright years * main.php, post.php, phone_calls.php, help.php, benchmark.php, removed_emails.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, view_note.php, custom_fields.php, requirement.php, authorized_replier.php, switch.php, templates/app_info.tpl.html, signup.php, faq.php, login.php, emails.php, associate.php, time_tracking.php, offline.php, forgot_password.php, mail_queue.php, notification.php, get_attachment.php, send.php, new.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, clock_status.php, scm_ping.php, adv_search.php, history.php, preferences.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, download.php, index.php, rss.php, logout.php, view.php, duplicate.php, post_note.php, list.php, news.php, spell_check.php, redeem_incident.php, stats_chart.php, view_email.php, update.php, get_remote_data.php, file_upload.php: Massive: update copyright years 2007-01-11 21:40 +0000 [r3183] Elan Ruusamae * setup/schema.sql: - typo 2007-01-11 11:25 +0000 [r3182] Elan Ruusamae * ChangeLog: - update 2007-01-10 07:16 +0000 [r3181] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.language.php: Prevent PHP error 2007-01-09 19:04 +0000 [r3180] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.template.php: Check if constant is defined. 2007-01-08 17:06 +0000 [r3179] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Prevent errors by cleaning up invalidly formatted addresses. 2007-01-06 03:20 +0000 [r3178] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/route_drafts.php, misc/route_notes.php, misc/route_emails.php: Changed include path to prevent PHP errors 2007-01-02 06:01 +0000 [r3177] Bryan Alsdorf * include/jpgraph/jpgraph.php, ChangeLog: Update JPGraph to handle PHP configurations without old style of globals 2006-12-23 10:48 +0000 [r3176] Elan Ruusamae * templates/support_emails.tpl.html: As the date show in Received: not Date: change column title to Received. 2006-12-23 08:16 +0000 [r3175] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: Corrected misspelling 2006-12-13 19:47 +0000 [r3174] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.setup.php: Here should also be require. 2006-12-08 06:24 +0000 [r3173] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, misc/localization/eventum.po, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: More modifications to locale files 2006-12-07 20:06 +0000 [r3172] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.setup.php, phone_calls.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.history.php, reports/estimated_dev_time.php, removed_emails.php, misc/download_emails.php, misc/route_drafts.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, include/class.note.php, reports/tree.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php, reports/top.php, include/class.workflow.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/flush_compiled_templates.php, manage/news.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php, manage/general.php, include/class.db_api.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/flush_compiled_templates.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php, login.php, setup/check_permissions.php, associate.php, include/class.search_profile.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1/database_changes.php, manage/email_accounts.php, offline.php, include/db_access.php, send.php, new.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.reminder.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/setup_columns_to_display.php, include/class.scm.php, logout.php, include/class.mail.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_saved_searches.php, include/class.routing.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/database_changes.php, post.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/database_changes.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php, switch.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, signup.php, include/class.status.php, emails.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php, misc/route_emails.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, reports/workload_date_range.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php, include/class.session.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, redeem_incident.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, get_remote_data.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php, misc/irc/restart.php, misc/upgrade/flush_compiled_templates.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, reports/weekly.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/flush_compiled_templates.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/customize_listing.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/flush_compiled_templates.php, reports/index.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php, include/class.attachment.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php, forgot_password.php, include/class.group.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.pager.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/fix_setup_file.php, include/class.draft.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, clock_status.php, scm_ping.php, manage/faq.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/flush_compiled_templates.php, include/class.date.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php, download.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, setup/index.php, include/class.round_robin.php, view.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_last_action_date_fields.php, post_note.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php, include/class.filter.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.help.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/database_changes.php, manage/priorities.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php, reports/issue.php, include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/upgrade_config.php, custom_fields.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/customer_stats.php, include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, reports/custom_fields.php, history.php, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, update.php, include/class.misc.php, file_upload.php: Massive: include_once->require_once to trap missing classes as fatal error. 2006-12-07 19:59 +0000 [r3171] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.auth.php, include/class.language.php, preferences.php: My version of activating languages immediately of prefs saving. 2006-12-07 19:43 +0000 [r3170] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.language.php, preferences.php: Misc fixes 2006-12-07 19:22 +0000 [r3169] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.language.php: Result of setlocale is not used, so don't capture it. 2006-12-07 19:16 +0000 [r3168] Elan Ruusamae * setup/config.inc.php: Remove hack to set HTTP_*_VARS. 2006-12-07 19:16 +0000 [r3167] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php: Missing from my previous commit. 2006-12-07 19:12 +0000 [r3166] Elan Ruusamae * setup/config.inc.php: Superglobals 2006-12-07 19:09 +0000 [r3165] Elan Ruusamae * phone_calls.php, include/class.customer.php, removed_emails.php, include/class.note.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, include/class.workflow.php, manage/news.php, manage/general.php, login.php, associate.php, manage/email_accounts.php, new.php, send.php, csv.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.category.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.scm.php, manage/column_display.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.routing.php, post.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, switch.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, signup.php, include/class.status.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, notification.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, manage/users.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, popup.php, include/class.news.php, convert_note.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, include/class.session.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, confirm.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/customer_notes.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customize_listing.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.attachment.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, forgot_password.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, scm_ping.php, manage/faq.php, download.php, setup/index.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.round_robin.php, view.php, post_note.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.error_handler.php, stats_chart.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, misc/check_reminders.php, manage/priorities.php, view_email.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, custom_fields.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/customer_stats.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, reports/custom_fields.php, history.php, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, update.php, file_upload.php: Massive attack: use superglobals all over the code. 2006-12-07 18:32 +0000 [r3164] Bryan Alsdorf * select_project.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, include/class.auth.php, include/class.language.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, templates/preferences.tpl.html, misc/localization/eventum.po, setup/config.inc.php, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, misc/localization/eventum.c, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: Setting language on preferences takes effect immediatly now. Changed order of setting language to fix a few problems. 2006-12-07 13:13 +0000 [r3163] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.mime_helper.php: Exclude winmail.dat from being added as attachment 2006-12-07 02:26 +0000 [r3162] Elan Ruusamae * setup/config.inc.php: Must do Language::setPreference() after hacking old HTTP_* vars otherwise user preferences aren't set on modern PHP. 2006-12-07 01:27 +0000 [r3160-3161] Elan Ruusamae * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.note.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, ChangeLog, include/class.workflow.php: Add $note_id to workflow handleNewNote method. This could be used in workflow to process note contents, for example act on sender (check for Notification::isBounceMessage for example) * include/class.mime_helper.php: in Mime_Helper::getCharacterSet() if the email is multipart/mixed and contains only one subpart, take the charset from that first part, rather from primary part as it contains nothing. 2006-12-07 00:50 +0000 [r3159] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.routing.php: Cleanup: $email_account_id is always unset initially. 2006-12-07 00:45 +0000 [r3157-3158] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.routing.php: Drop bogus comment. * include/class.mail.php, include/class.routing.php: Drop magic cookie stuff in email routing (Bryan said it should be removed). 2006-12-07 00:23 +0000 [r3156] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.routing.php: Check errors earlier in route_emails(). 2006-12-06 23:50 +0000 [r3155] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.mime_helper.php: Not to confuse encoding and charset. 2006-12-06 23:46 +0000 [r3154] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.mime_helper.php: Do not just hardcode encoding, leave room for future to pass proper encoding. 2006-12-06 23:24 +0000 [r3153] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.support.php: Silly typo. 2006-12-06 23:20 +0000 [r3152] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.support.php: Small optimize: call Search_Profile::getProfile() only when needed 2006-12-06 19:15 +0000 [r3151] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/notifications/updated.tpl.text, include/class.language.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, include/class.notification.php, misc/localization/eventum.po, setup/config.inc.php, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo, templates/update_form.tpl.html, misc/localization/eventum.c, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: Preparing for final (hopefully) localization beta. Localized notification messages. When sending notifications, send notifications in language of recipient, not language of sending user. Added gettext compatability mode 2006-12-06 06:03 +0000 [r3150] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php, templates/notifications/password_confirmation.tpl.text (added), templates/notifications/visitor_account.tpl.text (added): Localize user messages 2006-12-06 05:48 +0000 [r3149] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql: Changed to match other inserts 2006-12-05 20:53 +0000 [r3148] Elan Ruusamae * templates/reports/weekly.tpl.html, include/class.history.php, reports/weekly.php, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php: Added Ignore Issue Status Changes to weekly report window. 2006-12-05 20:37 +0000 [r3147] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.language.php: Fixed problem with % in strings. 2006-11-22 19:04 +0000 [r3146] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php: Fixed bug with passing role but not project to class. Contributed by Dave Greco. 2006-11-19 21:30 +0000 [r3145] Elan Ruusamae * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php: Update database changes. 2006-11-19 21:14 +0000 [r3144] Elan Ruusamae * templates/update_form.tpl.html: Mismatched closing bold tag. 2006-11-17 17:29 +0000 [r3143] Elan Ruusamae * templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text: Increase readability of issue closed message. 2006-11-14 08:37 +0000 [r3142] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added warning message when closing issue from update issue page 2006-11-14 08:33 +0000 [r3140-3141] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/update_form.tpl.html: Added warning message when closing issue from update issue page * templates/preferences.tpl.html: Localization 2006-11-09 06:48 +0000 [r3139] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.language.php: Merged changes 2006-11-09 06:36 +0000 [r3138] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.phone_support.php, reports/weekly.php, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php, include/class.support.php: Change weekly report to be project specific 2006-11-09 00:47 +0000 [r3137] Bryan Alsdorf * include/php-gettext/streams.php (added), include/php-gettext/AUTHORS (added), include/php-gettext/ChangeLog (added), include/php-gettext/COPYING (added), include/php-gettext/gettext.php (added), include/php-gettext/gettext.inc (added), include/php-gettext/README (added): PHP Gettext 2006-11-09 00:30 +0000 [r3136] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.reminder_action.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, login.php, templates/preferences.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, setup/changes.sql, include/class.pager.php, misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo (added), include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/custom_fields.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po, preferences.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/php-gettext (added), setup/schema.sql, include/class.mail.php, include/class.display_column.php, list.php, include/class.filter.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.monitor.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.help.php, include/Smarty/plugins/block.t.php, stats_chart.php, include/class.misc.php: Updated localization to optionally use PHP-Gettext. Allow user's language to be set on user preferences page. 2006-11-07 21:48 +0000 [r3135] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.routing.php, ChangeLog, templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, include/class.support.php: Changed how addresses were automatically CC'd when creating an issue. Change issue auto creation email. 2006-11-07 16:54 +0000 [r3134] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Automatically add addresses on to/cc list to notification list when associating an email 2006-11-07 15:19 +0000 [r3133] Elan Ruusamae * templates/update_form.tpl.html: Cosmetical change (add newline between messages). 2006-11-07 03:06 +0000 [r3132] Bryan Alsdorf * css/style.css, include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with attachments breaking with magic_quotes_sybase = On (Dave Greco) Fixed stylesheet bugs (Dave Greco) 2006-11-07 02:59 +0000 [r3131] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with Custom Fields with a type of date (Dave Greco) 2006-11-01 03:37 +0000 [r3130] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php, include/class.session.php: A few changes to prevent session hijacking 2006-11-01 03:34 +0000 [r3129] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.report.php: Fixed bug with custom fields report showing data across projects 2006-10-30 21:54 +0000 [r3128] Bryan Alsdorf * close.php, templates/close.tpl.html: Prevent error message when close.php is accessed without an issue ID 2006-10-29 16:54 +0000 [r3127] Elan Ruusamae * reports/recent_activity.php, templates/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html: Change some defaults in recent activity defaults: - by default developer selected is YOU -- as it's easier to select All from list (it's always First), than You. - change default hours to 24h 2006-10-25 23:02 +0000 [r3126] Elan Ruusamae * templates/support_emails.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Dislay all recipients for emails in issue details screen. 2006-10-25 17:47 +0000 [r3124-3125] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/login_form.tpl.html: Missing file from previos commit * index.php, include/class.auth.php, login.php, ChangeLog: Remove "Remember Login" checkbox since it is confusing and mislabeled 2006-10-09 20:26 +0000 [r3123] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Fixed escaping problem. 2006-10-09 13:30 +0000 [r3122] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.language.php: Include auth class for Auth::getUserID(). 2006-10-09 12:25 +0000 [r3121] Elan Ruusamae * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php: Add usr_lang column database change. 2006-10-09 12:20 +0000 [r3120] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.scm.php: Remove extra backslash. 2006-10-05 17:34 +0000 [r3119] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Fix problem with certain addresses 2006-10-04 04:33 +0000 [r3118] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/attachments.tpl.html: Fix bug with deleting attachments 2006-10-03 04:53 +0000 [r3117] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php, setup/schema.sql, include/class.language.php, misc/localization/sv_SE (added), misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.mo (added), setup/changes.sql, misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added): Add per user language preferences 2006-10-03 02:49 +0000 [r3116] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/attachments.tpl.html, include/class.attachment.php: Changed minimum role to delete other's attachments to be manager. 2006-10-02 03:13 +0000 [r3115] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/attachments.tpl.html, include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Allow administrators to delete attachments from any users. 2006-09-26 06:06 +0000 [r3114] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/attachments.tpl.html, include/class.user.php, setup/config.inc.php, stats_chart.php, templates/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/new.tpl.html: More localization tweaks. 2006-09-25 18:25 +0000 [r3113] Bryan Alsdorf * BitKeeper (removed): Removing this un needed directory. 2006-09-22 15:29 +0000 [r3110-3112] Elan Ruusamae * images/dtree/join.gif, images/no_data.gif, images/icons/minus.gif, images/icons/clock.gif, images/icons/stats.gif, images/icons/refresh.gif, images/dtree/question.gif, images/dtree/plusbottom.gif, images/dtree/imgfolder.gif, images/dtree/nolines_plus.gif, images/dtree/folder.gif, images/dtree/musicfolder.gif, images/icons/rss.gif, images/dtree/trash.gif, images/dtree/nolines_minus.gif, images/dtree/plus.gif, images/icons/report.gif, images/attachment.gif, images/dtree/cd.gif, images/dtree/line.gif, images/dtree/globe.gif, images/icons/plus.gif, images/icons/signs.gif, images/icons/edit.gif, images/dtree/empty.gif, images/icons/email.gif, images/icons/error.gif, images/icons/reply.gif, images/lookup.gif, images/dtree/base.gif, images/dtree/page.gif, images/dtree/minusbottom.gif, images/dtree/joinbottom.gif, images/help.gif, images/gantt.jpg, images/dtree/minus.gif, images/dtree/folderopen.gif: - drop svn:eol-style, reupload * images/uploading.gif, images/dynCalendar.gif, images/no_data.gif, images/asc.gif, images/blank.gif, images/attachment.gif, images/gantt.jpg, images/help.gif, images/lookup.gif, images/prev.gif, images/computer.gif, images/desc.gif, images/next.gif, images/file.gif: - drop svn:eol-style * images/excel.jpg: - fix mimetype 2006-09-22 15:21 +0000 [r3109] Elan Ruusamae * images/excel.jpg: - image/jpeg 2006-09-22 15:14 +0000 [r3108] Elan Ruusamae * images/dtree/join.gif, images/no_data.gif, images/icons/minus.gif, images/icons/refresh.gif, images/icons/stats.gif, images/dtree/question.gif, images/dtree/plusbottom.gif, images/dtree/imgfolder.gif, images/dtree/nolines_plus.gif, images/desc.gif, images/dtree/folder.gif, images/next.gif, images/dtree/musicfolder.gif, images/icons/rss.gif, images/dynCalendar.gif, images/dtree/trash.gif, images/dtree/nolines_minus.gif, images/icons/report.gif, images/dtree/plus.gif, images/blank.gif, images/attachment.gif, images/dtree/cd.gif, images/dtree/line.gif, images/dtree/globe.gif, images/icons/signs.gif, images/icons/plus.gif, images/icons/edit.gif, images/dtree/empty.gif, images/icons/email.gif, images/icons/error.gif, images/icons/reply.gif, images/lookup.gif, images/prev.gif, images/file.gif, images/dtree/page.gif, images/uploading.gif, images/dtree/minusbottom.gif, images/dtree/joinbottom.gif, images/help.gif, images/computer.gif, images/dtree/minus.gif, images/dtree/folderopen.gif: Set binary on files and upload previous not corrupted images. 2006-09-20 18:46 +0000 [r3107] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/header.tpl.html: Link to the correct style sheet 2006-09-19 19:37 +0000 [r3106] Bryan Alsdorf * css/style.css, css/other.css (removed), templates/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/view.tpl.html: Seperate sections on view issue page by 10px. Merged i.e. and other css files since they were virtually the same. 2006-09-19 11:58 +0000 [r3104-3105] mroszyk * setup.inc.php (removed): removed... bad named file, should have been (setup.conf.php) * setup.conf.php (added): renamed incorrect setup file. 2006-09-19 11:50 +0000 [r3103] mroszyk * locks (added), setup.inc.php (added), templates_c (added): Added missing files for installation from the repository 2006-09-18 22:26 +0000 [r3096-3102] Elan Ruusamae * include/class.routing.php: Typo fix. * new.php, send.php, templates/view_email.tpl.html, view_email.php, get_remote_data.php, include/class.support.php: API cleanup, drop uneeded $res["message"] (glen, bryan). * include/class.note.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.routing.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Optimize memory usage and pass email structure object instead of string body when possible. * include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.routing.php, ChangeLog: Optimized regex usage * templates/view_headers.tpl.html: Let tabs show out visually in email headers. * include/class.template.php: Drop unused SID constant usage. It just gives warnings otherwise. * misc/scm/process_svn_commits.php (added): Added SVN integration script. 2006-09-18 22:15 +0000 [r3092-3095] Elan Ruusamae * templates/header.tpl.html: XSS fix. * templates/notifications/updated.tpl.text, templates/notifications/new_user.tpl.text, templates/notifications/notes.tpl.text, templates/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new.tpl.text, templates/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, templates/notifications/assigned.tpl.text, templates/notes.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, templates/notifications/account_details.tpl.text, templates/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text, templates/notifications/files.tpl.text, templates/tips/keyboard_shortcuts.tpl.html, templates/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, templates/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text, templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text, templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text: Template fixes which came with translation. * include/class.error_handler.php: Trick: include "-- \n" in error reports so those could be truncated by email clients that support signature truncation (kmail). * scm_ping.php, ChangeLog: Speedup SCM commits that are not associated with Eventum issue. 2006-09-18 22:06 +0000 [r3090-3091] Elan Ruusamae * ChangeLog, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: Rewritten SCM configuration which allows simple way of using https scheme. * templates/attachments.tpl.html, templates/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/checkins.tpl.html, ChangeLog, templates/notes.tpl.html, templates/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/view.tpl.html: Changed view issue page to be more compact. 2006-09-18 21:57 +0000 [r3084-3089] Elan Ruusamae * ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Improved time tracking output to show also hours and days. * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Show attached xml files inline. * include/class.mail.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Catch corrupted emails and address parsing. * include/class.support.php: Rewrite routing part to have consistent API for matching issue_ids from mail headers. Add new method Routing::getMatchingIssueIDs(). * misc/route_emails.php: Drop unused $email_account_id parameter * include/class.routing.php: Rewrite routing part to have consistent API for matching issue_ids from mail headers. Add new method Routing::getMatchingIssueIDs(). 2006-09-18 21:51 +0000 [r3083] mroszyk * logs/cli.log: This is a test commit for Subversion 2006-09-18 21:49 +0000 [r3082] Elan Ruusamae * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: die with proper error if openssl extension is not present but required. 2006-09-18 21:49 +0000 [r3081] mroszyk * logs/cli.log: This is a test commit for Subversion 2006-09-18 21:48 +0000 [r3071-3080] Elan Ruusamae * ChangeLog: Added note_id to handleNewNote workflow method. * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Customize list page sorting order per column type. Like for last action date, priority should be descending for textual fields, like summary, ascending. * close.php, templates/close.tpl.html: Add "Add signature" feature to issue close page, fe if you send issue close comments to all issue notification list members it's nice to have email signature appended. Feature request by slay. * ChangeLog: Add "Add signature" feature to issue close page, fe if you send issue close comments to all issue notification list members it's nice to have email signature appended. Feature request by slay. * ChangeLog, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: Allow SCM commit messages contain multiple issue IDs. * scm_ping.php, ChangeLog, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: SCM checkins which happen to produce plus sign after base64_encode get decoded as garbage as plus sign in url means space and then the data can't be decoded back to original string. This patch changes it to use rawurlencode(). $ php -r 'echo base64_encode("pood >qwertyuiopadsfzkq1"), "\n";' cG9vZCA+cXdlcnR5dWlvcGFkc2Z6a3Ex $ php -r 'echo base64_decode("cG9vZCA+cXdlcnR5dWlvcGFkc2Z6a3Ex"), "\n";' pood >qwertyuiopadsfzkq1 $ php -r 'echo base64_decode("cG9vZCA cXdlcnR5dWlvcGFkc2Z6a3Ex"), "\n";' pood ]Ù\]Z[ÜYÙÜL * misc/download_emails.php, misc/irc/bot.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php: Memory limits must be set before including any Eventum include. * include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Removed double emails decoding bug. * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: Report errors from from Eventum server. * rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum, ChangeLog: Added --separate-closed argument to Eventum CLI weekly-report command. 2006-09-18 21:32 +0000 [r3070] Elan Ruusamae * misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.1_to_v2.0/upgrade_config.php (added): Prepare Eventum 2.0 upgrade framework. 2006-09-18 19:29 +0000 [r3069] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet (removed): 2006-09-18 18:31 +0000 [r3068] mroszyk * logs/cli.log: Removing previous commit for another subversion test 2006-09-18 18:22 +0000 [r3067] mroszyk * logs/cli.log: A subversion test commit, please disregard... 2006-09-18 14:39 +0000 [r3062-3065] bkbits.net!cvsexport * BitKeeper/etc/gone: (Logical change 1.1068) * BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.mail: cvs edits (Logical change 1.1068) * ChangeSet: mark gone BKrev: 450eafbaAWyMOf5LAcGICFvrTvirUw * BitKeeper/etc/gone (added): Initial revision 2006-09-16 06:09 +0000 [r3055-3061] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Localization Misc setup changes BKrev: 450b951066JJRY9gbvbyOJMLlhrIzg * templates/setup.tpl.html: Misc setup changes (Logical change 1.1067) * include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.mail.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.help.php: Localization (Logical change 1.1067) * setup/config.inc.php: Changed to use dynamic install path (Logical change 1.1067) * templates/manage/general.tpl.html: Added more informative information. (Logical change 1.1067) * include/pear/DB/mysql.php: Added benchmark code back to DB class (Logical change 1.1067) * setup/index.php: Removed check for call time pass by reference. Made install path dynamic. (Logical change 1.1067) 2006-09-06 05:35 +0000 [r3053-3054] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.report.php: More bugs I created (Logical change 1.1066) * ChangeSet: More bugs I created BKrev: 44fe5e3ed53nz6sLCqY8neqNjFqq4w 2006-09-06 05:18 +0000 [r3049-3052] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.report.php: Fixed bug (Logical change 1.1065) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug BKrev: 44fe5a22c7n1Gn39kmfFSXEQSAXueQ * reports/open_issues.php, include/class.report.php: Fixed bug with open issues report (Logical change 1.1064) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with open issues report BKrev: 44fe59af7i5enWy4XKJUQK684gsR0w 2006-09-06 04:20 +0000 [r3047-3048] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/reports/open_issues.tpl.html: Fixed bug with group_by_reporter param not being saved (Logical change 1.1063) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with group_by_reporter param not being saved BKrev: 44fe4c7862L1DThBX7NLdVZJhzNI_g 2006-09-05 23:35 +0000 [r3042-3046] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.attachment.php: Fix bug that charset change introduced. (Logical change 1.1062) * include/pear/Mail/mimeDecode.php: Charset fix (Logical change 1.1062) * ChangeLog: Missing ChangeLog entry (Logical change 1.1062) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 44fe09b6Kx2eyNSMHBVcE1bInmfjBg * include/class.misc.php: Added method to display a Yes/No representation of a boolean value (Logical change 1.1062) 2006-09-05 07:09 +0000 [r3040-3041] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Correctly show changes to issue private status in history. Set last response dates if this is a staff response BKrev: 44fd22a0bpWi_T7ZREZpPSHEgohE6A * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Correctly show changes to issue private status in history. Set last response dates if this is a staff response (Logical change 1.1061) 2006-09-01 06:37 +0000 [r3037-3039] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Charset change BKrev: 44f7d537iBUCsenFK_ub5Z6ih2k84Q * README: Misc fix (Logical change 1.1060) * phone_calls.php, include/class.setup.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.customer.php, removed_emails.php, misc/download_emails.php, css/dtree.css, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/route_drafts.php, include/class.note.php, reports/tree.php, reports/top.php, manage/news.php, include/class.db_api.php, manage/general.php, login.php, associate.php, include/class.search_profile.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.validation.php, offline.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, include/pear/Date.php, send.php, include/db_access.php, new.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, include/class.reminder.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, logout.php, include/class.scm.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, post.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, view_note.php, misc/cli/eventum, switch.php, js/autocomplete.js, signup.php, include/class.user.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php, emails.php, include/class.status.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, include/class.news.php, popup.php, js/dtree.js, convert_note.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, manage/reminder_review.php, manage/email_responses.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, confirm.php, self_assign.php, manage/index.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customize_listing.php, reports/index.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.attachment.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, include/class.lock.php, manage/reminders.php, forgot_password.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, clock_status.php, manage/faq.php, scm_ping.php, include/class.date.php, setup/index.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.round_robin.php, download.php, view.php, post_note.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.error_handler.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.help.php, misc/check_reminders.php, manage/priorities.php, view_email.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, benchmark.php, custom_fields.php, requirement.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.release.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, include/pear/Mail/mimeDecode.php, manage/custom_fields.php, include/class.resolution.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, preferences.php, history.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, manage/anonymous.php, reports/stalled_issues.php, update.php, include/class.misc.php, file_upload.php: Charset change (Logical change 1.1060) 2006-08-28 21:41 +0000 [r3035-3036] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Link to list of issues reported by reporter when clicking the reporter name. (Logical change 1.1059) * ChangeSet: Link to list of issues reported by reporter when clicking the reporter name. BKrev: 44f362f6hQbwiXcmR4r4GNTaOl925Q 2006-08-20 08:38 +0000 [r3033-3034] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Set the correct encoding. (Logical change 1.1058) * ChangeSet: Set the correct encoding. BKrev: 44e81f9f7N-5z8G5xYltTYYPVc5TYA 2006-08-20 08:06 +0000 [r3030-3032] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Send emails with charset specified in config (Bug #17267) BKrev: 44e817fb0fdDbXDJyCZpRKe1nDqDbg * include/class.notification.php: UTF encoding (Logical change 1.1057) * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog: Send emails with charset specified in config (Bug #17267) (Logical change 1.1057) 2006-08-20 06:51 +0000 [r3028-3029] Bryan Alsdorf * stats_chart.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with UTF8 characters on graphs. (Logical change 1.1056) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with UTF8 characters on graphs. BKrev: 44e8068bEH8DUaNXsv3055WWKBVxlA 2006-08-17 16:06 +0000 [r3025-3027] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.language.php: Translate dates as well (Logical change 1.1055) * templates/list.tpl.html, templates/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html, list.php, misc/localization/eventum.po, reports/custom_fields.php, misc/localization/eventum.c, templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html, templates/reports/open_issues.tpl.html: Translate more text (Logical change 1.1055) * ChangeSet: Translate more text BKrev: 44e49408qtBlRUbfNjGzvUlsYkPbvw 2006-08-15 18:59 +0000 [r3023-3024] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:/work/eventum 2006/08/15 13:57:41-05:00 jesushatesjava.com!bryan/balsdorf More playing with quick filter form to prevent buttons from appearing offscreen BKrev: 44e21996oX1aWw9oviUn66reqnhZTQ * templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: More playing with quick filter form to prevent buttons from appearing offscreen (Logical change 1.1054) 2006-08-15 07:12 +0000 [r3021-3022] mysql.com!lgrimmer * ChangeSet: Merge 2006/08/15 08:45:58+02:00 lenznet!lenz - Disabled Openlogging BKrev: 44e173e555LiyCBAqr2tbr7LFJC0zA * BitKeeper/etc/config: - merge 2006/08/15 08:45:57+02:00 lenznet!lenz - Disabled Openlogging, fixed the license error (Logical change 1.1053) 2006-08-15 04:27 +0000 [r3018-3020] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Prepared templates BKrev: 44e14d1egoXi02dZs0D8oUGwCSvSag * templates/new.tpl.html: Prepared template (Logical change 1.1052) * templates/list.tpl.html: Prepared template. (Logical change 1.1052) 2006-08-14 18:11 +0000 [r3015-3017] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.display_column.php: Translation (Logical change 1.1051) * ChangeSet: Latest Localization files BKrev: 44e0bcd4k2nAwDuaEIhKwcxmAYPxkw * misc/localization/eventum.po, misc/localization/eventum.c: Latest Localization files (Logical change 1.1051) 2006-08-14 06:14 +0000 [r3013-3014] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Actually include changes to the report BKrev: 44e014bftr9FvuFgyEk3eqgTDbAQ2w * include/class.report.php: Actually include changes to the report (Logical change 1.1050) 2006-08-14 06:10 +0000 [r3011-3012] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/reports/tree.tpl.html: Fixed problem with link (Logical change 1.1049) * ChangeSet: Fixed report link BKrev: 44e013c6WzTYKwRqv7kFs5t_qTBNfg 2006-08-14 05:43 +0000 [r3009-3010] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/reports/tree.tpl.html, reports/open_issues.php, misc/localization/eventum.c, ChangeLog: Added "open issues by reporter" report. (Logical change 1.1048) * ChangeSet: Added "open issues by reporter" report. BKrev: 44e00d87Xp8uQXZ_LKY2rXHg42IjCA 2006-08-07 15:41 +0000 [r3007-3008] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with email bounces causing infinite mail loop when auto creating issues. Added workflow method to be called before downloading emails (Logical change 1.1047) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with email bounces causing infinite mail loop when auto creating issues. Added workflow method to be called before downloading emails BKrev: 44d75f2fOMsPjdR9qp-iO_x_9J705w 2006-08-07 06:56 +0000 [r3005-3006] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with saving mail queue log BKrev: 44d6e42eWpZuA0fUmNFcR1ZQkwNCFw * include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with saving mail queue log (Logical change 1.1046) 2006-08-07 05:44 +0000 [r3003-3004] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with subject based routing with special characters (Logical change 1.1045) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with subject based routing with special characters BKrev: 44d6d333aqXASR3Z9poWW_JiZil6OQ 2006-08-07 04:13 +0000 [r3001-3002] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum, ChangeLog: Worked on removing instances of call time pass by reference. (Logical change 1.1044) * ChangeSet: Worked on removing instances of call time pass by reference. BKrev: 44d6bde5MMtid04XejYQSeQZrG-BOg 2006-08-02 18:58 +0000 [r2999-3000] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with rss feeds searching by custom fields BKrev: 44d0f5f3MNX2pk9x5uLXDeKC0TASAA * rss.php, ChangeLog: Fixed problem with rss feeds searching by custom fields (Logical change 1.1043) 2006-07-27 21:19 +0000 [r2997-2998] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with special "dash" character when submitting an issue BKrev: 44c92dffqHHIsl98iKVlLKbjdJZ75A * js/global.js, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with special "dash" character when submitting an issue (Logical change 1.1042) 2006-07-21 20:04 +0000 [r2995-2996] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with error when sending emails creating infinite loops BKrev: 44c1333ejR1CghyFExrAK907XQlRnA * include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with error when sending emails creating infinite loops (Logical change 1.1041) 2006-07-20 15:52 +0000 [r2991-2994] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed quick filter form to be fixed width to avoid rendering problems in Firefox (Logical change 1.1040) * include/class.support.php: Removed incorrect parameter (Logical change 1.1040) * close.php: Fixed typo (Logical change 1.1040) * ChangeSet: Changed quick filter form to be fixed width to avoid rendering problems in Firefox BKrev: 44bfa6b5cfX72_hNfrKKcGI5qwPVAQ 2006-07-19 14:50 +0000 [r2986-2990] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Fixed bug with wrong users being displayed on close issue page (Bryan) (Logical change 1.1039) * templates/checkins.tpl.html: Localization fix (Logical change 1.1039) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug caused by whitespace at start of email address. Fixed bug with wrong users being display on close issue page. (Logical change 1.1039) * templates/close.tpl.html, templates/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/notes.tpl.html: localization fix (Logical change 1.1039) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with wrong users being displayed on close issue page (Bryan) BKrev: 44be46a3bXj5ac9-lSaciV2kBjfsKw 2006-07-18 15:47 +0000 [r2982-2985] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed PHP warning in customer backend Fixed bug caused by whitespace at start of email address BKrev: 44bd0281rMVxG9XyZ7AvKJHycVjXow * ChangeLog: Fixed PHP warning in customer backend Fixed bug caused by whitespace at start of email address (Logical change 1.1038) * include/class.customer.php: Fixed PHP warning in customer backend (Logical change 1.1038) * include/class.mail.php: Fixed bug with whitespace (Logical change 1.1038) 2006-07-17 17:33 +0000 [r2980-2981] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with message body not being displayed when Content-Type is missing BKrev: 44bbc9eeoSdC-N8b6WaRiPWekU0C1w * include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with message body not being displayed when Content-Type is missing (Logical change 1.1037) 2006-07-17 03:37 +0000 [r2978-2979] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with date search fields not showing correctly after hiding then re-showing them. BKrev: 44bb0610w351UJaSOtb5aBa9_88HVA * templates/adv_search.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with date search fields not showing correctly after hiding then re-showing them. (Logical change 1.1036) 2006-07-13 22:07 +0000 [r2975-2977] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog: Added X-Eventum-Assignee header to emails (Logical change 1.1035) * include/class.user.php: Added "getEmail" method (Logical change 1.1035) * ChangeSet: Added X-Eventum-Assignee header to emails BKrev: 44b6c4324dF9MSVsCJsqgerzJBcxJA 2006-07-13 19:41 +0000 [r2973-2974] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Remove quotes when decoding email addresses. BKrev: 44b6a1e6QG5rV6fgS4AoRt3qGNmo5A * include/class.mime_helper.php: Remove quotes when decoding email addresses. (Logical change 1.1034) 2006-07-13 17:39 +0000 [r2971-2972] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed advanced search to allow reporters to access it BKrev: 44b6853b_TyecoKfVzZAoocC6ZS3_Q * adv_search.php: Changed advanced search to allow reporters to access it (Logical change 1.1033) 2006-07-10 19:21 +0000 [r2967-2970] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/navigation.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed advanced search to allow reporters to access it (Logical change 1.1032) * ChangeSet: Changed advanced search to allow reporters to access it BKrev: 44b2a89cYxeHEvMA4S_MGT6dWSNfpg * templates/update_form.tpl.html: Fixed bug with localization and keeping assignments (Logical change 1.1032) * include/class.mime_helper.php: Fix problem with quotes (Logical change 1.1032) 2006-07-03 20:19 +0000 [r2964-2966] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Fixed problem with address quoting (Logical change 1.1031) * ChangeLog: Added missing changelog (Logical change 1.1031) * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with address quoting BKrev: 44a97bcfvOie_30YvC2X3Lnm0nKZQA 2006-07-01 07:34 +0000 [r2959-2963] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Localization fixes BKrev: 44a62585EMHl_nuO9KbWKcH4Op16-w * templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Misc fix (Logical change 1.1030) * templates/manage/field_display.tpl.html, templates/manage/column_display.tpl.html: Updated localization (Logical change 1.1030) * misc/localization/eventum.po, misc/localization/eventum.c: Updated localization files. (Logical change 1.1030) * templates/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, templates/reminders/sms_alert.tpl.text: Localization (Logical change 1.1030) 2006-07-01 07:08 +0000 [r2956-2958] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with closing an issue while switching projects in another window. Added estimated dev time to CSV export BKrev: 44a61f5dzz484z087MGs0ascA-hbhw * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with closing an issue while switching projects in another window. Added estimated dev time to CSV export (Logical change 1.1029) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with closing an issue while switching projects in another window. (Logical change 1.1029) 2006-06-27 15:39 +0000 [r2952-2955] Bryan Alsdorf * send.php: Only get subscribers if there is an issue ID (Logical change 1.1028) * templates/view_email.tpl.html, templates/send.tpl.html: escape strings (Logical change 1.1028) * include/class.language.php: Fixed problem with charsets (Logical change 1.1028) * ChangeSet: escape strings Only get subscribers if there is an issue ID BKrev: 44a1514f8b1Lpow7poJMZwm6rFDMgQ 2006-06-26 19:48 +0000 [r2947-2951] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Add error checking (Logical change 1.1027) * include/class.mail.php: PRevent errors (Logical change 1.1027) * ChangeSet: Properly handle addresses with quotes in the name Other misc changes BKrev: 44a03a0dXtGbNo4zNr_dVYmjrW5uWw * include/class.support.php: Prevent error message (Logical change 1.1027) * include/class.mime_helper.php: Properly handle addresses with quotes in the name (Logical change 1.1027) 2006-06-22 04:57 +0000 [r2944-2946] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/tips/keyboard_shortcuts.tpl.html, templates/help/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/clock_status.tpl.html, templates/help/report_summary.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html, templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/manage/general.tpl.html, templates/tips/custom_queries.tpl.html, templates/mail_queue.tpl.html, templates/tips/canned_responses.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html: Translating missing templates (Logical change 1.1026) * setup/index.php: Localization (Logical change 1.1026) * ChangeSet: Translating missing templates BKrev: 449a2356Ebd2L3sJOgOt6FDYgLjkCw 2006-06-19 04:21 +0000 [r2941-2943] Bryan Alsdorf * send.php: WS (Logical change 1.1025) * ChangeLog, templates/send.tpl.html: Fixed bug that allowed reporter to change the status when sending an email (Logical change 1.1025) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that allowed reporter to change the status when sending an email BKrev: 44962663DrbuFMouCMEG9QcyROYyAw 2006-06-12 23:11 +0000 [r2936-2940] Bryan Alsdorf * reports/estimated_dev_time.php: New BitKeeper file ``reports/estimated_dev_time.php'' (Logical change 1.1024) * ChangeSet: Added new "Estimated Development Time" report BKrev: 448df4acHslHOIRgMtuon3bAFYaGtg * templates/reports/tree.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added new "Estimated Development Time" report (Logical change 1.1024) * templates/reports/estimated_dev_time.tpl.html: New BitKeeper file ``templates/reports/estimated_dev_time.tpl.html'' (Logical change 1.1024) * reports/estimated_dev_time.php (added), templates/reports/estimated_dev_time.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2006-06-10 03:26 +0000 [r2934-2935] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Escape input BKrev: 448a3c01o1IpMd_iL3dB1jaG8b9L2Q * include/class.time_tracking.php: Escape input (Logical change 1.1023) 2006-06-06 01:50 +0000 [r2932-2933] Bryan Alsdorf * js/global.js, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with special bullet character when submitting an issue (Logical change 1.1022) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with special bullet character when submitting an issue BKrev: 4484df5fGFI2V2YKT4GKafrDIEHQ7w 2006-06-06 01:28 +0000 [r2930-2931] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed Eventum to honor default notification options when adding an address from an email BKrev: 4484da52S4j3BDNbeXnBCc7bFHTaqA * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Changed Eventum to honor default notification options when adding an address from an email (Logical change 1.1021) 2006-05-26 19:23 +0000 [r2916-2929] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/localization/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/eventum.c: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/eventum.c'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * ChangeSet: Initial commit of PO files to be translated BKrev: 447755c0uawj2TEM7nk9wW17QSPHDQ * misc/localization/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * include/class.language.php: Working on framework for localization (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po: New BitKeeper file ``misc/localization/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po'' (Logical change 1.1020) * misc/localization/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/ru_RU (added), misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/en_US/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/es_ES (added), misc/localization/fr_FR (added), misc/localization (added), misc/localization/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/de_DE (added), misc/localization/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/nl_NL (added), misc/localization/eventum.c (added), misc/localization/it_IT (added), misc/localization/en_US (added), misc/localization/fi_FI (added), misc/localization/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES (added), misc/localization/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/eventum.po (added), misc/localization/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES (added): Initial revision 2006-05-23 14:29 +0000 [r2914-2915] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Refresh parent window when closing notification popup (Bug #20020) BKrev: 44731c53Btrr2b46CeVavIurPYcBxA * templates/notification.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Refresh parent window when closing notification popup (Bug #20020) (Logical change 1.1019) 2006-05-22 17:48 +0000 [r2909-2913] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.round_robin.php: Fixed pass-by-reference warning (Logical change 1.1018) * ChangeSet: Template localization fixes BKrev: 4471f987TGfNvV4NNOFfBe-X1LO59w * templates/associate.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/forgot_password.tpl.html, templates/post.tpl.html, templates/checkins.tpl.html, templates/send.tpl.html, templates/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/confirm.tpl.html, templates/view_form.tpl.html, templates/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/view_note.tpl.html, templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html, templates/setup.tpl.html, templates/close.tpl.html, templates/signup.tpl.html, templates/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/update_form.tpl.html, templates/current_filters.tpl.html, templates/emails.tpl.html, templates/view.tpl.html: Template localization fixes (Logical change 1.1018) * include/class.notification.php: Fixed bug with inconsistency between notification list on main issue page and on popup (Logical change 1.1017) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with inconsistency between notification list on main issue page and on popup BKrev: 4471f92eZ_rRJGu9IHkN4VwinCPDOQ 2006-05-22 07:51 +0000 [r2907-2908] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Automatically add sender of email to authorized repliers list when automatically creating an issue. Fixed bug with notes downloading multiple times. (Logical change 1.1016) * ChangeSet: Automatically add sender of email to authorized repliers list when automatically creating an issue. Fixed bug with notes downloading multiple times. BKrev: 44716d854wH3KHQsAz5cv_D9GOj75A 2006-05-19 19:05 +0000 [r2902-2906] Bryan Alsdorf * FAQ: Added note about memory limit (Logical change 1.1015) * ChangeSet: Many Misc fixes BKrev: 446e16eaE0U_zNX2ZXdMfLQEjFFiKw * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with missing value (Logical change 1.1015) * include/class.notification.php: Don't notify the user who made this change (Logical change 1.1015) * setup/config.inc.php: Changed APP_COOKIE_DOMAIN to be null on initial install (Logical change 1.1015) 2006-05-12 07:29 +0000 [r2900-2901] Bryan Alsdorf * stats_chart.php, ChangeLog: Changed status graph colors to actually match the status colors (Logical change 1.1014) * ChangeSet: Changed status graph colors to actually match the status colors BKrev: 446439699uXQsjXLi_h-EoG44iPpAw 2006-05-12 06:35 +0000 [r2898-2899] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed support_email table to not truncate long to and cc lists BKrev: 44642caemnXyenRcG1N5z48JqE9a5Q * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Changed support_email table to not truncate long to and cc lists (Logical change 1.1013) 2006-05-04 03:14 +0000 [r2896-2897] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/update.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new.tpl.text, templates/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, templates/main.tpl.html, templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/send.tpl.html, templates/login_form.tpl.html, templates/app_info.tpl.html, templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html, templates/requirement.tpl.html, templates/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text, templates/preferences.tpl.html, templates/index.tpl.html, templates/attached_emails.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, templates/top_link.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_user.tpl.text, templates/manage/manage.tpl.html, templates/view_email.tpl.html, templates/notifications/notes.tpl.text, templates/file_upload.tpl.html, templates/post.tpl.html, templates/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, templates/notification.tpl.html, templates/notes.tpl.html, templates/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/notifications/account_details.tpl.text, templates/self_assign.tpl.html, templates/confirm.tpl.html, templates/resize_textarea.tpl.html, templates/expandable_cell/body.tpl.html, templates/navigation.tpl.html, templates/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html, templates/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, templates/reminders/sms_alert.tpl.text, templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text, templates/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html, templates/faq.tpl.html: Localized templates (Logical change 1.1012) * ChangeSet: Localized templates (The last batch!) BKrev: 44597199pzE-TdviQYofxy3EIfxIPw 2006-05-03 03:31 +0000 [r2894-2895] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/manage/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/manage/categories.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/manage/field_display.tpl.html, templates/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html, templates/manage/priorities.tpl.html, templates/manage/news.tpl.html, templates/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/manage/column_display.tpl.html: Localized templates (Logical change 1.1011) * ChangeSet: Localized templates BKrev: 44582416roMu2IJ7w6C1jizEroDA0Q 2006-05-01 06:27 +0000 [r2892-2893] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Translated templates BKrev: 4455aa5eJn6zBJO9pNLUXxsHWqO2rw * templates/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, templates/help/segregate_reporter.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_responses.tpl.html, templates/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, templates/help/email_blocking.tpl.html, templates/help/view_note.tpl.html, templates/manage/resolution.tpl.html, templates/help/report_assignment.tpl.html, templates/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, templates/view_form.tpl.html, templates/help/banner.tpl.html, templates/help/view_impact.tpl.html, templates/setup.tpl.html, templates/help/report_category.tpl.html, templates/help/notifications.tpl.html, templates/help/report.tpl.html, templates/help/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/manage/round_robin.tpl.html, templates/current_filters.tpl.html: Translated templates (Logical change 1.1010) 2006-05-01 04:56 +0000 [r2889-2891] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/attachments.tpl.html, templates/news.tpl.html, templates/redeem_incident.tpl.html, templates/notifications/updated.tpl.text, templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html, templates/notifications/assigned.tpl.text, templates/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, templates/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text, templates/notifications/files.tpl.text, templates/removed_emails.tpl.html, templates/view_form.tpl.html, templates/footer.tpl.html, templates/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/switch.tpl.html, templates/select_project.tpl.html, templates/lookup_layer.tpl.html: More translated templates (Logical change 1.1009) * ChangeSet: More translated templates Modified smarty text format plugin to not strip spaces BKrev: 445594e0fuDxB9CUq-FLad7f6hiOuA * include/Smarty/plugins/block.textformat.php: Modified text format plugin to not strip spaces (Logical change 1.1009) 2006-04-26 02:41 +0000 [r2887-2888] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with inserting attachment from email with an apostrophe in the email name BKrev: 444edde7KjYz8Mj5w0fehbJh3UQ7Zg * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with inserting attachment from email with an apostrophe in the email name (Logical change 1.1008) 2006-04-26 01:01 +0000 [r2885-2886] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with user recieving an update email when they updated the issue (Logical change 1.1007) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with user recieving an update email when they updated the issue BKrev: 444ec684T_At3URY9RRn4H_rp9vmkA 2006-04-25 05:07 +0000 [r2883-2884] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Localized more files BKrev: 444dae9fK8WKQxrDbvqLdTY3ht5yDQ * templates/manage/releases.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/manage/faq.tpl.html, templates/manage/account_managers.tpl.html, templates/manage/statuses.tpl.html, templates/manage/general.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/manage/groups.tpl.html, templates/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html: Localized more files (Logical change 1.1006) 2006-04-25 04:37 +0000 [r2881-2882] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Translate additional files BKrev: 444da78eVLPPpd_9rWfE2xo43IVFiA * templates/lookup_field.tpl.html, templates/spell_check.tpl.html, templates/email_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/view_note.tpl.html, templates/forgot_password.tpl.html, templates/popup.tpl.html, templates/signup.tpl.html, templates/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/latest_news.tpl.html, templates/searchbar.tpl.html: Translate additional files (Logical change 1.1005) 2006-04-24 00:08 +0000 [r2879-2880] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/notifications/new.tpl.text: Added category to new issue email (Logical change 1.1004) * ChangeSet: Added category to new issue email BKrev: 444c1706zLqscNsV_rEiMeU68uucOA 2006-04-19 04:08 +0000 [r2877-2878] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/customer/example/customer_expired.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html, templates/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/quarantine.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_report.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/emails.tpl.html: Localized templates (Logical change 1.1003) * ChangeSet: Localized templates BKrev: 4445b7c2QG1tF8nCl_NoBPUkanfCFA 2006-04-19 03:37 +0000 [r2875-2876] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: More localized templates BKrev: 4445b076E265HEv5zAWcKsqcn3S--Q * templates/reports/tree.tpl.html, templates/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html, templates/bulk_update.tpl.html, templates/reports/issue_user.tpl.html, templates/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html, templates/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, templates/reports/open_issues.tpl.html: More localized templates (Logical change 1.1002) 2006-04-17 04:22 +0000 [r2873-2874] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/list.tpl.html, templates/associate.tpl.html, templates/help/main.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration.tpl.html, templates/help/report_estimated_dev_time.tpl.html, templates/checkins.tpl.html, templates/help/preferences.tpl.html, templates/help/permission_levels.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html, templates/help/index.tpl.html, templates/help/field_display.tpl.html, templates/permission_denied.tpl.html, templates/history.tpl.html, templates/help/report_release.tpl.html, templates/update_form.tpl.html, templates/close.tpl.html, templates/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/duplicate.tpl.html, templates/help/column_display.tpl.html, templates/post_note.tpl.html: Localization (Logical change 1.1001) * ChangeSet: Localization BKrev: 4443181dDnPd0A_cRE6bhZiJ3ehjsQ 2006-04-13 02:20 +0000 [r2871-2872] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Localized Templates BKrev: 443db576EPfINbUynZNX_Ty887Xb-g * templates/help/view_time.tpl.html, templates/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html, templates/offline.tpl.html, templates/main.tpl.html, templates/help/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/help/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/reports/weekly.tpl.html, templates/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html, templates/error_icon.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration_usage.tpl.html, templates/help/view.tpl.html, templates/help/list.tpl.html, templates/help/report_priority.tpl.html, templates/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js, templates/view_headers.tpl.html, templates/help_link.tpl.html, templates/help/report_description.tpl.html, templates/help/view_attachment.tpl.html, templates/view.tpl.html: Localized Templates (Logical change 1.1000) 2006-04-07 04:58 +0000 [r2867-2870] Bryan Alsdorf * include/Smarty/plugins/block.t.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/Smarty/plugins/block.t.php'' (Logical change 1.999) * ChangeSet: Include smarty-gettext plugin BKrev: 4435f16eVTE05g9l9KD7PtsHAwvvSQ * include/Smarty/plugins/block.t.php (added): Initial revision 2006-04-07 04:22 +0000 [r2709-2866] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/convert_note.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html -> templates/convert_note.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * ChangeSet: Set the language for gettext Moved all templates up one level, since we no longer need 'en' sub directory. BKrev: 4435e901QHolM_52d9wIbm8JZvdlxQ * templates/help_link.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/help_link.tpl.html -> templates/help_link.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en (removed): Rename: templates/en/close.tpl.html -> templates/close.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/view_email.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/view_email.tpl.html -> templates/view_email.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html -> templates/email_filter_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/confirm.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/confirm.tpl.html -> templates/confirm.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/select_project.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/select_project.tpl.html -> templates/select_project.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html -> templates/custom_fields_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/footer.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/footer.tpl.html -> templates/footer.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/new.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/new.tpl.html -> templates/new.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/app_info.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/app_info.tpl.html -> templates/app_info.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/removed_emails.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/removed_emails.tpl.html -> templates/removed_emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/main.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/main.tpl.html -> templates/main.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html -> templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/js (removed), templates/en/reports (removed), templates/en/tips (removed), templates/en/customer (removed), templates/en/expandable_cell (removed), templates/en/reminders (removed), templates/en/manage (removed), templates/en/help (removed), templates/en/notifications (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/index.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/index.tpl.html -> templates/index.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/post_note.tpl.html -> templates/post_note.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/lookup_field.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/lookup_field.tpl.html -> templates/lookup_field.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * include/class.language.php: Set the language for gettext (Logical change 1.998) * templates/email_drafts.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html -> templates/email_drafts.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/attached_emails.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/attached_emails.tpl.html -> templates/attached_emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html -> templates/lookup_layer.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html -> templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/redeem_incident.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/redeem_incident.tpl.html -> templates/redeem_incident.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/preferences.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/preferences.tpl.html -> templates/preferences.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/emails.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/emails.tpl.html -> templates/emails.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/custom_fields.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html -> templates/custom_fields.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/popup.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/popup.tpl.html -> templates/popup.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/lookup_field.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/lookup_field.tpl.html -> templates/lookup_field.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/signup.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/signup.tpl.html -> templates/signup.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html -> templates/phone_support.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html -> templates/mail_queue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/top_link.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/top_link.tpl.html -> templates/top_link.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html -> templates/time_tracking.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/view.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/view.tpl.html -> templates/view.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/duplicate.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/duplicate.tpl.html -> templates/duplicate.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/close.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/close.tpl.html -> templates/close.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/popup.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/popup.tpl.html -> templates/popup.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/header.tpl.html (removed): Added link to favicon.ico }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/forgot_password.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html -> templates/forgot_password.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html -> templates/forgot_password.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html -> templates/support_emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html -> templates/latest_news.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/view_note.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/view_note.tpl.html -> templates/view_note.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/requirement.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/requirement.tpl.html -> templates/requirement.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/adv_search.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html -> templates/adv_search.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/searchbar.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html -> templates/searchbar.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html -> templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/lookup_layer.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html -> templates/lookup_layer.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/history.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/history.tpl.html -> templates/history.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/update_form.tpl.html -> templates/update_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/checkins.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/checkins.tpl.html -> templates/checkins.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/new.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/new.tpl.html -> templates/new.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/latest_news.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html -> templates/latest_news.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html -> templates/file_upload.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html -> templates/adv_search.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/view_form.tpl.html -> templates/view_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/main.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/main.tpl.html -> templates/main.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/list.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/list.tpl.html -> templates/list.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/navigation.tpl.html -> templates/navigation.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/help_link.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/help_link.tpl.html -> templates/help_link.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/duplicate.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/duplicate.tpl.html -> templates/duplicate.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/footer.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/footer.tpl.html -> templates/footer.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/post.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/post.tpl.html -> templates/post.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/post_note.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/post_note.tpl.html -> templates/post_note.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/attached_emails.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/attached_emails.tpl.html -> templates/attached_emails.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/header.tpl.html: Added link to favicon.ico 2006/04/01 22:57:58-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Rename: templates/en/header.tpl.html -> templates/header.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/spell_check.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/spell_check.tpl.html -> templates/spell_check.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/send.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/send.tpl.html -> templates/send.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/news.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/news.tpl.html -> templates/news.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/preferences.tpl.html -> templates/preferences.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html -> templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/view_email.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/view_email.tpl.html -> templates/view_email.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/view_note.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/view_note.tpl.html -> templates/view_note.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/emails.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/emails.tpl.html -> templates/emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/switch.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/switch.tpl.html -> templates/switch.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/error_icon.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/error_icon.tpl.html -> templates/error_icon.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/login_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/login_form.tpl.html -> templates/login_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/requirement.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/requirement.tpl.html -> templates/requirement.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/send.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/send.tpl.html -> templates/send.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/post.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/post.tpl.html -> templates/post.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/current_filters.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html -> templates/current_filters.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/faq.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/faq.tpl.html -> templates/faq.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html, templates/help/view_time.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_responses.tpl.html, templates/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, templates/help/view_note.tpl.html, templates/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/notifications/files.tpl.text, templates/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, templates/manage/faq.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration_usage.tpl.html, templates/help/view.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/quarantine.tpl.html, templates/manage/statuses.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, templates/customer/example/customer_expired.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, templates/manage/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/help/report_estimated_dev_time.tpl.html, templates/notifications/updated.tpl.text, templates/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new_user.tpl.text, templates/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html, templates/manage/priorities.tpl.html, templates/notifications/notes.tpl.text, templates/reports/issue_user.tpl.html, templates/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html, templates/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, templates/tips/custom_queries.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/customer_report.tpl.html, templates/notifications/account_details.tpl.text, templates/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, templates/manage/releases.tpl.html, templates/help/report_assignment.tpl.html, templates/reports/tree.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html, templates/help/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/help/index.tpl.html, templates/help/field_display.tpl.html, templates/help/report_category.tpl.html, templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text, templates/help/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/help/list.tpl.html, templates/manage/general.tpl.html, templates/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html, templates/manage/groups.tpl.html, templates/tips/canned_responses.tpl.html, templates/manage/round_robin.tpl.html, templates/manage/column_display.tpl.html, templates/help/view_attachment.tpl.html, templates/help/scm_integration.tpl.html, templates/help/segregate_reporter.tpl.html, templates/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/notifications/new.tpl.text, templates/help/email_blocking.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html, templates/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, templates/help/permission_levels.tpl.html, templates/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text, templates/tips/keyboard_shortcuts.tpl.html, templates/reports/weekly.tpl.html, templates/help/view_impact.tpl.html, templates/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html, templates/reports/top.tpl.html, templates/manage/account_managers.tpl.html, templates/help/notifications.tpl.html, templates/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text, templates/manage/news.tpl.html, templates/help/main.tpl.html, templates/manage/categories.tpl.html, templates/help/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/manage.tpl.html, templates/help/report_summary.tpl.html, templates/notifications/assigned.tpl.text, templates/help/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, templates/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/help/preferences.tpl.html, templates/reports/open_issues.tpl.html, templates/manage/resolution.tpl.html, templates/help/banner.tpl.html, templates/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/manage/index.tpl.html, templates/expandable_cell/body.tpl.html, templates/manage/field_display.tpl.html, templates/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html, templates/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, templates/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html, templates/reminders/sms_alert.tpl.text, templates/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/help/report_release.tpl.html, templates/help/report.tpl.html, templates/help/report_priority.tpl.html, templates/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js, templates/reports/index.tpl.html, templates/help/report_description.tpl.html, templates/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/help/column_display.tpl.html: mvdir (Logical change 1.998) * templates/removed_emails.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/removed_emails.tpl.html -> templates/removed_emails.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/confirm.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/confirm.tpl.html -> templates/confirm.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/index.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/index.tpl.html -> templates/index.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/self_assign.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/self_assign.tpl.html -> templates/self_assign.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/associate.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/associate.tpl.html -> templates/associate.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/login_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/login_form.tpl.html -> templates/login_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/error_icon.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/error_icon.tpl.html -> templates/error_icon.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/view_headers.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/view_headers.tpl.html -> templates/view_headers.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/custom_fields_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html -> templates/custom_fields_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/news.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/news.tpl.html -> templates/news.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html -> templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/view_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/view_form.tpl.html -> templates/view_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/offline.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/offline.tpl.html -> templates/offline.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/yellow_note.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/yellow_note.tpl.html -> templates/yellow_note.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/resize_textarea.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/resize_textarea.tpl.html -> templates/resize_textarea.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html -> templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/time_tracking.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html -> templates/time_tracking.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/notes.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/notes.tpl.html -> templates/notes.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/switch.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/switch.tpl.html -> templates/switch.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/support_emails.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html -> templates/support_emails.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html -> templates/custom_fields.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/view.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/view.tpl.html -> templates/view.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/setup.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/setup.tpl.html -> templates/setup.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/navigation.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/navigation.tpl.html -> templates/navigation.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/attachments.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/attachments.tpl.html -> templates/attachments.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/self_assign.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/self_assign.tpl.html -> templates/self_assign.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html -> templates/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/list.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/list.tpl.html -> templates/list.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/clock_status.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/clock_status.tpl.html -> templates/clock_status.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/attachments.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/attachments.tpl.html -> templates/attachments.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html -> templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/mail_queue.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html -> templates/mail_queue.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/faq.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/faq.tpl.html -> templates/faq.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/notes.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/notes.tpl.html -> templates/notes.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/checkins.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/checkins.tpl.html -> templates/checkins.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/permission_denied.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/permission_denied.tpl.html -> templates/permission_denied.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/spell_check.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/spell_check.tpl.html -> templates/spell_check.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/top_link.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/top_link.tpl.html -> templates/top_link.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/associate.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/associate.tpl.html -> templates/associate.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/history.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/history.tpl.html -> templates/history.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/clock_status.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/clock_status.tpl.html -> templates/clock_status.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/update.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/update.tpl.html -> templates/update.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html -> templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/setup.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/setup.tpl.html -> templates/setup.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * include/class.template.php: Moved path to templates. (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html -> templates/bulk_update.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/notification.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/notification.tpl.html -> templates/notification.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/permission_denied.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/permission_denied.tpl.html -> templates/permission_denied.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/notification.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/notification.tpl.html -> templates/notification.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/get_emails.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/get_emails.tpl.html -> templates/get_emails.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/resize_textarea.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/resize_textarea.tpl.html -> templates/resize_textarea.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/select_project.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/select_project.tpl.html -> templates/select_project.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/app_info.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/app_info.tpl.html -> templates/app_info.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/update.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/update.tpl.html -> templates/update.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/get_emails.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/get_emails.tpl.html -> templates/get_emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html -> templates/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/phone_support.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html -> templates/phone_support.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html -> templates/current_filters.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html -> templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/update_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/update_form.tpl.html -> templates/update_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/signup.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/signup.tpl.html -> templates/signup.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/yellow_note.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/yellow_note.tpl.html -> templates/yellow_note.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html -> templates/searchbar.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/file_upload.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html -> templates/file_upload.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/offline.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/offline.tpl.html -> templates/offline.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/redeem_incident.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/redeem_incident.tpl.html -> templates/redeem_incident.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html -> templates/convert_note.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html -> templates/email_drafts.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html -> templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/en/view_headers.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/view_headers.tpl.html -> templates/view_headers.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.998) * templates/bulk_update.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html -> templates/bulk_update.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/email_filter_form.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html -> templates/email_filter_form.tpl.html (Logical change 1.998) * templates/manage/email_responses.tpl.html (added), templates/impact_analysis.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/anonymous.tpl.html (added), templates/help/view_time.tpl.html (added), templates/help/view_note.tpl.html (added), templates/add_time_tracking.tpl.html (added), templates/new.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/users.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/files.tpl.text (added), templates/app_info.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html (added), templates/requirement.tpl.html (added), templates/customer (added), templates/manage/statuses.tpl.html (added), templates/popup.tpl.html (added), templates/close.tpl.html (added), templates/support_emails.tpl.html (added), templates/emails.tpl.html (added), templates/list.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/customer_expired.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_estimated_dev_time.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/updated.tpl.text (added), templates/time_tracking.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/priorities.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/notes.tpl.text (added), templates/forgot_password.tpl.html (added), templates/file_upload.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/issue_user.tpl.html (added), templates/notification.tpl.html (added), templates/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text (added), templates/mail_queue.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/account_details.tpl.text (added), templates/searchbar.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/tree.tpl.html (added), templates/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html (added), templates/help/index.tpl.html (added), templates/yellow_note.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_category.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html (added), templates/faq.tpl.html (added), templates/tips/canned_responses.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/column_display.tpl.html (added), templates/help/view_attachment.tpl.html (added), templates/spell_check.tpl.html (added), templates/help/segregate_reporter.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/projects.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/new.tpl.text (added), templates/custom_fields_form.tpl.html (added), templates/main.tpl.html (added), templates/help/email_blocking.tpl.html (added), templates/latest_news.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html (added), templates/tips/keyboard_shortcuts.tpl.html (added), templates/bulk_update.tpl.html (added), templates/adv_search.tpl.html (added), templates/help/view_impact.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/top.tpl.html (added), templates/authorized_replier.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/account_managers.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text (added), templates/quick_filter_form.tpl.html (added), templates/view_headers.tpl.html (added), templates/lookup_field.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/categories.tpl.html (added), templates/top_link.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/manage.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_summary.tpl.html (added), templates/post.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/assigned.tpl.text (added), templates/help/preferences.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/open_issues.tpl.html (added), templates/removed_emails.tpl.html (added), templates/help/banner.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html (added), templates/footer.tpl.html (added), templates/resize_textarea.tpl.html (added), templates/clock_status.tpl.html (added), templates/view_note.tpl.html (added), templates/expandable_cell/body.tpl.html (added), templates/navigation.tpl.html (added), templates/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html (added), templates/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text (added), templates/setup.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/field_display.tpl.html (added), templates/switch.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_release.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html (added), templates/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js (added), templates/phone_support.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/index.tpl.html (added), templates/help_link.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_description.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html (added), templates/help/column_display.tpl.html (added), templates/news.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html (added), templates/redeem_incident.tpl.html (added), templates/manage (added), templates/header.tpl.html (added), templates/login_form.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/faq.tpl.html (added), templates/custom_fields.tpl.html (added), templates/help/scm_integration_usage.tpl.html (added), templates/help/view.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/quarantine.tpl.html (added), templates/convert_note.tpl.html (added), templates/index.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications (added), templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/manage/link_filters.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/new_user.tpl.text (added), templates/manage/reminders.tpl.html (added), templates/offline.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html (added), templates/tips/custom_queries.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html (added), templates/notes.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/customer_report.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/manage/releases.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_assignment.tpl.html (added), templates/help/support_emails.tpl.html (added), templates/help/field_display.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/closed.tpl.text (added), templates/add_phone_entry.tpl.html (added), templates/help/list.tpl.html (added), templates/help/customize_listing.tpl.html (added), templates/update_form.tpl.html (added), templates/lookup_layer.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/general.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/groups.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/round_robin.tpl.html (added), templates/get_emails.tpl.html (added), templates/post_note.tpl.html (added), templates/associate.tpl.html (added), templates/attachments.tpl.html (added), templates/js (added), templates/help/scm_integration.tpl.html (added), templates/update.tpl.html (added), templates/help (added), templates/reminders (added), templates/send.tpl.html (added), templates/help/permission_levels.tpl.html (added), templates/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text (added), templates/reports (added), templates/reports/weekly.tpl.html (added), templates/preferences.tpl.html (added), templates/help/notifications.tpl.html (added), templates/history.tpl.html (added), templates/error_icon.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/news.tpl.html (added), templates/select_project.tpl.html (added), templates/attached_emails.tpl.html (added), templates/help/main.tpl.html (added), templates/help/link_filters.tpl.html (added), templates/tips (added), templates/email_filter_form.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html (added), templates/view_email.tpl.html (added), templates/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html (added), templates/help/adv_search.tpl.html (added), templates/checkins.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html (added), templates/email_drafts.tpl.html (added), templates/customer/example (added), templates/manage/resolution.tpl.html (added), templates/confirm.tpl.html (added), templates/self_assign.tpl.html (added), templates/view_form.tpl.html (added), templates/manage/index.tpl.html (added), templates/permission_denied.tpl.html (added), templates/expandable_cell (added), templates/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html (added), templates/reminders/sms_alert.tpl.text (added), templates/help/report.tpl.html (added), templates/help/report_priority.tpl.html (added), templates/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html (added), templates/signup.tpl.html (added), templates/view.tpl.html (added), templates/current_filters.tpl.html (added), templates/duplicate.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2006-04-02 04:36 +0000 [r2697-2708] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/notifications/new_user.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/new_user.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * ChangeSet: Removed unused notifications BKrev: 442f54c3ONO5g2HWZKum4FV9Fx8gZg * templates/en/notifications/notification.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/notification.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/updated_password.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/updated_password.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/account_details.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/account_details.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/new.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/new.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/files.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/files.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) * templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.997) 2006-03-31 20:57 +0000 [r2695-2696] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/index.php: Forgot to commit correct version # (Logical change 1.996) * ChangeSet: Forgot to commit correct version # BKrev: 442d97be6dYOidDRhNltfddlUC_Sbg 2006-03-30 19:12 +0000 [r2690-2693] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fix upgrade path BKrev: 442c2d94-j3Kj-o0Fi7W568Y7Z1_BA * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.995) * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/index.html, misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/upgrade_config.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.995) * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_v1.7.1/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision 2006-03-30 18:58 +0000 [r2686-2689] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Cleaning up Changelog (Logical change 1.994) * ChangeSet: Charset issues/Changelog nits BKrev: 442c2a3fN9gUpb4OdBidqvanDw1Xig * include/class.mail.php, include/class.routing.php: Charset issues (Logical change 1.994) * templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html: Clarified setting (Logical change 1.994) 2006-03-30 16:40 +0000 [r2680-2685] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/index.html: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/index.html'' (Logical change 1.993) * ChangeSet: Getting ready for Version 1.7.1 BKrev: 442c0a09jourVllpdwkY7oqbDhxcTg * UPGRADE, ChangeLog: Getting ready for Version 1.7.1 (Logical change 1.993) * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html: Missing file from earlier (Logical change 1.993) * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/upgrade_config.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/upgrade_config.php'' (Logical change 1.993) * misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.7.0_to_1.7.1/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision 2006-03-30 16:13 +0000 [r2678-2679] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed link filters to match more links and email addresses BKrev: 442c0394tZ5Bw_mKRJNiS7btQabQWQ * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Changed link filters to match more links and email addresses (Logical change 1.992) 2006-03-29 17:11 +0000 [r2676-2677] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog: Changed mail handling routines to be case insensitive (Logical change 1.991) * ChangeSet: Changed mail handling routines to be case insensitive BKrev: 442abfb1Hyc3eVq164_fNyQxonVHdQ 2006-03-29 16:54 +0000 [r2674-2675] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: Fixed bug that hid "Record Time Worked" section (Logical change 1.990) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that hid "Record Time Worked" section BKrev: 442abbc1T7X6eqhyRxfvBzdHnFMaMw 2006-03-29 07:01 +0000 [r2671-2673] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/list.tpl.html: Missing file for sorting by custom field (Logical change 1.989) * ChangeSet: Show add email/note/draft button, even when section is collapsed BKrev: 442a30c0o5_dWY0G2QGU9czcqGGpag * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, ChangeLog, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Show add email/note/draft button, even when section is collapsed (Logical change 1.989) 2006-03-29 06:16 +0000 [r2669-2670] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed file upload window to not automatically close if their was an error uploading the file. (Logical change 1.988) * ChangeSet: Changed file upload window to not automatically close if their was an error uploading the file. BKrev: 442a2643Ks9jvQNvNtSJUKim7zYAow 2006-03-29 06:13 +0000 [r2667-2668] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed recent activity report to open issue links in blank windows (Logical change 1.987) * ChangeSet: Changed recent activity report to open issue links in blank windows BKrev: 442a2579NjeCf1GY1QyCfNkYx8VQ4A 2006-03-29 06:05 +0000 [r2665-2666] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fix subject encoding in mail queue. Truncate issue list in issue lookup to 70 characters BKrev: 442a23c1QUpWGSEsTKp0ohK7-HFy7g * templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, include/class.mail_queue.php, templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fix subject encoding in mail queue. Truncate issue list in issue lookup to 70 characters (Logical change 1.986) 2006-03-29 05:23 +0000 [r2661-2664] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Misc fixes. (Logical change 1.985) * templates/en/header.tpl.html: Fixed relative page refresh issue. (Logical change 1.985) * ChangeSet: Automatically choose the correct email account to use for the project. Allow subject based routing and issue auto creation to work together. BKrev: 442a19db4ztSJkv77IzFQS1k5J85IQ * include/class.support.php: Automatically choose the correct email account to use for the project. Allow subject based routing and issue auto creation to work together. (Logical change 1.985) 2006-03-27 20:06 +0000 [r2659-2660] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php: Added new HASH TYPE constant (Logical change 1.984) * ChangeSet: Added new HASH TYPE constant BKrev: 442845c1nNK1p9D3n-jm6r8gau7zcw 2006-03-27 04:03 +0000 [r2657-2658] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php, include/class.auth.php, ChangeLog: Added ability to use a different hashing method for passwords. (Logical change 1.983) * ChangeSet: Added ability to use a different hashing method for passwords. BKrev: 44276414quFDEKIT05YKTrsACxiMxw 2006-03-16 17:46 +0000 [r2655-2656] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Missing changelog BKrev: 4419a458ATNtEvSF71yWk4XHVvd-0A * ChangeLog: Missing changelog (Logical change 1.982) 2006-03-16 17:39 +0000 [r2652-2654] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixes for a few bugs when auto switching projects BKrev: 4419a2c4jjjY8HQ-62KkSNAR8kKvMw * include/class.auth.php: Fix old project name being displayed. (Logical change 1.981) * view.php: Set old project name correctly. (Logical change 1.981) 2006-03-16 15:44 +0000 [r2650-2651] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with searching by keyword on email page BKrev: 441987e4aYrjkR0XFGzPu-C9ZVOUBQ * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with searching by keyword on email page (Logical change 1.980) 2006-03-06 09:02 +0000 [r2648-2649] Bryan Alsdorf * post_note.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with notification email showing wrong status when sending a note. (Logical change 1.979) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with notification email showing wrong status when sending a note. BKrev: 440bfaa7NOiDdnD5OknUYQT_FZKQlw 2006-03-06 07:13 +0000 [r2646-2647] Bryan Alsdorf * update.php: Check if issue ID is set. (Logical change 1.978) * ChangeSet: Check if issue ID is set. BKrev: 440be11fs7qWK265Khgm2vlT-WEn3w 2006-03-01 16:44 +0000 [r2644-2645] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.release.php: Fix DB error (Logical change 1.977) * ChangeSet: Fix DB error BKrev: 4405cf85zBklfYmHBhoetnlS_0Lf7g 2006-02-27 03:37 +0000 [r2642-2643] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with using ellipses under internet explorer BKrev: 440273f4KSTuei5YctMS4EkeDQy7wA * js/global.js, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with using ellipses under internet explorer (Logical change 1.976) 2006-02-24 21:21 +0000 [r2640-2641] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed naming format of saved routed emails/notes/drafts to be easier to read. BKrev: 43ff78c7IrbL38rlQj1N2uF0BZ0IMw * include/class.draft.php, include/class.note.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Changed naming format of saved routed emails/notes/drafts to be easier to read. (Logical change 1.975) 2006-02-20 10:05 +0000 [r2638-2639] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with searching on custom date fields BKrev: 43f9947csYurLDQhfZnwJlCSI6wZzA * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with searching on custom date fields (Logical change 1.974) 2006-02-20 05:41 +0000 [r2636-2637] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added full path to reports link (Bug #17551) (Logical change 1.973) * ChangeSet: Added full path to reports link (Bug #17551) BKrev: 43f95676oU1SYJWK5rLUeFsMldMWwg 2006-02-17 17:06 +0000 [r2634-2635] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed total on weekly report BKrev: 43f60284OuqvaZUqWcjQ837GnofkFw * include/class.history.php, reports/weekly.php, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, include/class.report.php: Fixed total on weekly report (Logical change 1.972) 2006-02-17 06:14 +0000 [r2631-2633] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.pager.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Added feature to allow sorting by custom fields (Logical change 1.971) * ChangeSet: Added feature to allow sorting by custom fields BKrev: 43f569d3XIm5--O-705o2XWAgg9JRQ * include/class.support.php: Suppress error (Logical change 1.971) 2006-02-16 22:01 +0000 [r2629-2630] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog: Added workflow method for when a user is added to the authorized repliers list. (Logical change 1.970) * ChangeSet: Added workflow method for when a user is added to the authorized repliers list. BKrev: 43f4f641EZQobCD2OMjJ9Vb6gLAEnA 2006-02-16 21:11 +0000 [r2627-2628] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added option to not convert to a timezone. BKrev: 43f4ea9659pUxsHYqNndovVuiE1uUg * include/class.date.php: Added option to not convert to a timezone. (Logical change 1.969) 2006-02-14 04:10 +0000 [r2625-2626] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: More relative URL fixes BKrev: 43f1581ezj36JBrzFl1dAhb8y2oO0Q * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, templates/en/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html, templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html: More relative URL fixes (Logical change 1.968) 2006-02-10 20:06 +0000 [r2623-2624] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: This shouldn't be here BKrev: 43ecf2635cAbDsnV0dhrBHUVuM9O0A * templates/en/new.tpl.html: This shouldn't be here (Logical change 1.967) 2006-02-10 17:29 +0000 [r2621-2622] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog: Added new special X-Eventum-Project header (Logical change 1.966) * ChangeSet: Added new special X-Eventum-Project header BKrev: 43eccd732fWmzLT7OUus9CzforwP9w 2006-02-09 16:23 +0000 [r2619-2620] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.text: Formatting nit (Logical change 1.965) * ChangeSet: Formatting nit BKrev: 43eb6c6aiz2ALMLmTwScMTANjod3XQ 2006-02-09 16:06 +0000 [r2617-2618] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Move history calls around BKrev: 43eb6897tWtTbo363GgxYrP30afkJg * include/class.issue.php: Move history calls around (Logical change 1.964) 2006-02-09 15:35 +0000 [r2615-2616] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.support.php: Added flag to indicated if an email is used in closing an issue (Logical change 1.963) * ChangeSet: Added flag to indicated if an email is used in closing an issue BKrev: 43eb614eMmW2MGGQKfFOOFEnMiljKg 2006-02-07 03:34 +0000 [r2612-2614] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/post.tpl.html, templates/en/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with custom date fields on anonymous report form (Bug #17166) (Logical change 1.962) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with custom date fields on anonymous report form (Bug #17166) BKrev: 43e8155bUe7mYMLhXP4bTTTzC09Kpg * templates/en/edit_custom_fields.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2006-02-06 19:52 +0000 [r2610-2611] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Add option to notify all users when closing an issue BKrev: 43e7a8fdh7pukCPjRAshNwZ7UU79EA * include/class.notification.php: Add option to notify all users when closing an issue (Logical change 1.961) 2006-02-06 19:44 +0000 [r2608-2609] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added option to send closing comments to all users. BKrev: 43e7a72bCOSboBDOXYczs1gHQwVBeA * close.php, templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.text, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Added option to send closing comments to all users. (Logical change 1.960) 2006-02-06 08:39 +0000 [r2606-2607] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: When creating a new issue from an email, add the senders to the authorized repliers list (Logical change 1.959) * ChangeSet: When creating a new issue from an email, add the senders to the authorized repliers list BKrev: 43e70b3agC2yysAbc3MEeqP_1mBl7A 2006-02-02 17:33 +0000 [r2604-2605] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php: Don't display closed statuses (Logical change 1.958) * ChangeSet: Don't display closed statuses BKrev: 43e2427fvlabeAB6oX446i2rg0cSWg 2006-01-25 00:59 +0000 [r2602-2603] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with empty reply-to headers causing mail to be associated with the wrong issue. BKrev: 43d6cd5bgM33M7j4XG95dMZ06r5M5A * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with empty reply-to headers causing mail to be associated with the wrong issue. (Logical change 1.957) 2006-01-23 19:10 +0000 [r2600-2601] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php, setup/config.inc.php: Use cookie domain as well (Logical change 1.956) * ChangeSet: Use cookie domain as well BKrev: 43d52a211gzi2XLL0lplATbwSPU4aA 2006-01-23 19:02 +0000 [r2598-2599] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added new constant APP_COOKIE_URL BKrev: 43d52835YeyQU8gNLzUkFp0BJ4_qAg * include/class.auth.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Added new constant APP_COOKIE_URL (Logical change 1.955) 2006-01-23 08:26 +0000 [r2594-2597] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added favicon (Contributed by Georger Araujo) BKrev: 43d4933bHB-17S7BDs3zGZhkc1OH-w * ChangeLog: Added favicon (Contributed by Georger Araujo) (Logical change 1.954) * favicon.ico: New BitKeeper file ``favicon.ico'' (Logical change 1.954) * favicon.ico (added): Initial revision 2006-01-23 04:40 +0000 [r2591-2592] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with not encoding title on RSS feed BKrev: 43d45e3eSKywxbSvlQDaSBFUWFrqcQ * rss.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with not encoding title on RSS feed (Logical change 1.953) 2006-01-22 04:14 +0000 [r2589-2590] Bryan Alsdorf * view.php: Fixed bug where statuses were not restricted on view issue page. (Logical change 1.952) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug where statuses were not restricted on view issue page. BKrev: 43d3069fi-9-yj6yqwGfvNL853RoaA 2006-01-20 21:41 +0000 [r2587-2588] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Fix formatting of date field. (Logical change 1.951) * ChangeSet: Fix formatting of date field. BKrev: 43d15918IYhxaCPVpWTTnGN4pzu2cA 2006-01-19 21:14 +0000 [r2584-2586] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.support.php: Added workflow method to check if a user can send an email. (Logical change 1.950) * include/class.mail.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Added X-Eventum-Category special header (Logical change 1.950) * ChangeSet: Added workflow method to check if a user can send an email. BKrev: 43d00136OM5UYIwPfs5YI1Spb2gZ1A 2006-01-18 07:48 +0000 [r2582-2583] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php, view.php, ChangeLog, update.php: Fixed bug that was causing too many redirects (Logical change 1.949) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that was causing too many redirects BKrev: 43cdf2e49Ac3od9ksQFoO-tmBnm4NQ 2006-01-10 03:56 +0000 [r2580-2581] Bryan Alsdorf * main.php, post.php, phone_calls.php, help.php, benchmark.php, removed_emails.php, self_assign.php, confirm.php, view_note.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, custom_fields.php, switch.php, signup.php, faq.php, login.php, emails.php, associate.php, time_tracking.php, offline.php, forgot_password.php, mail_queue.php, notification.php, get_attachment.php, new.php, send.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, clock_status.php, adv_search.php, scm_ping.php, preferences.php, history.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, close.php, view_headers.php, select_project.php, templates/en/app_info.tpl.html, index.php, rss.php, download.php, logout.php, duplicate.php, post_note.php, view.php, list.php, spell_check.php, news.php, redeem_incident.php, stats_chart.php, view_email.php, update.php, get_remote_data.php, file_upload.php: Update copyright (Logical change 1.948) * ChangeSet: Update copyright BKrev: 43c3307983p8PQTfaGAhRZTniP_VGw 2006-01-09 14:27 +0000 [r2578-2579] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed issue ID field to automatically strip non numeric characters when looking up issue. (Logical change 1.947) * ChangeSet: Changed issue ID field to automatically strip non numeric characters when looking up issue. BKrev: 43c272c6DXqQlIahpOLtI5f5bWICkw 2006-01-09 05:29 +0000 [r2576-2577] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with workflow when updating custom fields. (Logical change 1.946) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with workflow when updating custom fields. BKrev: 43c1f4b2iCGnW8v3v-97fQlLvZVljA 2006-01-08 06:25 +0000 [r2574-2575] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Fix bug with mail AUTH. (Logical change 1.945) * ChangeSet: Fix bug with mail AUTH. BKrev: 43c0b072CoEq6C2wDwUmGoHluZwzFQ 2006-01-07 06:30 +0000 [r2572-2573] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixing character encoding in this file BKrev: 43bf6013_jjTWyhKKQh9b4Vj2Sen0g * ChangeLog: Fixing character encoding in this file (Logical change 1.944) 2006-01-07 06:14 +0000 [r2570-2571] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with sorting by last action date with MySQL 5 (Logical change 1.943) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with sorting by last action date with MySQL 5 BKrev: 43bf5c53PjR3dYfBDmDbrJ7LGMl-GQ 2006-01-03 22:17 +0000 [r2567-2569] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Merged conflict 2006/01/03 15:47:01-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that tried to set status to "assigned" when an issue was created with assignees (Bug #16165) (Logical change 1.942) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:/work/eventum 2006/01/03 15:47:03-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that tried to set status to "assigned" when an issue was created with assignees (Bug #16165) BKrev: 43baf7e0ts8az6sFHz4_hUiRplvSfQ * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug that tried to set status to "assigned" when an issue was created with assignees (Bug #16165) (Logical change 1.942) 2006-01-03 16:10 +0000 [r2563-2566] mysql.com!jpm * CONTRIB: New BitKeeper file ``CONTRIB'' (Logical change 1.941) * README, ChangeLog: Added information on what community users should do to contribute code to the Eventum project (Logical change 1.941) * ChangeSet: Added information on what community users should do to contribute code to the Eventum project BKrev: 43baa202U5RG4YskuVL0_q9wa67fCw * CONTRIB (added): Initial revision 2006-01-03 06:19 +0000 [r2561-2562] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that allowed unassigned issues even if "Allow unassigned issues" is set to no. BKrev: 43ba1776Jy8ttngSjSbmcYtxw79PjA * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, view.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog, update.php: Fixed bug that allowed unassigned issues even if "Allow unassigned issues" is set to no. (Logical change 1.940) 2006-01-03 04:31 +0000 [r2556-2560] Bryan Alsdorf * INSTALL: Added text on draft routing script. (Logical change 1.939) * include/class.time_tracking.php: Fix SQL error. (Logical change 1.939) * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with Workflow::handleAssignmentChange() being called too often. (Logical change 1.939) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with Workflow::handleAssignmentChange() being called too often. BKrev: 43b9fe2clAN4LibwbA-fHU-ik_us3g * include/class.user.php: Fixed bug with use admin page. (Logical change 1.939) 2005-12-29 19:26 +0000 [r2550-2555] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/index.html: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/index.html'' (Logical change 1.938) * ChangeSet: Misc changes for 1.7.0 release BKrev: 43b4387dKwixifUBAu2iyGcFscv5fg * include/class.stats.php: Fixed PEAR error (Logical change 1.938) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php: Misc changes (Logical change 1.938) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/index.html (added): Initial revision 2005-12-29 18:22 +0000 [r2548-2549] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: 1.7.0 Release BKrev: 43b4294bBTKf6UjpZJXS2NspHqyzHQ * setup/index.php, setup/schema.sql, UPGRADE, ChangeLog, misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php: 1.7.0 Release (Logical change 1.937) 2005-12-23 20:04 +0000 [r2546-2547] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Added priority and category to bulk update. (Logical change 1.936) * ChangeSet: Added priority and category to bulk update. BKrev: 43ac5843B0hBSeaLKWrCcYss6WW67A 2005-12-23 18:51 +0000 [r2544-2545] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: If the user is logged in, but doesn't have a project set, redirect to select_project instead of logging him out. BKrev: 43ac472aKemULbc-vDEwS-0nwc8rTg * include/class.auth.php: If the user is logged in, but doesn't have a project set, redirect to select_project instead of logging him out. (Logical change 1.935) 2005-12-21 21:30 +0000 [r2542-2543] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Upgrade PEAR. BKrev: 43a9c990xFGNTtcj_B1fxejfaPDTKQ * include/pear/DB/mysql.php: Upgrade PEAR. (Logical change 1.934) 2005-12-19 18:29 +0000 [r2540-2541] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed typo BKrev: 43a6fc1eZpCSDTO4YRLh40v31yk2nA * include/class.notification.php: Fixed typo (Logical change 1.933) 2005-12-19 08:33 +0000 [r2538-2539] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added code to prevent caching of CSV export page. BKrev: 43a67074JX9Ez84uMuB3gg72CSYC4A * csv.php, ChangeLog: Added code to prevent caching of CSV export page. (Logical change 1.932) 2005-12-19 02:53 +0000 [r2516-2537] Bryan Alsdorf * include/pear/DB/fbsql.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/fbsql.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/class.display_column.php: Compatability with new pear classes. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/odbc.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/odbc.php }(Logical change 1.931) * js/global.js: Prevent JS error. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/PEAR.php: New version of PEAR (Logical change 1.931) * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Display previous values on form. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/ifx.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/ifx.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/mysqli.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/DB/mysqli.php'' (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/ibase.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/ibase.php }(Logical change 1.931) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php: Fix include path. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/msql.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/msql.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/mssql.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/mssql.php }(Logical change 1.931) * ChangeSet: New PEAR Version. Compatability with PHP 4.4.x WS Fixes. BKrev: 43a620b3U4ATiNDzmqUr-TmjXiiJcA * include/class.routing.php: Remove excess Re's (Logical change 1.931) * new.php, view.php: WS Fix. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/sybase.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/sybase.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/dbase.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/dbase.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/oci8.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/oci8.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/pgsql.php (removed): Delete: include/pear/DB/pgsql.php }(Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/Mail/mime.php: PHP 4.4.x compatability. (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/common.php, include/pear/DB.php: Upgrade PEAR (Logical change 1.931) * include/pear/DB/mysqli.php (added): Initial revision 2005-12-14 05:44 +0000 [r2514-2515] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Notification nit. BKrev: 439fb132rNX4OMkP0XAtdSzXXyJTKg * include/class.notification.php: Notification nit. (Logical change 1.930) 2005-12-12 07:40 +0000 [r2512-2513] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Use project name for sending notifications. BKrev: 439d2984tPM4koaGlqsP9UugTpoGdQ * include/class.notification.php: Use project name for sending notifications. (Logical change 1.929) 2005-12-12 06:10 +0000 [r2509-2511] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with updating custom fields for projects with single quotes in there name. BKrev: 439d1454oxHDn8YHa58rU8F-Cz3uoQ * ChangeLog, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Fixed bug with updating custom fields for projects with single quotes in there name. (Logical change 1.928) * include/class.custom_field.php: Cache custom field backend. (Logical change 1.928) 2005-12-10 04:17 +0000 [r2507-2508] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added a new workflow method to notify additional email addresses when a new issue is created. (Logical change 1.927) * ChangeSet: Added a new workflow method to notify additional email addresses when a new issue is created. BKrev: 439a56c812m7-z8Rnvl6qI4nSiNe1w 2005-12-10 02:52 +0000 [r2505-2506] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.build_requests.php (removed): Delete: include/workflow/class.build_requests.php }(Logical change 1.926) * ChangeSet: Hmmm, this file shouldn't be here. BKrev: 439a42f7w-qKNjg0mPyDiY4e91t-Gg 2005-12-10 02:39 +0000 [r2503-2504] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.workflow.php: Notify additional email addresses of new issues. (Logical change 1.925) * ChangeSet: Notify additional email addresses of new issues. BKrev: 439a3fd5DYToj7k_OBA_PNPRk8bkMg 2005-12-09 05:04 +0000 [r2501-2502] Bryan Alsdorf * js/validation.js: Prevent JS errors (Logical change 1.924) * ChangeSet: Bug fix #15575 BKrev: 43991075vr0L-KtEfz1m_UTsoLCjrA 2005-12-08 07:21 +0000 [r2498-2500] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Remove excess REs Fixed bug with blocked note history. BKrev: 4397def8loA2kHD5OLyQBQCwsf64eA * include/class.mail.php, include/class.routing.php: Remove excess REs (Logical change 1.923) * include/class.support.php: Remove excess REs Fixed bug with blocked note history. (Logical change 1.923) 2005-12-06 14:37 +0000 [r2496-2497] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Fixed variable name. (Logical change 1.922) * ChangeSet: Fixed variable name. BKrev: 4395a244TbZ4LnDI9GiyI1Pk6-UMqg 2005-12-05 17:03 +0000 [r2494-2495] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added missing method BKrev: 439472c4ffTe861KQm0hCJ_qQu6JDQ * include/class.issue.php: Added missing method (Logical change 1.921) 2005-12-02 22:04 +0000 [r2492-2493] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Remove debug (Logical change 1.920) * ChangeSet: Remove debug BKrev: 4390c50aAwfAT_YVpmtZmRjXDEkKnQ 2005-12-02 21:43 +0000 [r2490-2491] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Use project email address if no address is passed in. (Logical change 1.919) * ChangeSet: Use project email address if no address is passed in. BKrev: 4390bfe6GK9O0PDjJDboy4u7eu-Rww 2005-12-02 19:29 +0000 [r2487-2489] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Prevent double notifications. (Logical change 1.918) * include/class.notification.php: Auto merged 2005/12/02 13:04:37-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Prevent double notifications. (Logical change 1.918) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:/work/eventum 2005/12/02 13:04:37-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Prevent double notifications. BKrev: 4390a089kpRC5T1Fs9c1ldctiZIrRw 2005-12-02 16:32 +0000 [r2485-2486] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Pass the email structure so we can later on use it on the Workflow routines BKrev: 43907736n7O-RqPEjtfRs67ySLVZVg * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.support.php: Pass the email structure so we can later on use it on the Workflow routines (Logical change 1.917) 2005-12-02 15:43 +0000 [r2483-2484] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.notification.php: Restrict the list of assignees to the current issue (Logical change 1.916) * ChangeSet: Restrict the list of assignees to the current issue BKrev: 43906b9dFVdvscFSASMQAn38GSBbqg 2005-12-01 16:22 +0000 [r2481-2482] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with custom field values not showing up in notification email for issues reported anonymously (Logical change 1.915) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with custom field values not showing up in notification email for issues reported anonymously BKrev: 438f23409VXAC0SSgRL8qiE4WvOWLQ 2005-11-30 17:04 +0000 [r2476-2480] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php, setup/schema.sql: Upgrade scripts. (Logical change 1.914) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php'' (Logical change 1.914) * ChangeSet: Upgrade scripts. BKrev: 438ddba0dN4erA1tW_56sklPb-PPyw * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/upgrade_config.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/upgrade_config.php'' (Logical change 1.914) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2005-11-23 06:31 +0000 [r2474-2475] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed to use relative instead of absolute URL BKrev: 43840ca9TDUKndLfabk524Og17P5KQ * list.php, ChangeLog: Changed to use relative instead of absolute URL (Logical change 1.913) 2005-11-17 07:12 +0000 [r2472-2473] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, include/class.user.php, manage/users.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that reset Administrators permission level. (Logical change 1.912) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that reset Administrators permission level. BKrev: 437c2d59dx_iWdeyRs9r9pU8izGIjQ 2005-11-12 16:17 +0000 [r2470-2471] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug on the RSS feed script to avoid an error condition when no issues could be found for a particular saved search (Logical change 1.911) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug on the RSS feed script to avoid an error condition when no issues could be found for a particular saved search BKrev: 437615b5AD_hd4zNGBn4c1baRm3wwg 2005-11-12 16:12 +0000 [r2468-2469] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Updated the fulltext search routine to properly use UNIONs and allow MySQL to use the proper indexes when searching (Logical change 1.910) * ChangeSet: Updated the fulltext search routine to properly use UNIONs and allow MySQL to use the proper indexes when searching BKrev: 43761458ymC1apr2NwS_8MrjqWhtvA 2005-11-10 17:33 +0000 [r2462-2467] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html: New BitKeeper file ``templates/en/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html'' (Logical change 1.909) * ChangeSet: Added new stalled issues report. BKrev: 43738463-iuBrLAW6JG5kgEczX1_9w * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php: Added new stalled issues report. (Logical change 1.909) * reports/stalled_issues.php: New BitKeeper file ``reports/stalled_issues.php'' (Logical change 1.909) * include/class.date.php: Added YEAR constant. (Logical change 1.909) * templates/en/reports/stalled_issues.tpl.html (added), reports/stalled_issues.php (added): Initial revision 2005-11-10 07:42 +0000 [r2460-2461] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: MySQL 5 compatability. BKrev: 4372f9cdAlRT1eS2mgsRvQzDkYH8VA * include/class.notification.php: MySQL 5 compatability. (Logical change 1.908) 2005-11-09 17:57 +0000 [r2454-2459] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Set root message ID from anon issue page. (Logical change 1.907) * ChangeSet: Set root message ID from anon issue page. Added script to set message ID for older issues. BKrev: 4372386emHeo8dJQq8GDu-BtTgcC2w * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php'' (Logical change 1.907) * include/class.db_api.php: Remove extra spaces (Logical change 1.907) * include/workflow/class.build_requests.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/workflow/class.build_requests.php'' (Logical change 1.907) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0/set_root_message_ids.php (added), include/workflow/class.build_requests.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.6.1_to_v1.7.0 (added): Initial revision 2005-11-09 05:41 +0000 [r2441-2453] Bryan Alsdorf * include/pear/Auth/SASL/CramMD5.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/CramMD5.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL/Plain.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/Plain.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, include/class.setup.php, include/class.note.php, misc/download_emails.php, templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html, include/class.support.php, include/class.custom_field.php, manage/general.php, setup/schema.sql, include/class.mail.php, include/class.status.php, post_note.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.attachment.php, stats_chart.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, include/class.misc.php, file_upload.php: Added feature to add attachments from notes as internal only files. Added Subject based routing. Added feature to allow recipient flags on all notes/emails sent from Eventum even if routing is disabled. Added feature to handle emails that don't have a MessageID. (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL/Common.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/Common.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL/Anonymous.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/Anonymous.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * include/workflow/class.example.php: Change example class (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * ChangeSet: Added feature to add attachments from notes as internal only files (Jo�o) Added Subject based routing (Bryan) (Special thanks to Tibor Gellert) Added feature to allow recipient flags on all notes/emails sent from Eventum even if routing is disabled (Eliot Blennerhassett and Bryan) Added feature to handle emails that don't have a MessageID (Bryan) BKrev: 43718c1aUu9JnzBju0lUwVkIgC3Lqw * ChangeLog: Added feature to add attachments from notes as internal only files (Jo�o) Added Subject based routing (Bryan) (Special thanks to Tibor Gellert) Added feature to allow recipient flags on all notes/emails sent from Eventum even if routing is disabled (Eliot Blennerhassett and Bryan) Added feature to handle emails that don't have a MessageID (Bryan) (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Net/Socket.php, include/pear/Mail/sendmail.php, include/pear/Mail/mimePart.php, include/pear/Mail.php, include/pear/Net/DIME.php, include/pear/Mail/mail.php, include/pear/Mail/smtp.php, include/pear/Net/POP3.php, include/pear/Mail/RFC822.php, include/pear/Mail/mime.php, include/pear/Net/SMTP.php: Upgrade PEAR (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth/SASL/Login.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/pear/Auth/SASL/Login.php'' (Logical change 1.906) * include/pear/Auth (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/Login.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/Common.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/CramMD5.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/Anonymous.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/Plain.php (added), include/pear/Auth/SASL/DigestMD5.php (added): Initial revision 2005-11-03 18:47 +0000 [r2438-2440] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Updated SQL used to calculate date diff not including weekend. BKrev: 436a5b4aajSv-Kn4f4ms5QiJfA36dQ * include/class.customer_stats_report.php: Rename: BitKeeper/deleted/.del-class.customer_stats_report.php~9057939d -> include/class.customer_stats_report.php (Logical change 1.905) * include/class.db_api.php: Updated to handle some corner cases. (Logical change 1.905) 2005-11-03 18:39 +0000 [r2436-2437] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Bug fix for custom fields that I forgot to commit earlier. BKrev: 436a59631S-O9aF1cZtNjYnkHpy3FA * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html: Bug fix for custom fields that I forgot to commit earlier. (Logical change 1.904) 2005-11-03 17:56 +0000 [r2433-2435] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Updated Eventum to be compatible with MySQL 5.0 (Logical change 1.903) * include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.support.php: Updated to be compatible with MySQL 5.0 (Logical change 1.903) * ChangeSet: Updated to be compatible with MySQL 5.0 BKrev: 436a4f4ePxZlqD-pUYldmN9elRxj2Q 2005-11-03 17:28 +0000 [r2431-2432] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug on custom fields report that prevent custom fields with backends from being displayed BKrev: 436a48c2Aj6ZLey1zfVTCdYIZLl05w * include/class.custom_field.php, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php: Fixed bug on custom fields report that prevent custom fields with backends from being displayed (Logical change 1.902) 2005-11-03 06:34 +0000 [r2428-2430] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into jupiter.:C:/work/eventum 2005/11/03 00:31:51-06:00 !balsdorf Fixed bug with expandable tables on recent activity report BKrev: 4369af80F6_XYjAD2uxPQiv0qEZjIw * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html: Fixed bug with expandable tables on recent activity report (Logical change 1.901) * ChangeLog: Merging changes 2005/11/03 00:31:48-06:00 !balsdorf Fixed bug with expandable tables on recent activity report (Logical change 1.901) 2005-11-01 13:29 +0000 [r2426-2427] mysql.com!jpm * include/pear/Date/TimeZone.php, ChangeLog: Added a workaround to a Windows-only Time zone related bug that would trigger a crash in Apache in certain circumstances (Logical change 1.900) * ChangeSet: Added a workaround to a Windows-only Time zone related bug that would trigger a crash in Apache in certain circumstances BKrev: 43676d9cKHLK199R8HJ3JCpSqaGV8A 2005-11-01 13:24 +0000 [r2424-2425] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.project.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a bug in which inactive users would still show up when sending emails and choosing Cc: recipients (Logical change 1.899) * ChangeSet: Fixed a bug in which inactive users would still show up when sending emails and choosing Cc: recipients BKrev: 43676c7eBVZHhqguEIHWU1FWIS100A 2005-10-27 14:05 +0000 [r2422-2423] mysql.com!jpm * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a problem with the IRC bot that would prevent it from working under PHP5 (Logical change 1.898) * ChangeSet: Fixed a problem with the IRC bot that would prevent it from working under PHP5 BKrev: 4360de9blVoE_C7l0w5XyZ9c4cMrpA 2005-10-24 15:35 +0000 [r2420-2421] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the SCM checkin code to properly update the last action date field for an issue BKrev: 435cff37fjZBRUvzgxGWjSzA8ZQMHg * include/class.scm.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the SCM checkin code to properly update the last action date field for an issue (Logical change 1.897) 2005-10-17 15:22 +0000 [r2418-2419] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with parsing multiple or invalid email addresses (Logical change 1.896) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with parsing multiple or invalid email addresses BKrev: 4353c1baWnBkuCgdgDntbVfcMimyyQ 2005-10-12 02:55 +0000 [r2416-2417] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: suppress PHP error BKrev: 434c7b1954IQVpYzObuZBCuCY77K3A * include/class.priority.php: Suppress error (Logical change 1.895) 2005-10-11 18:05 +0000 [r2411-2415] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Handle date fields better. Copy change. (Logical change 1.894) * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Handle date fields better. (Logical change 1.894) * js/validation.js: Don't check hidden fields. Check for empty date fields. Handle fields with errors that had pre-existing onchange handlers. (Logical change 1.894) * ChangeSet: Better handling of date custom fields. BKrev: 434bfeeenq1ozRZ9VesW6BOHAqZdpw * include/class.custom_field.php: Display backend for all field types. (Logical change 1.894) 2005-10-10 06:45 +0000 [r2409-2410] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with updating priorities BKrev: 434a0e0dKSJte0mSap-xmh3SIYOxGA * include/class.priority.php, manage/priorities.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with updating priorities (Logical change 1.893) 2005-10-05 21:25 +0000 [r2407-2408] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Don't change note subject when associating email as note. BKrev: 434444d6PPzfT2qVFyzCBukgPk2ERw * associate.php, ChangeLog: Don't change note subject when associating email as note. (Logical change 1.892) 2005-10-04 20:37 +0000 [r2405-2406] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.faq.php, ChangeLog: Changed FAQ screen to use created date when last updated date is empty (Logical change 1.891) * ChangeSet: Changed FAQ screen to use created date when last updated date is empty BKrev: 4342e809G3z0EyNYgN8alsVIJYQIPA 2005-09-29 22:17 +0000 [r2403-2404] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Fix to work in Krappy browsers (Logical change 1.890) * ChangeSet: Fix to work in Krappy browsers BKrev: 433c67e7m5XL0AclETpzojxPV-Yo_Q 2005-09-24 06:02 +0000 [r2401-2402] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with old upgrade scripts. BKrev: 4334ebe1kK-qHOFTehCPfZGUViFCGA * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_config.php, setup/index.php, setup/config.inc.php, misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php: Fixed problem with old upgrade scripts. (Logical change 1.889) 2005-09-20 05:36 +0000 [r2399-2400] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php: Remove this from here. (Logical change 1.888) * ChangeSet: Remove duplicate code BKrev: 432f9fd5rjTSKF-dqVOpcPXRmguPFw 2005-09-20 05:25 +0000 [r2397-2398] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php: Make project auto switching work in more cases. (Logical change 1.887) * ChangeSet: Make project auto switching work in more cases. BKrev: 432f9d2cbvZVB-20jQRRH1CGtK7bgw 2005-09-19 17:01 +0000 [r2395-2396] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Fixes for compatability on linux. (Logical change 1.886) * ChangeSet: Make dynamic fields work better on linux. BKrev: 432eeef8F9Ikq_YlmalGDiT2bcXrzw 2005-09-16 17:19 +0000 [r2393-2394] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed Authorization code to redirect using 'Location' header for all servers except IIS (Bug #13051) BKrev: 432afebeQeN5Kv5LHTXeWXOQRCURXA * include/class.auth.php, ChangeLog: Changed Authorization code to redirect using 'Location' header for all servers except IIS (Bug #13051) (Logical change 1.885) 2005-09-16 05:27 +0000 [r2391-2392] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: method to base64 encode arrays BKrev: 432a57c3AgRM2NmDPIhpCPpsOpve-Q * include/class.misc.php: Add method to base64 encode arrays. (Logical change 1.884) 2005-09-16 01:33 +0000 [r2388-2390] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Fixed bug with quick filter form. (Logical change 1.883) * include/customer/class.example.php: Add wildcard support to example customer backend. (Logical change 1.883) * ChangeSet: Add wildcard support to example customer backend. Fixed bug with quickfilter form. BKrev: 432a20ef-3segC8SD_qrS-wBC6TqAg 2005-09-15 17:48 +0000 [r2386-2387] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/post.tpl.html: This shouldn't have been changed. (Logical change 1.882) * ChangeSet: This shouldn't have been changed. BKrev: 4329b3d84K46NRdvj-kerCOByhO9Tg 2005-09-15 17:41 +0000 [r2384-2385] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with error checking on anonymous report form BKrev: 4329b246n5cyH0gHhway-pshVHnrLA * templates/en/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, templates/en/post.tpl.html, manage/anonymous.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with error checking on anonymous report form (Logical change 1.881) 2005-09-13 13:30 +0000 [r2382-2383] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.prefs.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Added constants to allow default user preferences to be configured (Logical change 1.880) * ChangeSet: Added constants to allow default user preferences to be configured BKrev: 4326d467M9ks3nSmIcmBmmsAe7AQcQ 2005-09-12 18:15 +0000 [r2380-2381] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Minor bug fix. BKrev: 4325c5dbe6iF195RdMJ2FzL1n2_rdA * setup/config.inc.php: Minor bug fix. (Logical change 1.879) 2005-09-12 16:57 +0000 [r2376-2379] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.customer.php: Escape variables used in SQL (Logical change 1.878) * ChangeSet: Escape variables used in SQL BKrev: 4325b368cWuVilUa9rKnPFL55E1eYw * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/09/12 11:47:46-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added URL parameter to specify the project to switch to when loading a page BKrev: 4325b2c5vemHCkzEXUikrZgu5NxPmA * select_project.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Added URL parameter to specify the project to switch to when loading a page (Logical change 1.877) 2005-09-08 20:42 +0000 [r2374-2375] mysql.com!jpm * stats_chart.php: Increase the memory limit before including JpGraph (Logical change 1.876) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/09/08 15:42:21-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Increase the memory limit before including JpGraph BKrev: 4320a23ebXNA9ItNJCv4-VkVJ-giGA 2005-09-01 21:00 +0000 [r2372-2373] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Change structure of dynamic fields to allow more then one key. BKrev: 43176bf1SADdc6mxpLUb6669QasBPA * include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Change structure of dynamic fields to allow more then one key. (Logical change 1.875) 2005-08-31 17:45 +0000 [r2355-2371] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php: Track custom field updates as individual changes, not just a 'Custom fields updated' message. Added date format. New method to return the ID of an option based on its title. New method to search a specified custom field for a text string. Added method to format custom field. (Logical change 1.874) * js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php: Changed name of class. (Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Added 'date' format to custom fields. Hide custom fields if needed. (Logical change 1.874) * include/class.template.php: register modifier for custom fields. (Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html: Show form to update dates. (Logical change 1.874) * ChangeSet: Added date format to custom fields. Better tracking of what custom fields were changed. Added support to automatically hide custom fields BKrev: 4315ecb3b011zeBc-2VOGRxN0vcz8w * include/custom_field/class.dynamic_select.php (removed): Added option to hide fields if needed. }(Logical change 1.874) * include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php: Added option to hide fields if needed. 2005/08/30 11:30:22-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Rename: include/custom_field/class.dynamic_select.php -> include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php (Logical change 1.874) * include/class.issue.php: return timestamp when issue was created. (Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Added date format. (Logical change 1.874) * setup/schema.sql: Missing history type (Logical change 1.874) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with displaying values from multiple option custom fields. Added option to allow custom fields to store dates. (Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html: Hide custom field if appropriate. (Logical change 1.874) * include/workflow/class.intranet.php (removed): Delete: include/workflow/class.intranet.php }(Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/list.tpl.html: Format custom field values. (Logical change 1.874) * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Added option to hide fields. (Logical change 1.874) * include/custom_field/class.dynamic.php (added): Initial revision 2005-08-23 16:13 +0000 [r2353-2354] Bryan Alsdorf * include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.highlight_quoted.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with highlight quoted replies plugin with handling line seperators (Logical change 1.873) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with highlight quoted replies plugin with handling line seperators BKrev: 430b4b0cfsEiE1PcPk6M0-M_6DN4uA 2005-08-23 04:54 +0000 [r2350-2352] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Include code to handle dynamic custom fields (Logical change 1.872) * ChangeSet: Fixed a bunch of typos BKrev: 430aac052BTOJm3MNlsY5I4PunPfEA * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: Fixed typos (Logical change 1.872) 2005-08-22 20:05 +0000 [r2342-2349] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added feature to support custom fields with dynamic option lists BKrev: 430a30104Ax3PPxYjR0AaguIqF_eqw * js/global.js: Added method to help deal with browser differences when handling events. (Logical change 1.871) * js/validation.js: Add callbacks to error handling functions. (Logical change 1.871) * include/class.custom_field.php, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added feature to support custom fields with dynamic option lists (Logical change 1.871) * js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php: New BitKeeper file ``js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php'' (Logical change 1.871) * include/custom_field/class.dynamic_select.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/custom_field/class.dynamic_select.php'' (Logical change 1.871) * templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js: New BitKeeper file ``templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js'' (Logical change 1.871) * templates/en/js (added), include/custom_field/class.dynamic_select.php (added), js/dynamic_custom_field.js.php (added), templates/en/js/dynamic_custom_field.tpl.js (added): Initial revision 2005-08-19 02:24 +0000 [r2339-2341] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html, list.php: Only show releases with a date in the future on bulk update form. (Logical change 1.870) * ChangeSet: Only show releases with a date in the future on bulk update form. BKrev: 430542d1QTAIIFBp_PeCbLzKbLNfsg 2005-08-19 01:25 +0000 [r2331-2338] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Tweaked changelog, set release date. (Logical change 1.869) * ChangeSet: Upgrade to version 1.6.1 BKrev: 430534fe1Q5qJ-lsCby4VRGJwgEV2w * misc/upgrade/flush_compiled_templates.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/flush_compiled_templates.php'' (Logical change 1.869) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php'' (Logical change 1.869) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/database_changes.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/database_changes.php'' (Logical change 1.869) * UPGRADE: Upgrade to version 1.6.1 (Logical change 1.869) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/index.html: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/index.html'' (Logical change 1.869) * misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/flush_compiled_templates.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.6.0_to_v1.6.1/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2005-08-18 20:48 +0000 [r2330] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2005/08/18 15:41:08-05:00 mysql.com!jpm forgot the changelog entry (Logical change 1.868) 2005-08-18 20:48 +0000 [r2329] mysql.com!jpm * include/pear/XML_RPC/Server.php, misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php: Updating the bundled XML-RPC library to the latest PEAR 1.4.0 release (Logical change 1.868) 2005-08-18 20:48 +0000 [r2328] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/08/18 15:41:08-05:00 mysql.com!jpm forgot the changelog entry 2005/08/18 15:40:13-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Updating the bundled XML-RPC library to the latest PEAR 1.4.0 release BKrev: 4304f434_jQzKapFuvrYJQn5NvA90w 2005-08-18 20:00 +0000 [r2323-2327] Bryan Alsdorf * include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.highlight_quoted.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.highlight_quoted.php'' (Logical change 1.867) * include/class.link_filter.php: Switched order of calls to prevent double links. (Logical change 1.867) * templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, view_note.php, view_email.php, ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php, get_remote_data.php: Added feature to highlight quoted replies in notes and emails using smarty plugin from Joscha Feth (Logical change 1.867) * ChangeSet: Added feature to highlight quoted replies in notes and emails using smarty plugin from Joscha Feth BKrev: 4304e8c1kir6DMMqyLzd8_ML-_Bodg * include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.highlight_quoted.php (added): Initial revision 2005-08-18 18:19 +0000 [r2322] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/08/11 17:00:01-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Improved the IRC Bot script to be easier to configure BKrev: 4304d120UebbgIfGhkofK0tyT7-_1g 2005-08-18 18:19 +0000 [r2321] mysql.com!jpm * misc/irc/bot.php: Improved the IRC Bot script to be easier to configure (Logical change 1.866) 2005-08-18 18:19 +0000 [r2315-2320] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Merging 2005/08/11 17:00:00-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Improved the IRC Bot script to be easier to configure (Logical change 1.866) * ChangeLog: Fixed labels on graph. (Logical change 1.865) * ChangeSet: Fixed labels on graph. BKrev: 4304d0f7orqTVDgWnN6IXXXrcVx9jQ * reports/workload_date_range.php: Make dates inclusive (Logical change 1.864) * ChangeSet: Fixed labels. BKrev: 4304d086IaYgqYLEQ2LTQX_dfctXTA * reports/workload_date_range_graph.php: Fixed labels. (Logical change 1.864) 2005-08-17 19:39 +0000 [r2310-2314] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/list.tpl.html, list.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog, popup.php: Added feature to bulk update issue assignment, status and release (Logical change 1.863) * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html: Fixed bug with current filters form not showing up (Logical change 1.863) * ChangeSet: Added feature to bulk update issue assignment, status and release. BKrev: 43039282ECTO3wq1yA9czUwMHRW4pA * templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html: New BitKeeper file ``templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html'' (Logical change 1.863) * templates/en/bulk_update.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2005-08-09 13:43 +0000 [r2308-2309] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the issue searching routine to properly handle disabled fulltext search and customer integration features BKrev: 42f8b31bOGoVJ616FXLEX71y3CU6-Q * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the issue searching routine to properly handle disabled fulltext search and customer integration features (Logical change 1.862) 2005-08-08 22:34 +0000 [r2304-2307] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/link_filters.tpl.html: Smaller size for the link filter description (Logical change 1.861) * ChangeSet: Smaller size for the link filter description BKrev: 42f7dde0GutXW7CFKNJnAqDJL_OUwQ * include/class.time_tracking.php, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html: Add the 'Note Discussion' time tracking categories to the list of categories not to display on the administration UI (Logical change 1.860) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/08/08 17:30:59-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Add the 'Note Discussion' time tracking categories to the list of categories not to display on the administration UI BKrev: 42f7dd37KesePK3moYdyyllTpGZj2Q 2005-08-08 09:41 +0000 [r2302-2303] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Don't subscribe this email to NL list BKrev: 42f728d5aa126KL5sdJE2jV_jNvmVA * include/workflow/class.intranet.php: Don't subscribe this email to NL list (Logical change 1.859) 2005-08-08 09:37 +0000 [r2300-2301] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.intranet.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog: Added new workflow method to check if an address should be emailed (Logical change 1.858) * ChangeSet: Added new workflow method to check if an address should be emailed BKrev: 42f727dexSe1lyOupWSA0V0IJxaxaw 2005-08-06 22:27 +0000 [r2297-2299] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that allowed users to access data from issues they did not have access too. BKrev: 42f5395fOazhz-eK3FrObjCkL-_AiA * phone_calls.php, custom_fields.php, time_tracking.php: Check if user can access this page. (Logical change 1.857) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug that allowed users to access data from issues they did not have access too. (Logical change 1.857) 2005-08-06 22:06 +0000 [r2295-2296] Bryan Alsdorf * download.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that allowed users to access attachments from issues they did not have access too (Logical change 1.856) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that allowed users to access attachments from issues they did not have access too BKrev: 42f5345bKWYuEv7H2kPSLmVtQd3sEA 2005-08-06 21:54 +0000 [r2293-2294] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html: Don't mention customers if there is no customer integration. (Logical change 1.855) * ChangeSet: Tweaked JS warning message when converting notes BKrev: 42f53181Pqyv1JSTo8WAl3h2Uq57NA 2005-08-06 21:19 +0000 [r2291-2292] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Set X-Eventum-Type header in new assignment email BKrev: 42f52950dUJRJRi3Q0J85ZqHT3-g6A * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Set X-Eventum-Type header in new assignment email (Logical change 1.854) 2005-08-05 21:39 +0000 [r2286-2290] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.monitor.php: added missing class. (Logical change 1.853) * templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Build priorities select via html_options tag, not section loop. (Logical change 1.853) * ChangeSet: Misc changes BKrev: 42f3dc86cOTYlyES9Q-lsocMQfGaBQ * popup.php: Call workflow code when removing assignment. (Logical change 1.853) * templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html: Show custom fields that only show internal only fields as internal color. (Logical change 1.853) 2005-08-05 06:47 +0000 [r2284-2285] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug displaying priority in current filters BKrev: 42f30b65wa5tNABdycXOlaKv_O3d7w * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html, list.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug displaying priority in current filters (Logical change 1.852) 2005-08-02 16:46 +0000 [r2281-2283] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/08/02 09:36:39-07:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug handling HTML characters in Internal FAQ entries BKrev: 42efa34dh2Fx5Fi_cqiolZG69t35dw * templates/en/faq.tpl.html: Fixed bug handling HTML characters in Internal FAQ entries (Logical change 1.851) * ChangeLog: Merging conflicts 2005/08/02 09:36:38-07:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug handling HTML characters in Internal FAQ entries (Logical change 1.851) 2005-07-30 17:16 +0000 [r2279-2280] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the installation procedure to add the INDEX privilege to the MySQL user BKrev: 42ebb604BcR7PuGFplQ6TW5I8Oa_AQ * setup/index.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the installation procedure to add the INDEX privilege to the MySQL user (Logical change 1.850) 2005-07-30 17:07 +0000 [r2276-2278] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.authorized_replier.php: Fixed the documentation (Logical change 1.849) * ChangeLog: Getting ready for next release (Logical change 1.849) * ChangeSet: Fixed the documentation BKrev: 42ebb3ed3h66lCz2RjNzXlx_HhoM8Q 2005-07-30 03:39 +0000 [r2272-2275] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php: prevent duplicates on field list. (Logical change 1.848) * setup/schema.sql: Added missing columns (Logical change 1.848) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 22:39:16-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Custom field bug fixes. BKrev: 42eaf67bfWUSaE9gQ5y5SYEN8u5oYw 2005-07-30 02:39 +0000 [r2270-2271] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Set the release date BKrev: 42eae875g1VpzmpILhv8tbp7dC1v7A * ChangeLog: Set the release date (Logical change 1.847) 2005-07-30 02:25 +0000 [r2268-2269] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 21:25:31-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added missing time tracking category. BKrev: 42eae536VFqSZt6oqhbzmPazWnPq6Q * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: Added missing time tracking category. (Logical change 1.846) 2005-07-30 02:12 +0000 [r2266-2267] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Small nits (Logical change 1.845) * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 42eae204GLFaBNHooKsLfmDLh0-g4Q 2005-07-30 02:07 +0000 [r2264-2265] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 20:31:26-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed the RSS feature of custom filters to behave properly under Microsoft IIS BKrev: 42eae0cfTJeZUy9Xst6RNTfkxfmabA * ChangeLog: Merged changelog 2005/07/29 20:31:25-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed the RSS feature of custom filters to behave properly under Microsoft IIS (Logical change 1.844) 2005-07-30 02:07 +0000 [r2263] mysql.com!jpm * rss.php: Fixed the RSS feature of custom filters to behave properly under Microsoft IIS (Logical change 1.844) 2005-07-30 02:05 +0000 [r2261-2262] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Show proper message when a note has been deleted. Display sequenential note number in title window of view note page BKrev: 42eae079T7yEtGou_6bidtt58UTIow * templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, post_note.php, view_note.php, ChangeLog, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Show proper message when a note has been deleted. Display sequenential note number in title window of view note page (Logical change 1.843) 2005-07-30 01:11 +0000 [r2258-2260] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 20:10:00-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added ability to choose time category when adding a time tracking entry from a note. Added feature to automatically set the subject of new notes. BKrev: 42ead3d6R728sb0roH3zmg7XOxGRxw * ChangeLog: Merging changelog entries 2005/07/29 20:09:59-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added ability to choose time category when adding a time tracking entry from a note. Added feature to automatically set the subject of new notes. (Logical change 1.842) * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html: Added ability to choose time category when adding a time tracking entry from a note. Added feature to automatically set the subject of new notes. (Logical change 1.842) 2005-07-30 01:07 +0000 [r2256-2257] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added a feature to customize the boilerplate text of reminder alert messages BKrev: 42ead2ecSEJyUnwn7gUnQsB9B31ZkA * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, include/class.reminder_action.php, templates/en/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, setup/changes.sql, templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, ChangeLog: Added a feature to customize the boilerplate text of reminder alert messages (Logical change 1.841) 2005-07-30 00:33 +0000 [r2254-2255] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused URLs in news item to be corrupted BKrev: 42eacae4My9fxLtiNiOKxESVYgd5UQ * ChangeLog, include/class.news.php: Fixed bug that caused URLs in news item to be corrupted (Logical change 1.840) 2005-07-29 22:20 +0000 [r2252-2253] mysql.com!jpm * adv_search.php, ChangeLog: Added the feature to search for past releases on the advanced search screen (Logical change 1.839) * ChangeSet: Added the feature to search for past releases on the advanced search screen BKrev: 42eaabb1WGSomLdBt6e70nDuwInBPg 2005-07-29 22:08 +0000 [r2250-2251] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html, include/class.faq.php, manage/faq.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Added the ability to rank FAQ entries (Logical change 1.838) * ChangeSet: Added the ability to rank FAQ entries BKrev: 42eaa8edrRJ_qLWKsjRUzEWlTSr-AA 2005-07-29 21:54 +0000 [r2246-2249] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: WS fix BKrev: 42eaa594QIEegUgM3BFhgbozSqQ2MQ * include/class.routing.php: WS fix (Logical change 1.837) * templates/en/switch.tpl.html, switch.php, ChangeLog: Changed the project switch feature so that it respects the user preference to auto close the popup window or not (Logical change 1.836) * ChangeSet: Changed the project switch feature so that it respects the user preference to auto close the popup window or not BKrev: 42eaa57aBOrbUnQNuKh5zixH16qxqQ 2005-07-29 21:26 +0000 [r2240-2245] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding missing documentation BKrev: 42ea9f13gUrve3alaBHilsUbYGFcHQ * include/class.draft.php: Adding missing documentation (Logical change 1.835) * ChangeSet: SQL escaping fixes BKrev: 42ea9eedkeNCFtIf8SptSvpGIOHlmg * include/class.category.php, include/class.email_account.php: SQL escaping fixes (Logical change 1.834) * ChangeSet: Fixed a bug that would prevent the authorized repliers list from working correctly BKrev: 42ea9ec5ZrPk9eaLtodX3LUdIAWvSA * include/class.authorized_replier.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a bug that would prevent the authorized repliers list from working correctly (Logical change 1.833) 2005-07-29 21:15 +0000 [r2235-2239] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Missing file on previous commit from bryan BKrev: 42ea9c841fqxiKp1oac37MbaZFiw4g * js/httpclient.js: New BitKeeper file ``js/httpclient.js'' (Logical change 1.832) * js/httpclient.js (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: Cache the results of this function BKrev: 42ea9c01lS5MyuuG5Iz40QfOGAqz2g * include/class.status.php: Cache the results of this function (Logical change 1.831) 2005-07-29 21:04 +0000 [r2227-2234] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html, ChangeLog, js/expandable_cell.js: Replaced JSRS library with new httpClient library. (Logical change 1.830) * include/jsrsServer.inc.php (removed): Delete: include/jsrsServer.inc.php }(Logical change 1.830) * get_remote_data.php: Replaced JSRS library with new httpClient library. 2005/07/29 15:50:52-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Rename: get_jsrs_data.php -> get_remote_data.php (Logical change 1.830) * js/jsrsClient.js (removed): Delete: js/jsrsClient.js }(Logical change 1.830) * templates/en/jsrs.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/jsrs.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.830) * ChangeSet: Replaced JSRS library with new httpClient library. BKrev: 42ea99fbsyVMvxdJPin6_4AtYM1SXA * get_jsrs_data.php (removed): Replaced JSRS library with new httpClient library. }(Logical change 1.830) * get_remote_data.php (added): Initial revision 2005-07-29 21:00 +0000 [r2226] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Small nits (Logical change 1.829) 2005-07-29 21:00 +0000 [r2225] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 15:43:07-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Small nits BKrev: 42ea98eaXKcN8mkmd9hTt1XBFol4ig 2005-07-29 20:32 +0000 [r2223-2224] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: remove debug BKrev: 42ea9272rJ8AzGP4DeBenY7ibNUDRQ * include/class.custom_field.php: remove debug (Logical change 1.828) 2005-07-29 20:25 +0000 [r2221-2222] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 15:24:11-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Missing changelog BKrev: 42ea90c6bS11eyl4zXaaxMFm0dcHew * ChangeLog: Merged changelog 2005/07/29 15:24:10-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Missing changelog (Logical change 1.827) 2005-07-29 20:17 +0000 [r2219-2220] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, ChangeLog: Added the CREATE, DROP and ALTER privileges when creating a new MySQL user for the Eventum database (Logical change 1.826) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/07/29 15:17:25-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Added the CREATE, DROP and ALTER privileges when creating a new MySQL user for the Eventum database BKrev: 42ea8ee55TwyG6oeC8Ee8MMEePTA0w 2005-07-29 20:17 +0000 [r2217-2218] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php: Don't delete values from all fields. (Logical change 1.825) * ChangeSet: Don't delete values from all fields. BKrev: 42ea8ecbPUCyx8sFVUw0_jcuZkf81g 2005-07-29 20:11 +0000 [r2214-2216] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html: Show release name, not release # (Logical change 1.824) * list.php: Set list of releases (Logical change 1.824) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/29 14:43:48-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Show release name, not release # BKrev: 42ea8d7cMCmByMBmi01uyE1foK37Ow 2005-07-29 20:01 +0000 [r2208-2213] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_config.php, setup/index.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/index.html, UPGRADE, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/flush_compiled_templates.php: Updating the upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.823) * ChangeSet: Updating the upgrade instructions BKrev: 42ea8b13iLlfg6i2AkDj25_o1RVV5A * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_saved_searches.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.822) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/07/29 14:56:11-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Renaming the upgrade directory from v1.5.5_to_v1.6 to v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0 BKrev: 42ea8aae_fdhBO8PLcXEpfJ_sACcSQ * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.822) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/upgrade_saved_searches.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6.0/flush_compiled_templates.php (added): Initial revision 2005-07-29 18:33 +0000 [r2205-2207] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Added warning when removing a project from a custom field. (Logical change 1.821) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused custom field data to be deleted from all projects when removing a field from one project BKrev: 42ea768cseL0Hyi0kweZw7QmJmFXRA * include/class.custom_field.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that caused custom field data to be deleted from all projects when removing a field from one project (Logical change 1.821) 2005-07-29 13:34 +0000 [r2203-2204] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities on the Release and Report classes BKrev: 42ea305e7ObHPOmka5ExwgFbVQJB6g * include/class.release.php, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php: Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities on the Release and Report classes (Logical change 1.820) 2005-07-29 00:50 +0000 [r2197-2202] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Point to the right bug number (Logical change 1.819) * ChangeSet: Point to the right bug number BKrev: 42e97d39MA4hh5XVzvQXZN6tbSOwfw * ChangeSet: Fixed the installation procedure code to properly detect MySQL versions and enable the fulltext search feature BKrev: 42e97d04p2ehR3UbJQARVf8db5lgKg * setup/index.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the installation procedure code to properly detect MySQL versions and enable the fulltext search feature (Logical change 1.818) * ChangeSet: Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerability on the Authentication class BKrev: 42e97c90XcO6nAPhlFgLa0nkEYW1ug * include/class.auth.php, ChangeLog: Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerability on the Authentication class (Logical change 1.817) 2005-07-28 19:11 +0000 [r2195-2196] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Don't show custom fields search if no custom fields are defined. BKrev: 42e92dd7l52tpizdAY1b3h7tQOZrmA * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: Don't show custom fields search if no custom fields are defined. (Logical change 1.816) 2005-07-28 18:48 +0000 [r2193-2194] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.project.php: Only return users who have reported issues in this project. (Logical change 1.815) * ChangeSet: Only return users who have reported issues in this project. BKrev: 42e92863iZwjYkEIjJema_ye-KQ4DQ 2005-07-28 18:39 +0000 [r2191-2192] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the editing of news items on the administration interface BKrev: 42e92672xTKMfkD6q9y_Rv1-HuB0RA * manage/news.php, ChangeLog, include/class.news.php: Fixed the editing of news items on the administration interface (Logical change 1.814) 2005-07-28 18:29 +0000 [r2188-2190] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added reporter to advanced search page. (Logical change 1.813) * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html, list.php: Fixed bug with searching for current reporter (Logical change 1.813) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with searching for current reporter BKrev: 42e924181KAr00FMfNnoMC3OTHYq4Q 2005-07-28 17:31 +0000 [r2182-2187] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.project.php: Added method to return list of users who have created issues. (Logical change 1.812) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/upgrade_saved_searches.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/upgrade_saved_searches.php'' (Logical change 1.812) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/database_changes.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/database_changes.php'' (Logical change 1.812) * ChangeSet: Added reporter to advanced search page BKrev: 42e91682djmaqGwK2IsEJrHiWRA8zA * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, adv_search.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql: Added reporter to advanced search page (Logical change 1.812) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.5_to_v1.6/upgrade_saved_searches.php (added): Initial revision 2005-07-28 16:27 +0000 [r2180-2181] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with returning list of statuses in abstract workflow backend (Logical change 1.811) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with returning list of statuses in abstract workflow backend BKrev: 42e907690phHZMqAm-13wGL83WbhtA 2005-07-28 15:39 +0000 [r2173-2179] Bryan Alsdorf * adv_search.php: Added custom fields to advanced search page. (Logical change 1.810) * templates/en/list.tpl.html, manage/custom_fields.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, include/class.custom_field.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, list.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql: Added many new custom field features. (Logical change 1.810) * js/global.js: Sped up some functions by not looping over every item in the page. (Logical change 1.810) * templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html: New BitKeeper file ``templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html'' (Logical change 1.810) * include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php: New BitKeeper file ``include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php'' (Logical change 1.810) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into hermes.:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/28 10:23:17-05:00 !bryan Added many new custom field features. BKrev: 42e8fc38qs4yfZF02_-EOv-O2YCAag * include/custom_field/class.developer_list.php (added), templates/en/current_filters.tpl.html (added), include/custom_field (added): Initial revision 2005-07-26 19:17 +0000 [r2170-2172] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Increase the memory limit to avoid potential problems with PHP installations that have 8M as the default (Logical change 1.809) * ChangeSet: Increase the memory limit to avoid potential problems with PHP installations that have 8M as the default BKrev: 42e68c35C1GYmPQvhluxHJdFqnJ_Qg 2005-07-26 18:55 +0000 [r2168-2169] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Extra explanation of the usage of the mysql root user information BKrev: 42e68704a9I3HWu85f-J5hjDltZv9A * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Extra explanation of the usage of the mysql root user information (Logical change 1.808) 2005-07-26 18:43 +0000 [r2166-2167] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php: Really fix this script. (Logical change 1.807) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into hermes.:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/26 13:42:32-05:00 !bryan Really fix upgrade config script BKrev: 42e68449a2L3tEJyuLXbB3jCFuuCuw 2005-07-26 17:58 +0000 [r2162-2165] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/index.html, UPGRADE: Updating upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.806) * ChangeSet: Updating upgrade instructions BKrev: 42e679b4GJX3rINibMk0MiAxc7L7oQ * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/database_changes.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/database_changes.php'' (Logical change 1.806) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2005-07-26 17:47 +0000 [r2160-2161] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/fix_setup_file.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_last_action_date_fields.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php: Using the proper exit code for glen's sake (Logical change 1.805) * ChangeSet: Using the proper exit code for glen's sake BKrev: 42e6774d6tLDTddiHy6xoM0FejDX6Q 2005-07-26 16:09 +0000 [r2158-2159] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with upgrade config script. BKrev: 42e66047J8lzAXRc5tFyOuXd30e35w * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php: Fixed problem with upgrade config script. (Logical change 1.804) 2005-07-26 16:03 +0000 [r2155-2157] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2005/07/12 00:47:30-05:00 !bryan Merged changlog 2005/07/12 00:46:15-05:00 !bryan Fixed bug with spell checker (Logical change 1.803) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into hermes.:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/12 00:47:30-05:00 !bryan Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into hermes.:C:/work/eventum 2005/07/12 00:46:16-05:00 !bryan Fixed bug with spell checker BKrev: 42e65ed5ndyFwWAUy-OAqWCv888zdw * templates/en/spell_check.tpl.html: Fixed bug with spell checker (Logical change 1.803) 2005-07-26 13:47 +0000 [r2147-2154] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: 1.5.5 upgrade scripts BKrev: 42e63f0f3m6K15vxcuGERKtE3Sfg9Q * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php, setup/changes.sql: Wrong db change (Logical change 1.802) * ChangeLog: Today it is. (Logical change 1.802) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/flush_compiled_templates.php: Upgrade scripts (Logical change 1.802) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/index.html: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/index.html'' (Logical change 1.802) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php: New BitKeeper file ``misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php'' (Logical change 1.802) * UPGRADE: Add upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.802) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/flush_compiled_templates.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.4_to_v1.5.5/index.html (added): Initial revision 2005-07-25 19:06 +0000 [r2145-2146] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Improved the Workflow::handleIssueClosed API to receive all arguments related to an issue being closed BKrev: 42e53833fl8nYUheoVOsP3zg8EDmDQ * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog: Improved the Workflow::handleIssueClosed API to receive all arguments related to an issue being closed (Logical change 1.801) 2005-07-25 18:56 +0000 [r2143-2144] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Encode the command to escape possible comments BKrev: 42e535e056HV6nhY5z4lby9jUKFyXQ * rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Encode the command to escape possible comments (Logical change 1.800) 2005-07-25 18:32 +0000 [r2141-2142] mysql.com!jpm * rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Return a base64 encoded version of the weekly report results (Logical change 1.799) * ChangeSet: Return a base64 encoded version of the weekly report results BKrev: 42e53021-PvGPOlPgxfIoSgy5krV_w 2005-07-25 18:26 +0000 [r2139-2140] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the IRC bot to automatically re-join the channels when it reconnects BKrev: 42e52ed8rKZx_c7mpke48T-FFTagBw * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the IRC bot to automatically re-join the channels when it reconnects (Logical change 1.798) 2005-07-25 18:21 +0000 [r2137-2138] mysql.com!jpm * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, scm_ping.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog: Added a new Workflow API method to be triggered when SCM commits are made (Logical change 1.797) * ChangeSet: Added a new Workflow API method to be triggered when SCM commits are made BKrev: 42e52db7QeMG0M4NS_E6ptAH3yBKkw 2005-07-25 18:05 +0000 [r2135-2136] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the auto-link feature to properly recognize URLs with pipes in them BKrev: 42e529d49VuVT3ohonh_eWABQ8Mfag * ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Fixed the auto-link feature to properly recognize URLs with pipes in them (Logical change 1.796) 2005-07-25 16:23 +0000 [r2133-2134] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Style nits (Logical change 1.795) * ChangeSet: Style nits BKrev: 42e511e98pg61hX3uovO5bTpsEoyWw 2005-07-21 21:50 +0000 [r2131-2132] mysql.com!jpm * stats_chart.php: Increase the memory limit to avoid potential problems (Logical change 1.794) * ChangeSet: Increase the memory limit to avoid potential problems BKrev: 42e018b8PBzr-Y2Ti2VvHGk6uRQjww 2005-07-20 19:30 +0000 [r2129-2130] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Removed references to the missing 'cst_use_fulltext' database field BKrev: 42dea65eHXRggQE5BjY-wFl483FSHQ * include/class.filter.php, ChangeLog: Removed references to the missing 'cst_use_fulltext' database field (Logical change 1.793) 2005-07-20 16:34 +0000 [r2127-2128] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the preferences screen to not allow customers to edit their personal details BKrev: 42de7d21AyMeV2BXk7C5KTsf0WemCw * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed the preferences screen to not allow customers to edit their personal details (Logical change 1.792) 2005-07-15 20:07 +0000 [r2125-2126] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/07/15 15:07:12-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Testing the bk commit emails again BKrev: 42d8178fu1GMXzRN0QS99lzSZwyb9g * BitKeeper/etc/config, misc/blank.html: Testing the bk commit emails again (Logical change 1.791) 2005-07-15 19:05 +0000 [r2120-2124] mysql.com!ebraswell2 * BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.mail: right dir (Logical change 1.790) * ChangeSet: post-incoming.mail: right dir BKrev: 42d808e5urlMLj-Q0dYqsuLvpyPEwA * BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.mail: change commit email (Logical change 1.789) * BitKeeper/etc/logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted 2005/07/15 19:48:05+02:00 mysql.com!ebraswell2 Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted (Logical change 1.789) * ChangeSet: logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted post-incoming.mail: change commit email BKrev: 42d80864kqcsX9VGxU1TsE0jcgY7xA 2005-07-12 18:52 +0000 [r2118-2119] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added a validation check to the installation screen for the sender address BKrev: 42d411849IOUOVrq3r5CTpckNb0h_A * templates/en/setup.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added a validation check to the installation screen for the sender address (Logical change 1.788) 2005-07-12 03:59 +0000 [r2116-2117] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the advanced search screen to properly save the 'authorized to email' / 'notification list' options BKrev: 42d34009LUz1vcBuT2YrEhEs_kZJwA * include/class.filter.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the advanced search screen to properly save the 'authorized to email' / 'notification list' options (Logical change 1.787) 2005-07-12 00:36 +0000 [r2114-2115] mysql.com!jpm * BitKeeper/etc/ignore: Adding phpdocumentor's directory to the ignore list (Logical change 1.786) * ChangeSet: Adding phpdocumentor's directory to the ignore list BKrev: 42d3108eSQGwK5v1jYRpSmeKfV_QXA 2005-07-12 00:26 +0000 [r2112-2113] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the custom field handling code to properly escape HTML values BKrev: 42d30e51USEdMJcb9VhztvouH9w2Zw * templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed the custom field handling code to properly escape HTML values (Logical change 1.785) 2005-07-11 14:37 +0000 [r2110-2111] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merged the fix for the security hole on the PEAR XML_RPC package BKrev: 42d284242dzD2ytCj56UKze6d1taPg * ChangeLog, include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php: Merged the fix for the security hole on the PEAR XML_RPC package (Logical change 1.784) 2005-07-11 14:26 +0000 [r2108-2109] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the database schema file to properly set the table types to MyISAM BKrev: 42d2818eEAjgTXZHjlm7sD3F7tN0Xw * setup/schema.sql, ChangeLog: Fixed the database schema file to properly set the table types to MyISAM (Logical change 1.783) 2005-07-06 04:12 +0000 [r2106-2107] Bryan Alsdorf * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Undo broken code change. Fix problem with listing notes. (Logical change 1.782) * ChangeSet: Undo broken code change. Fix problem with listing notes. BKrev: 42cb5a47xgb9VufcWea0-TGWZiPibg 2005-07-06 03:49 +0000 [r2103-2105] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with CLI command 'open-issues' BKrev: 42cb54ceT0qxCFEhijzb9eViBcWfdw * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with CLI command 'open-issues' (Logical change 1.781) * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Pass correct information to getOpenIssues (Logical change 1.781) 2005-07-06 01:59 +0000 [r2101-2102] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.time_tracking.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that that didn't mark issue as updated when adding a time entry (Logical change 1.780) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that that didn't mark issue as updated when adding a time entry BKrev: 42cb3af3Fh5dhVzBztNcLD4wzQXwdA 2005-07-05 05:53 +0000 [r2099-2100] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html: Escape issue summaries on weekly report to prevent XSS (Logical change 1.779) * ChangeSet: Escape issue summaries on weekly report to prevent XSS BKrev: 42ca203dLb3ZPOpkhMRBmrjoMxtVWw 2005-07-01 16:18 +0000 [r2097-2098] Bryan Alsdorf * reports/recent_activity.php, ChangeLog: Properly escape values in query on recent activity report (Logical change 1.778) * ChangeSet: Properly escape values in query on recent activity report BKrev: 42c56cdd8mMcXU1RUzU5ObzuYzcGfA 2005-07-01 15:42 +0000 [r2095-2096] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added Expected Resolution Date field to list issues page BKrev: 42c5645076ofzWTwTKodvqTk0Ntjig * ChangeLog: Added Expected Resolution Date field to list issues page (Logical change 1.777) 2005-07-01 07:04 +0000 [r2092-2094] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added Expected Resolution Date field to list issues page BKrev: 42c4eb080E0pBbUrScWZqg6wY69lrw * templates/en/list.tpl.html, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.issue.php: Added Expected Resolution Date field to list issues page (Logical change 1.776) * include/class.date.php: If timestamp is blank, return blank, not the current date. (Logical change 1.776) 2005-06-30 18:04 +0000 [r2090-2091] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Prevent PHP error. BKrev: 42c43446i85Vvc4kvxTe4SpsK-JDYw * reports/recent_activity.php: Prevent PHP error. (Logical change 1.775) 2005-06-28 17:12 +0000 [r2088-2089] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.routing.php, ChangeLog: fix email routing where domain portion was not properly verified (Logical change 1.774) * ChangeSet: fix email routing where domain portion was not properly verified BKrev: 42c18501_sJPEvkLdg4LCniGQatSFg 2005-06-21 18:32 +0000 [r2086-2087] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with full-text searching under MySQL 4.1 BKrev: 42b85d36qBNR-wbxgLiPK00Wg7khTg * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with full-text searching under MySQL 4.1 (Logical change 1.773) 2005-06-21 15:23 +0000 [r2083-2085] Bryan Alsdorf * BitKeeper/etc/logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted (Logical change 1.772) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into hermes.:C:/work/eventum 2005/06/21 09:23:07-05:00 !bryan If error, indicate this when exiting. BKrev: 42b8310bD_bjIUin0hXkV-WioOYLPw * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/database_changes.php: If error, indicate this when exiting. (Logical change 1.772) 2005-06-21 03:31 +0000 [r2079-2082] mysql.com!jpm * misc/download_emails.php: Small nit (Logical change 1.771) * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 42b78a29mTcSIcQ4WtRB_zxwZf6Rvw * include/class.link_filter.php, ChangeLog: Added a check on the link filter feature to avoid double parsing for urls (Logical change 1.770) * ChangeSet: Added a check on the link filter feature to avoid double parsing for urls BKrev: 42b7899fEWLlf54flVOsh734UxjzaA 2005-06-21 03:22 +0000 [r2075-2078] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.mime_helper.php: Avoid a PHP warning over here on emails that don't have any content-type header (Logical change 1.769) * ChangeSet: Avoid a PHP warning over here on emails that don't have any content-type header BKrev: 42b787ebQlKeszrSxrqhTLVOuuXFGg * ChangeSet: Fixed a bug on the workflow API so that it will only list backend files with filenames ending in .php BKrev: 42b7879eySCdXPJQukUt9RXYUeCpbA * include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a bug on the workflow API so that it will only list backend files with filenames ending in .php (Logical change 1.768) 2005-06-20 15:30 +0000 [r2073-2074] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.error_handler.php: Forgot to fix this parameter datatype as well (Logical change 1.767) * ChangeSet: Forgot to fix this parameter datatype as well BKrev: 42b6e10eiPGEF0iZgdmd6UPWsOSsug 2005-06-20 14:44 +0000 [r2071-2072] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.error_handler.php: Fixing these comment blocks (Logical change 1.766) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/06/20 09:44:07-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixing these comment blocks BKrev: 42b6d64ctlAxkKDcpop9TqisTn505g 2005-06-17 06:04 +0000 [r2069-2070] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.faq.php, ChangeLog, templates/en/faq.tpl.html: Fixed bug that caused links in FAQ entries to be mangled (Logical change 1.765) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused links in FAQ entries to be mangled BKrev: 42b267e10m00xBrPh_8mLa9T5TkXTg 2005-06-17 05:20 +0000 [r2065-2068] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, include/customer/class.example.php: Updated Example Customer API to handle expired customers (Logical change 1.764) * ChangeSet: Updated Example Customer API to handle expired customers BKrev: 42b25d8bwaOK9bDLsgLVwZfDFIdIfA * templates/en/customer/example/customer_expired.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.764) * templates/en/customer/example/customer_expired.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2005-06-15 13:17 +0000 [r2063-2064] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/06/15 08:16:36-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed JS bug with updating user information from management interface if user has a role of Customer BKrev: 42b02a81F3RliNPkJ4_J9xlm1y8HIA * templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html: Fixed JS bug with updating user information from management interface if user has a role of Customer (Logical change 1.763) 2005-06-15 04:43 +0000 [r2059-2062] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, ChangeLog: Improved the installation routines to properly display the full path to potential missing files (Logical change 1.762) * include/pear/File/Util.php, include/pear/File.php: (Logical change 1.762) * ChangeSet: Improved the installation routines to properly display the full path to potential missing files BKrev: 42afb1fca4c8-MmrLkcTM0l1G4uztw * include/pear/File/Util.php (added), include/pear/File.php (added), include/pear/File (added): Initial revision 2005-06-13 21:35 +0000 [r2057-2058] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.stats.php, include/class.setup.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.link_filter.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.email_response.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, include/class.db_api.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.status.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, include/class.resolution.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.project.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.category.php, include/class.date.php, include/class.prefs.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.mail.php, include/class.session.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.routing.php, include/class.help.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.misc.php: Tweaks to improve the compatibility with phpDocumentor (Logical change 1.761) * ChangeSet: Tweaks to improve the compatibility with phpDocumentor BKrev: 42adfc32ezH3ZxY92WqIaFsIksYfIg 2005-06-07 17:29 +0000 [r2055-2056] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Added a feature to automatically enable/disable the full-text search feature on the installation procedure (Logical change 1.760) * ChangeSet: Added a feature to automatically enable/disable the full-text search feature on the installation procedure BKrev: 42a5d967IckzfV_A-VhZVM6p2gSgfQ 2005-06-07 14:46 +0000 [r2052-2054] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Fixing typo (Logical change 1.759) * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 42a5b3415IGud8uAwE1mXSXAbzrLzw * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php: Create a .php file to avoid leaking sensitive information (Logical change 1.759) 2005-06-07 14:25 +0000 [r2050-2051] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the link activation code to properly parse and ignore certain words (Bug #10263) BKrev: 42a5ae4bJ8uZjeR7IidGKQfOU-BLvw * ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Fixed the link activation code to properly parse and ignore certain words (Bug #10263) (Logical change 1.758) 2005-06-07 14:15 +0000 [r2048-2049] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the issue details page to properly escape the summary of associated issues (Bug #10464) BKrev: 42a5ac1b_aOFWIFr8W8u44T1WR_Flw * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed the issue details page to properly escape the summary of associated issues (Bug #10464) (Logical change 1.757) 2005-06-07 14:11 +0000 [r2046-2047] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, ChangeLog: Adding new 1.5.5 version (Logical change 1.756) * ChangeSet: Adding new 1.5.5 version BKrev: 42a5ab13W9XR2AdJTHCNpU6TIhXCmA 2005-06-07 04:13 +0000 [r2043-2044] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Removing these bogus entries BKrev: 42a51ed1hDTOQK8NZKQFJ7KYipdVMw * logs/cli.log, logs/login_attempts.log: Removing these bogus entries (Logical change 1.755) 2005-06-06 20:30 +0000 [r2041-2042] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php: Removed duplicate alter statement. (Logical change 1.754) * ChangeSet: Removed duplicate alter statement. BKrev: 42a4b262dLGbUAk7hqQg6rIYzJrWuw 2005-06-06 15:40 +0000 [r2039-2040] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Fixing the changelog entries (Logical change 1.753) * ChangeSet: Fixing the changelog entries BKrev: 42a46e7dd13bJaCFP6vbgPHvRh7OGw 2005-06-06 15:34 +0000 [r2035-2038] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Add missing upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.752) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/flush_compiled_templates.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/index.html: (Logical change 1.752) * ChangeSet: Add missing upgrade scripts BKrev: 42a46d16Vv8VwEJObNUVTD2O1aAUZw * misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/flush_compiled_templates.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.3_to_v1.5.4 (added): Initial revision 2005-06-06 15:27 +0000 [r2032-2034] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Bumping up the version number (Logical change 1.751) * ChangeSet: Getting ready for 1.5.4 BKrev: 42a46b5axEWgNZXaWvSxF2fD4yGgFA * ChangeLog: Setting the release date (Logical change 1.751) 2005-06-05 03:49 +0000 [r2027-2031] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Adding the changelog entry back again (Logical change 1.750) * ChangeSet: Adding the changelog entry back again BKrev: 42a27656vgU1cEnFIJJBWXP0bsZaaQ * include/class.misc.php: Fixed small time formatting bug that would only be triggered for values bigger than a day (Logical change 1.749) * ChangeSet: Merging fixups 2005/06/04 22:40:27-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed small time formatting bug that would only be triggered for values bigger than a day BKrev: 42a27605Tpu71JuMis0l0zJ0ER0cTQ * ChangeLog: Merging fixups 2005/06/04 22:40:26-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed small time formatting bug that would only be triggered for values bigger than a day (Logical change 1.749) 2005-06-04 01:57 +0000 [r2024-2026] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Auto merged 2005/06/03 20:56:15-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Use more descriptive subject when sending email about an issue being created from an email (Logical change 1.748) * ChangeLog: Merged conflict 2005/06/03 20:56:15-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Use more descriptive subject when sending email about an issue being created from an email (Logical change 1.748) * ChangeSet: merged conflict. 2005/06/03 20:56:17-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Use more descriptive subject when sending email about an issue being created from an email BKrev: 42a10a91MF2DCm9jwaayaSOF4z0kXQ 2005-06-02 20:27 +0000 [r2021-2023] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changing the design a little bit to hide these implementation details BKrev: 429f6bbcd0P9QoMWU6kK1J_V7blqvw * templates/en/notification.tpl.html: Layout nit (Logical change 1.747) * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.intranet.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.workflow.php: Changing the design a little bit to hide these implementation details (Logical change 1.747) 2005-06-02 14:54 +0000 [r2019-2020] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/priorities.tpl.html: Use the proper subscript here (Logical change 1.746) * ChangeSet: Use the proper subscript here BKrev: 429f1dbfhYuRmhCbKMWYoOy1Y-IQvw 2005-06-02 02:25 +0000 [r2017-2018] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Adding more explicit instructions to the setup screen (Logical change 1.745) * ChangeSet: Adding more explicit instructions to the setup screen BKrev: 429e6e36xgxqc66j29cTsJv5wXRFYw 2005-06-02 02:14 +0000 [r2015-2016] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the user management screen not to allow administrators from changing the role of a customer user BKrev: 429e6b776FKZWy-IxGWPjXukA-CTNw * templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed the user management screen not to allow administrators from changing the role of a customer user (Logical change 1.744) 2005-06-02 01:59 +0000 [r2013-2014] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.stats.php, templates/en/main.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added a feature to display the number of open/closed items on the stats screen (Logical change 1.743) * ChangeSet: Added a feature to display the number of open/closed items on the stats screen BKrev: 429e67f1DTuU3bqHOHU7jI3ipe5O9A 2005-06-02 00:58 +0000 [r2011-2012] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.stats.php, ChangeLog: Changed the graphs on the initial screen to hide entities that don't have any values (Logical change 1.742) * ChangeSet: Changed the graphs on the initial screen to hide entities that don't have any values BKrev: 429e59c9Mbq98yDxvH8INoOnZ6r-ZA 2005-05-31 17:58 +0000 [r2009-2010] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed SQL error when auto creating issue from email with no customer specified BKrev: 429ca5deHZSA2xZyMisqRaDVSqa4fg * ChangeLog: Fixed SQL error when auto creating issue from email with no customer specified (Logical change 1.741) 2005-05-31 17:25 +0000 [r2007-2008] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed SQL error when auto creating issue from email with no customer specified (Logical change 1.740) * ChangeSet: Fixed SQL error when auto creating issue from email with no customer specified BKrev: 429c9df02PBCOCkLQIPeBgOcZqRwpQ 2005-05-31 09:29 +0000 [r2004-2006] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merged conflicts 2005/05/31 04:27:51-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Prevent customers from accessing list emails page BKrev: 429c2e89XO4Yp8zjRJYaXfWhcjpECQ * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/emails.tpl.html, emails.php: Prevent customers from accessing list emails page (Logical change 1.739) * ChangeLog: Merged conflicts 2005/05/31 04:27:47-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Prevent customers from accessing list emails page (Logical change 1.739) 2005-05-26 20:41 +0000 [r2002-2003] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid a PHP fatal error here by actually creating a variable BKrev: 42963494pNQcDg4a5h5Mtp3272oFQQ * include/class.mail.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.support.php: Avoid a PHP fatal error here by actually creating a variable (Logical change 1.738) 2005-05-26 18:31 +0000 [r2000-2001] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the issue details page to properly hide the custom fields table if there are none to be displayed BKrev: 42961618veuHXoKzPSecg3az0ST9GQ * include/class.custom_field.php, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed the issue details page to properly hide the custom fields table if there are none to be displayed (Logical change 1.737) 2005-05-25 19:11 +0000 [r1998-1999] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html: Fixed typo (Logical change 1.736) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/05/25 13:09:29-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed typo BKrev: 4294cdf0wpxospaDuyAKEBAQKk431A 2005-05-23 07:04 +0000 [r1996-1997] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Handle email addresses with dot's in them. BKrev: 4291806dGOeoJXIIWGlQxOSn54tYVA * include/class.mail.php: Handle email addresses with dot's in them. (Logical change 1.735) 2005-05-23 06:38 +0000 [r1993-1995] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: merging changes 2005/05/23 01:35:23-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added fulltext searching. (Logical change 1.734) * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql: Added fulltext searching. (Logical change 1.734) * ChangeSet: merging changes 2005/05/23 01:35:28-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added fulltext searching. BKrev: 42917a5c1mvQkbagUtPkg5yXyntKVg 2005-05-19 15:33 +0000 [r1991-1992] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the permanent email removal routine so it doen't remove the messages from the server if the 'leave messages on server' option is enabled BKrev: 428cb1b1gjERmtqZTn_2hIWa65zcAw * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed the permanent email removal routine so it doen't remove the messages from the server if the 'leave messages on server' option is enabled (Logical change 1.733) 2005-05-19 14:36 +0000 [r1989-1990] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed the email removal routine to properly remove the associated email bodies (Logical change 1.732) * ChangeSet: Fixed the email removal routine to properly remove the associated email bodies BKrev: 428ca46f2z0ZMmKAD3RlqKoDPlCJuQ 2005-05-19 14:10 +0000 [r1987-1988] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Prevent a PHP warning over here BKrev: 428c9e4bCOp37rGqe1Pf4kg-7DG0cw * include/class.error_handler.php: Prevent a PHP warning over here (Logical change 1.731) 2005-05-19 13:45 +0000 [r1981-1986] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed a bug that would trigger a loop of errors when a database connection cannot be completed BKrev: 428c9862WVGxDqdBuDScx0338y0o9A * include/class.error_handler.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a bug that would trigger a loop of errors when a database connection cannot be completed (Logical change 1.730) * include/workflow/class.example.php: Small typo (Logical change 1.729) * include/class.notification.php: Auto merged 2005/05/19 08:42:45-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Avoid having duplicate email addresses on the notification list (Logical change 1.729) * include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.attachment.php: Auto merged 2005/05/12 09:58:50-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Memory handling improvements by using references to pass large structures around (Logical change 1.729) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/05/19 08:42:45-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Avoid having duplicate email addresses on the notification list 2005/05/12 09:59:06-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/05/12 09:58:51-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Memory handling improvements by using references to pass large structures around 2005/05/12 09:58:04-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Small typo BKrev: 428c97e7sQNeUDCka_dPebBRiAaICg 2005-05-19 05:29 +0000 [r1979-1980] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Only display FAQ entries from current project BKrev: 428c24340Q2tXnf8oXtZJ1CVboP7Hw * include/class.faq.php, ChangeLog: Only display FAQ entries from current project (Logical change 1.728) 2005-05-18 17:50 +0000 [r1977-1978] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: When switching projects from view or update page, change pages to main page BKrev: 428b8063YG5x7ksIthrSpoSMth3Uwg * templates/en/switch.tpl.html, ChangeLog: When switching projects from view or update page, change pages to main page (Logical change 1.727) 2005-05-18 15:17 +0000 [r1975-1976] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Adding more escaping. BKrev: 428b5c9dOob9gns8xja4XgRbVBwMQg * include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php: Adding more escaping. (Logical change 1.726) 2005-05-17 19:42 +0000 [r1973-1974] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Allow reporters to access issues they are on the authorized repliers list when segregate reporters is enabled BKrev: 428a4924zd7OhEIZIHn746HEdPirjg * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Allow reporters to access issues they are on the authorized repliers list when segregate reporters is enabled (Logical change 1.725) 2005-05-17 01:29 +0000 [r1970-1972] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.text, include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Display who closed the issue when sending notification email (Logical change 1.724) * include/class.history.php: Added method to return who closed an issue. (Logical change 1.724) * ChangeSet: Display who closed the issue when sending notification email BKrev: 428948dcntx-dYu4qYUF5vH95dTnxg 2005-05-16 20:15 +0000 [r1968-1969] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, post_note.php, ChangeLog, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Added ability to change status when sending notes (Logical change 1.723) * ChangeSet: Added ability to change status when sending notes BKrev: 4288ff4c9qsYlJsrlvxCGuhha78_8g 2005-05-12 15:36 +0000 [r1966-1967] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Activate links in custom fields BKrev: 4283780fs2fakste9LD8BtS8JqLKqA * templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/news.tpl.html, rss.php, get_jsrs_data.php, include/class.link_filter.php, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, view_note.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php, view_email.php, ChangeLog, templates/en/faq.tpl.html, templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html, include/class.news.php: Activate links in custom fields (Logical change 1.722) 2005-05-12 12:06 +0000 [r1964-1965] Bryan Alsdorf * logout.php: Fixed typo. (Logical change 1.721) * ChangeSet: Fixed typo. BKrev: 428346b2sW2Tj3QszdwxwCcLu0qfHA 2005-05-12 11:50 +0000 [r1962-1963] Bryan Alsdorf * logout.php, ChangeLog: Honor 'Remember Project' checkbox on select project page (Logical change 1.720) * ChangeSet: Honor 'Remember Project' checkbox on select project page BKrev: 428342eeAluXCAqhUFo0D918ugdLUA 2005-05-11 17:31 +0000 [r1959-1961] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: If a user with a level of 'Reporter' emails an issue, mark last action as 'User Response' (Logical change 1.719) * ChangeSet: Added check if 'register_argc_argv' is enabled in download_emails.php BKrev: 4282415baVWvIcT0aoO7KsjHiAJ45Q * misc/download_emails.php, ChangeLog: Added check if 'register_argc_argv' is enabled in download_emails.php (Logical change 1.719) 2005-05-11 15:19 +0000 [r1957-1958] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Allow reporters to change 'Automatically close confirmation popup windows' preference (Logical change 1.718) * ChangeSet: Allow reporters to change 'Automatically close confirmation popup windows' preference BKrev: 42822283GuTyX6K-8wJHwtK02pfYsw 2005-05-11 14:54 +0000 [r1955-1956] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: If a user with a level of 'Reporter' emails an issue, mark last action as 'User Response' BKrev: 42821c91M1Ikw5IEajSyJ7tHZz5LWQ * include/class.routing.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: If a user with a level of 'Reporter' emails an issue, mark last action as 'User Response' (Logical change 1.717) 2005-05-11 13:11 +0000 [r1952-1954] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/send.tpl.html, send.php, post_note.php, ChangeLog: Changed send forms to display notification list accurately and consistently. (Logical change 1.716) * include/class.notification.php: Added support for only returning users with a certain subscription type. (Logical change 1.716) * ChangeSet: Changed send forms to display notification list accurately and consistently. BKrev: 4282047fthRPnipmdJfeIYMQfibGRw 2005-05-11 11:34 +0000 [r1950-1951] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed send forms to display notification list accurately and consistently BKrev: 4281edd0axbH1atiY4jQeWpSLV_l6w * templates/en/send.tpl.html, send.php, post_note.php, include/class.notification.php: Changed send forms to display notification list accurately and consistently (Logical change 1.715) 2005-05-10 15:08 +0000 [r1946-1949] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Allow reporters to be added to the authorized users list. BKrev: 4280ce58aNGstM1OpdiMnE-zKyR-PQ * include/class.authorized_replier.php: Allow reporters to be added to the authorized users list. (Logical change 1.714) * include/class.filter.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with saving searches with the Rows Per Page as 'ALL'. (Logical change 1.713) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with saving searches with the Rows Per Page as 'ALL'. BKrev: 4280cda5yOWeBC0zY29SUi8wiCbloA 2005-05-10 12:59 +0000 [r1944-1945] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.release.php: Removed debug line. (Logical change 1.712) * ChangeSet: Removed debug line. BKrev: 4280b046XtioUK4qxdhPraiYqA2VFw 2005-05-10 12:31 +0000 [r1942-1943] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with < and > not showing up issue summaries on associate issues page BKrev: 4280a9bcazuv_lvIBt8OC0thE7Fpdg * templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html, ChangeLog, update.php: Fixed bug with < and > not showing up issue summaries on associate issues page (Logical change 1.711) 2005-05-05 16:15 +0000 [r1939-1941] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Merging. 2005/05/05 18:05:50+02:00 mysql.com!bryan Added workaround to prevent email from iNotes from being displayed as one line (Logical change 1.710) * include/class.mime_helper.php, view_email.php: Added workaround to prevent email from iNotes from being displayed as one line (Logical change 1.710) * ChangeSet: Merging 2005/05/05 18:05:52+02:00 mysql.com!bryan Added workaround to prevent email from iNotes from being displayed as one line. BKrev: 427a4697jFLltFWbHDZLX4HthwW2Zg 2005-05-04 17:42 +0000 [r1937-1938] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: It's always the same error message, so just stop execution BKrev: 427909755h1A7D_QhQIm8IXvPQyDLg * include/class.error_handler.php: It's always the same error message, so just stop execution (Logical change 1.709) 2005-05-04 17:38 +0000 [r1935-1936] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the error handling routines to avoid sending out an email notification when the error is about MySQL's max_allowed_packet setting BKrev: 427908851iXRmp7vuaySRyRvfh6QoQ * include/class.error_handler.php, ChangeLog: Changed the error handling routines to avoid sending out an email notification when the error is about MySQL's max_allowed_packet setting (Logical change 1.708) 2005-05-04 16:48 +0000 [r1933-1934] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Automatically disable the magic_quotes_runtime feature (Logical change 1.707) * ChangeSet: Automatically disable the magic_quotes_runtime feature BKrev: 4278fcf1ynRje1K7e5cKe4WKoPSNcQ 2005-05-02 10:53 +0000 [r1931-1932] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added conditional statement to prevent PHP error if a user did not have any preferences set when creating new issue BKrev: 42760692G9Yhy-w3EoExSwHQRKrTFA * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Added conditional statement to prevent PHP error if a user did not have any preferences set when creating new issue (Logical change 1.706) 2005-05-01 04:11 +0000 [r1929-1930] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that prevented releases scheduled for today from showing up BKrev: 427457055EJJyvMQTRkf_UwmYCLncw * include/class.release.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that prevented releases scheduled for today from showing up (Logical change 1.705) 2005-05-01 03:59 +0000 [r1927-1928] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.project.php: Avoid error when updating projects. (Logical change 1.704) * ChangeSet: Avoid error when updating project. BKrev: 42745429ySe0Qj-CRPcUVr7v-xCRMQ 2005-05-01 03:55 +0000 [r1923-1926] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added workflow method be to be called when adding a user to the notification list BKrev: 42745336C_hhziJSrkP8mWLRfOR-ZQ * include/workflow/class.intranet.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.workflow.php: Added workflow method to be called when a subscription is added to the notification list. (Logical change 1.703) * ChangeLog: Added workflow method be to be called when adding a user to the notification list (Logical change 1.703) * include/class.notification.php: Call workflow method when adding subscription to notification list. (Logical change 1.703) 2005-04-26 05:21 +0000 [r1921-1922] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Missing changelog. BKrev: 426dcfbcYj4PbVB9ZgdNVmVhBIZSCQ * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with 'reply' button having a hard coded email account ID. (Logical change 1.702) 2005-04-26 05:15 +0000 [r1919-1920] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with 'reply' button having a hard coded email account ID. BKrev: 426dce87UQ8L50q-oiWGT6-C7oKBXA * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Fixed bug with 'reply' button having a hard coded email account ID. (Logical change 1.701) 2005-04-21 20:51 +0000 [r1916-1918] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Small nits (Logical change 1.700) * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 4268123a6yn6fwZbygIe_IdVdubDLQ 2005-04-21 20:37 +0000 [r1914-1915] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Updating the release date (Logical change 1.699) * ChangeSet: Updating the release date BKrev: 42680f278kBXUUvL06xHjS56YFs9ZQ 2005-04-21 20:33 +0000 [r1911-1913] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Bumping up the version number (Logical change 1.698) * UPGRADE: Adding upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.698) * ChangeSet: Updating the version number BKrev: 42680e18-9Rto9GitlRCX9SUuVDj0w 2005-04-20 23:18 +0000 [r1908-1910] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php: merge 2005/04/20 18:13:06-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Dispel magic quotes on $_REQUEST array to fix bug #9915 (Logical change 1.697) * ChangeSet: config.inc.php: merge ChangeLog: Merge Merge config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Dispel magic quotes on $_REQUEST array to fix bug #9915 BKrev: 4266e352Too9hrt_nIma8DHBZgQV2Q * ChangeLog: Merge Merge 2005/04/20 18:13:05-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Dispel magic quotes on $_REQUEST array to fix bug #9915 (Logical change 1.697) 2005-04-20 22:44 +0000 [r1905-1907] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: Fixed bug with search options not being saved from advanced search (Logical change 1.696) * ChangeSet: merged 2005/04/20 17:38:16-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug with search options not being saved from advanced search BKrev: 4266db45osKHN3QrCjD6uUoFQ3qL_g * ChangeLog: merged 2005/04/20 17:38:15-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug with search options not being saved from advanced search. (Logical change 1.696) 2005-04-20 21:58 +0000 [r1903-1904] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added some code to properly identify closed issues when displaying duplicate or associated issues BKrev: 4266d072PSYdXfjCEwqpPosGK84etQ * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Added some code to properly identify closed issues when displaying duplicate or associated issues (Logical change 1.695) 2005-04-20 16:21 +0000 [r1901-1902] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added some extra checks to the login screen to properly report problems on the Eventum installation BKrev: 42668191UWIsX_swR-xgzKZ5y2a5Ew * index.php, ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Added some extra checks to the login screen to properly report problems on the Eventum installation (Logical change 1.694) 2005-04-20 15:55 +0000 [r1899-1900] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog, update.php: Fixed code that allowed one to associate an issue to itself (Logical change 1.693) * ChangeSet: Fixed code that allowed one to associate an issue to itself BKrev: 42667b857s7u0NzW_bSoO05zgFDSfg 2005-04-20 15:48 +0000 [r1892-1898] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/index.html, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/flush_compiled_templates.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/database_changes.php: (Logical change 1.692) * ChangeSet: New upgrade scripts BKrev: 426679b6TBpZ2286oT8AcZGphVhoQg * misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/flush_compiled_templates.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.2_to_v1.5.3/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: forgot the changelog entry BKrev: 4266799bDf0weY0M3Va1tDSM5VkwCw * ChangeLog: Changed the issue listing screen code so that sorting by status will use the status rank field (Logical change 1.691) * templates/en/list.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql: Sort the status column by using the sta_rank field (todo #2629) (Logical change 1.690) * ChangeSet: Sort the status column by using the sta_rank field (todo #2629) BKrev: 4266794cXEA0n_go4la95PNYDmd7Eg 2005-04-19 17:10 +0000 [r1888-1891] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed textarea height size to fit within the send email popup window (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42653b6ebddY6L2pE2H_S5mTFiNPHg * templates/en/send.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed textarea height size to fit within the send email popup window (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.689) * ChangeSet: Fixed date handling code to properly use PEAR::Date to convert timezones (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42653acdBM_J5dfmizK5JITyMuhRqg * include/class.note.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php, include/class.support.php: Fixed date handling code to properly use PEAR::Date to convert timezones (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.688) 2005-04-19 16:56 +0000 [r1886-1887] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed mail queue log screen to properly use the user's preferred timezone when displaying the queued date (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42653833l8Rq3r3w9j8A1NFO-DjiyA * include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed mail queue log screen to properly use the user's preferred timezone when displaying the queued date (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.687) 2005-04-19 16:52 +0000 [r1884-1885] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog, include/class.misc.php: Fixed bug that prevented URLs like http://example.com/~user/ from being auto-linked (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.686) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that prevented URLs like http://example.com/~user/ from being auto-linked (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42653763Il_lxbkmirm_g09M3U_5Cw 2005-04-19 16:39 +0000 [r1882-1883] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added feature to automatically activate links from within attachment descriptions (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 4265343c1MxNPndRMIafe0gRXll5sA * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Added feature to automatically activate links from within attachment descriptions (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.685) 2005-04-19 16:29 +0000 [r1880-1881] mysql.com!jpm * reports/recent_activity.php, ChangeLog: Changed recent activity report to properly fix the encoding of sender/recipient headers (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.684) * ChangeSet: Changed recent activity report to properly fix the encoding of sender/recipient headers (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 426531felCZEwR5YWsksrPmlwyRhZw 2005-04-19 16:19 +0000 [r1874-1879] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Improved module name readability by making module/directory name not wrap on the list of CVS checkins (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42652f9cqwQKiV2aXYgjvv_X_F8brg * ChangeLog, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html: Improved module name readability by making module/directory name not wrap on the list of CVS checkins (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.683) * ChangeSet: Increased the default memory limit on the IRC bot code (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42652f1686XLSTf56HP-OT-Du-A4Sw * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Increased the default memory limit on the IRC bot code (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.682) * include/pear/Date/TimeZone.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with timezone DST information for 'Europe/Tallinn' and 'Europe/Vilnius' timezones (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.681) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with timezone DST information for 'Europe/Tallinn' and 'Europe/Vilnius' timezones (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 42652eb5T3C5lu4ZHA-Kd2HOTV6J6w 2005-04-18 20:45 +0000 [r1869-1873] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fix problem with removing order by clause(s) BKrev: 42641c7aFWab2AEJNHLSP6x8944aJA * include/class.pager.php: Really fix the problem this time. (Logical change 1.680) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with encoding certain characters in email addresses BKrev: 42641c4bunXOMjKK8IGDvqzJNZaw6w * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with encoding certain characters in email addresses (Logical change 1.679) * include/class.mime_helper.php: Encode ., and other characters in quoted printable format. (Logical change 1.679) 2005-04-18 19:51 +0000 [r1865-1868] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with returning number of rows on list issues page BKrev: 42640fd9o_SQA3aPv_gEAPUNeaWBsg * include/class.pager.php: Fix typo (Logical change 1.678) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with returning number of rows on list issues page (Logical change 1.678) * include/class.issue.php: Added extra order by here too. (Logical change 1.678) 2005-04-18 14:38 +0000 [r1861-1864] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Updating schema to be compatible with the check schema script BKrev: 4263c682Ofcfb1zCi1GAOIOnXTYLYg * setup/schema.sql: Updating schema to be compatible with the check schema script (Logical change 1.677) * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with resetting user permissions when updating a project BKrev: 4263c637MIgU_XAVLrGOmpDVWmd5NA * include/class.project.php, ChangeLog: Fixed problem with resetting user permissions when updating a project (Logical change 1.676) 2005-04-18 06:07 +0000 [r1858-1860] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with segregate reporters that allowed reporters to access issues they didn't report (Logical change 1.675) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with segregate reporters that allowed reporters to access issues they didn't report. (Logical change 1.675) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with segregate reporters that allowed reporters to access issues they didn't report BKrev: 42634e92o6nopsmC4iwFSkp95_Qjnw 2005-04-15 23:39 +0000 [r1854-1856] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Misc fixes. BKrev: 426050b378JwLG2sBAkwLhGXPEmteg * misc/process_mail_queue.php: Fixing parse error. (Logical change 1.674) * misc/route_emails.php: Forgotten file from earlier. (Logical change 1.674) 2005-04-15 23:13 +0000 [r1851-1853] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.note.php: Fix bug with converting notes to emails/drafts. (Logical change 1.673) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/04/15 18:12:48-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug with converting notes to emails/drafts. Default notification options to on. BKrev: 42604a90UMkiuqJs9WPNAo_X0VAa2w * setup/index.php: Default notification options to on (Logical change 1.673) 2005-04-15 22:52 +0000 [r1849-1850] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog entries (Logical change 1.672) * ChangeSet: Updating the changelog entries BKrev: 426045bcRze2a3uOB20rO9deVk1rZA 2005-04-15 22:17 +0000 [r1847-1848] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.routing.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Added feature so route emails script can now figure out what email account to use automatically (Logical change 1.671) * ChangeSet: Added feature so route emails script can now figure out what email account to use automatically BKrev: 42603d88yZwjNHNcnnWN4NrD3wtqhg 2005-04-15 22:14 +0000 [r1843-1846] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/04/15 11:36:14-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Merge 2005/04/15 11:34:56-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Show release changes in update email. BKrev: 42603cb9M-JuWK3XQ_lCVk5eFwmf8g * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Remove deprecated field. (Logical change 1.670) * include/class.notification.php: Show release changes in update email. (Logical change 1.670) * ChangeLog: Auto merged 2005/04/15 11:36:14-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Merge 2005/04/15 11:34:54-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Show release changes in update email. (Logical change 1.670) 2005-04-15 21:22 +0000 [r1838-1842] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Updating the upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.669) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/index.html: A (Logical change 1.669) * ChangeSet: New upgrade script to handle flushing compiled templates BKrev: 426030a6jhwYbmU3Ofn2weXJJk9xWA * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/flush_compiled_templates.php: (Logical change 1.669) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/flush_compiled_templates.php (added): Initial revision 2005-04-15 19:35 +0000 [r1833-1837] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.668) * ChangeSet: Renamed this directory to have a consistent name BKrev: 4260176dsCdhN0G_ctNnoJi_RIgPcA * UPGRADE: Updating the upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.668) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/index.html, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/database_changes.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.668) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_v1.5.2/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision 2005-04-15 19:21 +0000 [r1830-1832] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/upgrade_config.php: Fix the backup config filename (Logical change 1.667) * ChangeSet: List the priority rank script BKrev: 4260144b6_mEF3ds2dopYCCoNzPs-A * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/index.html: List the priority rank script (Logical change 1.667) 2005-04-15 19:11 +0000 [r1827-1829] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Setting the release date (Logical change 1.666) * setup/index.php: Bumping up the version number (Logical change 1.666) * ChangeSet: Bumping up the version number BKrev: 426011d856L5Z7ZmAPxc8ctaVUuLyg 2005-04-15 15:48 +0000 [r1825-1826] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.project.php, ChangeLog: Added feature to automatically set the project lead user as a manager for that project (Logical change 1.665) * ChangeSet: Added feature to automatically set the project lead user as a manager for that project BKrev: 425fe26bp1Ocj1hoE2Pmn6ADJtkB-w 2005-04-15 14:08 +0000 [r1823-1824] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/reports/index.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed problem that was triggering Internet Explorer's warning message about switching from secure to insecure mode on the reporting system (Logical change 1.664) * ChangeSet: Fixed problem that was triggering Internet Explorer's warning message about switching from secure to insecure mode on the reporting system BKrev: 425fcaf7DD6sHoXIqVhFHDu_jFty1w 2005-04-15 13:44 +0000 [r1821-1822] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog, include/pear/Net/SMTP.php: Fixed bug that prevented SMTP authentication from working in a few special cases (Logical change 1.663) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that prevented SMTP authentication from working in a few special cases BKrev: 425fc52cPrtwCUBAJRtcXZlA6D-LQw 2005-04-15 04:50 +0000 [r1817-1820] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added documentation about the different user permission levels BKrev: 425f482d2ms4uLv1QqJs3vv6QzTsWw * templates/en/help/main.tpl.html, include/class.help.php: Added documentation about the different user permission levels (Logical change 1.662) * templates/en/help/permission_levels.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.662) * templates/en/help/permission_levels.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2005-04-15 04:30 +0000 [r1815-1816] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.release.php: Fixed the escape method call for this string (Logical change 1.661) * ChangeSet: Fixed the escape method call for this string BKrev: 425f43834QjkFzdww_0XDArZcw8GDw 2005-04-15 04:27 +0000 [r1813-1814] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused the wrong timezone short name on daylight savings time to be displayed BKrev: 425f4294C4AMYrFUVBU1r0BwYzzr-g * include/class.date.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that caused the wrong timezone short name on daylight savings time to be displayed (Logical change 1.660) 2005-04-15 03:59 +0000 [r1809-1812] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Forgot the changelog entry BKrev: 425f3c19goT7lt6OSUHXYseB1QVgeA * ChangeLog: Forgot the changelog entry (Logical change 1.659) * setup/index.php: Extra check needed for session support (Logical change 1.658) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/04/14 22:57:46-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Extra check needed for session support BKrev: 425f3bd8YeFFNamCKy8Maym54RL8Tw 2005-04-14 21:23 +0000 [r1807-1808] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/04/14 16:22:49-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Only check action checkboxes when appropriate. BKrev: 425edf66rn-iEG3wZzr8OEsbcSST0g * notification.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html: Only check action checkboxes when appropriate. (Logical change 1.657) 2005-04-14 20:04 +0000 [r1805-1806] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Making this FAQ document a little easier to read BKrev: 425ecccc1-HoohcViG_CwTR-LbjkCw * FAQ: Making this FAQ document a little easier to read (Logical change 1.656) 2005-04-14 15:34 +0000 [r1803-1804] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/monitor.php: Pass files to check to monitor script. (Logical change 1.655) * ChangeSet: Pass files to check to monitor script. BKrev: 425e8d721OZ8dtC6Bp-SyVKRxXXGjQ 2005-04-14 15:30 +0000 [r1798-1802] Bryan Alsdorf * self_assign.php: Honor default notification options. (Logical change 1.654) * ChangeSet: Missing file for Honor default notification options. BKrev: 425e8c838NAMGcQXg3YVz1dB22XARA * ChangeSet: Upgrade files for 1.5.2 release. BKrev: 425e8c3dnA1N6iggjzpjUFIXpzUYpQ * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/upgrade_config.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/index.html: (Logical change 1.653) * misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/set_priority_ranks.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/upgrade_config.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5.1_to_1.5.2/index.html (added): Initial revision 2005-04-14 15:21 +0000 [r1793-1797] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2005/04/14 10:11:27-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed bug on the issue listing screen that would not add the assignee to the notification list (Logical change 1.652) * ChangeSet: Merge 2005/04/14 10:11:27-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed bug on the issue listing screen that would not add the assignee to the notification list 2005/04/14 10:10:40-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/04/14 10:10:15-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add the assignee to the notification list when assigning an issue from the issue listing screen BKrev: 425e8a818L76Lm7E6PDRQG8AyjCaxQ * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2005/04/14 10:10:40-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Auto merged 2005/04/14 10:10:15-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add the assignee to the notification list when assigning an issue from the issue listing screen (Logical change 1.652) * templates/en/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Display different auto created email for users that don't have accounts (Logical change 1.651) * ChangeSet: Display different auto created email for users that don't have accounts BKrev: 425e8a47_q0YHODmc8bTfkjZ43-gLw 2005-04-14 04:58 +0000 [r1791-1792] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: honor default notification options BKrev: 425df878-6W_a_FMvRJaC_4knbDJkw * include/class.note.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: honor default notification options (Logical change 1.650) 2005-04-13 19:38 +0000 [r1788-1790] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: clear closed date and resolution when re-opening issues. Hide closed statuses on update issue page. BKrev: 425d7551cK7Xm7o-kOPphJ_cmLNg_w * update.php: Don't show closed statuses here. (Logical change 1.649) * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: clear closed date and resolution when re-opening issues (Logical change 1.649) 2005-04-13 17:45 +0000 [r1780-1787] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.template.php: Only look up role based information if a project is selected. (Logical change 1.648) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 425d5ac2bDxh_cog7mGhMJkStDCANg * include/class.mail.php: Set to be 8bit. (Logical change 1.648) * include/class.news.php: Escape Integer Make sure line breaks in news item is properly displayed. (Logical change 1.648) * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php: Fix typo in old upgrade script (ttc_id should not be hard coded) (Logical change 1.648) * include/class.user.php: lowercase email address. (Logical change 1.648) * include/class.history.php: Added option to return in opposite order. (Logical change 1.648) * include/class.mail_queue.php: Removed duplicate call. (Logical change 1.648) 2005-04-13 17:33 +0000 [r1771-1779] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.date.php: Date_API::getRFC822Date added second (optional) parameter $timezone, to specify the timezone the $timestamp is in (Logical change 1.647) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/04/13 12:25:33-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Merged changes from Elan - Set show/hide links to be displayed in Opera/Safari - Fixed dynCalendar so it works in Opera - Added issue description to RSS feed as well as other minor fixes - Fixed bug with transferring non-ASCII data over xmlrpc BKrev: 425d57d9gpZ2FGDAxvBv62wx4tdVaA * logs/cli.log: dynCalendar fix for opera (Logical change 1.647) * rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: fixes problem transferring non-ASCII data over xmlrpc. the 8bit chars could be anywhere, issue summary, details, reporter, so all fields are base64_encoded (Logical change 1.647) * js/dynCalendar.js: - Set show/hide links to be displayed in Opera/Safari (Elan Ruusam�e) - Fixed dynCalendar so it works in Opera (Elan Ruusam�e) - Added issue description to RSS feed as well as other minor fixes (Elan Ruusam�e) - Fixed bug with transferring non-ASCII data over xmlrpc (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.647) * templates/en/manage/column_display.tpl.html, templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html, templates/en/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Opera can also do DOM, so include opera into list of browsers to whom display toggle visibilty links on issue listing page. (Logical change 1.647) * rss.php: set rss version to 2.0 (it really is more 2.0 than 0.91) display issue description in feed pubDate is now in feed in rfc822 format, confirming to rss specification Created Date removed from (duplicate) (Logical change 1.647) * ChangeLog: Merged changes from Elan - Set show/hide links to be displayed in Opera/Safari - Fixed dynCalendar so it works in Opera - Added issue description to RSS feed as well as other minor fixes - Fixed bug with transferring non-ASCII data over xmlrpc (Logical change 1.647) * include/class.issue.php: added getDescriptionByIssues method (Logical change 1.647) 2005-04-13 15:12 +0000 [r1769-1770] mysql.com!jpm * misc/process_mail_queue.php: Add some help text here to explain the --fix-lock trick (Logical change 1.646) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/04/13 10:06:41-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Add some help text here to explain the --fix-lock trick BKrev: 425d36f0VUm2VwKnRTaT9Z4zup8o9Q 2005-04-12 21:02 +0000 [r1767-1768] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that prevented multiple select custom fields to have values cleared BKrev: 425c375fj-XcYuhbJb8KnZdmcDchJA * include/class.custom_field.php, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that prevented multiple select custom fields to have values cleared (Logical change 1.645) 2005-04-12 20:22 +0000 [r1765-1766] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused notification to be sent to user who updated issue. BKrev: 425c2e0cwhkCze23xLHFUIVBNVZXwQ * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that caused notification to be sent to user who updated issue. (Logical change 1.644) 2005-04-12 14:19 +0000 [r1763-1764] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Added feature to display project name in IRC notice if multiple projects are broadcasting in the same channel (Logical change 1.643) * ChangeSet: Added feature to display project name in IRC notice if multiple projects are broadcasting in the same channel BKrev: 425bd901cU7rbr0Pp2Lz_XdIizGS4g 2005-04-12 03:40 +0000 [r1759-1762] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Merged changes. 2005/04/11 22:37:14-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Add extra order by clauses to make sure results are returned the same way every time (Logical change 1.642) * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2005/04/11 22:37:15-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Always order by issue ID in addition to other order by conditions. (Logical change 1.642) * ChangeSet: Merged Changes 2005/04/11 22:37:17-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Add extra order by clauses to make sure results are returned the same way every time BKrev: 425b433265k-ZxduLl8vNzcWiEYQZQ * include/class.pager.php: Handle multiple order by clauses. (Logical change 1.642) 2005-04-11 15:17 +0000 [r1753-1758] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Adding missing changelog (Logical change 1.641) * ChangeSet: Adding missing changelog BKrev: 425a9506HImUfl73eYUluTbteqCWCA * misc/route_emails.php: Merging changes 2005/04/11 09:55:34-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically find the email account based on the issue number on the message (Logical change 1.640) * ChangeSet: Merging changes 2005/04/11 09:57:09-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed a bug that was preventing an email from being converted to an issue even when it isn't from a known customer 2005/04/11 09:55:35-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically find the email account based on the issue number on the message BKrev: 425a947e0Khry0MMEG1pVZaXv7QZtw * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2005/04/11 09:57:09-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed a bug that was preventing an email from being converted to an issue even when it isn't from a known customer (Logical change 1.640) * include/class.email_account.php: Auto merged 2005/04/11 09:55:34-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically find the email account based on the issue number on the message (Logical change 1.640) 2005-04-11 07:39 +0000 [r1751-1752] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html: Changed button text (Logical change 1.639) * ChangeSet: Changed button text BKrev: 425a29b3h97Lq3v2SJSC-fiofqQPBQ 2005-04-10 18:36 +0000 [r1749-1750] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed estimated dev time showing up as minutes instead of hours on notification email BKrev: 42597246Fy0lTbj4GaQA1DC7cDl1jg * include/class.notification.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed estimated dev time showing up as minutes instead of hours on notification email (Logical change 1.638) 2005-04-05 18:32 +0000 [r1747-1748] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added to and from columns to phone support listings. BKrev: 4252d9cdTzAPsYosYTyloAOqBLe23g * templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added to and from columns to phone support listings. (Logical change 1.637) 2005-04-05 18:16 +0000 [r1745-1746] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: List issues on Custom Fields report. BKrev: 4252d5ffs1wm52VkkYnUkKP2GMmfRA * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, reports/custom_fields.php, ChangeLog, include/class.report.php: List issues on Custom Fields report. (Logical change 1.636) 2005-04-05 17:26 +0000 [r1742-1744] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.workflow.php: Added workflow method when closing an issue. (Logical change 1.635) * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with CLI command 'open-issues' showing duplicate rows. Added workflow method when closing an issue. (Logical change 1.635) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with CLI command 'open-issues' showing duplicate rows. Added workflow method when closing issue. BKrev: 4252ca55BLk-kA5T6SuiMMLrZVZ9Tg 2005-04-05 05:47 +0000 [r1740-1741] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Strip CC and BCC headers from outgoing emails. (Logical change 1.634) * ChangeSet: Strip CC and BCC headers from outgoing emails. BKrev: 42522675o67frKCQPfnTDaKgtRv1Yw 2005-04-04 07:01 +0000 [r1736-1739] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Properly escape values to prevent SQL Injection attacks. (Logical change 1.633) * ChangeSet: Properly escape values to prevent SQL Injection attacks. BKrev: 4250e62cyNxk06btlfR8x-hXs05lJw * templates/en/popup.tpl.html: Added more error messages. (Logical change 1.633) * include/class.authorized_replier.php, include/class.history.php, include/class.link_filter.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.email_response.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.status.php, include/class.search_profile.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.resolution.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.news.php, include/class.category.php, include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.prefs.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.priority.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.monitor.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.misc.php: Properly escape values. (Logical change 1.633) 2005-03-30 20:17 +0000 [r1732-1735] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Make sure integer inputs are actually integers. (Logical change 1.632) * ChangeLog: Added more thorough input checking to prevent possible SQL Injection attacks (Logical change 1.632) * include/class.misc.php: Added method to escape integer values. (Logical change 1.632) * ChangeSet: Added more thorough input checking to prevent possible SQL Injection attacks. BKrev: 424b096aY1qr9d3aadR-eDXHtbeOEA 2005-03-29 20:57 +0000 [r1730-1731] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Missing ChangeLog BKrev: 4249c152ScNdXSW8bdsp4dMQae0Irg * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with not being able to un-assign inactive users from issues. (Logical change 1.631) 2005-03-29 20:47 +0000 [r1728-1729] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Include inactive assigned users in issue details. When updating issue assignment, remove inactive user if requested. (Logical change 1.630) * ChangeSet: Include inactive assigned users in issue details. When updating issue assignment, remove inactive user if requested. BKrev: 4249becdqkUSxOwEWMJHvyrYzhKfwQ 2005-03-28 09:06 +0000 [r1726-1727] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Updated troubleshooting information. BKrev: 4247c916x6gJmJCU6TqgFKIAbY8byA * INSTALL, FAQ: Updated troubleshooting information. (Logical change 1.629) 2005-03-28 08:56 +0000 [r1724-1725] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.user.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with array_merge() on manage users page (Logical change 1.628) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with array_merge() on manage users page BKrev: 4247c6a2KDYHxTYUvZ0249WWdpwq5g 2005-03-27 01:51 +0000 [r1722-1723] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mail.php: Make headers case insensitive. (Logical change 1.627) * ChangeSet: Make headers case insensitive. BKrev: 4246118dfB8opvHTEyrAIaoRkpTuxg 2005-03-26 08:24 +0000 [r1720-1721] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed statuses to always be sorted by rank BKrev: 42451c2dy7ymwp0_Hi63A0qC-4d6Cw * include/class.status.php, ChangeLog: Changed statuses to always be sorted by rank (Logical change 1.626) 2005-03-24 06:50 +0000 [r1717-1719] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.email_account.php: Reverse the logic. (Logical change 1.625) * include/class.auth.php: Bug fix. (Logical change 1.625) * ChangeSet: Misc bug fixes BKrev: 4242634bx8sOK2W15mU_UoBdcVOQWQ 2005-03-22 21:18 +0000 [r1706-1716] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added feature to allow issue/note/draft routing to be handled when downloading emails. BKrev: 42408bb6FzsAc-WcKrWvWiEs8KdPag * include/class.email_account.php: Added use_routing to email information. (Logical change 1.624) * misc/route_drafts.php, misc/route_notes.php, misc/route_emails.php: Moved logic to class. (Logical change 1.624) * include/class.issue.php: Removed unneeded call to Link_Filter::processText (Logical change 1.624) * INSTALL: Added note about new way to handle email routing. (Logical change 1.624) * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Added feature to allow issue/note/draft routing to be handled when downloading emails. (Logical change 1.624) * include/class.routing.php: (Logical change 1.624) * include/class.auth.php: Added method to create fake cookie so scripts not run from the browser will be able to get current user and project. (Logical change 1.624) * misc/download_emails.php: Actually delete emails that are marked for deletion at end of script. (Logical change 1.624) * include/class.support.php: Added feature to allow issue/note/draft routing to be handled when downloading emails. Fixed bug related to deleting emails. (Logical change 1.624) * include/class.routing.php (added): Initial revision 2005-03-21 10:36 +0000 [r1702-1705] Bryan Alsdorf * reports/recent_activity.php: Fixed issue with recent activity report not excluding issues marked as private. (Logical change 1.623) * templates/en/list.tpl.html: Fixing JS error. (Logical change 1.623) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 423ea3b7M_06MX1aXC5o2gCGLkOgsw * view.php: Added missing variable. (Logical change 1.623) 2005-03-21 10:32 +0000 [r1700-1701] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/notification.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug #9181: Edit Notification List doesn't select address to edit (Logical change 1.622) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug #9181: Edit Notification List doesn't select address to edit BKrev: 423ea2a7UMpsRpL2rT8-BFfDH45RCg 2005-03-20 10:10 +0000 [r1698-1699] Bryan Alsdorf * list.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with 'My Assignments' not remembering sort order (Logical change 1.621) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with 'My Assignments' not remembering sort order BKrev: 423d4c10RVMEjsYikyqJ_UWiaoYlBQ 2005-03-20 09:20 +0000 [r1696-1697] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug in example customer API BKrev: 423d4040skGgsHvY0NuVeh_qYffSog * ChangeLog, include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed bug in example customer API (Logical change 1.620) 2005-03-20 08:55 +0000 [r1694-1695] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed JS error on close issue page BKrev: 423d3a88sTp8G8LaJNuDWF1p3fx8fw * templates/en/close.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed JS error on close issue page (Logical change 1.619) 2005-03-18 08:16 +0000 [r1692-1693] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Minor clarification of upgrade instructions. BKrev: 423a8e50iJQM-cmW1xxdj2x_UKd0yQ * UPGRADE: Minor clarification. (Logical change 1.618) 2005-03-17 20:45 +0000 [r1690-1691] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Removed update issue confirmation for anyone with a role of developer or above. BKrev: 4239ec4fTus9od8Xry7Ij34paUGKHw * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Removed update issue confirmation for anyone with a role of developer or above. (Logical change 1.617) 2005-03-17 05:30 +0000 [r1687-1689] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with searching by date range on recent activity report. BKrev: 423915decOSH-gMOZTMZG9WVwHkmnQ * reports/recent_activity.php: Make these variables global. (Logical change 1.616) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with searching by date range on recent activity report. (Logical change 1.616) 2005-03-16 01:53 +0000 [r1684-1686] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2005/03/15 19:49:34-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that was causing php error when removing all assigned users from an issue (Logical change 1.615) * ChangeSet: Merging changes 2005/03/15 19:49:36-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that was causing php error when removing all assigned users from an issue BKrev: 423791a0Bz5JgiWZOnM7G8ej7WNE3w * ChangeLog: Merging changes 2005/03/15 19:49:34-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that was causing php error when removing all assigned users from an issue (Logical change 1.615) 2005-03-14 21:44 +0000 [r1682-1683] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the issue assignment feature of the listing screen to work again BKrev: 423605ccgb6rxRbSnaPWL_KbTpsmoA * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the issue assignment feature of the listing screen to work again (Logical change 1.614) 2005-03-14 16:17 +0000 [r1680-1681] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.phone_support.php, ChangeLog, popup.php: Fixed the time tracking remove routine to check if the person removing the entry is really its owner (Logical change 1.613) * ChangeSet: Fixed the time tracking remove routine to check if the person removing the entry is really its owner BKrev: 4235b90dp5qOAvTGA5T1YsXnD9Xa9w 2005-03-14 15:54 +0000 [r1678-1679] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Forgot the changelog entry BKrev: 4235b3c5ax2Bpf78tykwOVHQWDrKLg * ChangeLog: Forgot the changelog entry (Logical change 1.612) 2005-03-14 15:48 +0000 [r1676-1677] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Prevent users with "Customer" permission level or lower from being able to view internal notes BKrev: 4235b250xLXrc2Llvt33Q-jrWuIFsw * view_note.php: Prevent users with "Customer" permission level or lower from being able to view internal notes (Logical change 1.611) 2005-03-11 20:29 +0000 [r1673-1674] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Setting the release date BKrev: 4231ffa9bFzdoixdUrpQqZX2uBa7IQ * ChangeLog: Setting the release date (Logical change 1.610) 2005-03-11 19:42 +0000 [r1671-1672] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Bump up the version number (Logical change 1.609) * ChangeSet: Bump up the version number BKrev: 4231f4af6n-0oIqSsOImx2-IusaJfQ 2005-03-11 15:22 +0000 [r1669-1670] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that would prevent users from downloading files because of encoded content-type headers (Logical change 1.608) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that would prevent users from downloading files because of encoded content-type headers BKrev: 4231b79f0cnrHJsOH9oEIBHd91FDew 2005-03-10 22:58 +0000 [r1667-1668] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the error handling routines to save an error log with more detailed information BKrev: 4230d10aNx4ANlItXu7SIFJ9Q1qjYg * include/class.error_handler.php, ChangeLog: Changed the error handling routines to save an error log with more detailed information (Logical change 1.607) 2005-03-10 22:50 +0000 [r1665-1666] mysql.com!jpm * get_jsrs_data.php, ChangeLog: Changed the expandable cell feature to also automatically activate links (Logical change 1.606) * ChangeSet: Changed the expandable cell feature to also automatically activate links BKrev: 4230cf25H_HAA8293NLlQpiA8giBlw 2005-03-10 22:42 +0000 [r1663-1664] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.history.php, ChangeLog: Decode quoted-printable subject for history of changes page (patch by Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.605) * ChangeSet: Decode quoted-printable subject for history of changes page (patch by Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 4230cd54aYZAne-Pn_bGKGyyNS8Z3w 2005-03-10 22:36 +0000 [r1661-1662] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.display_column.php: Small nit (Logical change 1.604) * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 4230cbe6J-lZYDcORvFQJ_Xm-aFKQA 2005-03-10 22:28 +0000 [r1659-1660] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 4230ca04YB6XHMrvLI3OYL2atFPXRA * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Small nits (Logical change 1.603) 2005-03-10 19:59 +0000 [r1657-1658] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage2.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/03/10 13:59:30-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Sort by the priority rank BKrev: 4230a738S54ufzLtsC0MbfSkRYVmkA * include/class.priority.php: Sort by the priority rank (Logical change 1.602) 2005-03-10 18:42 +0000 [r1654-1656] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/popup.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug that allowed any authenticated user to assign any issue to any user (Logical change 1.601) * ChangeLog: Merged 2005/03/10 12:41:35-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that allowed any authenticated user to assign any issue to any user (Logical change 1.601) * ChangeSet: Merged 2005/03/10 12:41:38-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that allowed any authenticated user to assign any issue to any user BKrev: 4230952bnCtPblOSjThVabvOPSkJnw 2005-03-10 17:37 +0000 [r1650-1653] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small tweaks BKrev: 423085ceTTCsy7vM2a7tTcF9KeWTIw * ChangeLog: Small tweaks (Logical change 1.600) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage2.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/03/10 11:35:05-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Updating the upgrade instructions BKrev: 423085633_dZUhYljS71VuSbfRF2gA * UPGRADE: Updating the upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.599) 2005-03-09 20:40 +0000 [r1648-1649] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed javascript confirmation when updating an issue to not display if no emails accounts are setup BKrev: 422f5f54DSCfsYFR5Mn7PSXSqzjrgw * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Changed javascript confirmation when updating an issue to not display if no emails accounts are setup (Logical change 1.598) 2005-03-07 20:34 +0000 [r1646-1647] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.display_column.php: Fixing merge problems. (Logical change 1.597) * ChangeSet: Fixing merge problems. BKrev: 422cbad6opMBfKk7GTQ_Gu9v-iqw4A 2005-03-07 20:23 +0000 [r1640-1645] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql: Added percent complete field. Reordered default columns to display values. (Logical change 1.596) * setup/changes.sql: Added percent complete field. Added missing indexes. (Logical change 1.596) * templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Added estimated dev time to list issues page, view issue page and updated page. Added percent complete field. (Logical change 1.596) * misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php: Added percent complete field. (Logical change 1.596) * include/class.display_column.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Merged changes. 2005/03/07 14:15:50-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added estimated dev time to list issues page, view issue page and updated page. Added percent complete field. (Logical change 1.596) * ChangeSet: Merged changes. 2005/03/07 14:15:52-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added estimated dev time to list issues page, view issue page and updated page. Added percent complete field. BKrev: 422cb85dGAzZIPOUovaSZLpcSBAJGA 2005-03-07 16:48 +0000 [r1638-1639] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the view email screen to set the page character set to whatever is set on the underlying email content (Elan Ruusam�e) BKrev: 422c85cfhtfSSRyU5ttVQI-pwZZRsw * include/class.mime_helper.php, view_email.php, ChangeLog: Changed the view email screen to set the page character set to whatever is set on the underlying email content (Elan Ruusam�e) (Logical change 1.595) 2005-03-07 16:37 +0000 [r1636-1637] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/new.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed the report form so that it dynamically focus the correct field depending on what form fields are hidden (Logical change 1.594) * ChangeSet: Fixed the report form so that it dynamically focus the correct field depending on what form fields are hidden BKrev: 422c835ciyZ3BGQ9AbIp-9BZdVks2A 2005-03-04 23:31 +0000 [r1630-1635] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Oops, forgot the negation operator here BKrev: 4228efd4dcjhV8EPk8xorWWvC8zpMw * include/class.display_column.php: Oops, forgot the negation operator here (Logical change 1.593) * ChangeSet: Fixed some caching problems that might be triggered when customizing the columns to be displayed at a project level BKrev: 4228ef34mQACU7YqnxZfIYBm_iGogA * ChangeLog: Fixed some caching problems that might be triggered when customizing the columns to be displayed at a project level (Logical change 1.592) * ChangeSet: Fixing some random caching bugs and inconsistencies BKrev: 4228eec6bl4o_YU2-Z0_EsmUTxBbrw * include/class.display_column.php: Fixing some random caching bugs and inconsistencies (Logical change 1.591) 2005-03-04 23:16 +0000 [r1626-1629] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.link_filter.php: Cache the results for the specific project ID that is being passed (Logical change 1.590) * ChangeSet: Cache the results for the specific project ID that is being passed BKrev: 4228ec35fp2ZXu89drXLHrOwmKnEIg * ChangeSet: WS fix BKrev: 4228eba2HrItwCUCxsgjEsnuQeFEZw * include/class.custom_field.php, include/class.db_api.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.link_filter.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.group.php, include/class.support.php: WS fix (Logical change 1.589) 2005-03-04 20:26 +0000 [r1624-1625] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_innerhtml.php, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_display_style.php, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, ChangeLog, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Changed the behavior of the view issue screen to automatically hide tables without any data (Logical change 1.588) * ChangeSet: Changed the behavior of the view issue screen to automatically hide tables without any data BKrev: 4228c476PFEFwX_LFfvD5y0xkmYqPw 2005-03-04 20:09 +0000 [r1622-1623] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Fixing the changelog once again... (Logical change 1.587) * ChangeSet: Fixing the changelog once again... BKrev: 4228c0751M_PnF2vriw46-abbJ80UA 2005-03-04 20:06 +0000 [r1619-1621] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php: Fixed the issue update code to properly subscribe new assignees to the notification list (Logical change 1.586) * ChangeLog: Merging.. 2005/03/04 13:58:40-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed the issue update code to properly subscribe new assignees to the notification list (Logical change 1.586) * ChangeSet: Merging.. 2005/03/04 13:58:41-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Fixed the issue update code to properly subscribe new assignees to the notification list BKrev: 4228bfaceFWbMn2gmRr3ne3l6vwWLw 2005-03-03 19:59 +0000 [r1616-1618] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Merging changes. 2005/03/03 13:55:02-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added feature to allow download_emails script to be run via the web. (Logical change 1.585) * ChangeSet: Merging changes. 2005/03/03 13:55:03-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added feature to allow download_emails script to be run via the web. BKrev: 42276ca36YWk06cL-AJWrp9Jum2Mbw * misc/download_emails.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, INSTALL: Added feature to allow download_emails script to be run via the web. (Logical change 1.585) 2005-03-03 17:17 +0000 [r1614-1615] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added some code to prevent people from creating an internal FAQ entry without selecting the project first (Logical change 1.584) * ChangeSet: Added some code to prevent people from creating an internal FAQ entry without selecting the project first BKrev: 422746b1A1Szq1_GufnINJkuc8nlAA 2005-03-03 17:13 +0000 [r1612-1613] mysql.com!jpm * js/global.js: Small nits (Logical change 1.583) * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 422745b9AVziBVqaV6lzdH0tqOK_vw 2005-03-03 17:02 +0000 [r1610-1611] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added indexes to a few columns (Bug #7676) BKrev: 42274331zPYkP0D4AzpWc3w8S_RR-A * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php, ChangeLog: Added indexes to a few columns (Bug #7676) (Logical change 1.582) 2005-03-03 16:29 +0000 [r1602-1609] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing changelog BKrev: 42273b5b2iVqCNagLPIx8HPSeAh6Eg * ChangeLog: Fixing changelog (Logical change 1.581) * ChangeLog: Merging 2005/03/03 10:16:21-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Changing the issue/email listing screens to save their search state on the database (Logical change 1.580) * setup/schema.sql, list.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php: Changing the issue/email listing screens to save their search state on the database (Logical change 1.580) * ChangeSet: Merging 2005/03/03 10:16:23-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Changing the issue/email listing screens to save their search state on the database BKrev: 42273abbmJ03hiHND8mDmlbGKov92w * include/class.support.php: Auto merged 2005/03/03 10:16:22-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Changing the issue/email listing screens to save their search state on the database (Logical change 1.580) * include/class.search_profile.php: (Logical change 1.580) * include/class.search_profile.php (added): Initial revision 2005-03-03 07:05 +0000 [r1600-1601] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Better attachment handling. (Logical change 1.579) * ChangeSet: Better attachment handling. BKrev: 4226b723YMp2Tkh1U5_w7Tc_z0Qq8A 2005-03-03 00:59 +0000 [r1595-1599] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2005/03/02 18:58:23-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added feature to allow emails to be moved between accounts. (Logical change 1.578) * include/class.email_account.php: getAssocList now can accept an array of projects as an argument and include the project name in the result. (Logical change 1.578) * include/workflow/class.example.php: Fixed example workflow method. (Logical change 1.578) * templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, view_email.php, include/class.support.php: Added feature to allow emails to be moved between accounts. (Logical change 1.578) * ChangeSet: Merge 2005/03/02 18:58:26-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added feature to allow emails to be moved between accounts. BKrev: 42266185JwdsDJI2Z_PuIu7chtigJg 2005-03-02 20:13 +0000 [r1593-1594] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php: Apply the priority-related database changes (Logical change 1.577) * ChangeSet: Apply the priority-related database changes BKrev: 42261e84sEkivVrSBcyBL3maQKV44w 2005-03-02 19:52 +0000 [r1591-1592] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding some form validation code to the custom field report BKrev: 422619690Gx1bsEZ2J-DOy208YVrIQ * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Adding some form validation code to the custom field report (Logical change 1.576) 2005-03-02 17:56 +0000 [r1587-1590] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added feature to replace special characters Microsoft Word uses for double and single quotes with normal characters when creating an issue (Logical change 1.575) * ChangeSet: Missing ChangeLog entry from previous commit. BKrev: 4225fe6bI31wKR5TF-9k0A3r1qeyZQ * ChangeSet: Added feature to replace special characters Microsoft Word uses for double and single quotes with normal characters when creating an issue. BKrev: 4225fe3eFPLxY4TmyMQuLopS2bLnQw * templates/en/new.tpl.html, js/global.js: Added feature to replace special characters Microsoft Word uses for double and single quotes with normal characters when creating an issue. (Logical change 1.574) 2005-03-02 17:24 +0000 [r1585-1586] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Forgot the changelog (Logical change 1.573) * ChangeSet: Forgot the changelog BKrev: 4225f6e5dvH6LoFUWT4ArMCzCiP_tg 2005-03-02 17:21 +0000 [r1583-1584] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.mail_queue.php: Fixing the mail queue handling script (Logical change 1.572) * ChangeSet: Fixing the mail queue handling script BKrev: 4225f616OxPaWaC3PObJxe3yNpN0BA 2005-03-02 17:10 +0000 [r1580-1582] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: New upgrade scripts BKrev: 4225f39djspgMyL-SbSketCIYgs_5A * misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/index.html, misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php: (Logical change 1.571) * misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.5_to_v1.5.1/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2005-03-02 14:52 +0000 [r1578-1579] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Fixing the upgrade path for 1.4 > 1.5 (Logical change 1.570) * ChangeSet: Fixing the upgrade path for 1.4 > 1.5 BKrev: 4225d34a2uOGJAQMYKdROzIJrTvdPA 2005-03-02 14:49 +0000 [r1576-1577] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid displaying PHP warnings when running Eventum under safe_mode BKrev: 4225d269GQ-j6Jd9gi44aMj_fbM4KQ * manage/check_email_settings.php, setup/config.inc.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, manage/projects.php, ChangeLog: Avoid displaying PHP warnings when running Eventum under safe_mode (Logical change 1.569) 2005-03-02 14:42 +0000 [r1572-1575] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Missed changelog entry BKrev: 4225d0c0uTGrPd-Msl539LlSeD39mA * ChangeLog: Missed changelog entry (Logical change 1.568) * ChangeSet: Escape the issue summary to avoid quotation marks on the value from breaking up the input tag BKrev: 4225d075LOgPU2WvIk_P05TlWlLK6A * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Escape the issue summary to avoid quotation marks on the value from breaking up the input tag (Logical change 1.567) 2005-03-02 14:09 +0000 [r1570-1571] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Add new changelog section for 1.5.1 BKrev: 4225c934YRjCOAYA3z524nXQu4EIsA * ChangeLog: Add new changelog section for 1.5.1 (Logical change 1.566) 2005-03-02 02:05 +0000 [r1567-1568] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid displaying a PHP warning here BKrev: 42251f7bLDYkymW0idK_jCrHqxYx9w * include/class.misc.php: Avoid displaying a PHP warning here (Logical change 1.565) 2005-03-01 23:08 +0000 [r1565-1566] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/bk 2005/03/01 17:08:31-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Prevent the display of a php warning here BKrev: 4224f601pw_rYPxf_U5BRsEglQTwRg * include/class.note.php: Prevent the display of a php warning here (Logical change 1.564) 2005-03-01 22:31 +0000 [r1563-1564] Bryan Alsdorf * popup.php: Send notification when status changes. (Logical change 1.563) * ChangeSet: Missing file from earlier changeset. BKrev: 4224ed3716t2xIMjyLxIUrxy4EIdlg 2005-03-01 22:27 +0000 [r1561-1562] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.time_tracking.php, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html: Don't show Email Discussion or Telephone Discussion categories on admin page. (Logical change 1.562) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/03/01 16:27:29-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Don't show Email Discussion or Telephone Discussion categories on admin page. BKrev: 4224ec60K1962budChUQZVprymyt6w 2005-03-01 22:24 +0000 [r1559-1560] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Hide the "Reply" button if there are no email accounts setup yet (Logical change 1.561) * ChangeSet: Hide the "Reply" button if there are no email accounts setup yet BKrev: 4224eba0NfmRf31tjVAetN-z9ebLkA 2005-03-01 22:15 +0000 [r1557-1558] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html: Hide the "Support Level" column if the selected project does not support customer integration (Logical change 1.560) * ChangeSet: Hide the "Support Level" column if the selected project does not support customer integration BKrev: 4224e99d4vIvMAWvhJR67FcVKeTBlQ 2005-03-01 22:07 +0000 [r1555-1556] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Hide the "Reply" button if the email integration feature is disabled (Logical change 1.559) * ChangeSet: Hide the "Reply" button if the email integration feature is disabled BKrev: 4224e791HOEPKQfEVKMOGZ16DeI85A 2005-03-01 21:56 +0000 [r1553-1554] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Update upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.558) * ChangeSet: Update upgrade instructions BKrev: 4224e515GBpTeRK48-22fsrxavTaVg 2005-03-01 19:48 +0000 [r1551-1552] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Misc fixed to the changelog BKrev: 4224c6fc4PtWP50jEB9O8KHUbbNPJg * ChangeLog: Misc fixed to the changelog (Logical change 1.557) 2005-03-01 19:41 +0000 [r1543-1550] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.monitor.php: Properly escape the minus sign here to avoid grep complaining about it (Logical change 1.556) * ChangeSet: Properly escape the minus sign here to avoid grep complaining about it (patch by Elan Ruusam�e ) BKrev: 4224c576qgYRyocrWK230fkLbOCEzQ * templates/en/app_info.tpl.html: Using the html entity here instead of the copyright glyph (Logical change 1.555) * ChangeSet: Using the html entity here instead of the copyright glyph BKrev: 4224c4c6Nwj0RbO829YGuoUwNZf_LQ * ChangeLog: Forgot to add the changelog entry (Logical change 1.554) * ChangeSet: Forgot to add the changelog entry BKrev: 4224c452xC1kB98MJLtQ2AZzeN_4kA * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2005/03/01 13:33:29-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Fix the regular expression to properly match "issue" or "bug" followed by a number (patch by Elan Ruusam�e ) BKrev: 4224c3a32ftOteFzcZgNvhR43eb1-w * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: Fix the regular expression to properly match "issue" or "bug" followed by a number (Logical change 1.553) 2005-03-01 18:42 +0000 [r1541-1542] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: When status is changed via 'Change Status To' button, send notification. BKrev: 4224b7a7P7Nq_UMHMszkVFC3nQpDHw * include/class.notification.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: When status is changed via 'Change Status To' button, send notification. (Logical change 1.552) 2005-03-01 17:25 +0000 [r1539-1540] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html: Prevent time tracking categories 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' from being deleted. (Logical change 1.551) * ChangeSet: Prevent time tracking categories 'Email Discussion' and 'Telephone Discussion' from being deleted. BKrev: 4224a5890UrtuVXd1aJgLm0cH80s8Q 2005-03-01 15:07 +0000 [r1536-1538] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding script to upgrade the configuration file BKrev: 42248522gCY-q1JFa1w7ukLJA2p6Hg * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php: (Logical change 1.550) * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision 2005-03-01 07:37 +0000 [r1534-1535] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Dynamically change window name. BKrev: 42241bacp2TDY6sezMqcf1aWtiPqtQ * templates/en/view_email.tpl.html: Dynamically change window name. (Logical change 1.549) 2005-03-01 06:39 +0000 [r1532-1533] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, reports/recent_activity.php, ChangeLog: Added reminders and ability to sort to recent activity report. (Logical change 1.548) * ChangeSet: Added reminders and ability to sort to recent activity report. BKrev: 42240e06IW8QXuoZuHmF3IvmDofS1g 2005-03-01 06:33 +0000 [r1529-1531] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added new CLI command 'takeIssue'. (Logical change 1.547) * ChangeSet: Added new CLI command 'takeIssue'. Minor bug fixes. BKrev: 42240cd2LkvNzCNY4rJgS3cLKYaz6g * rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Added new CLI command 'takeIssue'. Minor bug fixes. (Logical change 1.547) 2005-03-01 06:26 +0000 [r1527-1528] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mime_helper.php: Method to decode addresses. (Logical change 1.546) * ChangeSet: Method to decode addresses. BKrev: 42240b27R4YokxDR7QlxVHEq6OxDlA 2005-03-01 05:03 +0000 [r1524-1526] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, include/class.mail.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.notification.php, setup/changes.sql, include/class.support.php: Add specialized headers to outgoing emails. Store the message type and usr id of the sender. (Logical change 1.545) * ChangeSet: Add specialized headers to outgoing emails. Store the message type and usr id of the sender. BKrev: 4223f796R9bo_kzn0c0M_2zUPVBUMQ * ChangeLog: Added specialized headers to outgoing emails. (Logical change 1.545) 2005-02-28 21:37 +0000 [r1522-1523] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug when sorting by category. (Logical change 1.544) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug when sorting by category. BKrev: 42238f24S94y8HI1uLp3A2w-n2JVyw 2005-02-28 17:12 +0000 [r1520-1521] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/02/28 11:12:01-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug that prevented some users from being displayed on notification list. BKrev: 422350f4iQTAvc-2BSYMvdhh43oL6g * include/class.notification.php: Fixed bug that prevented some users from being displayed on notification list. (Logical change 1.543) 2005-02-28 16:07 +0000 [r1515-1519] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php: Adding missing database changes to the upgrade script (Logical change 1.542) * ChangeSet: Adding missing database changes to the upgrade script BKrev: 422341derTu0vMiY02zmCj0h2lrTFg * ChangeSet: Ability to rank custom priorities BKrev: 42234182pPKTxfu7VfFJdzHPa2gIQw * templates/en/list.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql: Change default sorting column to the new priority rank field (Logical change 1.541) * include/class.priority.php, templates/en/manage/priorities.tpl.html, manage/priorities.php, ChangeLog: Ability to rank custom priorities (Logical change 1.541) 2005-02-26 03:10 +0000 [r1513-1514] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Better contrast with the background BKrev: 421fe88ebp4XCCvEVtV7xku7YvDO7g * images/asc.gif, images/desc.gif: Better contrast with the background (Logical change 1.540) 2005-02-26 02:21 +0000 [r1511-1512] mysql.com!jpm * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug on CVS integration script that was not encoding the URL arguments (Logical change 1.539) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug on CVS integration script that was not encoding the URL arguments BKrev: 421fdd0dN4M4hEXSSz2GlDmtN45-AA 2005-02-26 02:15 +0000 [r1509-1510] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding missing "scm_checking_associated" history type BKrev: 421fdbc3MDjv47r2nTrC1Z3L8BnC2A * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Adding missing "scm_checking_associated" history type (Logical change 1.538) 2005-02-26 02:03 +0000 [r1507-1508] mysql.com!jpm * manage/check_email_settings.php: Add some meaningful error message when the IMAP extension is not enabled (Logical change 1.537) * ChangeSet: Add some meaningful error message when the IMAP extension is not enabled BKrev: 421fd90ajn1PRvIIarTPvCEiK8Mrcw 2005-02-26 01:51 +0000 [r1505-1506] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.error_handler.php: Avoid displaying errors about variables that are usually only available when PHP is run as an apache module/cgi binary (Logical change 1.536) * ChangeSet: Avoid displaying errors about variables that are usually only available when PHP is run as an apache module/cgi binary BKrev: 421fd6164fAhO3OaEAoGM4M0d6uDmA 2005-02-25 21:20 +0000 [r1501-1504] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Centralize this text BKrev: 421f96a3_ps-lmgMISYY8E8ic4aF3A * templates/en/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html: Centralize this text (Logical change 1.535) * templates/en/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html: Display project name on the report results (Logical change 1.534) * ChangeSet: Display project name on the report results BKrev: 421f9669BB8B_6Vu5U-JK_JyyUaMiw 2005-02-25 21:02 +0000 [r1499-1500] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.report.php: Restrict the report results to the currently selected project (Logical change 1.533) * ChangeSet: Restrict the report results to the currently selected project BKrev: 421f9277u4otHx2Y3wRPNalDitHBBQ 2005-02-25 03:43 +0000 [r1496-1498] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Migrated workload by date range report. (Logical change 1.532) * ChangeSet: Changed to use $_REQUEST array. BKrev: 421e9eccP49DynwY2B_PL-sXS3hzVQ * reports/workload_date_range.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php: Changed to use $_REQUEST array. (Logical change 1.532) 2005-02-25 03:16 +0000 [r1492-1495] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html, reports/workload_date_range.php, reports/workload_date_range_graph.php: (Logical change 1.531) * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, include/class.report.php: Added workload by date range report. (Logical change 1.531) * ChangeSet: Added workload by date range report. BKrev: 421e9881bkquTonqwtq6HTgkvbsY7w * templates/en/reports/workload_date_range.tpl.html (added), reports/workload_date_range.php (added), reports/workload_date_range_graph.php (added): Initial revision 2005-02-24 19:48 +0000 [r1485-1491] Bryan Alsdorf * include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer.php, include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer/unified.php, include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff.php: Update to work with PHP 5 (Logical change 1.530) * include/class.support.php: Auto merged 2005/02/24 13:39:11-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Encoding Fix (Logical change 1.530) * include/class.template.php: Auto merged 2005/02/24 13:39:11-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Use APP_TPL_PATH. (Logical change 1.530) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/02/24 13:39:13-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Encoding fix. Use constant in template class. Upgrade pear Text_Diff class to work with PHP5 Added missing DB change. BKrev: 421e2fa1CwZ2p9UOrlU5P6r1t50Gsw * include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer/inline.php: (Logical change 1.530) * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php: Missing DB change. (Logical change 1.530) * include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer/inline.php (added): Initial revision 2005-02-24 18:37 +0000 [r1483-1484] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Update copyright headers BKrev: 421e1ed2o-llWdfz8p3tE1TdmUnfOw * include/class.setup.php, phone_calls.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.history.php, removed_emails.php, include/class.note.php, misc/route_drafts.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, misc/download_emails.php, reports/tree.php, reports/top.php, include/class.workflow.php, manage/news.php, manage/general.php, include/class.db_api.php, login.php, associate.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.validation.php, offline.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, send.php, include/db_access.php, new.php, searchbar.php, csv.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, select_project.php, view_headers.php, close.php, manage/phone_categories.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/round_robin.php, logout.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.mail.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, post.php, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/class.email_account.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, view_note.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, switch.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, signup.php, get_jsrs_data.php, emails.php, include/class.status.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, time_tracking.php, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, notification.php, manage/users.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, manage/account_managers.php, include/class.news.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, popup.php, convert_note.php, include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, index.php, include/class.priority.php, manage/time_tracking.php, include/class.session.php, spell_check.php, config.inc.php, manage/categories.php, manage/reminder_review.php, redeem_incident.php, manage/email_responses.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, manage/releases.php, misc/irc/bot.php, self_assign.php, confirm.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/index.php, misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/customize_listing.php, reports/index.php, faq.php, manage/groups.php, include/class.language.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.attachment.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, include/class.lock.php, manage/reminders.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, forgot_password.php, include/class.group.php, include/customer/class.example.php, include/class.pager.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.draft.php, include/class.auth.php, clock_status.php, scm_ping.php, manage/faq.php, include/class.date.php, setup/index.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, download.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.display_column.php, post_note.php, view.php, include/class.filter.php, include/class.error_handler.php, setup/config.inc.php, include/class.monitor.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, stats_chart.php, include/class.help.php, misc/check_reminders.php, manage/priorities.php, view_email.php, misc/monitor.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, benchmark.php, reports/recent_activity.php, authorized_replier.php, requirement.php, custom_fields.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, reports/customer_stats.php, include/class.notification.php, include/workflow/class.intranet.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, mail_queue.php, manage/custom_fields.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.resolution.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, preferences.php, history.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, manage/statuses.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, duplicate.php, news.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, include/class.misc.php, update.php, file_upload.php: Add 2005 to the copyright headers (Logical change 1.529) 2005-02-24 18:31 +0000 [r1481-1482] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/app_info.tpl.html: Add 2005 to the copyright info (Logical change 1.528) * ChangeSet: Add 2005 to the copyright info BKrev: 421e1d96_cdqZ5JkA3_3sgwucey7Hg 2005-02-24 18:27 +0000 [r1477-1480] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Layout nits (Logical change 1.527) * setup/check_permissions.php: Some wording fixes (Logical change 1.527) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 421e1c88Q08jJcsIRd-9UUNJrP1xVw * setup/index.php: Bump up the version number (Logical change 1.527) 2005-02-24 18:08 +0000 [r1473-1476] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Properly mark the required fields (Logical change 1.526) * ChangeSet: Properly mark the required fields BKrev: 421e1829_KWhtdBZ5X3FkGSg_-4Shw * ChangeSet: Layout nits BKrev: 421e177bccj8F3cyBLMafvpTtV30RA * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Layout nits (Logical change 1.525) 2005-02-24 18:00 +0000 [r1471-1472] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Don't set the focus on the checkbox BKrev: 421e1656X99nILvwW3mFlhSG9HL73Q * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Don't set the focus on the checkbox (Logical change 1.524) 2005-02-24 17:57 +0000 [r1469-1470] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Don't display the email address here BKrev: 421e158feuSWk_yCsx_SgbH1ip8B7w * ChangeLog: Don't display the email address here (Logical change 1.523) 2005-02-22 15:53 +0000 [r1467-1468] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Release lock if connecting to mail server produces error. BKrev: 421b556frRQyJkZ1oOdDQANeuycnGg * misc/download_emails.php, ChangeLog: Release lock if connecting to mail server produces error. (Logical change 1.522) 2005-02-21 09:10 +0000 [r1465-1466] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Better handling of 8 bit addresses. BKrev: 4219a575poTVsLffbJNlCu6IgeC0QQ * include/class.mime_helper.php: Better handling of 8 bit addresses. (Logical change 1.521) 2005-02-21 04:48 +0000 [r1463-1464] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Really fix the sender of auto created emails. BKrev: 42196825XuWAvNDWj_OlnakgAcsTUg * include/class.issue.php: Really fix the sender of auto created emails. (Logical change 1.520) 2005-02-18 22:28 +0000 [r1461-1462] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.date.php: Allow APP_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE to be defined in config.inc.php (Logical change 1.519) * ChangeSet: Allow APP_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE to be defined in config.inc.php BKrev: 42166bf9yKZmaIFPxxEY3OC7VqaGwg 2005-02-18 21:55 +0000 [r1459-1460] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Silence console errors when adding new directory to CVS BKrev: 4216645a6bPg553W3aig1exObRyjGQ * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php, ChangeLog: Silence console errors when adding new directory to CVS (Logical change 1.518) 2005-02-18 21:26 +0000 [r1457-1458] Bryan Alsdorf * rss.php, include/class.mail.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Encoding fixes. (Logical change 1.517) * ChangeSet: Encoding fixes from Elan Ruusam�e BKrev: 42165d96IKk511Gb0CcQGb0hBBlirw 2005-02-18 19:37 +0000 [r1456] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php: Sort the dropdown of issues by the most recent issues (Logical change 1.516) 2005-02-18 19:37 +0000 [r1455] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/02/18 08:07:11-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Sort the dropdown of issues by the most recent issues BKrev: 4216440e6fcNudbk_4Z4S_hq-1ML-w 2005-02-18 19:37 +0000 [r1454] mysql.com!jpm * view_note.php, view_email.php: This function call is not needed here (Logical change 1.516) 2005-02-18 19:37 +0000 [r1452-1453] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Changed attachment handling to work with inline attachments. (Logical change 1.515) * ChangeSet: Changed attachment handling to work with inline attachments. BKrev: 421643f7Euu8_kAfAeS4WUOKd3CyJQ 2005-02-18 19:34 +0000 [r1449-1451] Bryan Alsdorf * get_attachment.php, include/class.attachment.php: Changing attachment handling to better handle different attachment types. (Logical change 1.514) * include/class.mime_helper.php: Use all text parts as a body instead of just first part. (Logical change 1.514) * ChangeSet: Changing attachment handling to better handle different attachment types. BKrev: 42164341a-z11njVWHLDmOODoYam7A 2005-02-17 18:24 +0000 [r1447-1448] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Always allow issue reporter to send emails. BKrev: 4214e15doEJm0TDmaNbKoa8DTSWdLQ * ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Always allow issue reporter to send emails. (Logical change 1.513) 2005-02-17 15:57 +0000 [r1445-1446] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: When creating an issue from an email, use the sender of the email as the reporter if possible. Missing changes related to having the reporter on the list issues page. BKrev: 4214bf02fN_TZrCEt8Ri0ANSh-qtHQ * include/class.issue.php: When creating an issue from an email, use the sender of the email as the reporter if possible. Missing changes related to having the reporter on the list issues page. (Logical change 1.512) 2005-02-17 05:54 +0000 [r1443-1444] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: Fix bug with reminder conditions not correctly showing status fields. (Logical change 1.511) * ChangeSet: Fix bug with reminder conditions not correctly showing status fields. BKrev: 421431b0RDBvct7B-0Mwcof3uenVUA 2005-02-16 09:26 +0000 [r1441-1442] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.intranet.php: remove check of email account. (Logical change 1.510) * ChangeSet: remove check of email account. BKrev: 421311e2bt47182ftOa15W0dy0qoFQ 2005-02-16 09:16 +0000 [r1439-1440] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added IRC alert when new email is recieved. BKrev: 42130f76sj-t2n294TsCzj-xaR8u6w * include/workflow/class.intranet.php: Added IRC alert when new email is recieved. (Logical change 1.509) 2005-02-15 04:56 +0000 [r1437-1438] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/list.tpl.html, include/class.display_column.php, ChangeLog: Added reporter to list of display columns. (Logical change 1.508) * ChangeSet: Added reporter to list of display columns. BKrev: 42118106t3rPsxzhWpgu-yTVLCHu9g 2005-02-09 03:43 +0000 [r1435-1436] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Remove Return-Path header. BKrev: 420986dcu2gq6kY6bkEfKFG9deysog * include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Remove Return-Path header. (Logical change 1.507) 2005-02-08 16:02 +0000 [r1433-1434] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with private issues. BKrev: 4208e2a86UEXHjfbRSELK9YH8saZ_Q * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with private issues. (Logical change 1.506) 2005-02-08 05:15 +0000 [r1431-1432] Bryan Alsdorf * js/global.js: Missing file from earlier. (Logical change 1.505) * ChangeSet: Missing file from earlier. BKrev: 42084af8-8SYRmZF7PF-WVVPVT2OYw 2005-02-07 21:35 +0000 [r1429-1430] Bryan Alsdorf * custom_fields.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that prevented the edit custom fields window from automatically closing (Logical change 1.504) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that prevented the edit custom fields window from automatically closing BKrev: 4207df0bVjM8uet5HEtM5QeAThAZUQ 2005-02-07 21:09 +0000 [r1426-1428] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html: Removed note about mysql ftp. (Logical change 1.503) * ChangeSet: Removed note about MySQL FTP. BKrev: 4207d8famTnLB-oKtXRusc_x4aJdpw * file_upload.php: Added max_attachment_size. (Logical change 1.503) 2005-02-07 20:05 +0000 [r1424-1425] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug that caused multiple blank file upload fields to appear. BKrev: 4207c9faYc-W0Ap_CiAixT5GDdfsjg * templates/en/new.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug that caused multiple blank file upload fields to appear. (Logical change 1.502) 2005-01-31 20:07 +0000 [r1422-1423] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed priority columns to have a larger datatype. BKrev: 41fe8fe7KkyI8elrc7WXGhP-u5GTPw * setup/schema.sql: Changed priority columns to have a larger datatype. (Logical change 1.501) 2005-01-31 18:30 +0000 [r1420-1421] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug if no issue ID is passed to canAccess method. BKrev: 41fe7959_1nvOrpnoCsUlkWQwLS8ww * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug if no issue ID is passed to canAccess method. (Logical change 1.500) 2005-01-31 18:27 +0000 [r1418-1419] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fix problem with certain emails not showing up. BKrev: 41fe788a5gf5jN6JBG5M1d7Y6HEH4g * include/class.support.php: Fix problem with certain emails not showing up. (Logical change 1.499) 2005-01-31 10:00 +0000 [r1414-1417] Bryan Alsdorf * update.php: Added project auto switching to update. (Logical change 1.498) * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug with private issues. (Logical change 1.498) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with private issues. BKrev: 41fe01afxs--hyj0C84Eodyxpw5xZw * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Added project autoswitching to update form. (Logical change 1.498) 2005-01-31 09:05 +0000 [r1412-1413] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed error message when displaying attachments to emails. BKrev: 41fdf4eaRWej0o-qMMBmUqteSVigAg * include/class.mime_helper.php: Fixed error message when displaying attachments to emails. (Logical change 1.497) 2005-01-31 08:48 +0000 [r1410-1411] Bryan Alsdorf * list.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with remembering the row count on the 'My Assignment' link (Logical change 1.496) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with remembering the row count on the 'My Assignment' link BKrev: 41fdf0d2zxh9-ukhro9ecuAMY_vvnw 2005-01-28 21:29 +0000 [r1400-1409] Bryan Alsdorf * send.php, post_note.php, include/class.support.php: Hide emails from certain users if issue is private. (Logical change 1.495) * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: Column to indicate if issue is private. (Logical change 1.495) * templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, view.php, templates/en/update.tpl.html, include/class.project.php, view_note.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, view_email.php, update.php: Added option to mark issue as private. (Logical change 1.495) * templates/en/permission_denied.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.495) * reports/recent_activity.php: Hide items from private issues. (Logical change 1.495) * ChangeSet: Added option to mark issues private. This will enable only managers and users with certain permission levels to view the issue and all associated items. BKrev: 41faaecdj0Ob77o4YFMGmV0PDP3dPg * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Option to mark issues as private when creating them. (Logical change 1.495) * templates/en/list.tpl.html: Flag private issues. (Logical change 1.495) * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, ChangeLog: Added option to mark issues as private. (Logical change 1.495) * templates/en/permission_denied.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2005-01-27 19:17 +0000 [r1398-1399] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.date.php, ChangeLog: Forced timezone library to realize all dates in Eventum are stored as GMT (Logical change 1.494) * ChangeSet: Forced timezone library to realize all dates in Eventum are stored as GMT BKrev: 41f93e4aYXx6jRdi_VMGOQNTdSEQ_A 2005-01-26 21:49 +0000 [r1396-1397] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, setup/changes.sql: Added option to let reporters only view issues they reported. (Logical change 1.493) * ChangeSet: db changes for previous commit. BKrev: 41f81084bIb0mOdI0PWomWb6z33QCg 2005-01-26 20:34 +0000 [r1392-1395] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added option to let reporters only view issues they reported. BKrev: 41f7fee0cPbT7_CNj-B9VkpzAsGWZg * templates/en/help/main.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, include/class.project.php, include/class.help.php, include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Added option to let reporters only view issues they reported. (Logical change 1.492) * templates/en/help/segregate_reporter.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.492) * templates/en/help/segregate_reporter.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2005-01-25 23:41 +0000 [r1390-1391] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed typo in JS confirmation when sending an email BKrev: 41f6d924JpCft_l1pjCwa2OamoZmHQ * templates/en/send.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed typo in JS confirmation when sending an email. (Logical change 1.491) 2005-01-25 23:30 +0000 [r1388-1389] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added option to add time tracking entry from close issue page. BKrev: 41f6d696woT6D3sGbe7T2jazxizndA * close.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added option to add time tracking entry from close issue page. (Logical change 1.490) 2005-01-25 22:58 +0000 [r1386-1387] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with locks if no account ID specified. BKrev: 41f6cf2fWzGj-qqaSqHqzCD9AkV8pw * misc/download_emails.php: Fixed bug with locks if no account ID specified. (Logical change 1.489) 2005-01-25 06:05 +0000 [r1383-1385] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with link filters. BKrev: 41f5e1a0PaZfLnKWZTGuv8kaQv97Og * include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.link_filter.php, get_jsrs_data.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.template.php: Pass project to link filter class. (Logical change 1.488) * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with link filters. (Logical change 1.488) 2005-01-24 08:05 +0000 [r1381-1382] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with marking customer action. BKrev: 41f4ac36TdY490Z0InNcyMsuPFMq4w * include/class.support.php: Fixed bug with marking customer action. (Logical change 1.487) 2005-01-24 08:01 +0000 [r1379-1380] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Prevent SQL error if no value is entered for 'in past X hours'. BKrev: 41f4ab52hMuj2HfrOFDVSoErsITkfg * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Prevent SQL error if no value is entered for 'in past X hours'. (Logical change 1.486) 2005-01-24 06:59 +0000 [r1375-1378] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Added IRC bot restart script. (Logical change 1.485) * ChangeSet: Added IRC bot restart script. BKrev: 41f49cce2-LaChi_qzJsEt7E1usLHQ * misc/irc/restart.php: (Logical change 1.485) * misc/irc/restart.php (added): Initial revision 2005-01-24 06:53 +0000 [r1373-1374] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Remove certain CC addresses from incoming emails. BKrev: 41f49b72NGHErWLKlgsFWalvoMYB7g * ChangeLog, misc/route_emails.php: Remove certain CC addresses from incoming emails. (Logical change 1.484) 2005-01-24 06:48 +0000 [r1371-1372] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Add attachments to new issue notification. BKrev: 41f49a2cxiEkyWPAtPDkzqGgJ0L4wA * templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Add attachments to new issue notification. (Logical change 1.483) 2005-01-24 06:34 +0000 [r1368-1370] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed tab order on new issue form BKrev: 41f496fdt0MHdNCwzW8CJe4gp3NY8Q * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed tab order on new issue form (Logical change 1.482) * templates/en/lookup_field.tpl.html: Added optional tabindex parameter (Logical change 1.482) 2005-01-24 06:07 +0000 [r1364-1367] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Add confirmation if you do not redeem incidents when closing an issue. (Logical change 1.481) * ChangeSet: Missing changelog BKrev: 41f49091HSaGBNxZkUQ_g9z4cuRKDw * ChangeSet: Add confirmation if you do not redeem incidents when closing an issue. BKrev: 41f49070yvhJ7dQzAsSgO6MjSP9pBw * templates/en/close.tpl.html: Add confirmation if you do not redeem incidents when closing an issue. (Logical change 1.480) 2005-01-24 05:58 +0000 [r1362-1363] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: If text file is > 5K force download instead of displaying BKrev: 41f48e95tDW-823iCMmYI3O9VZeN5Q * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: If text file is > 5K force download instead of displaying (Logical change 1.479) 2005-01-24 05:55 +0000 [r1359-1361] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: Copy change. (Logical change 1.478) * ChangeSet: Upgraded recent activity report to handle emails, notes, drafts and time tracking entries. BKrev: 41f48ddcDC05GGhryhZaewhujV7Zng * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, reports/recent_activity.php, ChangeLog: Upgraded recent activity report to handle emails, notes, drafts and time tracking entries. (Logical change 1.478) 2005-01-24 05:46 +0000 [r1357-1358] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql: Changed schema file to properly insert role of default admin user. (Logical change 1.477) * ChangeSet: Changed schema file to properly insert role of default admin user. BKrev: 41f48bd1PwQNnZW17d9qT9rXyTdhOQ 2005-01-24 04:42 +0000 [r1355-1356] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: getTouchedIssuesByUser excludes notification and authorized replier actions. BKrev: 41f47ca3f8BTuQq6vQbTqFCgt_DP8w * include/class.history.php, ChangeLog: getTouchedIssuesByUser excludes notification and authorized replier actions. (Logical change 1.476) 2005-01-24 04:34 +0000 [r1353-1354] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, ChangeLog, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Added #s to drafts, notes, phone calls, emails and time tracking entries. (Logical change 1.475) * ChangeSet: Added #s to drafts, notes, phone calls, emails and time tracking entries. BKrev: 41f47ac4KRqUcB3ZqpsSPtpvaUK_xQ 2005-01-24 04:27 +0000 [r1351-1352] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Issue descriptions are now collapsible. BKrev: 41f47942w_yC_Fs818X8VQU3W9l_Vg * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Issue descriptions are now collapsible. (Logical change 1.474) 2005-01-24 04:20 +0000 [r1349-1350] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/send.tpl.html, templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, include/class.draft.php, setup/schema.sql, send.php, view.php, setup/changes.sql: Added feature so no drafts are ever deleted. (Logical change 1.473) * ChangeSet: Added feature so no drafts are ever deleted. BKrev: 41f47776YUa-GdoZmqDUFwwOYI3YmA 2005-01-21 16:17 +0000 [r1347-1348] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: Fixing reference to wrong variable. (Logical change 1.472) * ChangeSet: Fixing reference to wrong variable. BKrev: 41f12b363i5At9Lvxe1w9wgz-Yk7LQ 2005-01-21 07:19 +0000 [r1345-1346] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Forgot changelog. BKrev: 41f0ad14irTFyaqpNuVvD1iGXpdqFQ * ChangeLog: Added option to hide priority and file field on create issue page. (Logical change 1.471) 2005-01-21 07:15 +0000 [r1342-1344] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Handle if no priority is specified when creating an issue. (Logical change 1.470) * ChangeSet: Added option to hide priority and files on the create issue page. BKrev: 41f0abff7LQ5quOppIROmO97NO7CQw * templates/en/new.tpl.html, include/class.project.php: Added option to hide priority and files on the create issue page. (Logical change 1.470) 2005-01-21 05:05 +0000 [r1338-1341] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html: Missing file. (Logical change 1.469) * ChangeSet: Removing debug, including missing file and minor bug fix. BKrev: 41f08d84FpBpVJrrdSqcGwbxhzpF_g * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php: Removing debug. (Logical change 1.469) * include/class.issue.php: Fixed bug if no user exists for the specified customer contact. (Logical change 1.469) 2005-01-21 02:13 +0000 [r1330-1337] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php, misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/index.html: (Logical change 1.468) * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php: Added missing function. (Logical change 1.468) * ChangeSet: Merging 2005/01/20 19:26:24-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Users can now have seperate roles per project. 2005/01/17 14:16:42-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added missing function to abstract workflow backend class. BKrev: 41f06548LIHScznY9JcHDZyn51cUvQ * ChangeLog: Merging 2005/01/20 19:25:59-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Users can now have seperate roles per project. 2005/01/17 14:16:41-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added missing function. (Logical change 1.468) * templates/en/list.tpl.html, include/class.authorized_replier.php, include/class.history.php, manage/releases.php, templates/en/notifications/new_user.tpl.text, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, include/class.note.php, reports/weekly.php, manage/customer_notes.php, templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html, manage/customize_listing.php, manage/news.php, reports/index.php, manage/general.php, manage/groups.php, faq.php, associate.php, manage/email_accounts.php, include/class.attachment.php, manage/reminders.php, setup/changes.sql, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, templates/en/manage/round_robin.tpl.html, include/class.auth.php, new.php, manage/faq.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.prefs.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/round_robin.php, include/class.display_column.php, include/class.mail.php, view.php, manage/column_display.php, list.php, include/class.filter.php, templates/en/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text, manage/link_filters.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, manage/priorities.php, main.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.link_filter.php, reports/recent_activity.php, manage/resolution.php, templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html, reports/workload_time_period.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.support.php, templates/en/notifications/account_details.tpl.text, include/class.user.php, get_jsrs_data.php, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, reports/customer_stats.php, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, include/workflow/class.intranet.php, mail_queue.php, customer/example/customer_lookup.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, manage/custom_fields.php, manage/users.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.project.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, reports/custom_fields.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, history.php, preferences.php, manage/account_managers.php, manage/statuses.php, popup.php, customer/example/create_customers.php, templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text, manage/time_tracking.php, setup/schema.sql, manage/categories.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, manage/anonymous.php, manage/email_responses.php, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html: Users can now have seperate roles per project. (Logical change 1.468) * include/customer/class.example.php: Auto merged 2005/01/20 19:26:04-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Users can now have seperate roles per project. (Logical change 1.468) * include/class.notification.php: Auto merged 2005/01/20 19:26:03-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Users can now have seperate roles per project. (Logical change 1.468) * misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/set_user_roles.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.4_to_1.5/index.html (added): Initial revision 2005-01-17 22:12 +0000 [r1328-1329] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Another place needed the previous fix. BKrev: 41ec3863UnS3beQqtMDRvl7GzoCrXw * include/class.notification.php: Another place needed the previous fix. (Logical change 1.467) 2005-01-17 22:07 +0000 [r1326-1327] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php: Wrong function. (Logical change 1.466) * ChangeSet: Wrong function. BKrev: 41ec371bRkf4FYcsHcSD-Tkh11d-cQ 2005-01-17 21:55 +0000 [r1324-1325] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Issue assignment emails now go out from project email address. (Logical change 1.465) * ChangeSet: Issue assignment emails now go out from project email address. BKrev: 41ec3461tyvFe3iavD7RrP51Lcr3cw 2005-01-17 19:01 +0000 [r1322-1323] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Display the current textarea value when trying to update the custom fields BKrev: 41ec0b88u3SkHQdHOyEG-czeWnJxBw * templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Display the current textarea value when trying to update the custom fields (Logical change 1.464) 2005-01-16 03:22 +0000 [r1320-1321] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed a problem on the example customer backend that was triggering a DB error BKrev: 41e9de01TXeKjTcYgKY9o5a6Z0Fwxw * ChangeLog, include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed a problem on the example customer backend that was triggering a DB error (Logical change 1.463) 2005-01-15 17:03 +0000 [r1318-1319] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Prevent PHP warning from being displayed when running the process_mail_queue.php script BKrev: 41e94ce1kdI7WD8xen5J4BPh6rVAOg * include/class.error_handler.php, ChangeLog: Prevent PHP warning from being displayed when running the process_mail_queue.php script (Logical change 1.462) 2005-01-15 16:08 +0000 [r1314-1317] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: forgot the changelog entry BKrev: 41e93fedIhYYyxdSYy0udMjBTnRuqQ * ChangeLog: Fixed Clock-In / Clock-Out link on non-base directories (Logical change 1.461) * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Fixed Clock-In / Clock-Out link on non-base directories (Logical change 1.460) * ChangeSet: Fixed Clock-In / Clock-Out link on non-base directories BKrev: 41e93fb6Dhpy1ueGftoVvOBMzcDNLA 2005-01-06 16:54 +0000 [r1311-1313] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.intranet.php: (Logical change 1.459) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2005/01/06 10:53:57-06:00 mysql.com!bryan New workflow class. BKrev: 41dd6d5ezFxqyld32sI0mIWDaRb1TA * include/workflow/class.intranet.php (added): Initial revision 2005-01-05 18:33 +0000 [r1309-1310] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: WS fix (Logical change 1.458) * ChangeSet: WS fix BKrev: 41dc32f7rIQ-55raUYrvVmaYbJgjKA 2005-01-05 17:55 +0000 [r1307-1308] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with APP_TITLE not being displayed in issue auto created messages BKrev: 41dc2a204Q_cunQZ_b0DnidcXsz32Q * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with APP_TITLE not being displayed in issue auto created messages (Logical change 1.457) 2005-01-05 17:39 +0000 [r1305-1306] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/send.tpl.html, js/global.js: Fixed bug with lookup field. (Logical change 1.456) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with lookup field. BKrev: 41dc2666u8887s11-FIzoeTJQIpXlA 2005-01-04 21:56 +0000 [r1302-1304] Bryan Alsdorf * UPGRADE: Fixing upgrade file. (Logical change 1.455) * ChangeSet: Fixing upgrade file. BKrev: 41db1122QEfz6I2tAGPWUk-dz3jaOg 2005-01-04 20:30 +0000 [r1300-1301] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Set Eventum 1.4 release date. BKrev: 41dafcdbn-vyRQ7btZV4fiGhjJ4n4w * ChangeLog: Set release date. (Logical change 1.454) 2005-01-04 20:12 +0000 [r1298-1299] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php: Fixed placeholder. (Logical change 1.453) * ChangeSet: Fixed placeholder. BKrev: 41daf8b86ozMLlLkLJLsxuUNMQ-SdA 2005-01-04 04:15 +0000 [r1296-1297] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with advanced search and saved searches. BKrev: 41da1864I36SZmKFPlA_I84ps3ktBw * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, list.php, include/class.filter.php: Fixed bug with advanced search and saved searches. (Logical change 1.452) 2004-12-31 03:39 +0000 [r1294-1295] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.attachment.php, ChangeLog: Inline file attachments (such as images) now have filename set. (Logical change 1.451) * ChangeSet: Inline file attachments (such as images) now have filename set. BKrev: 41d4c9f5aVQgwLVa5X9h9VZvXDOVgg 2004-12-30 20:07 +0000 [r1287-1293] Bryan Alsdorf * docs/Customer_API.html, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php: Updating customer API. (Logical change 1.450) * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php: Fixing upgrade script. (Logical change 1.450) * ChangeSet: Updating customer API. Fixing update scripts. BKrev: 41d4601ensOs8hQQl_11V4DKw57phg * setup/index.php, setup/config.inc.php: Fixing update script. (Logical change 1.450) * setup/schema.sql: Removing column that doesn't belong (Logical change 1.450) * customer/example/create_customers.php: (Logical change 1.450) * customer/example/create_customers.php (added): Initial revision 2004-12-30 14:34 +0000 [r1285-1286] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Escape input given by users (Bug #7552) BKrev: 41d411dab5ctVIBotzqLLfi7J85SNw * templates/en/login_form.tpl.html, templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html: Escape input given by users (Bug #7552) (Logical change 1.449) 2004-12-30 14:21 +0000 [r1283-1284] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/12/08 23:26:23-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/11/25 19:07:42-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/11/25 19:07:08-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge 2004/09/28 12:09:46+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/28 12:09:27+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Changing time tracking form button label BKrev: 41d40ee8JF0hP1G7Mt6uHsO02vtIdA * templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: SCCS merged 2004/09/28 12:09:26+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Changing time tracking form button label (Logical change 1.448) 2004-12-29 05:30 +0000 [r1281-1282] Bryan Alsdorf * logs/errors.log: This file should be empty. (Logical change 1.447) * ChangeSet: This file should be empty. BKrev: 41d240deZVkI1xRpnWedxcDrndVwxA 2004-12-28 19:17 +0000 [r1279-1280] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Fixed tab order. (Logical change 1.446) * ChangeSet: Fixed tab order of setup page. BKrev: 41d1b12ex-8g8GukYnr5w6p5zKTdtw 2004-12-28 06:50 +0000 [r1277-1278] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php, setup/changes.sql: Set system account user status to be inactive. (Logical change 1.445) * ChangeSet: Set system account user status to be inactive. BKrev: 41d1021eIjOJ7IZGfaVDZEdEPQMR9A 2004-12-27 06:54 +0000 [r1275-1276] Bryan Alsdorf * reports/weekly.php: Missing file for weekly reports. (Logical change 1.444) * ChangeSet: Missing file for weekly reports. BKrev: 41cfb1b9LehULp8f8L7dwk_b0H4EGw 2004-12-27 06:44 +0000 [r1273-1274] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html: Changed day format to always be 2 digits. (Logical change 1.443) * ChangeSet: Changed day format to always be 2 digits. BKrev: 41cfaf3a-PoXpZSlFIV7T0vPH5C2cw 2004-12-27 06:18 +0000 [r1270-1272] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, include/class.report.php: Added option to seperate closed issues from other issues. (Logical change 1.442) * ChangeSet: Added option to seperate closed issues from other issues on weekly report. BKrev: 41cfa928PVZ_shpPUxs5Zy2KiRpmXQ * include/class.history.php: added option to seperate issues touched by status. (Logical change 1.442) 2004-12-23 16:06 +0000 [r1268-1269] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Pass date email was recieved to notification method. BKrev: 41caecf01VZwxq3Px3Q8keGLz1AkMA * include/class.issue.php: Pass date email was recieved to notification method. (Logical change 1.441) 2004-12-22 20:03 +0000 [r1266-1267] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed My Assignments link to clear all filters except user filter. BKrev: 41c9d301hXFQ_mbBQTFddhZIhVqo9Q * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, list.php: Changed My Assignments link to clear all filters except user filter. (Logical change 1.440) 2004-12-20 05:21 +0000 [r1264-1265] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Set charset header. (Logical change 1.439) * ChangeSet: Set charset header. BKrev: 41c6616aBIq3eL2Zq5iTYTPzC3elDA 2004-12-15 06:06 +0000 [r1258-1263] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.auth.php: Added option to indicate if the project has been automatically switched. (Logical change 1.438) * include/class.issue.php: Return empty if no issue ID is passed in. (Logical change 1.438) * css/style.css, css/other.css: Added new CSS (Logical change 1.438) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Display message if project has automatically been switched. (Logical change 1.438) * ChangeSet: Automatically switch projects if appropriate. BKrev: 41bfd480zRkWXHOwRYwg7U-8dL6ETA * view.php, ChangeLog: Automatically switch projects if appropriate. (Logical change 1.438) 2004-12-14 19:16 +0000 [r1256-1257] Bryan Alsdorf * select_project.php, ChangeLog: Following a direct link to an issue will automatically select the correct project when logging in. (Logical change 1.437) * ChangeSet: Following a direct link to an issue will automatically select the correct project when logging in. BKrev: 41bf3c0eJwqIwlGvJ6fI6F-FLM3auw 2004-12-14 15:16 +0000 [r1254-1255] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Another customer integration fix. BKrev: 41bf03dc2T51AuydWQXObtnob_5bpw * close.php: Another customer integration fix. (Logical change 1.436) 2004-12-14 15:11 +0000 [r1252-1253] Bryan Alsdorf * close.php: Customer integration fix. (Logical change 1.435) * ChangeSet: Customer integration fix. BKrev: 41bf02bfYmm7utLyjyYs-dX_H65ZEg 2004-12-13 06:17 +0000 [r1248-1251] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/index.html, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/fix_setup_file.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php: (Logical change 1.434) * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php: fixed typo. (Logical change 1.434) * ChangeSet: Preparing for 1.4 release. BKrev: 41bd33ffJZ3AltDy7G4HVpH__v73mw * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/index.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/fix_setup_file.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/upgrade_config.php (added): Initial revision 2004-12-09 05:27 +0000 [r1238-1247] Bryan Alsdorf * js/global.js: Added changeVisibility method. (Logical change 1.433) * close.php, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, include/class.customer.php, setup/schema.sql, rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, templates/en/close.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog, popup.php: Added support for multiple incident types. (Logical change 1.433) * ChangeSet: Added support for multiple incident types. Fixed bug with with listing issues and emails. BKrev: 41b7e24bflVBzo6r0sgUbBh8XipW-w * include/class.issue.php: Fix bug with listing issues. (Logical change 1.433) * include/class.support.php: Fixed email listing bug. (Logical change 1.433) * templates/en/redeem_incident.tpl.html, redeem_incident.php: (Logical change 1.433) * include/class.filter.php: Fixed typo. (Logical change 1.433) * include/class.reminder_action.php: Add status to reminder action display page. (Logical change 1.433) * templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html: Added status to reminder action page. (Logical change 1.433) * templates/en/redeem_incident.tpl.html (added), redeem_incident.php (added): Initial revision 2004-12-04 16:33 +0000 [r1236-1237] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Added option to search by events in past X hours on advanced search page. (Logical change 1.432) * ChangeSet: Added option to search by events in past X hours on advanced search page. BKrev: 41b1e6f4pcwhUTAZZFBBOCpCtI8qXg 2004-11-22 17:14 +0000 [r1234-1235] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.misc.php: Changed behavior of getFormattedTime to show minutes as a decimal part of an hour. (Logical change 1.431) * ChangeSet: Changed behavior of getFormattedTime to show minutes as a decimal part of an hour. BKrev: 41a21e81Dk9U_pXxcbKhTHdm1kk0Dg 2004-11-22 09:44 +0000 [r1232-1233] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text: Added URL to updated account notification. (Logical change 1.430) * ChangeSet: Added URL to updated account notification. BKrev: 41a1b4e9Qzojwk4HtbGyKrXoZER9HQ 2004-11-22 09:38 +0000 [r1230-1231] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.reminder.php, ChangeLog: Exclude expired contracts (Logical change 1.429) * ChangeSet: Exclude expired contracts BKrev: 41a1b394MJZ4zcdY-xTBVCQWpuFCmw 2004-11-22 09:33 +0000 [r1226-1229] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Default time to current local time in phone call module. (Logical change 1.428) * ChangeSet: Default time to current local time in phone call module. BKrev: 41a1b24fGTdH30fRLYoFEyo_CSShKg * ChangeSet: Default time to current local time. BKrev: 41a1b1cbqHwHeoHCi3uuBgFwKu1XEQ * templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html: Default time to current local time. (Logical change 1.427) 2004-11-22 08:56 +0000 [r1224-1225] Bryan Alsdorf * include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed bug in example customer class. (Logical change 1.426) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug in example customer class. BKrev: 41a1a9a49a7SLeU17kjWV-XHfWmxiA 2004-11-22 08:51 +0000 [r1220-1223] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added Recent Activity report. BKrev: 41a1a875z3zjqs35dub1Oh5xmw56Bg * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html, reports/recent_activity.php: (Logical change 1.425) * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added Recent Activity report. (Logical change 1.425) * templates/en/reports/recent_activity.tpl.html (added), reports/recent_activity.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-19 22:30 +0000 [r1216-1219] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added script to check permissions on eventum. BKrev: 419e7405Wfm6YzkbUzASAPX3L-8KnQ * setup/check_permissions.php: (Logical change 1.424) * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Added link to check permissions script. (Logical change 1.424) * setup/check_permissions.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-19 21:59 +0000 [r1214-1215] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed way setup class accessed setup data to prevent unauthorized access to configuration data. BKrev: 419e6cb9bgSSIFEDYgFLsJ4HDKknvA * include/class.setup.php: Now includes setup file and accesses a variable containing setup information instead of reading the data directly from the file. (Logical change 1.423) 2004-11-18 18:10 +0000 [r1212-1213] Bryan Alsdorf * manage/projects.php: Fetch project list after inserting/deleting project to prevent old list from being show in project chooser. (Logical change 1.422) * ChangeSet: Fetch project list after inserting/deleting project to prevent old list from being show in project chooser. BKrev: 419ce594X_nmD36cz7kjZBogm55n1A 2004-11-18 17:48 +0000 [r1210-1211] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Fixed bug with deleting projects. (Logical change 1.421) * ChangeSet: Changelog for deleting projects fix. BKrev: 419ce06am6im38K3YzBA3-RwK7QFAQ 2004-11-18 17:45 +0000 [r1207-1209] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/18 11:43:46-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Prevent SQL errors when deleting a project. BKrev: 419cdfb3NKnIZoXFynpBxs3FuGFkAw * include/class.issue.php: If not issues exist when deleting a project, don't call all individual methods. (Logical change 1.420) * include/class.support.php: Prevent SQL error when no ids were passed in. (Logical change 1.420) 2004-11-15 17:25 +0000 [r1205-1206] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Sort the "issues by category" stats by the number of issues BKrev: 4198e681yxhBE6EuP31FZ-73FdoBzA * include/class.stats.php: Sort the "issues by category" stats by the number of issues (Logical change 1.419) 2004-11-12 18:32 +0000 [r1203-1204] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing the bug that was preventing firefox users from uploading multiple files BKrev: 419501afs3TyVFIZpatA143wR0QsMA * templates/en/new.tpl.html, js/global.js: Fixing the bug that was preventing firefox users from uploading multiple files (Logical change 1.418) 2004-11-12 16:09 +0000 [r1199-1202] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php: The next release number will be 1.4, not 1.3.2 (Logical change 1.417) * ChangeSet: The next release number will be 1.4, not 1.3.2 BKrev: 4194e038XhdknxVxmY58TGjlcpm99w * ChangeSet: Adding this missing database change BKrev: 4194e019jMrWiu-wwqyaFCPnwk42QA * setup/changes.sql: Adding this missing database change (Logical change 1.416) 2004-11-11 22:11 +0000 [r1197-1198] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Updating the list of changes (Logical change 1.415) * ChangeSet: Updating the list of changes BKrev: 4193e3985zsa3fHfdKzxs7bFFzH0ug 2004-11-10 21:49 +0000 [r1195-1196] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html: Being as nitpicky as joao. (Logical change 1.414) * ChangeSet: Few nits. BKrev: 41928d06p49jZlrkWJ1dyPKCmwXA3w 2004-11-10 21:42 +0000 [r1192-1194] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Fixing the include path in here (Logical change 1.413) * ChangeSet: Few style nits BKrev: 41928b4bVBAsZsxZaxZjSU0esP9lYQ * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Few style nits (Logical change 1.413) 2004-11-10 21:14 +0000 [r1189-1191] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/index.php, templates/en/setup.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Save email configuration from install screen. (Logical change 1.412) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/10 15:09:06-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Save email configuration from install screen. BKrev: 4192849b9s4qqFvrk2SokkR0s-scyA * setup/schema.sql: Fixed incorrect schema. (Logical change 1.412) 2004-11-10 15:59 +0000 [r1187-1188] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Moving the hidden fields to the top of the form, changing button class BKrev: 41923af0gA06xuGogmq13fsKAxZZBA * templates/en/manage/column_display.tpl.html: Moving the hidden fields to the top of the form, changing button class (Logical change 1.411) 2004-11-10 15:47 +0000 [r1185-1186] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.customer.php: Wrong method name (Logical change 1.410) * ChangeSet: Wrong method name BKrev: 4192382d77tMKhi6e8zdcXYhejOxdA 2004-11-10 14:55 +0000 [r1183-1184] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Leftover code from debugging BKrev: 41922be3rWptXHJkcDhvSsZfwzoANA * misc/process_mail_queue.php: Leftover code from debugging (Logical change 1.409) 2004-11-09 19:52 +0000 [r1182] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.lock.php: (Logical change 1.408) 2004-11-09 19:52 +0000 [r1181] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/08 15:24:31-06:00 mysql.com!jpm New lock handling routines BKrev: 41912011erdYGHUTVEu2hd1Sp3E_4w 2004-11-09 19:52 +0000 [r1179-1180] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php, misc/download_emails.php, misc/irc/bot.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, setup/config.inc.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, misc/check_reminders.php: New lock handling routines (Logical change 1.408) * include/class.lock.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-09 19:52 +0000 [r1176-1178] Bryan Alsdorf * FAQ: Added note about "Unable to set sender to [@localhost]" error. (Logical change 1.407) * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php: Adding tables for columns to display. (Logical change 1.407) * ChangeSet: Missing DB change Updated FAQ BKrev: 41911fe3gQ46tZlJO02bcOvJN1RdeA 2004-11-09 19:47 +0000 [r1164-1175] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/manage/column_display.tpl.html, templates/en/help/column_display.tpl.html, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/setup_columns_to_display.php, include/class.display_column.php, manage/column_display.php: (Logical change 1.406) * setup/schema.sql: Added columns_to_display table. (Logical change 1.406) * ChangeSet: Added ability to dynamically control which columns are displayed on list issues page. Added 'Release' to Advanced Search page. BKrev: 41911ed2RE1JYDJ5bkDFcpLsTrcXOw * templates/en/list.tpl.html, list.php, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html: Added ability to dynamically control which columns are displayed on list issues page. (Logical change 1.406) * ChangeLog: Added ability to dynamically control which columns are displayed on list issues page. Added 'Release' to advanced search page. (Logical change 1.406) * include/class.issue.php: Added filtering on 'Release'. (Logical change 1.406) * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: Added 'Release'. (Logical change 1.406) * include/class.group.php: Fixed comment. (Logical change 1.406) * include/class.filter.php: Added 'Release' to Advanced Search page. (Logical change 1.406) * include/class.project.php: When creating a new project, setup columns to display. (Logical change 1.406) * include/class.help.php: Added help entry for 'Edit Columns to Display'. (Logical change 1.406) * templates/en/help/column_display.tpl.html (added), templates/en/manage/column_display.tpl.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/setup_columns_to_display.php (added), include/class.display_column.php (added), manage/column_display.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-08 19:48 +0000 [r1163] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/11/04 12:45:16-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/04 12:44:58-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Renamed fields in customer stats report. removed options that only mattered to internal users. BKrev: 418fcd9c5MTpJwsoP2_2jAS9CI3pig 2004-11-08 19:48 +0000 [r1160-1162] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.customer_stats_report.php: Removed internal items. (Logical change 1.405) * include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed bug that prevented customers from being returned. (Logical change 1.405) * templates/en/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html, reports/customer_stats_graph.php: Renamed fields. (Logical change 1.405) 2004-11-08 17:23 +0000 [r1156-1159] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: New 'logs' directory to allow users to configure the location of the log files BKrev: 418faba6ITUf1oI7pVj6wxKGP88GhA * logs/cli.log, logs/login_attempts.log, logs/errors.log, logs/irc_bot.log: (Logical change 1.404) * setup/index.php, include/class.auth.php, misc/irc/bot.php, setup/config.inc.php: New 'logs' directory to allow users to configure the location of the log files (Logical change 1.404) * logs/cli.log (added), logs/login_attempts.log (added), logs/errors.log (added), logs (added), logs/irc_bot.log (added): Initial revision 2004-11-08 17:14 +0000 [r1154-1155] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid a PHP warning here BKrev: 418fa968wNSqbMzAnwxGsU7xfGUUNQ * view.php: Avoid a PHP warning here (Logical change 1.403) 2004-11-08 15:07 +0000 [r1144-1153] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Automatically close the phone entry window after submitting the form BKrev: 418f8b96_gOqSRIbZzEeQ6jvObEqog * phone_calls.php: Automatically close the phone entry window after submitting the form (Logical change 1.402) * ChangeSet: Hide the clock-in/clock-out information from customer users BKrev: 418f8b15cSM_mjJMeUaUED7HAaMeKg * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Hide the clock-in/clock-out information from customer users (Logical change 1.401) * misc/check_reminders.php: Adding some more debugging information to this script Allowing more than one triggered action per reminder (Logical change 1.400) * ChangeSet: Adding some more debugging information to this script Allowing more than one triggered action per reminder BKrev: 418f8af3deaih6eehm_e1HhzwfY7sg * ChangeSet: Properly clear the active filters in the email listing screen BKrev: 418f8ac338djR4K1m5kdUJYEVsLqzQ * templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html: Properly clear the active filters in the email listing screen (Logical change 1.399) * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: Allowing custom filters for "un-assigned" issues and issues assigned to "myself or un-assigned" (Logical change 1.398) * ChangeSet: Allowing custom filters for "un-assigned" issues and issues assigned to "myself or un-assigned" BKrev: 418f8a8feT06KF8wl6_IuLu8ziKA8Q 2004-11-04 18:23 +0000 [r1142-1143] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Removing this reference about Spot BKrev: 418a739bYyU9ZJAr5eBpsIwEmQWdag * include/class.note.php: Removing this reference about Spot (Logical change 1.397) 2004-11-04 18:07 +0000 [r1138-1141] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding new help documentation pages BKrev: 418a6febLRAI8YEKDycID8a6sI8dLQ * templates/en/help/main.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/field_display.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, include/class.help.php: Adding new help documentation pages (Logical change 1.396) * templates/en/help/link_filters.tpl.html, templates/en/help/field_display.tpl.html, templates/en/help/customize_listing.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.396) * templates/en/help/link_filters.tpl.html (added), templates/en/help/field_display.tpl.html (added), templates/en/help/customize_listing.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-11-04 17:42 +0000 [r1127-1137] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.mime_helper.php: Don't call Mail_mimeDecode::decode() statically anymore. (Logical change 1.395) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/04 11:41:43-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Added warning message to setup if you are using PHP5. 2004/11/03 15:52:50-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Updating some PEAR libraries and dependant code to work with PHP5. BKrev: 418a69f2ZzSgZBR58P8wXLeCrMttgg * include/pear/Mail/mimeDecode.php, include/pear/Mail/sendmail.php, include/pear/Mail.php, include/pear/Mail/mail.php, include/pear/Mail/smtp.php, include/pear/Mail/RFC822.php, include/pear/Net/SMTP.php: Updated to latest PEAR release. (Logical change 1.395) * include/jpgraph/jpgraph.php: PHP 5 compat comment. 2004/11/03 15:52:46-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Commented out for PHP5 compatability. (Logical change 1.395) * include/pear/Mail/null.php: (Logical change 1.395) * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: Removed duplicate options. (Logical change 1.395) * include/class.support.php: Fixed comment. (Logical change 1.395) * include/class.mail.php: Added helper method so Mail::prepareHeaders() wouldn't be called statically anymore. (Logical change 1.395) * include/class.mail_queue.php: Don't call Mail::prepareHeaders() statically anymore. (Logical change 1.395) * setup/index.php, templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Added warning message if you are using PHP5 (Logical change 1.395) * include/pear/Mail/null.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-03 21:50 +0000 [r1121-1126] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Use the success return code BKrev: 418952aaR4BTXiqs1tv1EYa4aqmLHA * popup.php: Use the success return code (Logical change 1.394) * ChangeSet: Respect the allow-unassigned-issues feature in the anonymous report form as well BKrev: 4189525bhf-95f0njgzn6MDksx18SA * include/class.issue.php: Avoid PHP warning (Logical change 1.393) * templates/en/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, manage/anonymous.php: Respect the allow-unassigned-issues feature in the anonymous report form as well (Logical change 1.393) * templates/en/post.tpl.html: Wrong type of form method (Logical change 1.393) 2004-11-03 21:09 +0000 [r1115-1120] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.reminder_action.php, templates/en/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text, templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text: Dynamically display/hide the customer related information in the reminder system email alerts (Logical change 1.392) * ChangeSet: Dynamically display/hide the customer related information in the reminder system email alerts BKrev: 418948feqPiD4tuXrl55v6ToBwwn1A * ChangeSet: Avoid clearing the last-triggered-reminder-action flag if the status change is not supposed to take place BKrev: 418948d7gccvHxFODgOY6zwJrGJ7wQ * include/class.issue.php: Avoid clearing the last-triggered-reminder-action flag if the status change is not supposed to take place (Logical change 1.391) * download.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.attachment.php: Merging the download/get-attachment routines into a single method call (Logical change 1.390) * ChangeSet: Merging the download/get-attachment routines into a single method call BKrev: 418948ade17vvD2WjNnuB_ExqXdvsg 2004-11-03 20:57 +0000 [r1112-1114] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: We don't need these templates anymore BKrev: 41894631oA_4QDdUGz9tAoqBu4jAkg * templates/en/notifications/emails.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/emails.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.389) * templates/en/notifications/emails.tpl.text (removed): Delete: templates/en/notifications/emails.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.389) 2004-11-03 16:43 +0000 [r1110-1111] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: WS fix BKrev: 41890ab16lVrsgbFDmpXQcp0HV7RJw * include/class.auth.php: WS fix (Logical change 1.388) 2004-11-03 15:19 +0000 [r1108-1109] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Updated a PEAR class to be PHP5 compatible. BKrev: 4188f6e4kKrpc2MMB6fLLSsJ-za4lg * include/pear/Net/UserAgent/Detect.php: Updated to be PHP5 compatible. (Logical change 1.387) 2004-11-02 21:07 +0000 [r1105-1107] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.template.php: Auto merged 2004/11/02 15:06:29-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Call new methods on Net_UserAgent_Detect class. (Logical change 1.386) * ChangeLog: Auto merged 2004/11/02 15:06:29-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Updated PEAR Net_UserAgent_Detect class to be compatible with PHP5 (Logical change 1.386) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/11/02 15:06:31-06:00 mysql.com!bryan Updated PEAR Net_UserAgent_Detect class to be compatible with PHP5. Eventum should now work with PHP5. BKrev: 4187f720MOylHpfXhY6H9RtfJXL6lw 2004-11-02 02:26 +0000 [r1098-1104] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Renaming the next release to 1.4 BKrev: 4186f06ewl5BqO64fVhyoa5lGaGHgw * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.385) * ChangeLog: Renaming the next release to 1.4 (Logical change 1.385) * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.385) * ChangeSet: Adding PHP-based CVS integration script BKrev: 4186f0453OxFxxcfsNiwVhrxGgx0Ow * misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php: (Logical change 1.384) * misc/scm (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.4/database_changes.php (added), misc/scm/process_cvs_commits.php (added): Initial revision 2004-11-02 02:08 +0000 [r1073-1097] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.user.php: New function to check whether the given status is pending or not (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html: Also disable/enable the checkbox when the label link is clicked (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/signup.tpl.html: Style fixups (Logical change 1.383) * ChangeSet: Tons of changes BKrev: 4186ec287ZBpZPMDY27TnAZi2qd9BA * include/class.template.php: Pass a flag showing whether the current user is clocked in or not (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html: Validate the project sender email address (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Small style nits (Logical change 1.383) * time_tracking.php: Small nits (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/app_info.tpl.html: Improve the application-specific link (Logical change 1.383) * manage/reminder_actions.php: Adding new parameter (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text: (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text: WS fix (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html: Style fix (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/associate.tpl.html: Adding a close window link (Logical change 1.383) * adv_search.php: Allow users to create custom filters on issues assigned to a group (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.notification.php: Use only the project email address if there is no project sender name Display customer information in the reminder alerts Display quarantine information in the IRC notifications Fix up the new assignment notification subject line to follow the current standard (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.issue.php: Automatically clear the last-triggered-reminder flag when the issue status is changed (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.reminder_action.php: Adding new parameter New feature to send reminder system status information to a configurable email address (Logical change 1.383) * js/global.js: Allow popups to be resized New function to return the list of selected values as an array Removing dangling "onClick" attribute (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.reminder.php: New feature to make the reminder system understand business hours New feature to create a reminder system status information email address (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.mail.php: Treat boolean false as an error condition as well (Logical change 1.383) * include/class.support.php: Avoid re-defining the post vars array (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html: Display the current value for a textarea custom field (Logical change 1.383) * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/class.note.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.workflow.php: Adding a new parameter here to allow workflow implementations to know who is the user posting this new note (Logical change 1.383) * templates/en/reminders/alert_no_recipients.tpl.text (added): Initial revision 2004-11-02 01:55 +0000 [r1061-1072] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: New feature to allow people to email drafts to draft-xxxx@ BKrev: 4186e911oFTLLj9b7uwo2bW1KxFK9g * misc/route_drafts.php: (Logical change 1.382) * manage/general.php, include/class.draft.php, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html: New feature to allow people to email drafts to draft-xxxx@ (Logical change 1.382) * misc/route_drafts.php (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: Save connection errors directly to the log file BKrev: 4186e8b2It6HmapWrkGRIGaaf-Xr_w * include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.error_handler.php: Save connection errors directly to the log file (Logical change 1.381) * templates/en/clock_status.tpl.html, clock_status.php: (Logical change 1.380) * ChangeSet: Show clic BKrev: 4186e829UQNca0CXfSf_47yv8Wi7KA * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Show clic (Logical change 1.380) * templates/en/clock_status.tpl.html (added), clock_status.php (added): Initial revision * templates/en/emails.tpl.html, templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html, templates/en/faq.tpl.html, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Allow popups to be resized (Logical change 1.379) * ChangeSet: Allow popups to be resized BKrev: 4186e7d0MJaWwavuIbjSK0w0LCGBUQ 2004-11-02 01:12 +0000 [r1057-1060] mysql.com!jpm * misc/irc/bot.php: Display a different URL for pending customer emails (Logical change 1.378) * ChangeSet: Display a different URL for pending customer emails BKrev: 4186df16Cum4aE8PLQu45rW3f7sWDQ * ChangeSet: Updating the list of database changes BKrev: 4186de8bAB7MVblpbhObUbeHY-Ws5Q * setup/changes.sql: Updating the list of database changes (Logical change 1.377) 2004-11-02 01:04 +0000 [r1052-1056] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/popup.tpl.html: This stuff went to a separate popup window (Logical change 1.376) * popup.php: Removing this dangling condition (Logical change 1.376) * phone_calls.php, send.php: WS fix (Logical change 1.376) * self_assign.php: Removing some include files that are not needed (Logical change 1.376) * ChangeSet: Misc changes BKrev: 4186dd086xblV7obpAPaWpSEe3EjeA 2004-11-02 00:55 +0000 [r1042-1051] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Display a special warning if the IMAP extension is not found BKrev: 4186db1dGUf29aAZKURNBOkS5QeQXg * setup/index.php, templates/en/setup.tpl.html, misc/download_emails.php: Display a special warning if the IMAP extension is not found (Logical change 1.375) * js/validation.js: Add a date validation function (Logical change 1.374) * ChangeSet: Add a date validation function BKrev: 4186da9ceF-bXqO9KZjBadwGb2s2cQ * ChangeSet: Add some extra date validation to these forms BKrev: 4186da29_iSiFCsTMwa3uP2M-6z3Xw * templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: Add some extra date validation to these forms (Logical change 1.373) * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 4186d9d0laRwBmFss3dFi3pkuvVdLA * include/class.customer_stats_report.php: Small nit (Logical change 1.372) * ChangeSet: Use a GMT-based date string to prevent problems with relying on the timezone setting on the MySQL server BKrev: 4186d9a9DqY8XMdKUBJODOBQeVISEg * include/class.db_api.php: Use a GMT-based date string to prevent problems with relying on the timezone setting on the MySQL server (Logical change 1.371) 2004-11-02 00:46 +0000 [r1033-1041] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Moving the file upload form to a popup window BKrev: 4186d8d3p9IB8d1GyeqdKgTrTLKJUw * templates/en/attachments.tpl.html: Moving the file upload form to a popup window (Logical change 1.370) * templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html, file_upload.php: (Logical change 1.370) * templates/en/file_upload.tpl.html (added), file_upload.php (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: Check the field type in a different way BKrev: 4186d887_ZbfOKBGI77UZIxiKQ-23w * include/class.custom_field.php: Check the field type in a different way (Logical change 1.369) * templates/en/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html, templates/en/help/scm_integration_usage.tpl.html: Updating the references to the CVS integration script to the new PHP based one (Logical change 1.368) * ChangeSet: Updating the references to the CVS integration script to the new PHP based one BKrev: 4186d855-4_BzP1TGYuFNAfdadjiJw * misc/process_commits.pl (removed): Delete: misc/process_commits.pl }(Logical change 1.368) 2004-10-30 02:13 +0000 [r1031-1032] mysql.com!jpm * post.php, templates/en/post.tpl.html: Automatically redirect to the second step form if there is just one project to select (Logical change 1.367) * ChangeSet: Automatically redirect to the second step form if there is just one project to select BKrev: 4182f8b4C5thlzV2yi0ofdiWV1V0Jw 2004-10-30 01:33 +0000 [r1027-1030] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/post.tpl.html: Update the custom field handling code (Logical change 1.366) * ChangeSet: Update the custom field handling code BKrev: 4182ef5aEoac4YrJIhDehqdy35abjg * ChangeSet: Displaying the textarea custom field value BKrev: 4182ef13kI__Sdj8c7iCUUfjrDaSYg * templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html: Displaying the textarea custom field value (Logical change 1.365) 2004-10-20 14:53 +0000 [r1025-1026] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed inconsistent column type. BKrev: 41767bd62GcqzcsFfGRs63TNJDdnvA * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php: Fixed inconsistent column type. (Logical change 1.364) 2004-10-18 07:17 +0000 [r1023-1024] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added workflow method to restrict what statuses can be set for a specific issue. BKrev: 41736e08Fb98BS73bDHP4hiTg18bXA * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.workflow.php, ChangeLog, update.php: Added workflow method to restrict what statuses can be set for a specific issue. (Logical change 1.363) 2004-10-18 06:58 +0000 [r1021-1022] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/send.tpl.html, ChangeLog: If customer integration is not enabled, don't mention customers in warning message. (Logical change 1.362) * ChangeSet: If customer integration is not enabled, don't mention customers in warning message. BKrev: 417369a82JNVGj5Sz0SXggMUr4hI6A 2004-10-18 06:50 +0000 [r1018-1020] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug where an outdated cached copy what projects a user is assigned too is emailed to the user when they are assigned a new project. (Logical change 1.361) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug where an outdated cached copy what projects a user is assigned too is emailed to the user when they are assigned a new project. BKrev: 417367c2Drsw5-dNHDt0JjhX7_66-A * include/class.project.php: Added option to force refresh of what projects a user is assigned too. (Logical change 1.361) 2004-10-18 06:41 +0000 [r1016-1017] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Made popups resizeable. (Logical change 1.360) * ChangeSet: Made popups resizeable. BKrev: 417365a2MBkdwmZYJVmiWLNNjpNhnA 2004-10-18 06:33 +0000 [r1014-1015] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug related to updating reminders. BKrev: 417363cd_8WnVEwH1LIYVftmt6McyA * manage/reminder_conditions.php: Fixed bug related to updating reminders. (Logical change 1.359) 2004-10-18 06:17 +0000 [r1009-1013] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.db_api.php: Added method to return SQL used for calculating date diffs, not counting weekends. (Logical change 1.358) * include/class.issue.php: Removed extra line. (Logical change 1.358) * ChangeLog: Added option to force reminders to not count weekends when performing date calculations. (Logical change 1.358) * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, include/class.reminder.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php, misc/check_reminders.php: Added option to skip weekends. (Logical change 1.358) * ChangeSet: Added option to skip weekends. BKrev: 41736011GN9VXwWkvQM965KO5RiqVQ 2004-10-15 19:06 +0000 [r1007-1008] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: Adding missing function. (Logical change 1.357) * ChangeSet: Adding missing function. BKrev: 41701fa6xZd8aA81qL_BqWJpiehgsQ 2004-10-15 16:37 +0000 [r1005-1006] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added custom fields listed on the list issues page to the export. BKrev: 416ffce7q9Tc9pWYPecYMzJvV407KA * include/class.issue.php: Added custom fields listed on the list issues page to the export. (Logical change 1.356) 2004-10-15 02:41 +0000 [r1003-1004] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Being able to clear the release filter would be nice. (Logical change 1.355) * ChangeSet: Being able to clear the release filter would be nice. BKrev: 416f38cexnBZD_NNENKcx8NwTpI31w 2004-10-14 22:02 +0000 [r1001-1002] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Added searching by release from stats page. (Logical change 1.354) * ChangeSet: Added searching by release from stats page. BKrev: 416ef784Arq3CM5Iz8bhCJd1JbqiQQ 2004-10-12 19:24 +0000 [r999-1000] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Including changelog entry for previous change. BKrev: 416c2f7dgVdQNt7js1fN0V8sGNBXIA * ChangeLog: Including changelog entry for previous change. (Logical change 1.353) 2004-10-12 19:19 +0000 [r997-998] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php, templates/en/list.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Added support for displaying custom fields on list issues page. (Logical change 1.352) * ChangeSet: Added support for displaying custom fields on list issues page. BKrev: 416c2e55vGkJoF_C5pld3K_rCQsBQw 2004-10-12 15:54 +0000 [r995-996] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.reminder_action.php: Auto merged 2004/10/12 10:54:29-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Only add the group leader email to the recipients list if there is an actual email address (Logical change 1.351) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/10/12 10:54:29-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Only add the group leader email to the recipients list if there is an actual email address BKrev: 416bfe4ezZ3F7iBNdY3JB_YmqWRiwg 2004-10-11 21:05 +0000 [r993-994] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with priority titles. BKrev: 416af589B_VcT5A_ZOnIq4TA4gtiWg * include/class.priority.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug with priority titles. (Logical change 1.350) 2004-10-11 18:54 +0000 [r991-992] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed broken schema file. BKrev: 416ad6e0Kgq9iEndXCOhHwafUbj0eQ * setup/schema.sql: Fixed broken schema file. (Logical change 1.349) 2004-10-11 17:07 +0000 [r989-990] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changes calles to Status::getStatusColor() to load colors from query instead. BKrev: 416abdb4v2gIwM-rk1aYA-MrrYgsLg * include/class.report.php: Changes calles to Status::getStatusColor() to load colors from query instead. (Logical change 1.348) 2004-10-11 08:56 +0000 [r982-988] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.reminder_action.php: Passed project ID to notifyIRC method. (Logical change 1.347) * include/class.notification.php: Changed IRC notifications to accept a project ID. (Logical change 1.347) * misc/irc/bot.php: Handle IRC notices not associated with issues. (Logical change 1.347) * ChangeSet: Changed IRC notification system to not always be tied to a specific issue. BKrev: 416a4ad4tNyRyPuHxLb4M3hYkGwSQQ * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php, ChangeLog: Changed IRC notification system to not always be tied to a specific issue. (Logical change 1.347) * include/class.workflow.php: Pass more information to handleNewEmail method. (Logical change 1.347) * include/class.support.php: Call workflow::handleNewEmail() even if new email isn't associated with an issue. (Logical change 1.347) 2004-10-11 08:41 +0000 [r978-981] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Don't send email body when listing emails to save time in CLI. Fixed minor bug in CLI. BKrev: 416a4755zuqAYhvyJExV9FC0FpwCPw * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Prevent error. Don't send email body when listing emails to save time. (Logical change 1.346) * ChangeSet: Changed reminder system to allow date fields to be compared with other date fields. BKrev: 416a46b4sLLnkYhtzEFpiKv5BJQsVw * manage/reminder_conditions.php, setup/schema.sql, include/class.reminder.php, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, ChangeLog, include/class.reminder_condition.php: Changed reminder system to allow date fields to be compared with other date fields. (Logical change 1.345) 2004-10-11 08:09 +0000 [r972-977] Bryan Alsdorf * js/global.js: Added function to prompt when window is being closed. (Logical change 1.344) * js/validation.js: When closing windows explicity, disable prompt. (Logical change 1.344) * templates/en/send.tpl.html, templates/en/header.tpl.html: When closing window, prompt if it should be closed. (Logical change 1.344) * ChangeSet: Include customer note in example customer API. When closing email window, prompt for confirmation. BKrev: 416a3fa7RYNMfrOpe-dQr1H8iDwnHA * ChangeLog: Merging changes. (Logical change 1.344) * include/customer/class.example.php: Include customer notes in example API. (Logical change 1.344) 2004-10-08 20:40 +0000 [r970-971] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/new.tpl.html: "Keep Form Open" box stays checked. If keep form open box is checked, all fields are reset on next page. (Logical change 1.343) * ChangeSet: Fixed "Keep Form Open" functionality on create issue page. BKrev: 4166fb4c8QQZiUoZdu3lA8mmn_rlEA 2004-10-06 01:31 +0000 [r968-969] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: database change for IRC notices. BKrev: 41634ad75ujezZbLxL4JWgO8e4apig * setup/schema.sql: database change for IRC notices. (Logical change 1.342) 2004-10-05 20:39 +0000 [r964-967] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, new.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, js/global.js, ChangeLog, popup.php: Merged changes. (Logical change 1.341) * ChangeSet: Merged changes. BKrev: 4163068dB0q84a10o_P28xkDtA8kWA * templates/en/self_assign.tpl.html, self_assign.php: (Logical change 1.341) * templates/en/self_assign.tpl.html (added), self_assign.php (added): Initial revision 2004-10-01 18:55 +0000 [r954-963] Bryan Alsdorf * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Prevent PHP error (Logical change 1.340) * include/class.template.php: Added new modifier to link filters. (Logical change 1.340) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html: Activate link filters (Logical change 1.340) * templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html: added link to link filter admin. (Logical change 1.340) * include/class.impact_analysis.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, get_jsrs_data.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.misc.php: Apply link filters. (Logical change 1.340) * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php: Added link filter tables. (Logical change 1.340) * ChangeSet: Added link filters, which gives the ability to translate text into links to outside systems. BKrev: 415da818lSOB2EXZi6WoS-GJPqbDxg * ChangeLog: Link Filters (Logical change 1.340) * templates/en/manage/link_filters.tpl.html, include/class.link_filter.php, manage/link_filters.php: (Logical change 1.340) * templates/en/manage/link_filters.tpl.html (added), include/class.link_filter.php (added), manage/link_filters.php (added): Initial revision 2004-09-28 09:39 +0000 [r952-953] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/send.tpl.html, send.php: Fix to prevent duplicate signatures from being added to drafts. (Logical change 1.339) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/09/28 04:39:26-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fix to prevent duplicate signatures from being added to drafts. BKrev: 4159315ekTwqdS4RmR6fjnd0ZQngXQ 2004-09-28 09:25 +0000 [r950-951] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/28 11:20:28+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding support for 'user@localhost.', 'user@localhost' and 'us+er@domain.com' addresses BKrev: 41592e08cx9GQfz1xeaxJP0YfCmOgg * js/validation.js, include/class.validation.php: Adding support for 'user@localhost.', 'user@localhost' and 'us+er@domain.com' addresses (Logical change 1.338) 2004-09-28 08:57 +0000 [r944-949] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, new.php, view.php: Changed quarantine variable name. (Logical change 1.337) * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Added quarantine information to the CLI. (Logical change 1.337) * templates/en/customer/example/quarantine.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.337) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/09/28 03:53:42-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Changed quarantine related functions. Added quarantine message to CLI. BKrev: 41592770aDk6eqQ4wsFL067wrQ5RSA * include/class.issue.php: Changed quarantine related function. Added quarantine info to getDetails() (Logical change 1.337) * templates/en/customer/example/quarantine.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-09-28 08:21 +0000 [r942-943] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.mime_helper.php: Avoid treating attached forwarded messages as real attachments (Logical change 1.336) * ChangeSet: Avoid treating attached forwarded messages as real attachments BKrev: 41591f07VGCim9zg4KlZw2BmoJRlUQ 2004-09-28 07:56 +0000 [r940-941] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Allow emails in the 'us+er@example.com' format BKrev: 4159193dFXhY9F3lTfQBg2N_67xlbw * js/validation.js: Allow emails in the 'us+er@example.com' format (Logical change 1.335) 2004-09-26 13:55 +0000 [r937-939] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php: Adding the database change to remove the iss_lock_usr_id field (Logical change 1.334) * include/class.issue.php: Only display the time left until the max first response deadline when needed (Logical change 1.334) * ChangeSet: Only display the time left until the max first response deadline when needed BKrev: 4156ca43Lrhk9wYZN0bFniF33R1bZA 2004-09-26 11:52 +0000 [r935-936] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Updating the changelog BKrev: 4156ad88yiQJ86iURJ0nzqRsIXk3Jw * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog (Logical change 1.333) 2004-09-26 11:47 +0000 [r932-934] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Removing lock/unlock feature BKrev: 4156ac65zunvrweEYhrlGoDx-idI9g * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, templates/en/list.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, rpc/xmlrpc.php, view.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, misc/cli/eventum, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, include/class.workflow.php, popup.php: Removing lock/unlock feature (Logical change 1.332) * images/icons/lock.gif (removed): Delete: images/icons/lock.gif }(Logical change 1.332) 2004-09-26 10:48 +0000 [r930-931] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Remove the lock warning from the email form BKrev: 41569e87bVj7ORdsIBEvtxlTMvlpww * templates/en/send.tpl.html, send.php: Remove the lock warning from the email form (Logical change 1.331) 2004-09-26 10:35 +0000 [r925-929] mysql.com!jpm * popup.php: Adding this missing argument (Logical change 1.330) * ChangeSet: Adding this missing argument BKrev: 41569b70Wq38xUtM7Q_cP3HixUPpmg * view.php: Small nits (Logical change 1.329) * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 41569b3bN9UuBO2V-qVo_GeEyEs_Fg * templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/update.tpl.html: Removing some old stuff that we don't need anymore (Logical change 1.329) 2004-09-26 09:38 +0000 [r921-924] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Updating the changelog BKrev: 41568e25DpXnJdZwDGy0Yvtuwwcjwg * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog (Logical change 1.328) * misc/route_notes.php, misc/route_emails.php: Escape plus signs so that 'issue+1@example.com' becomes a valid routing address (Logical change 1.327) * ChangeSet: Escape plus signs so that 'issue+1@example.com' becomes a valid routing address BKrev: 41568debfNQ7Ra95qbXsH9cGjskH1A 2004-09-26 09:00 +0000 [r917-920] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php: Prevent the session code from messing up the browser cache (Logical change 1.326) * ChangeSet: Prevent the session code from messing up the browser cache BKrev: 41568544fq0OV4gHqZCsMExIbJo_0g * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/26 10:59:55+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Avoid PHP warning BKrev: 4156851ba-n3g6UHA--kFkZ4-D-RXw * include/class.filter.php: Avoid PHP warning (Logical change 1.325) 2004-09-25 13:07 +0000 [r913-916] Bryan Alsdorf * phone_calls.php, templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html, time_tracking.php, templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.324) * templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, popup.php: Moved telephone and time entry data entry form to popups. (Logical change 1.324) * ChangeSet: Moved telephone and time entry data entry form to popups. BKrev: 41556d7frlMB4d9oT2WjhxsTEwJeAw * phone_calls.php (added), templates/en/add_phone_entry.tpl.html (added), time_tracking.php (added), templates/en/add_time_tracking.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-09-25 11:57 +0000 [r909-912] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 41555d1enQufc8edgGfsLdpopIbg_A * templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html: Small nit (Logical change 1.323) * ChangeSet: Small style nit BKrev: 41555c883N4oVVaSX98ZCG7XkG7mZA * templates/en/app_info.tpl.html: Small style nit (Logical change 1.322) 2004-09-25 11:51 +0000 [r907-908] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 41555bc04utbTaW4It9FSQ3orSXuBQ * templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html: Small nit (Logical change 1.321) 2004-09-25 10:59 +0000 [r905-906] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/new.tpl.html: Disable the main submit button to avoid double-clicks (Logical change 1.320) * ChangeSet: Disable the main submit button to avoid double-clicks BKrev: 41554f86qNf-uz1vMNSuSdD25r-arw 2004-09-25 07:52 +0000 [r899-904] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fix the customer note messup when people upgrade to the latest 1.3.2 BKrev: 415523c9h3wZY-JCgZ_lg8WQ2c-o9g * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php: Fix the customer note messup when people upgrade to the latest 1.3.2 (Logical change 1.319) * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html: Small nit (Logical change 1.318) * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 41552372VizceNfCpJjfMr-BBxKPWQ * templates/en/send.tpl.html, js/validation.js: New functions to confirm closing and resetting a form (Logical change 1.317) * ChangeSet: New functions to confirm closing and resetting a form BKrev: 41552351eXadiQAd11SabzqXerW7Ww 2004-09-24 14:09 +0000 [r897-898] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Updating the changelog BKrev: 41542a8dBKxqrKmNVc4DWpnrXVklCA * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog (Logical change 1.316) 2004-09-24 13:22 +0000 [r895-896] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/list.tpl.html, associate.php, include/workflow/class.example.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql, include/class.workflow.php, popup.php: Merging changes from internal repo (Logical change 1.315) * ChangeSet: Merging changes from internal repo BKrev: 41541fa0bkj2RGDsMz-h9kMVI0Aocg 2004-09-24 09:37 +0000 [r893-894] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: The lookup field now searches in '*keyword*' style for normal drop-down fields BKrev: 4153ead4Vn34IiXktruG4W6IuxIGpQ * templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, js/global.js: The lookup field now searches in '*keyword*' style for normal drop-down fields (Logical change 1.314) 2004-09-24 09:23 +0000 [r891-892] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.prefs.php: Avoid PHP warning (Logical change 1.313) * ChangeSet: Avoid PHP warning BKrev: 4153e79f2vKzcfuJ0xxKx0pC9___Rw 2004-09-24 08:28 +0000 [r889-890] mysql.com!jpm * new.php: Avoid a PHP warning (Logical change 1.312) * ChangeSet: Avoid a PHP warning BKrev: 4153dabaHBINt_Cuj1Szq48UvoiQkg 2004-09-24 07:48 +0000 [r887-888] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding some validation to this form so we avoid allowing people to find issue 'id #' BKrev: 4153d15cGGG0sfGETnnBOWWxOf-C9Q * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Adding some validation to this form so we avoid allowing people to find issue 'id #' (Logical change 1.311) 2004-09-24 07:30 +0000 [r885-886] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.error_handler.php: Adding the browser version information when saving the error message (Logical change 1.310) * ChangeSet: Adding the browser version information when saving the error message BKrev: 4153cd12-uxsXY6JijPVOsulMBL1Ng 2004-09-23 15:59 +0000 [r883-884] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changing the color to orange BKrev: 4152f2c4P3fJVsYR0xq6bAfHck_cXw * images/icons/rss.gif: Changing the color to orange (Logical change 1.309) 2004-09-23 08:29 +0000 [r880-882] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php: (Logical change 1.308) * ChangeSet: New upgrade script to fix the database schema BKrev: 41528969naB-vfZf_AmfS3RZ-ZCbEA * misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3.1_to_v1.3.2/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2004-09-23 08:10 +0000 [r876-879] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Renamed the Profile page to Stats BKrev: 415284f23Vu4jF1hyI16eo_TboT_Fw * ChangeLog: Renamed the Profile page to Stats (Logical change 1.307) * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, templates/en/main.tpl.html: Renaming the "Profile" page to "Stats" (Logical change 1.306) * ChangeSet: Renaming the "Profile" page to "Stats" BKrev: 415284b4ErsOeB_ZSTNpShmHhknMdg 2004-09-23 07:44 +0000 [r872-875] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Add the Date: header to all outgoing emails BKrev: 41527ee99Xwrc4RgYAPJgDCtw1RznA * include/class.mail_queue.php, ChangeLog: Add the Date: header to all outgoing emails (Logical change 1.305) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/23 09:41:01+02:00 mysql.com!jpm Close the file descriptor after unlocking it BKrev: 41527e43pQyJl6Z7gM2q3Qv1IEJCuQ * include/class.setup.php: Close the file descriptor after unlocking it (Logical change 1.304) 2004-09-22 15:49 +0000 [r870-871] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/list.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed bug where developers can't see which issues are quarantined. (Logical change 1.303) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug where developers can't see which issues are quarantined. BKrev: 41519f20J8mLeVj8OCLLCw3ShLFV9w 2004-09-17 16:24 +0000 [r868-869] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small nit BKrev: 414b0fd8Cdw0ZGkrWC37hdaAQFG49w * templates/en/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html: Small nit (Logical change 1.302) 2004-09-17 15:50 +0000 [r866-867] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: We don't use this template anymore BKrev: 414b07bfEqn6rU7NatFXTLF-DR-6hQ * templates/en/status_legend.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/status_legend.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.301) 2004-09-17 15:27 +0000 [r851-865] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/emails.tpl.html: No need to have a separate template file just for the email listing form (Logical change 1.300) * templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.300) * ChangeSet: No need to have a separate template file just for the email listing form BKrev: 414b0253sxB9Ia5b-oP1dc4lZxs0dQ * templates/en/list.tpl.html: No need for a separate template file just for the issue listing form (Logical change 1.299) * templates/en/list_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/list_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.299) * ChangeSet: No need for a separate template file just for the issue listing form BKrev: 414b01e9sebOEWjxbMU6UNVe75883w * ChangeSet: No need for a separate template file for the send email form BKrev: 414b0169zyUqrdfX00ptVcNuB-jAcw * templates/en/send.tpl.html: No need for a separate template file for the send email form (Logical change 1.298) * templates/en/email_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/email_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.298) * templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html: We don't need a separate template file just for the custom filter stuff, so merge it with the advanced search page one (Logical change 1.297) * templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.297) * ChangeSet: We don't need a separate template file just for the custom filter stuff, so merge it with the advanced search page one BKrev: 414b00fdkxzmBPGKgPKZBsMqhqE3dA * templates/en/new.tpl.html: We don't need a separate template for the create issue form (Logical change 1.296) * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/report_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.296) * ChangeSet: We don't need a separate template for the create issue form BKrev: 414b0071l-dwX465duhS0SHMDPp-WA 2004-09-17 15:06 +0000 [r849-850] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Extra validation here to avoid submitting the form without any closed-context statuses BKrev: 414afd7cDZZwBPl3TwKiI_L6pvBNiw * templates/en/close.tpl.html: Extra validation here to avoid submitting the form without any closed-context statuses (Logical change 1.295) 2004-09-16 20:04 +0000 [r847-848] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php: Bumping up the version number (Logical change 1.294) * ChangeSet: Bumping up the version number BKrev: 4149f1dc4T4METQAuSWxsLfjavKZhw 2004-09-16 19:58 +0000 [r845-846] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed some of the navigation links so they show up for reporter users BKrev: 4149f083O29ew3zG_nrL7rRyD-Cdnw * templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Fixed some of the navigation links so they show up for reporter users (Logical change 1.293) 2004-09-16 16:02 +0000 [r843-844] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the MIME handling code to support inline attachments BKrev: 4149b929rOKiFqktGWJ_0GZUdo_JdQ * include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: Fixed the MIME handling code to support inline attachments (Logical change 1.292) 2004-09-15 22:31 +0000 [r841-842] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.notification.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the notification code to properly handle the condition in which the recipient type flag is empty (Logical change 1.291) * ChangeSet: Fixed the notification code to properly handle the condition in which the recipient type flag is empty BKrev: 4148c2b4V7WE80VjeqCzEeTAOhh8EQ 2004-09-15 21:01 +0000 [r838-840] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php: Updating the release number (Logical change 1.290) * ChangeSet: Updating the release number BKrev: 4148adc7mhrH-2rJoGawfEI9q0hlmA 2004-09-15 20:07 +0000 [r833-837] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1/database_changes.php: (Logical change 1.289) * ChangeSet: Adding the missing upgrade script BKrev: 4148a0f0msKhnRkH_otdGfVPMrPvYA * ChangeLog: Set the real release date (Logical change 1.289) * UPGRADE: Add instructions on how to upgrade to 1.3.1 (Logical change 1.289) * misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.3_to_v1.3.1/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2004-09-15 17:51 +0000 [r823-832] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog (Logical change 1.288) * ChangeSet: Updating the changelog BKrev: 41488137qyivVd5b-Nioa7tXtMpFeA * ChangeSet: Adding new commands to the IRC bot BKrev: 41488116h4EUbtAT37RHgJVDyyoXAw * include/class.user.php, misc/irc/bot.php, include/class.issue.php: Adding new commands to the IRC bot (Logical change 1.287) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Making the issue reply window have a unique name so one can reply to multiple issues at once (Logical change 1.286) * ChangeSet: Making the issue reply window have a unique name so one can reply to multiple issues at once BKrev: 414880edm8SPiiH4Xah0oWUYLckMkw * ChangeSet: Adding the ability to sort by the last action date column in saved searches BKrev: 414880c7uwGTT5nggeQdgM7RtVUWSQ * templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html: Adding the ability to sort by the last action date column in saved searches (Logical change 1.285) * ChangeSet: Automatically activate links in the FAQ and News modules BKrev: 41488094ipfNsKFc3auyZ8j88wRJbg * templates/en/news.tpl.html, include/class.faq.php, templates/en/faq.tpl.html, templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html, include/class.news.php: Automatically activate links in the FAQ and News modules (Logical change 1.284) 2004-09-15 13:49 +0000 [r818-822] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added the support for a non-standard MySQL port BKrev: 41484859vuHf2vpJg2AGYj09gCeG0A * include/class.db_api.php, setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Added the support for a non-standard MySQL port (Logical change 1.283) * ChangeSet: Default to "Please choose a priority" again BKrev: 41484813yK7ebENkVqJWSQOmDIxyZg * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Default to "Please choose a priority" again (Logical change 1.282) * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog (Logical change 1.282) 2004-09-15 13:28 +0000 [r813-817] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Add missing named anchor BKrev: 414843740XfEy6q-tt1GZdjjqPY60Q * templates/en/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html: Add missing named anchor (Logical change 1.281) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php: Removing this to fix eventual upgrade problems (Logical change 1.280) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 4148433cEH8tNQ3RZYrA07ExvjKy_A * setup/schema.sql: s/default '0'/default 0/ (Logical change 1.280) 2004-09-15 03:59 +0000 [r811-812] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql, ChangeLog: Adding the missing maq_iss_id and maq_subject columns (Logical change 1.279) * ChangeSet: Adding the missing maq_iss_id and maq_subject columns BKrev: 4147be39eNCyibD_MG2xGe_eSFiF5w 2004-09-13 13:42 +0000 [r808-810] mysql.com!jpm * README: Chicks dig open-source people (Logical change 1.278) * UPGRADE: Small clarification (Logical change 1.278) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 4145a3bf5M47KatsW4Gem2j01EPriA 2004-09-10 20:49 +0000 [r805-807] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql: Adding missing time tracking category (Logical change 1.277) * ChangeSet: Adding missing time tracking category BKrev: 41421373oscl389TRKG7tBKjPbLgyA 2004-09-10 20:39 +0000 [r803-804] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Add missing table BKrev: 414210f2ry3HIaEha30smGFn05t-bQ * setup/schema.sql: Add missing table (Logical change 1.276) 2004-09-10 19:08 +0000 [r801-802] Bryan Alsdorf * include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed another bug. (Logical change 1.275) * ChangeSet: Fixed another bug in example customer API BKrev: 4141fb9dI60zAaZR7j9-eNMrvxwKiw 2004-09-10 18:44 +0000 [r799-800] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug in example customer API BKrev: 4141f5faJp2hUApa6Aj3E5zdJP5SyA * include/customer/class.example.php: Fixed bug (Logical change 1.274) 2004-09-10 18:10 +0000 [r797-798] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php: Added missing field. (Logical change 1.273) * ChangeSet: Added missing field to upgrade script BKrev: 4141ee12MkOuz5hlHhOVBneny7vMug 2004-09-10 17:06 +0000 [r795-796] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.csc.php (removed): Delete: include/workflow/class.csc.php }(Logical change 1.272) * ChangeSet: Removed internal only file. BKrev: 4141df13rm_Po8f4uz28CdS_13aBSw 2004-09-10 16:22 +0000 [r793-794] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Avoid a php warning here (Logical change 1.271) * ChangeSet: Avoid a php warning here BKrev: 4141d4b3Vo27CnZx8PkpQNJzsQdZjQ 2004-09-10 16:15 +0000 [r791-792] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid a php warning if the file is not group writable BKrev: 4141d31aNsR_IDBG-jRdO6bH9Rzg7A * setup/index.php: Avoid a php warning if the file is not group writable (Logical change 1.270) 2004-09-10 16:09 +0000 [r789-790] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql: Adding missing column (Logical change 1.269) * ChangeSet: Adding missing column BKrev: 4141d1a08si23SxpdD05nK0E9jdRwA 2004-09-10 15:46 +0000 [r787-788] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Not Euventum!!! BKrev: 4141cc38M0aszIfswn6t-DQj7jBnrQ * ChangeLog: Not Euventum!!! (Logical change 1.268) 2004-09-10 15:44 +0000 [r786] Bryan Alsdorf * FAQ: Added entry describing how to enable error reporting. (Logical change 1.267) 2004-09-10 15:44 +0000 [r783-785] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/14 10:48:09-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Updated FAQ 2004/07/12 08:53:44-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merge 2004/07/12 08:52:07-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add a slash in the end of the installation path to avoid setup problems 2004/07/12 08:50:55-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add a slash in the end of the installation path to avoid setup problems BKrev: 4141cbe5-8l05qv0HY2ISEhMqRQ7Fg * ChangeLog: Auto merged 2004/07/12 08:53:44-05:00 mysql.com!jpm SCCS merged 2004/07/12 08:52:07-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add a slash in the end of the installation path to avoid setup problems (Logical change 1.267) * setup/config.inc.php: Auto merged 2004/07/12 08:50:55-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Automatically add a slash in the end of the installation path to avoid setup problems (Logical change 1.267) 2004-09-10 15:39 +0000 [r781-782] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Setting the release date BKrev: 4141caa1H77590yuOIi_8Ftmyshf5g * ChangeLog: Setting the release date (Logical change 1.266) 2004-09-10 14:16 +0000 [r779-780] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Retrieving project name on Issue::getDetails() so that value is displayed correctly on new issue notification emails (patch by Clay Loveless ) BKrev: 4141b727T4_8--P7wxvscZgrnExIjw * include/class.issue.php, ChangeLog: Retrieving project name on Issue::getDetails() so that value is displayed correctly on new issue notification emails (patch by Clay Loveless ) (Logical change 1.265) 2004-09-10 13:56 +0000 [r777-778] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merging changes from internal repo BKrev: 4141b288cTzB3bRy8cpw7oB8zih3bQ * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Merging changes from internal repo (Logical change 1.264) 2004-09-10 05:15 +0000 [r758-776] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Removed a bunch of internal only files. BKrev: 4141385bGH7x9u4sJOC-kyjku_c6ng * templates/en/customer/spot (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_lookup.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/notifications (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * include/customer/class.spot.php (removed): Delete: include/customer/class.spot.php }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * customer/spot (removed): Delete: customer/spot/customer_lookup.php }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/quarantine.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/quarantine.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/grace_period.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/grace_period.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_expired.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_expired.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue_from_email.tpl.text (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue_from_email.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.263) 2004-09-10 04:43 +0000 [r756-757] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/route_emails.php: Fixed bug where emails from non developers were not setting "last action date". (Logical change 1.262) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/09/09 23:40:18-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed bug where emails from non developers were not setting "last action date". BKrev: 41413101cC82nM4pGsX_a6BNgvrGPg 2004-09-09 21:46 +0000 [r752-755] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fix the class name in here BKrev: 4140cf2e56uZtgbG6AypnRzjvjJytw * docs/Customer_API.html: Fix the class name in here (Logical change 1.261) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/09 16:45:24-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Using example.com for the email addresses BKrev: 4140cf01KlFWa2UcH-FEylHjwmDM6A * include/customer/class.example.php: Using example.com for the email addresses (Logical change 1.260) 2004-09-09 21:39 +0000 [r750-751] Bryan Alsdorf * docs/Customer_API.html: Updated documentation (Logical change 1.259) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/09/09 16:39:34-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Updated customer API documentation BKrev: 4140cda8yjo7wqyqIKPaYbGyRqJ2hA 2004-09-09 21:38 +0000 [r748-749] mysql.com!jpm * include/customer/class.example.php: More nits (Logical change 1.258) * ChangeSet: More nits BKrev: 4140cd59dJXN-HxsnkTSUH6vSctSRw 2004-09-09 21:34 +0000 [r745-747] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html: Missing space here (Logical change 1.257) * include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php: WS fixes (Logical change 1.257) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 4140cc4adOOgSHu_vRv9OYv5WQyB0w 2004-09-09 21:24 +0000 [r743-744] mysql.com!jpm * include/customer/class.example.php: Group the notification email methods together (Logical change 1.256) * ChangeSet: Group the notification email methods together BKrev: 4140ca14LJTDH50ljknviL-n992vRA 2004-09-09 21:17 +0000 [r739-742] mysql.com!jpm * include/customer/class.example.php: Auto merged 2004/09/09 16:05:20-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added content to method. (Logical change 1.255) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/09 16:05:21-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Updated example customer API BKrev: 4140c875PWsS6PMNpYe7c0v3XEwhsg * include/customer/class.example.php: Even more nits (Logical change 1.254) * ChangeSet: WS fixes BKrev: 4140c86dao1lRjkKQJOT2xKEzIoX-w 2004-09-09 21:13 +0000 [r737-738] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: WS nits BKrev: 4140c77brakNMxaidEHvZzLpqxSRKg * include/customer/class.example.php: WS nits (Logical change 1.253) 2004-09-09 20:53 +0000 [r732-736] Bryan Alsdorf * select_project.php: Fixed bug. (Logical change 1.252) * ChangeSet: Merging changes 2004/09/09 15:46:36-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Documentation and example customer API BKrev: 4140c2d3Or6F4TA05USB8HKN30b_dA * include/class.customer.php: Merging changes 2004/09/09 15:46:33-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added documentation (Logical change 1.252) * customer/example/customer_lookup.php, templates/en/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html, docs/Customer_API.html, templates/en/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html, include/customer/class.example.php, include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php, templates/en/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/en/customer/example/customer_report.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.252) * templates/en/customer/example (added), customer/example (added), customer/example/customer_lookup.php (added), templates/en/customer/example/report_form_fields.tpl.html (added), docs/Customer_API.html (added), templates/en/customer/example/customer_lookup.tpl.html (added), include/customer/class.abstract_customer_backend.php (added), include/customer/class.example.php (added), templates/en/customer/example/customer_report.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/example/customer_info.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-09-09 19:50 +0000 [r726-731] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.category.php: Add some caching to this method since it will be called several times on the same page (Logical change 1.251) * include/class.issue.php: Dynamically hide/display the Category and Group columns in the CSV output of the issue listing screen (Logical change 1.251) * new.php, include/workflow/class.csc.php, view.php, list.php, update.php, include/class.group.php: Pass the project ID as an argument instead of getting it from the cookie (Logical change 1.251) * ChangeSet: Dynamically hide/display the Category and Group columns in the CSV output of the issue listing screen BKrev: 4140b404LZtHdtPtyQyExFJHHU7_LA * ChangeSet: Improve a bit the wording in here BKrev: 4140b397DW8lGyT6ntGVyieMC1tFVQ * UPGRADE: Improve a bit the wording in here (Logical change 1.250) 2004-09-09 18:46 +0000 [r722-725] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid triggering a lower-rank reminder action if a higher one was triggered but ignored BKrev: 4140a5225dcMSSvdvwamEdHCdYYv5g * include/class.reminder_action.php, misc/check_reminders.php: Avoid triggering a lower-rank reminder action if a higher one was triggered but ignored (Logical change 1.249) * include/class.notification.php: Changing the notification email subject (Logical change 1.248) * ChangeSet: Changing the notification email subject BKrev: 4140a4e4n9QEfZ15NNY60nhP0tLV0g 2004-09-08 19:17 +0000 [r718-721] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Adding some instructions about how to upgrade eventum (Logical change 1.247) * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Removing the default notification options from this form (Logical change 1.247) * ChangeSet: Misc changes BKrev: 413f5abbY_En_DsuZPbe84Q7uN4HIQ * ChangeLog: Adding a missing change (Logical change 1.247) 2004-09-07 19:34 +0000 [r712-717] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Better changelog descriptions (Logical change 1.246) * ChangeSet: Better changelog descriptions BKrev: 413e0d5dmcuI92z6Db6UKm9ICWSBRQ * UPGRADE: Removing bogus script (Logical change 1.245) * include/class.customer.php: Avoid a php error for projects with no customer backend (Logical change 1.245) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_history_type.php (removed): Removing bogus script }(Logical change 1.245) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 413e0d3aaTsxbGmw-V-wB-ln_0BoQw 2004-09-07 17:16 +0000 [r710-711] mysql.com!jpm * docs/Workflow_API.html: Fixing typo (Logical change 1.244) * ChangeSet: Fixing typo BKrev: 413dece2OzQ4ti980tfNOQUVABXHRA 2004-09-07 17:02 +0000 [r708-709] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Hide the customer information table when there is no customer integration API associated with the current project BKrev: 413de990apXTjFyIAaxW5k8O3WsZ9w * templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Hide the customer information table when there is no customer integration API associated with the current project (Logical change 1.243) 2004-09-07 16:46 +0000 [r703-707] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php: Fixing relative path (Logical change 1.242) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_last_action_date_fields.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_history_type.php: (Logical change 1.242) * UPGRADE: Updating the list of upgrade scripts (Logical change 1.242) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/09/07 11:46:08-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Updating the list of upgrade scripts BKrev: 413de5dfeqizwjbTiFFgEg6Od5MpFA * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_last_action_date_fields.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_history_type.php (added): Initial revision 2004-09-07 16:37 +0000 [r699-702] Bryan Alsdorf * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php, docs/Workflow_API.html, include/workflow/class.example.php: (Logical change 1.241) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/09/07 11:36:38-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Initial documentation and support classes for Workflow API BKrev: 413de3c7h_NXIVlS30cB4_vYpIpg8g * include/class.workflow.php: Ignore "Abstract Workflow Backend". (Logical change 1.241) * include/workflow/class.abstract_workflow_backend.php (added), docs/Workflow_API.html (added), include/workflow/class.example.php (added), docs (added): Initial revision 2004-09-07 16:34 +0000 [r697-698] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Updating the list of system tables BKrev: 413de32cknzIo4fIQjNpJZEeb-sUHg * include/class.monitor.php: Updating the list of system tables (Logical change 1.240) 2004-09-07 16:25 +0000 [r694-696] mysql.com!jpm * setup/changes.sql: Nits (Logical change 1.239) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php: Merging the database changes in the upgrade script (Logical change 1.239) * ChangeSet: Merging the database changes in the upgrade script BKrev: 413de10etY4BUI6wJUOztxJ2zqgo6w 2004-09-07 16:15 +0000 [r692-693] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merging changes from internal repo BKrev: 413dde9ar3Z_1rqjMQWhkyHntJakpw * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/customer/class.spot.php, include/class.issue.php, misc/check_reminders.php, setup/changes.sql: Merging changes from internal repo (Logical change 1.238) 2004-09-07 15:51 +0000 [r686-691] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.237) * include/class.pager.php, include/class.reminder.php: Merging changes from internal repo (Logical change 1.237) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.237) * UPGRADE: Adding some upgrade instructions (Logical change 1.237) * ChangeSet: Misc changes; Updating the upgrade directory to the proper name BKrev: 413dd903j1yMGLW_SgqmfbZ1KTg_Eg * misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.2_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php (added): Initial revision 2004-09-03 23:06 +0000 [r682-685] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.history.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/history.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql: Added support for history entries only displaying to users of a certain role. (Logical change 1.236) * ChangeSet: Added support for history entries only displaying to users of a certain role. BKrev: 4138f90b9v7cd9X3ZDy5l21WBs6-5g * ChangeLog: Updated change long (Logical change 1.236) * include/workflow/class.csc.php: When automatically changing status, use new history type. (Logical change 1.236) 2004-09-03 03:22 +0000 [r680-681] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merging changes. BKrev: 4137e359Wn8rbhGBDBAgk-ECh6LvtA * include/class.pager.php, include/class.draft.php, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, include/class.reminder_action.php, new.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.note.php, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php, setup/schema.sql, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, misc/route_emails.php: Merging changes. (Logical change 1.235) 2004-08-30 21:23 +0000 [r678-679] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Updating the changelog file (Logical change 1.234) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/08/30 16:23:08-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Updating the changelog file BKrev: 41339acbnFMsXfYB3Fd8iNuyi_1Tgg 2004-08-30 21:19 +0000 [r668-677] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Moving these files AGAIN BKrev: 413399f3jliaK_xwSaT1MvmL3dIYYQ * misc/runonce (removed): Rename: misc/runonce/fix_priorities.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php }(Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/database_changes.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.233) * misc/runonce/set_email_issue_id.php (removed): Rename: misc/runonce/set_email_issue_id.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php }(Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php: Rename: misc/runonce/set_email_issue_id.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php (Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php: Rename: misc/runonce/update_canned_responses.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php (Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php: Rename: misc/runonce/fix_priorities.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php (Logical change 1.233) * misc/runonce/update_canned_responses.php (removed): Rename: misc/runonce/update_canned_responses.php -> misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php }(Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v2.0 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.233) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/set_email_issue_id.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/update_canned_responses.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v1.3/fix_priorities.php (added): Initial revision 2004-08-30 21:03 +0000 [r666-667] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the "Forgot My Password" code to check for null results (patch by Clay Loveless ) BKrev: 41339629K_0ZX_GV15xzewISdmZfZQ * templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html, forgot_password.php: Fixed the "Forgot My Password" code to check for null results (patch by Clay Loveless ) (Logical change 1.232) 2004-08-30 20:54 +0000 [r664-665] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/08/30 15:54:11-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Passing the user ID of the person performing the assignment of an issue BKrev: 4133940fKD8muwQEEXwa97YCj7FUVg * include/class.issue.php, popup.php: Passing the user ID of the person performing the assignment of an issue (Logical change 1.231) 2004-08-30 20:39 +0000 [r659-663] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/08/30 15:38:09-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added runonce scripts to make update priorities and canned responses to be project specific. Update schema to fix minor problems. BKrev: 4133907aqBGYMarM3Lwn2_LdkAWDKQ * misc/runonce/set_email_issue_id.php, misc/runonce/update_canned_responses.php, misc/runonce/fix_priorities.php: (Logical change 1.230) * setup/schema.sql: Change project_priority table to be auto_increment and have better indexes. (Logical change 1.230) * setup/changes.sql: Fixes relating to priorities and phone support options. (Logical change 1.230) * misc/runonce/set_email_issue_id.php (added), misc/runonce (added), misc/runonce/update_canned_responses.php (added), misc/runonce/fix_priorities.php (added): Initial revision 2004-08-30 16:30 +0000 [r657-658] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Better input validation for IMAP/POP3 server port (patch by Clay Loveless ) BKrev: 41335613EwAX3jC-jn5Uegn9g0qfYQ * templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html: Better input validation for IMAP/POP3 server port (patch by Clay Loveless ) (Logical change 1.229) 2004-08-30 16:16 +0000 [r655-656] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Hide the "Create Issue" link from viewer permission level users (Logical change 1.228) * ChangeSet: Hide the "Create Issue" link from viewer permission level users BKrev: 413352d3dDdwyhYjyukMxzOtVbMQxg 2004-08-30 16:01 +0000 [r648-654] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/faq.tpl.html: Merging changes from internal repository 2004/08/27 13:28:33-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Rename: templates/en/internal_faq.tpl.html -> templates/en/faq.tpl.html (Logical change 1.227) * templates/en/internal_faq.tpl.html (removed), internal_faq.php (removed): Merging changes from internal repository }(Logical change 1.227) * mail_queue.php, manage/phone_categories.php, manage/groups.php, templates/en/customer/spot/quarantine.tpl.html, include/class.priority.php, templates/en/manage/priorities.tpl.html, templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html, manage/priorities.php, templates/en/notifications/assigned.tpl.text, templates/en/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/groups.tpl.html, include/class.group.php: (Logical change 1.227) * ChangeSet: Merging changes from internal repository BKrev: 41334f714SLCQk7xmko69lM85uZafw * faq.php: Merging changes from internal repository 2004/08/27 13:28:20-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Rename: internal_faq.php -> faq.php (Logical change 1.227) * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html, include/class.customer.php, templates/en/manage/categories.tpl.html, include/class.history.php, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, include/class.note.php, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, include/class.workflow.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/resolution.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, associate.php, templates/en/setup.tpl.html, include/class.mail_queue.php, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, manage/reminders.php, setup/changes.sql, templates/en/manage/round_robin.tpl.html, include/class.draft.php, send.php, new.php, searchbar.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.date.php, include/class.prefs.php, setup/index.php, include/class.mail.php, include/class.scm.php, include/workflow/class.csc.php, view.php, post_note.php, list.php, include/class.filter.php, templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html, include/class.error_handler.php, templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.monitor.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, templates/en/close.tpl.html, include/class.stats.php, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, misc/route_notes.php, js/global.js, include/class.template.php, include/class.support.php, templates/en/notes.tpl.html, include/class.user.php, templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html, templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/releases.tpl.html, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, get_jsrs_data.php, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, include/class.status.php, templates/en/manage/field_display.tpl.html, templates/en/switch.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html, misc/route_emails.php, templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, notification.php, templates/en/associate.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/email_responses.tpl.html, include/class.phone_support.php, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, include/class.project.php, adv_search.php, manage/field_display.php, history.php, popup.php, templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, convert_note.php, rss.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html, templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, templates/en/history.tpl.html, include/customer/class.spot.php, templates/en/manage/news.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html, manage/email_responses.php, manage/anonymous.php, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, include/class.misc.php, update.php, include/pear/Mail/mime.php: Merging changes from internal repository (Logical change 1.227) * mail_queue.php (added), manage/phone_categories.php (added), faq.php (added), manage/groups.php (added), include/class.priority.php (added), templates/en/customer/spot/quarantine.tpl.html (added), templates/en/manage/priorities.tpl.html (added), templates/en/notifications/assigned.tpl.text (added), templates/en/mail_queue.tpl.html (added), manage/priorities.php (added), templates/en/manage/phone_categories.tpl.html (added), templates/en/manage/groups.tpl.html (added), templates/en/faq.tpl.html (added), include/class.group.php (added): Initial revision 2004-08-09 19:10 +0000 [r645-647] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Display error message if error on issue creation. Changed fields to remeber values from previous page. (Logical change 1.226) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/08/09 13:50:44-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Properly handle errors when creating new issues. BKrev: 4117cc3axPzdVnkCqO4ZauX3BMPtfw * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html: Changed fields to remeber values from previous page. (Logical change 1.226) 2004-08-09 17:20 +0000 [r643-644] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoid PHP warning BKrev: 4117b272Z8uzVdwVNwKCKLGE-k1KYQ * include/pear/Mail/mimeDecode.php: Avoid PHP warning (Logical change 1.225) 2004-08-05 01:08 +0000 [r639-642] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/08/04 20:07:35-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Hide categories if no categories exist for the project. Prevent PHP warnings in customer and workflow classes. BKrev: 411188735wB8Uq5eUnvyqcAMN2v_kA * include/class.customer.php, include/class.workflow.php: Prevent PHP warning. (Logical change 1.224) * include/class.issue.php: Prevent query from breaking if no category or release is set. (Logical change 1.224) * templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, view.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Hide categories if no categories exist for the project. (Logical change 1.224) 2004-08-04 21:45 +0000 [r637-638] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding missing join BKrev: 4111590ckgj0JYxKbCiCSJ0doCd2tg * include/class.support.php: Adding missing join (Logical change 1.223) 2004-08-04 18:29 +0000 [r634-636] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Added checks to see if certain fields should be displayed based on the users roles. (Logical change 1.222) * manage/field_display.php: Added setting to prevent field from being displayed to any user. (Logical change 1.222) * ChangeSet: Added checks to see if certain fields should be displayed. BKrev: 41112b15xoWE8WDn-y8PR2IH-AsdAw 2004-08-04 14:40 +0000 [r632-633] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Removing duplicate function. BKrev: 4110f55b1ir8UrMYCbhO8VVgoE3bqw * include/customer/class.spot.php: Removing duplicate function. (Logical change 1.221) 2004-08-04 05:59 +0000 [r625-631] Bryan Alsdorf * new.php, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Added support for setting which fields should be displayed on the create issue form. (Logical change 1.220) * include/class.project.php: Auto merged 2004/08/04 00:59:07-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added support for setting which fields should be displayed on the create issue form. (Logical change 1.220) * setup/changes.sql: Added eventum_project_field_display table. (Logical change 1.220) * setup/schema.sql: Added project_field_display table. (Logical change 1.220) * templates/en/manage/field_display.tpl.html, manage/field_display.php: (Logical change 1.220) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/08/04 00:59:08-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added support for setting which fields should be displayed on the create issue form. BKrev: 41107b51z8hERNmu3Si0akHaFTz2fQ * templates/en/manage/field_display.tpl.html (added), manage/field_display.php (added): Initial revision 2004-08-03 21:47 +0000 [r622-624] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/08/03 16:47:35-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merging changes from internal repository BKrev: 411008089ikJZHFQNYzSaBxsh0CScw * login.php, include/workflow/class.csc.php, include/class.note.php, include/customer/class.spot.php, include/class.workflow.php, include/class.support.php, misc/route_emails.php: Auto merged 2004/08/03 16:47:34-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merging changes from internal repository (Logical change 1.219) * include/class.customer.php, send.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html, include/class.project.php, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/manage/statuses.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php: Merging changes from internal repository (Logical change 1.219) 2004-08-02 21:10 +0000 [r619-621] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html: Added button to clear extra recipients. (Logical change 1.218) * ChangeSet: Increased size of note popup. Added button to clear extra note recipients on note form. BKrev: 410eadaeqQZBP1HetnEBcvCiTzcSJA * templates/en/notes.tpl.html: Increased size of popup. (Logical change 1.218) 2004-08-02 20:59 +0000 [r617-618] Bryan Alsdorf * login.php: Added logging of login attempts. url encode URL to redirect too. (Logical change 1.217) * ChangeSet: Merging changes from internal repository. BKrev: 410eab35iZOl2l9pVtRMvJQenZeAhA 2004-08-02 20:48 +0000 [r611-616] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merged change from internal repository. BKrev: 410ea8b0cYlx1tOvmByW_F_fXju1Tw * include/customer/class.spot.php: Merged change from internal repository. (Logical change 1.216) * include/class.note.php, misc/route_notes.php: Moved call to Workflow::handleNewNote() to note class. (Logical change 1.215) * include/class.support.php, misc/route_emails.php: Moved call to Workflow::handleNewEmail() to support class. (Logical change 1.215) * ChangeSet: Moved call to Workflow::handleNewEmail() to support class. Moved call to Workflow::handleNewNote() to note class. Prevent PHP warning. BKrev: 410ea826u9tttZy5vex0Qbm9dx8lKg * include/workflow/class.csc.php: Prevent php warning. (Logical change 1.215) 2004-08-02 16:29 +0000 [r609-610] Bryan Alsdorf * get_jsrs_data.php: Changed to use correct element of array. (Logical change 1.214) * ChangeSet: Merged fix of fetching email data through jsrs from internal repository. BKrev: 410e6bfaAIRK96thSM89SYHFzoIRzw 2004-08-02 16:18 +0000 [r605-608] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/route_emails.php: Call to workflow class to handle new emails. (Logical change 1.213) * misc/route_notes.php: Call workflow class to handle new notes. (Logical change 1.213) * include/workflow/class.csc.php, include/class.workflow.php: Added workflow method to handle notes. (Logical change 1.213) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/08/02 11:18:12-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added workflow method to handle notes and added call to workflow class for handling new emails. BKrev: 410e696bjf2PZpbu130XXvvyxGmBTQ 2004-08-02 15:14 +0000 [r597-604] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.project.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/account_managers.php: Add an option to hide projects that don't have any customer API association (Logical change 1.212) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 410e5a6eOsARnwGEPHbTuI8yq8BfoQ * include/class.auth.php: Properly encode the requested url (Logical change 1.212) * include/class.customer.php: Adding missing method (Logical change 1.212) * get_attachment.php: Handle inline images from thunderbird correctly (Logical change 1.212) * include/class.notification.php: Prevent the primary contact from receiving two emails about the issue being closed (Logical change 1.212) * js/jsrsClient.js: WS fix (Logical change 1.212) * include/class.support.php: Handle inline images from thunderbird (Logical change 1.212) 2004-08-02 09:06 +0000 [r595-596] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with releases on the update form. BKrev: 410e0408RMtTK7b6Gm586yQLqv_DGA * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Fixed bug with releases on the update form. (Logical change 1.211) 2004-08-02 09:00 +0000 [r591-594] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed comment BKrev: 410e02c60gaHlHj4ED0W6KQX7AEFCw * include/class.support.php: Changed comment (Logical change 1.210) * include/workflow/class.csc.php, include/class.workflow.php: New workflow method to handle when a new email is recieved. (Logical change 1.209) * ChangeSet: New workflow method to handle when a new email is recieved. BKrev: 410e028aAEpMOzsctCIBCzOr4SlK3g 2004-08-02 07:26 +0000 [r589-590] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with CLI tool and weekly report. BKrev: 410decb7RDHXwFcNsrLfgLKGPTU1nQ * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Fixed bug with CLI tool and weekly report. (Logical change 1.208) 2004-07-30 14:04 +0000 [r587-588] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Get the telephone number in a separate query BKrev: 410a5587qQx257C0t5K-1HCdNs-nBw * include/customer/class.spot.php: Get the telephone number in a separate query (Logical change 1.207) 2004-07-28 20:40 +0000 [r585-586] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/28 15:40:18-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Merging from internal repo BKrev: 41080f56EWmqrDW4Jgur9svFyyzEIw * new.php, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, include/customer/class.spot.php: Merging from internal repo (Logical change 1.206) 2004-07-28 18:37 +0000 [r582-584] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed expandable table to work in opera. BKrev: 4107f2794_hld7rWTXMy8NcsxiBKlw * js/global.js: Fixed for Opera (Logical change 1.205) * js/jsrsClient.js: Handle if jsrs url has arguments. (Logical change 1.205) 2004-07-28 14:59 +0000 [r577-581] Bryan Alsdorf * select_project.php: If in grace period, display message. (Logical change 1.204) * ChangeSet: Display warning message if user logs in during grace period. BKrev: 4107bf6d_smwwvqiuDe7m64OTXAVxw * templates/en/customer/spot/grace_period.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.204) * include/class.customer.php: Added method to return the expiration offset. (Logical change 1.204) * templates/en/customer/spot/grace_period.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-28 05:54 +0000 [r573-576] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Missed a couple of files. BKrev: 41073f85BT9SC5lXvgYGPTyHjKsrOw * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: Change relating to hiding fields from users with reporter role. (Logical change 1.203) * ChangeSet: Fixed a couple of formatting issue for users with a role of "Reporter". BKrev: 41073efd2yBPhA0wEQBGcT9V1B-52A * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Fixed a couple of formatting issue for users with a role of "Reporter". (Logical change 1.202) 2004-07-28 05:31 +0000 [r567-572] Bryan Alsdorf * view.php: Set if releases select box should be shown. (Logical change 1.201) * include/class.project.php: Set prj_hide_fields_from_reporter field. (Logical change 1.201) * ChangeLog: Changelog (Logical change 1.201) * new.php, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html: Set if certain fields should be hidden from the reporter role user. (Logical change 1.201) * ChangeSet: Added setting whether to hide fields from users with the role of "reporter". BKrev: 41073a37rhk_Q-ML0PIlxiKRWPaLhQ * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Hide/show certain fields based on role and project settings. (Logical change 1.201) 2004-07-28 04:29 +0000 [r566] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Auto merged 2004/07/27 15:08:32-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Copy fix (Logical change 1.200) 2004-07-28 04:29 +0000 [r565] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/internal_faq.tpl.html: Copy fix (Logical change 1.200) 2004-07-28 04:29 +0000 [r560-564] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/07/27 15:08:32-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Copy fix BKrev: 41072b8fekzGsjmIZ0sH5PAN2Noagw * ChangeSet: SHow link for reporter users. BKrev: 41072b78nb2gd8WFZOugwZUMWAIFNQ * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Display "new issue" link for users with a role of reporter. (Logical change 1.199) * ChangeSet: Handle expired customers trying to log in. BKrev: 41072ae8x0X4Bhgj8Mh1w3weQRKNaw * select_project.php: Handle expired customers trying to log in. (Logical change 1.198) 2004-07-27 17:24 +0000 [r553-559] mysql.com!jpm * include/customer/class.spot.php: Moving these templates into the customer-backend specific directory (Logical change 1.197) * templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html (Logical change 1.197) * templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.197) * ChangeSet: Moving these templates into the customer-backend specific directory BKrev: 41068fe7NriR1BFelrOHZL30yzTj8A * templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text: Rename: templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text (Logical change 1.197) * templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.text (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.197) * templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.text (added), templates/en/customer/spot/expired_customer.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-27 17:19 +0000 [r551-552] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Hide users with permission level of Customer or lower from the assignment field BKrev: 41068eaeQ2BltVxGLKdq7FWOGdinrQ * new.php: Hide users with permission level of Customer or lower from the assignment field (Logical change 1.196) 2004-07-27 17:13 +0000 [r550] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: If there are no scheduled releases, hide the field. (Logical change 1.195) 2004-07-27 17:13 +0000 [r540-549] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Auto merged 2004/07/27 12:01:49-05:00 mysql.com!bryan If there are no scheduled releases, hide the field. (Logical change 1.195) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/27 12:01:50-05:00 mysql.com!bryan If there are no scheduled releases, hide the field. BKrev: 41068d1d2XkUl9tHTMj_dRwuPQjbcA * ChangeSet: Merging the changes back in... BKrev: 41068d0d9cYaSzCatWPVjU6wjfj7Zg * include/class.customer.php: Merging the changes back in... (Logical change 1.194) * new.php, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, include/customer/class.spot.php: Auto merged 2004/07/27 12:06:38-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Handle the responses for emails converted into issues with the customer api (Logical change 1.193) * ChangeSet: Damn auto-merge... 2004/07/27 12:06:39-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Handle the responses for emails converted into issues with the customer api BKrev: 41068ce7zvTx060XYQStpqm25RV8kw * templates/en/new.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, include/class.notification.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/attached_emails.tpl.html, include/class.support.php: Handle the responses for emails converted into issues with the customer api (Logical change 1.193) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue_from_email.tpl.text: (Logical change 1.193) * include/class.customer.php: Damn auto-merge... 2004/07/27 12:06:38-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Handle the responses for emails converted into issues with the customer api (Logical change 1.193) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue_from_email.tpl.text (added): Initial revision 2004-07-27 05:28 +0000 [r537-539] Bryan Alsdorf * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Merged change relating to authorized repliers. (Logical change 1.192) * ChangeSet: Fixed bug with notes. Merged change relating to authorized replier. BKrev: 4105e80fWSHJNsmexJ7r5Nqmj7rzaw * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Fixed bug with notes. Merged change relating to authorized replier. (Logical change 1.192) 2004-07-27 04:39 +0000 [r534-536] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html: Added validateCustomer() method. (Logical change 1.191) * ChangeSet: Check that customer information is filled out on new issue creation. BKrev: 4105dc9exvWkBP7kin4F94epp3WJSg * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: If validateCustomer() method exists, call it as part of form validation. (Logical change 1.191) 2004-07-26 21:00 +0000 [r528-533] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Display message if customer's contract has expired and is passed the grace period. Send alert when customer logs in to expired account. BKrev: 410570d1OuUnPPFZihHiWOODo1KQHA * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_expired.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.190) * include/customer/class.spot.php: Added methods. (Logical change 1.190) * include/class.auth.php: Added saveLoginAttempt() method. (Logical change 1.190) * include/class.customer.php: Added methods (Logical change 1.190) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_expired.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-26 07:03 +0000 [r520-527] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added warning when users create a new issue if they have reached there per incident limit. BKrev: 4104acc4u0ilqX7pldPhVnjl1IDRlw * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: Added methods to deal with incidents. (Logical change 1.189) * new.php: Added code to display warning if customer has reached per incident limit. (Logical change 1.189) * templates/en/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html (removed): Changed to point to "new.php". }(Logical change 1.189) * templates/en/customer/spot/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html: Changed to point to "new.php". 2004/07/25 21:48:11-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Rename: templates/en/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html (Logical change 1.189) * templates/en/customer/spot/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text: Rename: templates/en/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text (Logical change 1.189) * templates/en/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.189) * templates/en/customer/spot/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/spot/notifications (added), templates/en/customer/spot/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text (added): Initial revision 2004-07-23 21:27 +0000 [r518-519] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed problem with customers updating issues relating to release field being missing. BKrev: 410182dfraiXPrbz4nnqI5YJbVcc8Q * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Hidden field for release if it is a customer updating the page. (Logical change 1.188) 2004-07-23 21:24 +0000 [r515-517] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Merged changes to restrict what customers can updated. (Logical change 1.187) * ChangeSet: Merged changes to limit what customer can view/update. BKrev: 4101820aG7sT1JseKgQWHqjFJMJCrg * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Merged changes to limit what customers can update. (Logical change 1.187) 2004-07-23 18:59 +0000 [r509-514] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html, include/class.session.php, reports/customer_stats.php, reports/customer_stats_graph.php, include/pear/Math/Stats.php, include/class.customer_stats_report.php: (Logical change 1.186) * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html: Added Customer Profile Stats report. (Logical change 1.186) * ChangeLog: Added customer stats report. (Logical change 1.186) * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: Added method to return a list of customers based on support level. Method to return grouped list of support levels. (Logical change 1.186) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/07/23 13:58:39-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Customer stats report. BKrev: 41016001yI4Gq7tbjmUP542AfgIapQ * templates/en/reports/customer_stats.tpl.html (added), include/class.session.php (added), include/pear/Math (added), reports/customer_stats.php (added), reports/customer_stats_graph.php (added), include/class.customer_stats_report.php (added), include/pear/Math/Stats.php (added): Initial revision 2004-07-23 16:08 +0000 [r505-508] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql, include/class.reminder_action.php, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, include/class.reminder.php, manage/reminders.php, setup/changes.sql: Making the reminder system use the new customer API (Logical change 1.185) * ChangeSet: Making the reminder system use the new customer API BKrev: 410137ed5SryiPt3qrjKIiqEQ1IWcA * include/class.mime_helper.php, misc/cli/eventum: Merging some fixes from the internal repo (Logical change 1.184) * ChangeSet: Merging some fixes from the internal repo BKrev: 410137acO1iM19ExyIgk_pc8DH-XwA 2004-07-22 20:51 +0000 [r500-504] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/22 15:50:52-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding the internal FAQ module BKrev: 410028bbUhRJbK_Lb787LyLa0ZFKLw * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: Allow customer backends to use support levels (Logical change 1.183) * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql: Adding the internal FAQ module (Logical change 1.183) * templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html, templates/en/internal_faq.tpl.html, include/class.faq.php, manage/faq.php, internal_faq.php: (Logical change 1.183) * templates/en/manage/faq.tpl.html (added), include/class.faq.php (added), templates/en/internal_faq.tpl.html (added), manage/faq.php (added), internal_faq.php (added): Initial revision 2004-07-22 18:55 +0000 [r498-499] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed title of weekly report. BKrev: 41000dbeCBTL2SdFOjoEW7R_-WiOHA * templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html: Changed title (Logical change 1.182) 2004-07-22 16:17 +0000 [r495-497] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Added calls to workflow class when new issues are created. (Logical change 1.181) * include/workflow/class.csc.php, include/class.workflow.php: Added method to handle new issues being created. (Logical change 1.181) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/07/22 11:16:50-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Call workflow methods when new issues are created. BKrev: 40ffe88e8ygX3DhN5xDz7Px-PxSpWA 2004-07-22 15:05 +0000 [r493-494] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Add the warning message to outgoing emails in the appropriate time BKrev: 40ffd7c8L0P8vp67ispggFvkgSVQsg * include/class.mail.php, include/class.support.php: Add the warning message to outgoing emails in the appropriate time (Logical change 1.180) 2004-07-22 14:48 +0000 [r491-492] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Automatically hide/display the "only known customer" radio box depending on whether the associated project has customer integration BKrev: 40ffd3d0I3j9zvYxWflkavs6I2M2Rg * templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, manage/issue_auto_creation.php: Automatically hide/display the "only known customer" radio box depending on whether the associated project has customer integration (Logical change 1.179) 2004-07-21 22:03 +0000 [r488-490] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: workflow backend. (Logical change 1.178) * include/class.project.php: Set workflow_backend for new projects. (Logical change 1.178) * ChangeSet: Missing files from previous commits. BKrev: 40fee822-w3c91DFsxSFhwKu5t_HLA 2004-07-21 20:51 +0000 [r484-487] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/21 15:50:57-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Handle the customer integration features when auto-creating an issue from an email BKrev: 40fed741XWrxNai4435ZJeHYOFvaQQ * templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html: We don't need to pass the reporter of an issue created automatically anymore (Logical change 1.177) * include/class.support.php: Auto merged 2004/07/21 15:50:57-05:00 mysql.com!jpm We don't need to pass the reporter of an issue created automatically anymore (Logical change 1.177) * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2004/07/21 15:50:57-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Handle the customer integration features when auto-creating an issue from an email (Logical change 1.177) 2004-07-21 20:50 +0000 [r474-483] Bryan Alsdorf * associate.php, misc/route_emails.php, include/class.support.php: Changed to use workflow class. (Logical change 1.176) * include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2004/07/21 15:49:36-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Changed to use workflow class. (Logical change 1.176) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v2.0/database_changes.php: Added database change for custom workflow support. (Logical change 1.176) * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/07/21 15:49:38-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Initial support for custom workflows. BKrev: 40fed703ZxZ4mh3_ufb5RzB7lT62nw * manage/projects.php: Added option to set custom workflow for a project. (Logical change 1.176) * include/workflow/class.csc.php, include/class.workflow.php: (Logical change 1.176) * include/class.project.php: Added option to set custom workflow for the project. (Logical change 1.176) * ChangeLog: Custom Workflow support. (Logical change 1.176) * templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html: Added select box to choose custom workflow class. (Logical change 1.176) * include/workflow (added), include/workflow/class.csc.php (added), include/class.workflow.php (added): Initial revision 2004-07-21 20:49 +0000 [r472-473] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Allow passing an optional user ID to get the preferred timezone BKrev: 40fed6d8unHNqg2EmDmDha9UOQPBgA * include/class.date.php: Allow passing an optional user ID to get the preferred timezone (Logical change 1.175) 2004-07-21 17:52 +0000 [r457-471] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text: Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.174) * include/class.issue.php: Adding the code to properly handle customer related features when creating issues (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.text (removed): Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text }(Logical change 1.174) * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: Adding this missing function (Logical change 1.174) * ChangeSet: First try at making the issue creation process properly handle customers BKrev: 40fead4atmNkZ1QNMK_9KpeE2Ih3RQ * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text: Rename: templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.text -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text (Logical change 1.174) * setup/config.inc.php: Version should be 1.3, not 2.0 anymore (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html: Copy fix (Logical change 1.174) * customer/spot/customer_lookup.php: No need for this include (Logical change 1.174) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_new_issue.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-20 20:44 +0000 [r451-456] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Improving the wording a bit... (Logical change 1.173) * ChangeSet: Improving the wording a bit... BKrev: 40fd841crfEPbX7R0w5pU1kexs8j1w * ChangeSet: Integration with the customer lookup tool BKrev: 40fd83fe6EC6mdS6wWxVXMzk3_cLLg * include/class.customer.php, new.php, templates/en/customer/spot/customer_lookup.tpl.html, include/customer/class.spot.php, include/class.issue.php, customer/spot/customer_lookup.php, include/class.template.php: Integration with the customer lookup tool (Logical change 1.172) * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.172) * templates/en/customer/spot/report_form_fields.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-20 15:38 +0000 [r449-450] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2004/07/15 16:08:17-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Fixed problem with notifying customer when an issue is closed. (Logical change 1.171) * setup/config.inc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum: Added logging to CLI (Logical change 1.171) 2004-07-20 15:38 +0000 [r448] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/16 12:10:55-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Added logging to CLI 2004/07/15 16:09:50-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum2 2004/07/15 16:08:18-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Migrated customer methods. Fixed bug relating to closing issues from CLI. BKrev: 40fd3c5dkYVhXzon5oXg5ybXsnQZog 2004-07-20 15:38 +0000 [r447] Bryan Alsdorf * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Added logging to CLI 2004/07/15 16:08:17-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Automatically set fake cookie in authenticate method. Removed all other calls to createFakeCookie, except where a project needs to be set. (Logical change 1.171) 2004-07-20 15:38 +0000 [r431-446] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: Auto merged 2004/07/15 16:08:17-05:00 mysql.com!bryan migrated notifyIssueClosed method. (Logical change 1.171) * ChangeSet: Use a constant in here BKrev: 40fd3c4bIQdTa_QiDDfTaB5yU_5uiA * include/customer/class.spot.php: Use a constant in here (Logical change 1.170) * templates/en/view.tpl.html, include/class.customer.php, templates/en/main.tpl.html: Dynamically include the customer backend template (Logical change 1.169) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_lookup.tpl.html, customer/spot/customer_lookup.php: (Logical change 1.169) * ChangeSet: Dynamically include the customer backend template BKrev: 40fd3c3bdp6tYlQq_Z5fGBvnyZ7ziQ * templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.168) * js/global.js: Moving this function to the global file (Logical change 1.168) * ChangeSet: Allowing multiple file uploads at the same time BKrev: 40fd3bcabrnHii3gK3tPaDe3rLBjbQ * templates/en/attachments.tpl.html: Allowing multiple file uploads at the same time (Logical change 1.168) * templates/en/customer_info.tpl.html (removed): Rename: templates/en/customer_info.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.168) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html (Logical change 1.168) * include/class.attachment.php: Making this function a little bit smarter (Logical change 1.168) * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Moving this into the global file (Logical change 1.168) * templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html: Rename: templates/en/customer_info.tpl.html -> templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html (Logical change 1.168) * templates/en/customer (added), customer (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_lookup.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_report.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/spot/customer_info.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer/spot (added), customer/spot (added), customer/spot/customer_lookup.php (added): Initial revision 2004-07-15 18:40 +0000 [r429-430] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Display the staff members in the notification list in the internal note form BKrev: 40f6cfac7FGiiEmWpWQDdH4Qe1Gh0w * templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, post_note.php: Display the staff members in the notification list in the internal note form (Logical change 1.167) 2004-07-15 16:40 +0000 [r425-428] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php, include/class.support.php: Auto merged 2004/07/15 11:40:02-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Ignore this code section for now (Logical change 1.166) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html: Adding these missing functions (Logical change 1.166) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum2 into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/07/15 11:40:17-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding some documentation 2004/07/15 11:40:02-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Ignore this code section for now 2004/07/15 11:39:05-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding these missing functions BKrev: 40f6b37afwds50M9QjT-uU6DD-Nm0Q * include/class.mime_helper.php: Adding some documentation (Logical change 1.166) 2004-07-15 16:23 +0000 [r423-424] Bryan Alsdorf * view.php: Display max attachment size. (Logical change 1.165) * ChangeSet: Display max attachment size. BKrev: 40f6af8f1_LNavdZnsibkgyPjYXctA 2004-07-14 21:06 +0000 [r421-422] Bryan Alsdorf * rpc/xmlrpc.php: Added Security to prevent users of customer level or below from using the CLI. (Logical change 1.164) * ChangeSet: Added Security to prevent users of customer level or below from using the CLI. BKrev: 40f5a0487CO8nIPETgn9onGNTpyM8A 2004-07-14 20:33 +0000 [r416-420] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.attachment.php: If one of the files in an attachment group can't be uploaded, none are. Added method to return the current max file upload size. (Logical change 1.163) * include/class.issue.php: Better attachment processing. (Logical change 1.163) * ChangeSet: Better attachment handling. BKrev: 40f598abo7rtGvI2hwZbCrms1YyFfQ * new.php, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Display current max file upload size. Display errors uploading attachments. (Logical change 1.163) * templates/en/attachments.tpl.html: Display max file size. (Logical change 1.163) 2004-07-14 16:20 +0000 [r414-415] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed problem when customer_id is not passed to Support::insertEmail() BKrev: 40f55d3avjqoy1_EjCNvOyOwXs_8cA * include/class.support.php: insertEmail now trys to pull the customer_id from the user if the user is set and the customer_id is not already set. If the customer_id is not set, it is set to null. (Logical change 1.162) 2004-07-13 16:21 +0000 [r411-413] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.customer.php: Changed to create an instance of the customer backend class. (Logical change 1.161) * include/customer/class.spot.php: Changed to create an instance of the customer backend class. Changed name of customer backend class. (Logical change 1.161) * ChangeSet: Changed to create an instance of the customer backend class. Changed name of backend class. These changes allow multiple customer backends to be called from the same script. BKrev: 40f40c00-FnjOh2iE_p1SUhgAa2wJw 2004-07-13 15:10 +0000 [r406-410] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.attachment.php, include/class.issue.php: This is broken, but it's a placeholder for the real custom workflow code (Logical change 1.160) * ChangeSet: This is broken, but it's a placeholder for the real custom workflow code BKrev: 40f3fb61rD4sA2XsbT4JATRTSmiAxQ * templates/en/view_email.tpl.html: Cleaning this mess up (Logical change 1.160) * ChangeSet: This value is not coming from the setup anymore... BKrev: 40f3faf2je6a2AGSNnaRjeWe313Kdg * include/customer/class.spot.php: This value is not coming from the setup anymore... (Logical change 1.159) 2004-07-13 14:59 +0000 [r404-405] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Associate web based emails with the appropriate customer ID BKrev: 40f3f8dawxPa3crMJoYpWC0oUyazTg * include/class.support.php: Associate web based emails with the appropriate customer ID (Logical change 1.158) 2004-07-13 13:39 +0000 [r402-403] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing page title BKrev: 40f3e62d_KJ1a_MlEtL9Bmol1ctKzw * templates/en/emails.tpl.html: Fixing page title (Logical change 1.157) 2004-07-12 20:10 +0000 [r400-401] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php, popup.php: Last set of fixes (Logical change 1.156) * ChangeSet: Last set of fixes to the customer api support BKrev: 40f2f03bgRdSGlECjJGVUTdNVuBfYQ 2004-07-12 19:58 +0000 [r398-399] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing these calls to the customer api BKrev: 40f2ed73dhgXWV3mueY-_Xr-kNLTgw * include/class.support.php: Fixing these calls to the customer api (Logical change 1.155) 2004-07-12 19:48 +0000 [r394-397] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php, include/class.issue.php: Fixing the issue listing search on the customer email field (Logical change 1.154) * include/class.auth.php: Include the customer class (Logical change 1.154) * ChangeSet: Fixing the issue listing search on the customer email field BKrev: 40f2eafbvk3EpfCVusz7gKMWsS2mOQ * main.php, associate.php, manage/projects.php, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/account_managers.php, include/class.template.php, manage/customize_listing.php, include/class.support.php, popup.php: No need to include this class in here (Logical change 1.154) 2004-07-12 19:31 +0000 [r388-393] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.history.php: Properly calling out the customer api (Logical change 1.153) * ChangeSet: Properly calling out the customer api BKrev: 40f2e724OaqyyR67mBxDGlhXqDNHLQ * templates/en/report_form.tpl.html: Fixing these links (Logical change 1.152) * ChangeSet: Fixing these links BKrev: 40f2e6aemoz5A5hqbuIIslhGZY7_9A * include/class.note.php: Check from the associated project if we need to lookup any customers by the email address (Logical change 1.151) * ChangeSet: Check from the associated project if we need to lookup any customers by the email address BKrev: 40f2e67dvrQM6kDJPTqfvX8vva5QYw 2004-07-12 19:06 +0000 [r385-387] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Hide links from customer users (Logical change 1.150) * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Hide email queue page link from customer users (Logical change 1.150) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 40f2e118T6xtp_oOhxbJs-DJU6ZMCg 2004-07-12 18:18 +0000 [r381-384] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php: Oops, fix parse error (Logical change 1.149) * ChangeSet: Oops, fix parse error BKrev: 40f2d601d1K0xo0qsaz7BnPOAvjg0A * main.php, templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php: More updates in the customer api stuff (Logical change 1.148) * ChangeSet: More updates in the customer api stuff BKrev: 40f2d5e6WuPX-GQnAOAvOdc7O7mBUQ 2004-07-09 22:57 +0000 [r379-380] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing these includes... BKrev: 40ef22e2d-UyJ6NoFzeMMBj8VnZs2w * popup.php: Fixing these includes... (Logical change 1.147) 2004-07-09 21:15 +0000 [r375-378] mysql.com!jpm * associate.php: Selectively checking the customer backend if the project has customer integration enabled (Logical change 1.146) * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.spot.php, include/class.support.php: Fixing the customer integration (Logical change 1.146) * templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html: Dynamically hiding/displaying the customer column (Logical change 1.146) * ChangeSet: Fixing the customer integration BKrev: 40ef0aeeMqdfnCRVSyiflN_5pBgVPw 2004-07-09 20:43 +0000 [r373-374] mysql.com!jpm * js/validation.js: Avoid javascript error when using an empty select box (Logical change 1.145) * ChangeSet: Avoid javascript error when using an empty select box BKrev: 40ef036cDcOfaO6EW_LjC_oshttlGA 2004-07-09 18:48 +0000 [r371-372] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Properly handle addresses in the format "'name'"
BKrev: 40eee894kWLzv5ChpzP_1e6LUazgog * include/class.mail.php: Properly handle addresses in the format "'name'"
(Logical change 1.144) 2004-07-09 18:30 +0000 [r369-370] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/statuses.tpl.html: Adding missing toggle shortcut button (Logical change 1.143) * ChangeSet: Adding missing toggle shortcut button BKrev: 40eee456ngDgpjFQsJ-pRfXxPNSWag 2004-07-09 18:23 +0000 [r366-368] mysql.com!jpm * manage/users.php: Properly handle admins changing the details of customer users (Logical change 1.142) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 40eee28dZVvpzdT-hfWUTzH3Ak3_-Q * manage/general.php: Hide the new Customer permission level (Logical change 1.142) 2004-07-09 18:12 +0000 [r364-365] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.template.php: Avoid php warnings (Logical change 1.141) * ChangeSet: Avoid php warnings BKrev: 40eee0265U9LsI_wPnYCTdW0D489rQ 2004-07-09 16:57 +0000 [r362-363] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/categories.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/email_responses.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/releases.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/resolution.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/account_managers.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/statuses.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/news.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/round_robin.tpl.html: Using italics for "no results found" messages (Logical change 1.140) * ChangeSet: Using italics for "no results found" messages BKrev: 40eece78ZczZUR5tWWO2Q4jnH97ZOw 2004-07-09 16:50 +0000 [r358-361] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql: Add a unique index on the email account table (Logical change 1.139) * ChangeSet: Add a unique index on the email account table BKrev: 40eeccc1uLIwLyHifttUo0LGWsPOjg * ChangeSet: Hide customer related fields if the selected project doesn't need any customer integration BKrev: 40eecc7f8pLBah3fbEUpJtFu6JUQwA * include/class.issue.php, manage/customize_listing.php: Hide customer related fields if the selected project doesn't need any customer integration (Logical change 1.138) 2004-07-08 21:07 +0000 [r352-357] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Committing some of the merged changes; lots of breakage but want to save some of this work... BKrev: 40edb77aHEyc1ODDoSZ1LaobTqhi9g * include/customer/class.spot.php: Committing some of the merged changes; lots of breakage but want to save some of this work... 2004/07/08 13:56:25-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Rename: include/customer/class.example_api.php -> include/customer/class.spot.php (Logical change 1.137) * include/customer/class.example_api.php (removed): Committing some of the merged changes; lots of breakage but want to save some of this work... }(Logical change 1.137) * templates/en/list.tpl.html, include/class.authorized_replier.php, include/class.customer.php, include/class.history.php, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, manage/issue_auto_creation.php, include/class.note.php, misc/irc/bot.php, reports/weekly.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, reports/index.php, templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, associate.php, include/class.mail_queue.php, setup/changes.sql, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, include/class.draft.php, send.php, templates/en/main.tpl.html, include/class.report.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, manage/round_robin.php, templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html, include/class.mail.php, post_note.php, view.php, list.php, templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html, setup/config.inc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, main.php, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.email_account.php, misc/cli/eventum, reports/workload_time_period.php, js/global.js, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, misc/route_emails.php, templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, notification.php, reports/open_issues.php, include/class.project.php, reports/custom_fields.php, adv_search.php, preferences.php, popup.php, templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, update.php: Committing some of the merged changes; lots of breakage but want to save some of this work... (Logical change 1.137) * templates/en/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html, templates/en/customer_info.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text, manage/customer_notes.php, manage/account_managers.php, templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.html, templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/account_managers.tpl.html, misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v2.0/database_changes.php, templates/en/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.137) * templates/en/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.text (added), templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer_info.tpl.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v2.0 (added), templates/en/notifications/incident_limit_reached_customer.tpl.text (added), manage/customer_notes.php (added), manage/account_managers.php (added), templates/en/notifications/expired_customer.tpl.html (added), templates/en/notifications/customer_closed_issue.tpl.text (added), templates/en/notifications/customer_new_issue.tpl.html (added), templates/en/customer_report.tpl.html (added), templates/en/manage/account_managers.tpl.html (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.3_to_v2.0/database_changes.php (added), templates/en/manage/customer_notes.tpl.html (added), include/customer/class.spot.php (added), templates/en/incident_limit_reached.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-07-06 14:58 +0000 [r350-351] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, include/class.user.php, manage/users.php, setup/changes.sql: Hide customers from the list in the administration section (Logical change 1.136) * ChangeSet: Hide customers from the list in the administration section BKrev: 40eabe07nLdgTR2daJA2Z_waKFHcnA 2004-07-06 14:21 +0000 [r346-349] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.user.php, include/class.auth.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, include/class.project.php, setup/config.inc.php, setup/changes.sql, manage/projects.php, ChangeLog: Start of the work in the customer integration API (Logical change 1.135) * include/class.customer.php, include/customer/class.example_api.php: (Logical change 1.135) * ChangeSet: Start of the work in the customer integration API BKrev: 40eab556WxTW2sVhCjAG9_LlvEDtEQ * include/class.customer.php (added), include/customer/class.example_api.php (added), include/customer (added): Initial revision 2004-07-01 21:17 +0000 [r342-345] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: Result order now consistent with option order in database on Custom Field report. Fixed bug in Custom Field report when not graphing all options. (Logical change 1.134) * include/class.report.php: Result order now consistent with option order in database. (Logical change 1.134) * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html: Removed invalid text (Logical change 1.134) * ChangeSet: Result order now consistent with option order in database on Custom Field report. Fixed bug in Custom Field report when not graphing all options.Result order now consistent with option order in database. Removed invalid text. BKrev: 40e47f61-VcczhzSZzSDue60_06G9A 2004-07-01 18:17 +0000 [r340-341] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: make sure there is a / in the end of the APP_PATH constant (Logical change 1.133) * ChangeSet: make sure there is a / in the end of the APP_PATH constant BKrev: 40e45527SDAcpkBYaP2d50RxiM8RHw 2004-07-01 02:29 +0000 [r338-339] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the SQL schema to avoid the "Invalid default value for 'sta_id'" error message BKrev: 40e376f9GDFbHXGpOqe6ncOBPj-iow * setup/schema.sql, ChangeLog: Fixed the SQL schema to avoid the "Invalid default value for 'sta_id'" error message (Logical change 1.132) 2004-06-30 17:19 +0000 [r335-337] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: Adding instructions for the 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2 upgrade (Logical change 1.131) * ChangeSet: Adding instructions for the 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2 upgrade BKrev: 40e2f62867FO3rph7mihXjOGwOIXZw 2004-06-30 17:09 +0000 [r333-334] mysql.com!jpm * setup/config.inc.php, ChangeLog: Bumping up the version number; Getting ready for the 1.2.2 release (Logical change 1.130) * ChangeSet: Bumping up the version number; Getting ready for the 1.2.2 release BKrev: 40e2f3d4nxyTpYXwkqxA8Ay5fm6S0g 2004-06-30 14:34 +0000 [r329-332] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.project.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a bug that was preventing the selected list of statuses from being stored when creating a new project (Logical change 1.129) * ChangeSet: Fixed a bug that was preventing the selected list of statuses from being stored when creating a new project BKrev: 40e2cf64rI6lqWJDshb3UbNp7FBUjQ * include/class.auth.php, ChangeLog: Fixed cookie related problem that prevented users from logging into IIS based installations (Logical change 1.128) * ChangeSet: Fixed cookie related problem that prevented users from logging into IIS based installations BKrev: 40e2cf01dbA-_IRWsnWbF3Ll0AeARw 2004-06-29 22:05 +0000 [r327-328] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Auto reconnect to the IRC server if the connection is lost BKrev: 40e1e7bezMWsma0RB6eHnXhbtfZMzA * misc/irc/bot.php, ChangeLog: Auto reconnect to the IRC server if the connection is lost (Logical change 1.127) 2004-06-29 16:07 +0000 [r324-326] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge 2004/06/29 09:03:38-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding some code to automatically check if there is another instance of the mail queue script running, and if so, stops execution. BKrev: 40e193bf0Ue7VEQpSWJwrN_i2uhEQA * include/class.mail_queue.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php: Adding some code to automatically check if there is another instance of the mail queue script running, and if so, stops execution. (Logical change 1.126) * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2004/06/29 09:03:38-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding some code to automatically check if there is another instance of the mail queue script running, and if so, stops execution. (Logical change 1.126) 2004-06-28 20:48 +0000 [r322-323] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added security to reports to prevent users wit a role lower then 'Standard User' from accessing them. BKrev: 40e0840b0deViO5X5fw9WrbNWohDCw * reports/index.php, reports/issue.php, reports/open_issues.php, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/weekly.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php, reports/workload_time_period.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php, ChangeLog: Added security to reports to prevent users wit a role lower then 'Standard User' from accessing them. (Logical change 1.125) 2004-06-28 19:59 +0000 [r320-321] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeLog: SCCS merged 2004/06/28 14:25:21-05:00 mysql.com!jpm When replying to an email from the web interface, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly (Logical change 1.124) * ChangeSet: Merge 2004/06/28 14:25:22-05:00 mysql.com!jpm When replying to an email from the web interface, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly BKrev: 40e0788afu9wffw4kJS-fgF7W4ZKLA 2004-06-28 19:59 +0000 [r319] mysql.com!jpm * send.php, include/class.support.php: When replying to an email from the web interface, set the In-Reply-To: header accordingly (Logical change 1.124) 2004-06-28 19:57 +0000 [r313-318] Bryan Alsdorf * misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php: Changed ttc_id to null so it will auto increment when inserted. (Logical change 1.123) * FAQ: (Logical change 1.123) * ChangeSet: Minor DB change. Initial version of FAQ (very basic) BKrev: 40e07837oXIOhEqaROWi02QHXP46UQ * FAQ (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: Moved description to seperate table to prevent wide descriptions from pushing the rest of the table over. BKrev: 40e077d8F-t0jl-1qqJnQrdReTsVlg * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, ChangeLog: Moved description to seperate table to prevent wide descriptions from pushing the rest of the table over. (Logical change 1.122) 2004-06-28 17:55 +0000 [r311-312] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Adding changelog entries I left out before. BKrev: 40e05b97cZQ06aW_tZMuIK-KauuyUg * ChangeLog: Adding changelog entries I left out before. (Logical change 1.121) 2004-06-28 08:54 +0000 [r302-310] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html: Expandable cell trick for phone calls. (Logical change 1.120) * include/class.time_tracking.php: Added method to return category ID. (Logical change 1.120) * include/class.phone_support.php: Expandable cell trick for phone calls. When phone call is added, add time spent to time tracking. When phone call is deleted, delete related time tracking entry. (Logical change 1.120) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php: (Logical change 1.120) * get_jsrs_data.php: Making expandable cell trick work for phone calls. (Logical change 1.120) * setup/schema.sql: Added time tracking category 'Telephone Discussion'. Changing table structure for eventum_phone_support. (Logical change 1.120) * templates/en/popup.tpl.html: When deleting phone entry, if time tracking entry is deleted as well, display message. (Logical change 1.120) * ChangeSet: Expandable cell trick for phone calls. When phone call is added, add time spent to time tracking. When phone call is deleted, delete related time tracking entry. BKrev: 40dfdcd4GT99WVYJDS4r0tWHOYAqIg * misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/database_changes.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-25 21:46 +0000 [r300-301] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug where values for new custom fields could not be set for existing issues. BKrev: 40dc9d53tbJf7MtxwroMNMaAFGFx6g * include/class.custom_field.php, ChangeLog: Fixed bug where values for new custom fields could not be set for existing issues. (Logical change 1.119) 2004-06-21 17:09 +0000 [r298-299] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Download emails script no longer requires mailbox name if account is pop3 BKrev: 40d71643p1hqLc0DrB925lVHgZ1aBA * misc/download_emails.php, ChangeLog: Download emails script no longer requires mailbox name if account is pop3 (Logical change 1.118) 2004-06-21 07:59 +0000 [r292-297] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.custom_field.php, templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, include/class.report.php: New Custom Field Report (Logical change 1.117) * ChangeLog: Merging 2004/06/21 02:54:35-05:00 mysql.com!bryan New Custom Field Report 2004/06/19 00:15:39-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Weekly report can now be set to any time range. (Logical change 1.117) * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html, reports/custom_fields.php, reports/custom_fields_graph.php: (Logical change 1.117) * rpc/xmlrpc.php, templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html, reports/weekly.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html: Weekly report can now be set to any time range. (Logical change 1.117) * ChangeSet: Merging 2004/06/21 02:54:36-05:00 mysql.com!bryan New Custom Field Report 2004/06/19 00:15:42-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Weekly report can now be set to any time range. BKrev: 40d69556LbhJtogYTjaMtsSz4PhRxQ * templates/en/reports/custom_fields.tpl.html (added), reports/custom_fields.php (added), reports/custom_fields_graph.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-18 17:18 +0000 [r290-291] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.mime_helper.php, ChangeLog: Properly handle quoted-printable message bodies (Logical change 1.116) * ChangeSet: Properly handle quoted-printable message bodies BKrev: 40d323ebthzBfuRpYKFieHHZs5DLYg 2004-06-17 14:52 +0000 [r287-289] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog, misc/route_notes.php: When handling a routed note, add all email addresses from staff users from both To: and Cc: list to notification list (Logical change 1.115) * include/class.note.php: Avoid php warnings (Logical change 1.115) * ChangeSet: When handling a routed note, add all email addresses from staff users from both To: and Cc: list to notification list BKrev: 40d1b029uwhPNXl8c1Nt4c3vYhR1Iw 2004-06-17 14:16 +0000 [r283-286] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php: (Logical change 1.114) * ChangeSet: Fixed the email and note routing scripts to parse MIME emails and fetch the appropriate message body BKrev: 40d1a7dbAGmGpqOeBoKtdXzrlMiyeQ * associate.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.mime_helper.php, misc/route_notes.php, ChangeLog, misc/route_emails.php, include/class.support.php: Fixed the email and note routing scripts to parse MIME emails and fetch the appropriate message body (Logical change 1.114) * misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.2.1_to_v1.2.2/fix_email_bodies.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-15 21:28 +0000 [r279-282] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Forgot to update the changelog file... (Logical change 1.113) * ChangeSet: Forgot to update the changelog file... BKrev: 40cf6a09MmII50xAD1p2m9k9FxEp9A * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/15 16:26:00-05:00 mysql.com!jpm The mime parsing code in here needs to be case insensitive BKrev: 40cf6979B5lhjk9IrOfjKtECSVRqUA * include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.support.php: The mime parsing code in here needs to be case insensitive (Logical change 1.112) 2004-06-15 21:03 +0000 [r277-278] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Always set cookie using APP_RELATIVE_URL to prevent multiple cookies from being set. BKrev: 40cf64222l8h5PNfC4_JG5nu3iamnw * include/class.auth.php, ChangeLog: Always set cookie using APP_RELATIVE_URL to prevent multiple cookies from being set. (Logical change 1.111) 2004-06-15 15:52 +0000 [r274-275] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the email download routine to properly handle emails without any issue association BKrev: 40cf1b387QV6FGtenQUDEMy6-3mraQ * ChangeLog: Fixed the email download routine to properly handle emails without any issue association (Logical change 1.110) 2004-06-15 15:49 +0000 [r272-273] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Formatting nitpick BKrev: 40cf1a7cEGKK2XPBCmt5A3j3ylf-sg * UPGRADE: Nitpick (Logical change 1.109) 2004-06-15 14:24 +0000 [r270-271] Bryan Alsdorf * setup/config.inc.php, UPGRADE, ChangeLog: Updated for release 1.2.1 (Logical change 1.108) * ChangeSet: Updated for release 1.2.1 BKrev: 40cf069567P-wpELrLxIIJvcQOVJQQ 2004-06-15 04:07 +0000 [r268-269] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed the database upgrade script to properly respect the table prefix chosen by the user BKrev: 40ce7615NVK3cAW2Jc2OpLWScFQ2mw * misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php, ChangeLog: Fixed the database upgrade script to properly respect the table prefix chosen by the user (Logical change 1.107) 2004-06-15 00:12 +0000 [r266-267] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Preventing errors in the email download routine BKrev: 40ce3ee3LpPk7YVpwCzd2nAxtXZ7Fg * include/class.support.php: Preventing errors in the email download routine (Logical change 1.106) 2004-06-14 20:10 +0000 [r264-265] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Changed the reminder email alert so it displays the current assignment list BKrev: 40ce0633HObgvb1p774rlNZeryp9cQ * templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, ChangeLog: Changed the reminder email alert so it displays the current assignment list (Logical change 1.105) 2004-06-14 16:35 +0000 [r261-263] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Reverse order for the release changelog (Logical change 1.104) * ChangeSet: Reverse order for the release changelog BKrev: 40cdd3bcY_hVVLO5lF1z1bF1xUZUgw 2004-06-14 16:26 +0000 [r257-260] mysql.com!jpm * UPGRADE: (Logical change 1.103) * ChangeSet: New upgrade file BKrev: 40cdd1bc6QBKbFQEFp_FtGZZT0QB0A * INSTALL: New upgrade file (Logical change 1.103) * UPGRADE (added): Initial revision 2004-06-14 16:18 +0000 [r254-256] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Getting ready for the 1.2 release (Logical change 1.102) * setup/config.inc.php: Bumping up the version number (Logical change 1.102) * ChangeSet: Getting ready for the 1.2 release BKrev: 40cdcfc1wO7_QC9IVOCjhTLntyp0YA 2004-06-14 16:12 +0000 [r252-253] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/14 11:12:26-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Properly use the phone call date selected in the form BKrev: 40cdce76s8kdhbnAFEK_QkxjDpBUGw * include/class.phone_support.php: Properly use the phone call date selected in the form (Logical change 1.101) 2004-06-14 15:28 +0000 [r245-251] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: If 'to' field is empty, display 'Notification List'. When email is sent associated with an issue, ignore 'to' field and just send to notification list. (Logical change 1.100) * send.php: If email is associated with an issue, ignore the 'to' field, send to notification list instead. (Logical change 1.100) * templates/en/email_form.tpl.html: Hide 'to' field when sending email associated with a user. (Logical change 1.100) * misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php: Added missing ; (Logical change 1.100) * include/class.draft.php: If 'to' field is empty, display 'Notification List' (Logical change 1.100) * ChangeSet: When sending an email associated with an issue is sent using the web based form, hide the "to" field. Since all emails are sent to an issues notification list, the "to" field is confusing. BKrev: 40cdc428WqtmhJBtiWBUm9773nXKXA * ChangeLog: Added entry on what was done. (Logical change 1.100) 2004-06-13 18:47 +0000 [r243-244] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added a missing reference to the 'noted_emails|notes' directories in the INSTALL file BKrev: 40cca13eVGy19osgRWeUKY3qKkCdkg * INSTALL, ChangeLog: Added a missing reference to the 'noted_emails|notes' directories in the INSTALL file (Logical change 1.99) 2004-06-12 06:14 +0000 [r241-242] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html, searchbar.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Bringing the searchbar back into life (Logical change 1.98) * ChangeSet: Bringing the searchbar back into life BKrev: 40ca9f2dBSluOJSf4ujaOLG2Droa-g 2004-06-12 06:03 +0000 [r239-240] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/navigation.tpl.html: Proper placement of the shortcut fields (Logical change 1.97) * ChangeSet: Proper placement of the shortcut fields BKrev: 40ca9cc7c-JWJC4THzzj7Nb0grgYFg 2004-06-11 21:27 +0000 [r237-238] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.reminder.php: We can't rely on the server's timezone setting, so let's use gmt dates throughout in the reminder system queries (Logical change 1.96) * ChangeSet: We can't rely on the server's timezone setting, so let's use gmt dates throughout in the reminder system queries BKrev: 40ca23admgKV2yoL6tT6OaXca8HK6g 2004-06-11 04:48 +0000 [r232-236] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added new upgrade scripts to handle the migration from release 1.1 BKrev: 40c939b1KQm_kC4J4znJmeDnL-zhgg * misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php, misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php: (Logical change 1.95) * misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2 (added), misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/database_changes.php (added), misc/upgrade/v1.1_to_v1.2/set_support_email_usr_id.php (added): Initial revision * ChangeSet: - Added a usr_id field to the email table to make reporting on that table easier (Bryan) - Separated the body and full email fields from the email table into a separate one to improve query performance (Jo�o) BKrev: 40c939864quaW_Tyq8PdoOwkaJyu0A * templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, send.php, get_jsrs_data.php, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog, include/class.support.php: - Added a usr_id field to the email table to make reporting on that table easier (Bryan) - Separated the body and full email fields from the email table into a separate one to improve query performance (Jo�o) (Logical change 1.94) 2004-06-10 23:52 +0000 [r228-231] mysql.com!jpm * include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer.php, include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer/unified.php, include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff.php: (Logical change 1.93) * ChangeSet: - Added a missing directory required in order for the diff-style issue updated notification emails to work BKrev: 40c8f429kLj6WW-NqCbd0QYiu_eeLQ * ChangeLog: - Added a missing directory required in order for the diff-style issue updated notification emails to work (Logical change 1.93) * include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer.php (added), include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer/unified.php (added), include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff (added), include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff/Renderer (added), include/pear/Text_Diff/Diff.php (added), include/pear/Text_Diff (added): Initial revision 2004-06-10 21:44 +0000 [r224-227] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: - Added a feature to auto-create issues from downloaded emails - Reworked the code that handles the automatic association of email into issues BKrev: 40c8d640PL_wJ8KfIYGsAzI9y5WfvA * notification.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, include/class.email_account.php, associate.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.notification.php, include/class.issue.php, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog, misc/route_emails.php, include/class.support.php: - Added a feature to auto-create issues from downloaded emails - Reworked the code that handles the automatic association of email into issues (Logical change 1.92) * templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html, manage/issue_auto_creation.php: (Logical change 1.92) * templates/en/manage/issue_auto_creation.tpl.html (added), manage/issue_auto_creation.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-10 17:36 +0000 [r220-223] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: We don't need these files anymore since we are forcing the users to use the download_emails.php script BKrev: 40c89c21s1UbZt5PrRKETSKKpZNtLQ * templates/en/check_emails_form.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/check_emails_form.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.91) * get_emails.php (removed): Delete: get_emails.php }(Logical change 1.91) * emails.php: Nits (Logical change 1.91) 2004-06-10 16:28 +0000 [r216-219] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Adding the missing SmartIRC directory (Logical change 1.90) * include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/messagehandler.php, include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/defines.php, include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/irccommands.php: (Logical change 1.90) * ChangeSet: Adding the missing SmartIRC directory BKrev: 40c88c21nJCFK_-Xf03bHDOgv78gEw * include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/messagehandler.php (added), include/pear/Net/SmartIRC (added), include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/defines.php (added), include/pear/Net/SmartIRC/irccommands.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-08 17:08 +0000 [r212-215] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixed a few database migration problems when upgrading from an old snapshot release BKrev: 40c5f288-YWr9K-93t0DvToEkTnWsw * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php, ChangeLog: Fixed a few database migration problems when upgrading from an old snapshot release (Logical change 1.89) * ChangeSet: Need to use a real email address for the system account BKrev: 40c5f1faWP5yS9g2YjAbi-Re-m6XRw * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php: Need to use a real email address for the system account (Logical change 1.88) 2004-06-08 15:49 +0000 [r210-211] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql, ChangeLog: Fixed a problem with a duplicate key name in the history_type table (Logical change 1.87) * ChangeSet: Fixed a problem with a duplicate key name in the history_type table BKrev: 40c5dffdokVHa1d5DjIa3EJWtxApXw 2004-06-07 15:46 +0000 [r208-209] Bryan Alsdorf * preferences.php, ChangeLog: SMS email address can now be set back to empty. (Logical change 1.86) * ChangeSet: SMS email address can now be set back to empty. BKrev: 40c48defbXYm-Dr9LVtKxvIz36QFOw 2004-06-05 21:13 +0000 [r206-207] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: Forgot to change the actual date... oh well (Logical change 1.85) * ChangeSet: Forgot to change the actual date... oh well BKrev: 40c23790u0GY-CXkqDYdBUKPmzaf5w 2004-06-05 18:15 +0000 [r201-205] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1 (removed): mvdir }(Logical change 1.84) * ChangeSet: Need to fix the directory name in here BKrev: 40c20dab3e6MYkzYuKFOloHKjka9yw * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php: mvdir (Logical change 1.84) * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/set_history_type.php (added), misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1/fix_system_account.php (added), misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1.1 (added): Initial revision 2004-06-05 18:00 +0000 [r197-200] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Added some quick installation instructions about the command-line interface BKrev: 40c20a24PIatOmAwagXl1YUwnsR6nw * INSTALL: Added some quick installation instructions about the command-line interface (Logical change 1.83) * templates/en/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html: Move the edit link to the status title (Logical change 1.82) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/05 12:58:17-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Move the edit link to the status title BKrev: 40c209c967bo2Bhk5BfZAlJttZ3hLw 2004-06-04 21:29 +0000 [r196] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/06/04 16:28:41-05:00 mysql.com!jpm New changelog file to keep a history of the changes between releases BKrev: 40c0e9c5ufBJIlApqxugllw06qmPUg 2004-06-04 21:29 +0000 [r194-195] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeLog: (Logical change 1.81) * ChangeLog (added): Initial revision 2004-06-04 21:24 +0000 [r192-193] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug in XML-RPC client that prevented connecting to ports other then 80 and 443. BKrev: 40c0e89f5omFSkWntH_rHSrvhvQAIg * misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php: Fixed bug that prevented connecting to ports other then 80 and 443. (Logical change 1.80) 2004-06-04 20:30 +0000 [r191] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/04 15:11:59-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Changed message for attachments copied from emails. BKrev: 40c0dbd8ZQg14IyQIkPkO04Um_Eujw 2004-06-04 20:30 +0000 [r190] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: Changed message for attachments copied from emails. (Logical change 1.79) 2004-06-04 20:30 +0000 [r188-189] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding a EVENTUM_RELATIVE_URL rc parameter to allow the use of the command-line interface when eventum is not setup as the web root of a domain BKrev: 40c0dbcaU2ZCrjjhmkarPxAzG5a0wg * misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/cli/eventum, misc/cli/eventumrc_example: Adding a EVENTUM_RELATIVE_URL rc parameter to allow the use of the command-line interface when eventum is not setup as the web root of a domain (Logical change 1.78) 2004-06-04 20:05 +0000 [r187] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/04 14:13:35-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/06/04 14:09:11-05:00 mysql.com!bryan Migrated change. BKrev: 40c0d600Ljux_E-yocb-oS6i36Zs4g 2004-06-04 20:05 +0000 [r186] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.support.php: Added order by (Logical change 1.77) 2004-06-04 18:33 +0000 [r184-185] mysql.com!jpm * misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php: Properly parse the header and xmlrpc contents (Logical change 1.76) * ChangeSet: Properly parse the header and xmlrpc contents BKrev: 40c0c05diNPHV7ia_crKSirwRvKlCA 2004-06-04 16:50 +0000 [r182-183] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Small nits BKrev: 40c0a84eNNty6Q2bAZHTnDNbLzIRdQ * templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html: Small nits (Logical change 1.75) 2004-06-04 16:08 +0000 [r181] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php: Properly activating the round-robin feature in here 2004/06/04 10:03:16-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding a feature to dynamically configure Eventum and specify which label and date field should be used for each status in the issue listing screen (Logical change 1.74) 2004-06-04 16:08 +0000 [r180] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Merge balsdorf@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/work/eventum 2004/06/04 10:17:52-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Properly activating the round-robin feature in here 2004/06/04 10:03:16-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Adding a feature to dynamically configure Eventum and specify which label and date field should be used for each status in the issue listing screen BKrev: 40c09e8afERA-6emE3HQANelr2Nfcg 2004-06-04 16:08 +0000 [r177-179] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html, manage/customize_listing.php: (Logical change 1.74) * setup/schema.sql, include/class.status.php, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql: Adding a feature to dynamically configure Eventum and specify which label and date field should be used for each status in the issue listing screen (Logical change 1.74) * templates/en/manage/customize_listing.tpl.html (added), manage/customize_listing.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-04 16:08 +0000 [r169-176] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changes to support updating releases. BKrev: 40c09e64k_ylKGgDjNyy3qXmGhfHWQ * update.php: Changes to support updating releases. (Logical change 1.73) * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html: Adding weekly report and workload reports. (Logical change 1.72) * ChangeSet: Adding new reports/graphs. BKrev: 40c09e31eV1X-2iabGT1q7_ghLriBA * include/class.report.php: Adding workload reports. (Logical change 1.72) * reports/tree.html (removed): Delete: reports/tree.html }(Logical change 1.72) * templates/en/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html, reports/workload_time_period.php, reports/workload_time_period_graph.php: (Logical change 1.72) * templates/en/reports/workload_time_period.tpl.html (added), reports/workload_time_period.php (added), reports/workload_time_period_graph.php (added): Initial revision 2004-06-04 15:48 +0000 [r166-168] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.email_account.php: removing unneeded fields. (Logical change 1.71) * templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html: Fixed typo causing pop3 accounts to lose account type when updating. (Logical change 1.71) * ChangeSet: Misc email fixes. BKrev: 40c099daFCU9ZC5fuGEYYJu5E2f6OQ 2004-06-04 14:37 +0000 [r164-165] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Change the 'no value set' style to italics when we are printing the template BKrev: 40c08929_Zmn_rvO5IuKd9tLyhRkmQ * include/class.history.php, templates/en/history.tpl.html: Change the 'no value set' style to italics when we are printing the template (Logical change 1.70) 2004-06-04 14:23 +0000 [r162-163] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.issue.php: Auto merged 2004/06/04 09:22:22-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Need this line in order for the closing note to be added properly (Logical change 1.69) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/gpl.impleo.net/docs 2004/06/04 09:22:23-05:00 mysql.com!jpm Need this line in order for the closing note to be added properly BKrev: 40c085d6CrE0hmh48JhhLfSKVYfLow 2004-06-04 03:32 +0000 [r159-161] Bryan Alsdorf * include/class.history.php: Modified to accept an empty value as the $new_value. (Logical change 1.68) * ChangeSet: Modified expected resolution to not use radiobox. Added support for updating release. BKrev: 40bfed4cVoxZ63rYX_v3BB5zYQ_FWQ * include/class.issue.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Modified expected resolution to not use radiobox. Added support for updating release. (Logical change 1.68) 2004-06-03 19:32 +0000 [r157-158] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Changed example release to have a date of 1 month from today. BKrev: 40bf7cbfOvKorugaw_GWsM7Lrb47FA * setup/schema.sql: Changed example release to have a date of 1 month from today. (Logical change 1.67) 2004-06-03 19:24 +0000 [r155-156] Bryan Alsdorf * templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Added description of "Trigger Reminders". (Logical change 1.66) * ChangeSet: Added description of "Trigger Reminders". BKrev: 40bf7aebddk-nfhTXff9C97d_wC1BA 2004-06-03 18:03 +0000 [r153-154] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Added option to allow/prevent un-assigned issues. BKrev: 40bf67ff7izJnR8yfhVQ41GaJU_RcA * manage/general.php, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, new.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html, update.php: Added option to allow/prevent un-assigned issues. (Logical change 1.65) 2004-06-03 16:44 +0000 [r151-152] Bryan Alsdorf * ChangeSet: Fixed bug during setup where if an alternate user is not specified, an erroneous error message is displayed. BKrev: 40bf55655NOtxSY8QRkS3xQLKEjUDw * setup/index.php: If alternate user is not enabled, skip unneeded checks. (Logical change 1.64) 2004-06-03 15:56 +0000 [r148-150] Bryan Alsdorf * manage/users.php: If the user currently logged in is an administrator, don't exclude the administrator role from the select box. (Logical change 1.63) * BitKeeper/etc/logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted (Logical change 1.63) * ChangeSet: If the user currently logged in is an administrator, don't exclude the administrator role from the select box. BKrev: 40bf4a27CDrOcPhDgSO0LTWaIh9ViQ 2004-06-02 23:20 +0000 [r146-147] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Using the RFC reserved example.com domain for examples and default accounts BKrev: 40be60a1JomY6aLJB1Nj2JJlkPNxpQ * templates/en/help/scm_integration.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, include/class.mail.php, templates/en/setup.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html, setup/changes.sql, templates/en/help/email_blocking.tpl.html: Using the RFC reserved example.com domain for examples and default accounts (Logical change 1.62) 2004-06-02 23:11 +0000 [r144-145] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: The system account needs an email address to allow the routed emails be associated with that user BKrev: 40be5eb3zbfwKLOK6A1iUCrbnjWjXw * setup/schema.sql, setup/changes.sql: The system account needs an email address to allow the routed emails be associated with that user (Logical change 1.61) 2004-06-02 22:40 +0000 [r142-143] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html: Preventing javascript warnings from popping up and using the proper relative url for the image files (patch from Andrew Berman ) (Logical change 1.60) * ChangeSet: Preventing javascript warnings from popping up and using the proper relative url for the image files (patch from Andrew Berman ) BKrev: 40be576cFL67FBOPHILgb-4qZuHJpQ 2004-06-02 20:08 +0000 [r140-141] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html: Change the background color of this field as well (Logical change 1.59) * ChangeSet: Change the background color of this field as well BKrev: 40be33act9S23MVCDnvfxaIM0kUqYQ 2004-06-02 20:02 +0000 [r138-139] mysql.com!jpm * INSTALL: More documentation about cron job and utility scripts (Logical change 1.58) * ChangeSet: More documentation about cron job and utility scripts BKrev: 40be3245_f6jnONGwai3YpiPT_ttjw 2004-06-02 19:56 +0000 [r136-137] mysql.com!jpm * manage/general.php, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html: Allowing the admin to enable/disable irc notifications (Logical change 1.57) * ChangeSet: Allowing the admin to enable/disable irc notifications BKrev: 40be30f6I_m0239rBC2FyiFE6z-cpg 2004-06-02 19:19 +0000 [r134-135] mysql.com!jpm * misc/route_emails.php: Associate routed emails to the internal system account (Logical change 1.56) * ChangeSet: Associate routed emails to the internal system account BKrev: 40be285ebLmTrjlDU6BlsowkZRtVPw 2004-06-02 19:14 +0000 [r130-133] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/emails.tpl.html: Force people to use the cron script to download emails (Logical change 1.55) * ChangeSet: Force people to use the cron script to download emails BKrev: 40be2731CzxmFX4iykNgpNaWllf19w * include/class.monitor.php, misc/monitor.php: Easier to see what needs to be changed (Logical change 1.54) * ChangeSet: Easier to see what needs to be changed BKrev: 40be26fe6TNn4hRrHq8hKWvYGuTOhA 2004-06-02 16:33 +0000 [r128-129] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Better yet... BKrev: 40be016dEprKSqb_oHe-DU2kkVnJSQ * BitKeeper/etc/ignore: Better yet... (Logical change 1.53) 2004-06-02 16:23 +0000 [r126-127] mysql.com!jpm * BitKeeper/etc/ignore: added templates_c/%%-10^%%-1046762360^quick_filter_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-10^%%-107327239^popup.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-11^%%-1130223493^setup.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-11^%%-1155451990^main.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-11^%%-115799020^scm_integration.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-11^%%-119682339^scm_integration_installation.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-12^%%-1221026677^navigation.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-12^%%-1228895191^adv_search.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-12^%%-1240289722^email_responses.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-13^%%-1323503948^custom_fields_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-13^%%-1332496621^adv_search.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-13^%%-1345492285^custom_filter_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-13^%%-137898301^error_icon.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-14^%%-145889309^time_tracking.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-14^%%-1487917194^main.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-15^%%-1549843976^authorized_replier.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-15^%%-1567142093^top_link.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-16^%%-16300775 19^body.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-17^%%-17378161^reminder_actions.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-17^%%-1741757985^lookup_field.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-17^%%-1783597640^issue_user.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-20^%%-2021223123^report_category.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-20^%%-2030256056^custom_fields.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-21^%%-214271803^app_info.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-37^%%-379955160^login_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-42^%%-429846379^new_issue.tpl.text.php templates_c/%%-49^%%-498160679^support_emails.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-54^%%-542181615^preferences.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-57^%%-574999590^view_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-69^%%-697462736^report_assignment.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-76^%%-765414731^statuses.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-77^%%-777062641^index.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-81^%%-810598535^header.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-93^%%-933654518^report_priority.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-93^%%-938812113^resolution.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%-98^%%-985850604^tree.tpl.htm l.php templates_c/%%102^%%102046939^footer.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%104^%%1045107522^scm_integration_usage.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%104^%%1049186889^history.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%114^%%1142313044^notifications.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%116^%%1163305313^projects.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%116^%%1163368270^list_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%117^%%1170665811^help_link.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%117^%%1170684429^banner.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%118^%%1184234039^report_form.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%120^%%1201565011^report.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%122^%%1224050558^lookup_layer.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%131^%%1310137018^general.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%135^%%135067493^custom_fields.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%136^%%1369719527^top.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%147^%%1474960632^email_blocking.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%155^%%155047906^close.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%159^%%1591154924^index.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%167^%%1679538970^open_issues.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%170^%%1703351194^jsrs.tpl.h tml.php templates_c/%%172^%%1722970631^manage.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%172^%%1726365343^reminders.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%193^%%1930152478^attachments.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%195^%%1955541948^get_emails.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%195^%%1958346061^index.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%203^%%203144404^remote.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%203^%%2035043^list.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%209^%%2094754304^view_note.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%309^%%309624226^notes.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%430^%%430210456^preferences.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%436^%%436975191^index.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%476^%%476975551^list.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%590^%%590575636^view.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%596^%%596384809^buttons.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%666^%%6668270^phone_support.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%754^%%754932932^reminder_conditions.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%794^%%794685560^users.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%938^%%938734563^email_accounts.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%958^%%958116399^new.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%959^%%9591 62444^latest_news.tpl.html.php templates_c/%%976^%%976690189^notes.tpl.text.php (Logical change 1.52) * ChangeSet: Always ignore template_c/ files BKrev: 40bdfeecrG56HQPmxU1HZQs_t-6sIA 2004-06-02 16:17 +0000 [r122-125] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Missing copyright notice BKrev: 40bdfd8casK916qP_LV49uSXMcY29A * get_jsrs_data.php: Missing copyright notice (Logical change 1.51) * ChangeSet: Escaping is always a good idea BKrev: 40bdfd04G_7hvMVRMzoZEbPDy3u98g * include/class.project.php: Escaping is always a good idea (Logical change 1.50) 2004-06-02 15:30 +0000 [r118-121] mysql.com!jpm * manage/remote.php (removed): Delete: manage/remote.php }(Logical change 1.49) * setup/schema.sql, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, include/class.project.php: Removing these old options that are not used anymore (Logical change 1.49) * templates/en/manage/remote.tpl.html (removed): Delete: templates/en/manage/remote.tpl.html }(Logical change 1.49) * ChangeSet: Removing these old options that are not used anymore BKrev: 40bdf28cfXzQQ58L1wp4OxIixzzKtg 2004-06-02 14:36 +0000 [r115-117] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding IRC bot BKrev: 40bde604d4XsadO07Nel0J1sQWhwSQ * misc/irc/bot.php: (Logical change 1.48) * misc/irc/bot.php (added), misc/irc (added): Initial revision 2004-06-02 04:55 +0000 [r113-114] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Avoiding a js warning message BKrev: 40bd5ddbb8bJdgU1vwjk6LY8dahECQ * templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html: Avoiding a js warning message (Logical change 1.47) 2004-06-02 04:47 +0000 [r110-112] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding missing templates BKrev: 40bd5be2OPETfwelozvkqwG9GQQdMg * templates/en/expandable_cell/body.tpl.html, templates/en/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.46) * templates/en/expandable_cell/body.tpl.html (added), templates/en/expandable_cell/buttons.tpl.html (added), templates/en/expandable_cell (added): Initial revision 2004-06-02 04:43 +0000 [r104-109] mysql.com!jpm * misc/cli/eventumrc_example: A better rc file example :) (Logical change 1.45) * ChangeSet: A better rc file example :) BKrev: 40bd5adbEQTfOHi_fJcoIZc_3gbBnQ * close.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.issue.php: Fixing the close() usage to also include the resolution field (Logical change 1.44) * ChangeSet: Fixing the close() usage to also include the resolution field BKrev: 40bd5abf8c0uD3z2QP4H1XmeC_7geQ * setup/schema.sql: Fixing the table creation (Logical change 1.43) * ChangeSet: Fixing the table creation BKrev: 40bd5a4eoiCL2uLSFfkfP71hztpTOQ 2004-06-02 04:02 +0000 [r102-103] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Removing inappropriate values.. BKrev: 40bd515cnAgaKiNcW-UCSCYdVn-YFA * templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html: Removing inappropriate values.. (Logical change 1.42) 2004-06-01 16:12 +0000 [r100-101] mysql.com!jpm * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/set_history_type.php, include/class.mail.php, templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html, include/class.note.php, include/class.notification.php, reports/weekly.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/fix_system_account.php, templates/en/help/email_blocking.tpl.html, include/class.support.php: Customer cleanup (Logical change 1.41) * ChangeSet: Customer cleanup BKrev: 40bcaafb9b1tT0FEpbpaQbzpv8z0Lg 2004-06-01 16:04 +0000 [r95-99] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.mail.php: Fixing these warning messages so they are appropriate for GPL users (Logical change 1.40) * ChangeSet: Fixing these warning messages so they are appropriate for GPL users BKrev: 40bca905ASgYEncVaVc1MPqz6qwk8w * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 40bca87bWBwe1i4eRTCzW2RzVYgNBA * include/class.notification.php: Notifications about emails are always related to an issue (Logical change 1.39) * include/class.note.php: It's already in a function (Logical change 1.39) 2004-06-01 15:51 +0000 [r93-94] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html: Adding the new search parameters to this form (Logical change 1.38) * ChangeSet: Adding the new search parameters to this form BKrev: 40bca607JQwQczx87qNa186w6jQZZw 2004-06-01 15:44 +0000 [r91-92] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing the email blocking logic BKrev: 40bca475sb1MAY01em81iJbHobVMGA * include/class.support.php: Fixing the email blocking logic (Logical change 1.37) 2004-06-01 15:29 +0000 [r89-90] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.authorized_replier.php, setup/schema.sql, rpc/xmlrpc.php, include/class.note.php, include/class.notification.php, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php: Customer clean-up (Logical change 1.36) * ChangeSet: Customer clean-up BKrev: 40bca0e1QaELaXN6Zf2cjhoZ0K53Fg 2004-06-01 14:54 +0000 [r83-88] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Preventing allow_url_fopen from ever being a problem :) BKrev: 40bc98b1Zz98dlUBI02CsNflY55EYQ * setup/config.inc.php: Preventing allow_url_fopen from ever being a problem :) (Logical change 1.35) * include/class.support.php: Properly handling replies to emails not associated to issues (Logical change 1.34) * ChangeSet: Properly handling replies to emails not associated to issues BKrev: 40bc9893EIXRIvTHbK3nOrKoIU_3gA * templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, templates/en/associate.tpl.html, templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html, js/global.js: Moving this function into the global file (Logical change 1.33) * ChangeSet: Moving this function into the global file BKrev: 40bc984eI6dK0Y84rHi8Cle51TKnkw 2004-06-01 14:42 +0000 [r81-82] mysql.com!jpm * setup/schema.sql, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/fix_system_account.php: Using the proper role ID (Logical change 1.32) * ChangeSet: Using the proper role ID BKrev: 40bc95caZsXkG1QO6Q5zuikDytTn2A 2004-06-01 14:38 +0000 [r79-80] mysql.com!jpm * setup/changes.sql: Moving this bit into a real upgrade script (Logical change 1.31) * ChangeSet: Moving this bit into a real upgrade script BKrev: 40bc9503YrSt7cZ6Cv8J13f18ICcyg 2004-05-27 19:24 +0000 [r75-78] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Create a separate directory just for upgrade scripts BKrev: 40b6407c1rnsCAWD5GCNzQ-NwktK1Q * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/fix_system_account.php: (Logical change 1.30) * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/set_history_type.php: Create a separate directory just for upgrade scripts (Logical change 1.30) * misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/fix_system_account.php (added): Initial revision 2004-05-27 18:08 +0000 [r72-74] mysql.com!jpm * view.php: No need for this call anymore (Logical change 1.29) * templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html: Fixing html layout (Logical change 1.29) * ChangeSet: Misc fixes BKrev: 40b62e921p-MNLXFc7zmYf_UuUPMYg 2004-05-27 18:02 +0000 [r68-71] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/help/main.tpl.html, include/class.history.php, templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, removed_emails.php, misc/download_emails.php, include/class.note.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html, include/class.db_api.php, reports/index.php, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, get_emails.php, templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, css/other.css, templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.html, associate.php, manage/email_accounts.php, misc/cli/config.inc.php, include/class.attachment.php, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html, include/class.draft.php, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, misc/process_commits.pl, send.php, templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html, include/class.reminder.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, include/class.date.php, close.php, include/class.prefs.php, setup/index.php, download.php, include/class.round_robin.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.scm.php, include/class.mail.php, view.php, post_note.php, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, include/class.error_handler.php, setup/config.inc.php, templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, include/class.help.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, include/class.stats.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, css/style.css, rpc/xmlrpc.php, templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.text, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.text, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, misc/route_notes.php, js/global.js, include/class.template.php, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html, templates/en/notes.tpl.html, include/class.support.php, include/class.user.php, templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/removed_emails.tpl.html, include/class.release.php, include/class.impact_analysis.php, emails.php, include/class.status.php, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, misc/route_emails.php, templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, templates/en/view.tpl.html, notification.php, templates/en/attachments.tpl.html, manage/users.php, include/class.resolution.php, include/class.phone_support.php, include/class.project.php, popup.php, include/class.news.php, include/class.custom_field.php, convert_note.php, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/history.tpl.html, include/class.mime_helper.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, include/class.misc.php: Merging latest changes to GPL repo; might be unstable -- still testing out the changes (Logical change 1.28) * ChangeSet: Merging latest changes to GPL repo; might be unstable -- still testing out the changes BKrev: 40b62d3bibVIZUog5RQmNI6z732TWA * include/pear/Net/SmartIRC.php, include/class.authorized_replier.php, images/icons/minus.gif, include/class.email_account.php, templates/en/jsrs.tpl.html, reports/weekly.php, misc/blank.html, authorized_replier.php, templates/en/help/email_blocking.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html, js/expandable_cell.js, include/jsrsServer.inc.php, misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/set_history_type.php, get_jsrs_data.php, templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html, templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html, include/class.mail_queue.php, include/class.monitor.php, misc/process_mail_queue.php, setup/changes.sql, images/icons/plus.gif, js/jsrsClient.js, misc/monitor.php: (Logical change 1.28) * include/pear/Net/SmartIRC.php (added), include/class.authorized_replier.php (added), images/icons/minus.gif (added), include/class.email_account.php (added), misc/upgrade (added), templates/en/jsrs.tpl.html (added), reports/weekly.php (added), misc/blank.html (added), authorized_replier.php (added), templates/en/reports/weekly_data.tpl.html (added), templates/en/help/email_blocking.tpl.html (added), misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1 (added), include/jsrsServer.inc.php (added), js/expandable_cell.js (added), misc/upgrade/snapshot_to_v1/set_history_type.php (added), get_jsrs_data.php (added), templates/en/reports/weekly.tpl.html (added), templates/en/authorized_replier.tpl.html (added), include/class.mail_queue.php (added), include/class.monitor.php (added), misc/process_mail_queue.php (added), setup/changes.sql (added), images/icons/plus.gif (added), js/jsrsClient.js (added), misc/monitor.php (added): Initial revision 2004-05-27 17:57 +0000 [r61-67] mysql.com!jpm * include/Smarty/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php, include/Smarty/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php, include/Smarty/core/core.rm_auto.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.cat.php, include/Smarty/core/core.write_cache_file.php, include/Smarty/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php, include/Smarty/debug.tpl, include/Smarty/core/core.is_trusted.php, include/Smarty/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php, include/Smarty/plugins/block.textformat.php, include/Smarty/core/core.write_file.php, include/Smarty/core/core.smarty_include_php.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_radios.php, include/Smarty/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_table.php, include/Smarty/core/core.write_compiled_include.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.mailto.php, include/Smarty/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php, include/Smarty/core/core.rmdir.php, include/Smarty/core/core.load_plugins.php, include/Smarty/core/core.is_secure.php, include/Smarty/core/core.create_dir_structure.php, include/Smarty/core/core.run_insert_handler.php, include/Smarty/core/core.get_microtime.php, include/Smarty/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.config_load.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_image.php, include/Smarty/core/core.process_compiled_include.php, include/Smarty/core/core.get_php_resource.php, include/Smarty/core/core.read_cache_file.php, include/Smarty/core/core.display_debug_console.php, include/Smarty/core/core.get_include_path.php, include/Smarty/plugins/compiler.assign.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.strip.php: (Logical change 1.27) * scm_ping.php: Rename: cvs_ping.php -> scm_ping.php (Logical change 1.27) * cvs_ping.php (removed): Rename: cvs_ping.php -> scm_ping.php }(Logical change 1.27) * ChangeSet: Upgrading the bundled Smarty library to 2.6.2 BKrev: 40b62c19PXDEZ9DWbZa3D2dyAiKWjA * include/Smarty/Smarty.class.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_words.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.replace.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.eval.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.string_format.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.default.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.date_format.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.cycle.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_characters.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.lower.php, include/Smarty/Config_File.class.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.popup.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.counter.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_options.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_select_time.php, include/Smarty/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.popup_init.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.debug.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.fetch.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.math.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.indent.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.truncate.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_select_date.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.upper.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.spacify.php, include/Smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.escape.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php: Upgrading the bundled Smarty library to 2.6.2 (Logical change 1.27) * include/Smarty/plugins/function.assign.php (removed): Delete: include/Smarty/plugins/function.assign.php }(Logical change 1.27) * include/Smarty/core/core.assign_smarty_interface.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.load_resource_plugin.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.rm_auto.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.cat.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.write_cache_file.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.write_compiled_resource.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.nl2br.php (added), include/Smarty/debug.tpl (added), include/Smarty/core/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.is_trusted.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/block.textformat.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.write_file.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.smarty_include_php.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_radios.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/outputfilter.trimwhitespace.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_table.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.write_compiled_include.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.mailto.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.process_cached_inserts.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.rmdir.php (added), scm_ping.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.load_plugins.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.is_secure.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.create_dir_structure.php (added), include/Smarty/core (added), include/Smarty/core/core.run_insert_handler.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.get_microtime.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/shared.escape_special_chars.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_checkboxes.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.config_load.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_image.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.read_cache_file.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.get_php_resource.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.process_compiled_include.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.display_debug_console.php (added), include/Smarty/core/core.get_include_path.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/compiler.assign.php (added), include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.strip.php (added): Initial revision 2004-05-11 00:34 +0000 [r58-60] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Hiding closed context statuses in the quick status change drop-down list BKrev: 40a01fa0AY4dMRkNMBIcAhqD0yB53Q * include/class.status.php, view.php: Hiding closed context statuses in the quick status change drop-down list (Logical change 1.26) * include/class.support.php: Broken code (Logical change 1.26) 2004-05-11 00:27 +0000 [r56-57] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Added checks for the required 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' directive (Logical change 1.25) * ChangeSet: Added checks for the required 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' directive BKrev: 40a01de8pjwrL7O-Rkiu8mOuRKCzYw 2004-05-08 19:06 +0000 [r54-55] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding this missing function BKrev: 409d2fb6_CS05MO0Io1CGrIUj4xy4g * include/class.support.php: Adding this missing function (Logical change 1.24) 2004-04-30 19:18 +0000 [r52-53] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Fixing the next/previous buttons in the email details window BKrev: 4092a67bxhaFbqQJhcx0Oj5LoZiuBQ * include/class.support.php: Fixing the next/previous buttons in the email details window (Logical change 1.23) 2004-04-30 16:39 +0000 [r50-51] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/close.tpl.html: Forgot to add the resolution field to this form (Logical change 1.22) * ChangeSet: Forgot to add the resolution field to this form BKrev: 409281569ivaBdCwKh8-8YadtyM28A 2004-04-26 22:59 +0000 [r48-49] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merging patch from Arnaud M�lon (arnaud.melon/at/b-flower.com) BKrev: 408d9447kqMLvKj6Q0j8OCIyPmZ6Og * include/class.custom_field.php: Merging patch from Arnaud M�lon (arnaud.melon/at/b-flower.com) (Logical change 1.21) 2004-04-17 04:08 +0000 [r46-47] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Attachment is only for real attachments, not Bmp inline images... BKrev: 4080add0yfgpir43qMCCXAsBbCk4Sw * download.php: Attachment is only for real attachments, not Bmp inline images... (Logical change 1.20) 2004-04-16 15:18 +0000 [r44-45] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Fixing the GD module requirement check (Logical change 1.19) * ChangeSet: Fixing the GD module requirement check BKrev: 407ff9371e_x_YQC7ji7c4bN83v9gg 2004-04-15 19:10 +0000 [r40-43] mysql.com!jpm * get_attachment.php: Properly handling mime attachment downloads (Logical change 1.18) * ChangeSet: Properly handling mime attachment downloads BKrev: 407ede22AD_SU8gOBCBtHUeqkAyIhg * ChangeSet: Faster email download algorithm BKrev: 407eddbbKE8FrDaEsWwCLdzgHqVxnA * misc/download_emails.php, include/class.support.php: Faster email download algorithm (Logical change 1.17) 2004-04-07 17:12 +0000 [r38-39] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Bringing the "remove email" functionality back to life BKrev: 40743685Saxh8ecsWs7dh8C6qSC5Fg * templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html: Bringing the "remove email" functionality back to life (Logical change 1.16) 2004-04-06 17:40 +0000 [r36-37] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/associate.tpl.html: Fixing broken url in here... (Logical change 1.15) * ChangeSet: Fixing broken url in here... BKrev: 4072eb7coP2uwKaBysSd5kPVR5y8UQ 2004-04-01 15:23 +0000 [r32-35] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Merging the latest changes BKrev: 406c33ea4ueTa5jjSYk4Gc1peqGlYQ * templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, include/class.note.php, misc/download_emails.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, manage/general.php, templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, manage/reminders.php, include/class.validation.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.html, get_attachment.php, include/class.auth.php, send.php, include/class.reminder.php, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, include/class.date.php, close.php, view_headers.php, download.php, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/class.mail.php, view.php, manage/reminder_actions.php, include/class.error_handler.php, templates/en/manage/statuses.tpl.html, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, misc/check_reminders.php, view_email.php, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, include/class.reminder_action.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.text, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html, misc/cli/eventum, js/global.js, misc/route_notes.php, templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, include/class.support.php, templates/en/notes.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, include/class.user.php, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, include/class.status.php, emails.php, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/signup.tpl.html, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, misc/route_emails.php, templates/en/view.tpl.html, templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, manage/reminder_conditions.php, templates/en/news.tpl.html, include/class.reminder_condition.php, popup.php, include/class.news.php, templates/en/header.tpl.html, templates/en/app_info.tpl.html, setup/schema.sql, templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, include/class.mime_helper.php, templates/en/manage/news.tpl.html, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, update.php, include/class.misc.php: Merging the latest changes (Logical change 1.14) * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html, templates/en/post_note.tpl.html, convert_note.php, templates/en/associate.tpl.html, include/class.draft.php, include/class.round_robin.php, manage/round_robin.php, post_note.php, templates/en/view_note.tpl.html, associate.php, view_note.php, templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/round_robin.tpl.html: (Logical change 1.14) * templates/en/email_drafts.tpl.html (added), templates/en/post_note.tpl.html (added), convert_note.php (added), templates/en/associate.tpl.html (added), include/class.draft.php (added), include/class.round_robin.php (added), manage/round_robin.php (added), post_note.php (added), templates/en/view_note.tpl.html (added), associate.php (added), view_note.php (added), templates/en/convert_note.tpl.html (added), templates/en/manage/round_robin.tpl.html (added): Initial revision 2004-03-17 22:23 +0000 [r30-31] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/view.tpl.html, view.php: Check if the requested issue is a part of the currently selected project (Logical change 1.13) * ChangeSet: Check if the requested issue is a part of the currently selected project BKrev: 4058cfe07cIfVvUhFP8Aw-Eap0SmUA 2004-03-17 22:16 +0000 [r24-29] mysql.com!jpm * include/class.time_tracking.php: Prevent warning messages (Logical change 1.12) * ChangeSet: Prevent warning messages BKrev: 4058ce22zx7dv4uASrLtpdTVROBAhw * templates/en/confirm.tpl.html: Need to use the proper absolute url in here (Logical change 1.11) * ChangeSet: Need to use the proper absolute url in here BKrev: 4058ce00FdE3E3UupYK7DnE1m-7QsQ * ChangeSet: Properly handling the weird condition in which users are in the notification list, but not subscribed to any actions BKrev: 4058cdd7CESjUJny2bghyVGwmeJlbg * include/class.notification.php: Properly handling the weird condition in which users are in the notification list, but not subscribed to any actions (Logical change 1.10) 2004-03-16 17:29 +0000 [r22-23] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Adding the resolution field to the close issue screen BKrev: 40573985GG1fjAkPNNlNUjYz2dJDMA * include/class.issue.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html: Adding the resolution field to the close issue screen (Logical change 1.9) 2004-02-18 16:59 +0000 [r18-21] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/reports/index.tpl.html: Need to make the tree an actual template so the relative urls can be dynamic (Logical change 1.8) * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html, reports/tree.php: (Logical change 1.8) * ChangeSet: Need to make the tree an actual template so the relative urls can be dynamic BKrev: 40339a0eORKIy4xK5mw2U8Pat-ZHdQ * templates/en/reports/tree.tpl.html (added), reports/tree.php (added): Initial revision 2004-02-18 16:49 +0000 [r15-17] mysql.com!jpm * images/dtree/empty.gif, images/dtree/join.gif, images/dtree/question.gif, images/dtree/imgfolder.gif, images/dtree/plusbottom.gif, images/dtree/nolines_plus.gif, images/dtree/base.gif, images/dtree/folder.gif, images/dtree/musicfolder.gif, images/dtree/page.gif, images/dtree/minusbottom.gif, images/dtree/trash.gif, images/dtree/nolines_minus.gif, images/dtree/plus.gif, images/dtree/joinbottom.gif, images/dtree/cd.gif, images/dtree/line.gif, images/dtree/globe.gif, images/dtree/minus.gif, images/dtree/folderopen.gif: (Logical change 1.7) * ChangeSet: Importing the dtree images BKrev: 40339790Qz_i8HDyGBSbzx9tHGpw2Q * images/dtree/empty.gif (added), images/dtree/join.gif (added), images/dtree/question.gif (added), images/dtree/imgfolder.gif (added), images/dtree/plusbottom.gif (added), images/dtree/nolines_plus.gif (added), images/dtree/base.gif (added), images/dtree/folder.gif (added), images/dtree/musicfolder.gif (added), images/dtree/page.gif (added), images/dtree/minusbottom.gif (added), images/dtree/trash.gif (added), images/dtree/nolines_minus.gif (added), images/dtree/plus.gif (added), images/dtree/joinbottom.gif (added), images/dtree/cd.gif (added), images/dtree/line.gif (added), images/dtree/globe.gif (added), images/dtree/minus.gif (added), images/dtree (added), images/dtree/folderopen.gif (added): Initial revision 2004-02-06 15:34 +0000 [r13-14] mysql.com!jpm * templates/en/setup.tpl.html: Automatically pre-filling the fields if an error happens while trying to install the package (Logical change 1.6) * ChangeSet: Automatically pre-filling the fields if an error happens while trying to install the package BKrev: 4023b402fqQ3eCLRY6lD0l2l_Rn5aQ 2004-02-06 04:08 +0000 [r11-12] mysql.com!jpm * setup/index.php: Always try to be extra smart and not bother the end user with things that we can handle ourselves (Logical change 1.5) * ChangeSet: Merge jpradomaia@stage.mysql.com:/home/www/bk/eventum into mysql.com:C:/www/htdocs/rabbit.impleo.net/docs 2004/02/05 22:07:33-06:00 mysql.com!jpm Always try to be extra smart and not bother the end user with things that we can handle ourselves BKrev: 4023132030U0kScp1Uq28WUeBqOqnQ 2004-02-06 00:33 +0000 [r7-10] mysql.com!jimw * ChangeSet: post-incoming mail trigger BKrev: 4022e0cemjNMk1Va4xt-u37e308-7g * BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.mail: (Logical change 1.4) * BitKeeper/etc/logging_ok: Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted (Logical change 1.4) * BitKeeper/triggers (added), BitKeeper/triggers/post-incoming.mail (added): Initial revision 2004-02-06 00:00 +0000 [r2-6] mysql.com!jpm * ChangeSet: Import changeset BKrev: 4022d934QXYexZKu4ML8-qCfzVp-mw * images/no_data.gif, templates/en/help/report_estimated_dev_time.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/manage.tpl.html, css/dtree.css, include/class.note.php, misc/download_emails.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.eval.php, reports/top.php, include/pear/DB/storage.php, manage/news.php, include/class.db_api.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.lower.php, templates/en/report_form.tpl.html, templates/en/help/index.tpl.html, css/other.css, templates/en/setup.tpl.html, images/attachment.gif, templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/closed.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/emails.tpl.text, templates/en/reports/index.tpl.html, templates/en/phone_support.tpl.html, templates/en/lookup_layer.tpl.html, templates/en/help_link.tpl.html, include/class.validation.php, include/pear/Net/POP3.php, COPYING, offline.php, send.php, include/db_access.php, searchbar.php, templates/en/impact_analysis.tpl.html, include/pear/DB/mssql.php, images/prev.gif, js/browserSniffer.js, include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, templates/en/send.tpl.html, view_headers.php, select_project.php, include/pear/DB/fbsql.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php, include/class.prefs.php, cvs_ping.php, logout.php, include/class.scm.php, templates/en/notifications/notification.tpl.html, templates/en/adv_search.tpl.html, reports/tree.html, templates/en/custom_fields.tpl.html, list.php, templates/en/custom_filter_form.tpl.html, include/pear/Net/DIME.php, templates/en/manage/statuses.tpl.html, misc/cli/include/class.command_line.php, images/computer.gif, templates/en/index.tpl.html, include/pear/DB/ifx.php, post.php, include/pear/Net/Socket.php, include/pear/Date/Span.php, templates/en/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html, include/pear/Date/Calc.php, templates/en/notifications/notes.tpl.text, images/icons/stats.gif, templates/en/forgot_password.tpl.html, switch.php, templates/en/notes.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.default.php, include/class.user.php, templates/en/removed_emails.tpl.html, templates/en/footer.tpl.html, templates/en/navigation.tpl.html, emails.php, templates/en/notifications/new_user.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_textarea_size.php, include/pear/DB/dbase.php, templates/en/help/list.tpl.html, manage/projects.php, misc/route_emails.php, include/pear/Net/SMTP.php, templates/en/view.tpl.html, notification.php, manage/reminder_conditions.php, templates/en/spell_check.tpl.html, include/pear/DB/common.php, manage/users.php, templates/en/manage/anonymous.tpl.html, adv_search.php, images/file.gif, popup.php, templates/en/header.tpl.html, templates/en/latest_news.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/users.tpl.html, templates/en/app_info.tpl.html, templates/en/login_form.tpl.html, include/pear/HTTP/HTTP.php, templates/en/reports/top.tpl.html, templates/en/help/scm_integration_usage.tpl.html, spell_check.php, manage/categories.php, manage/reminder_review.php, include/pear/Mail/mime.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.debug_print_var.php, templates/en/notifications/new_user.tpl.text, templates/en/help/report_summary.tpl.html, images/icons/refresh.gif, confirm.php, templates/en/notification.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_conditions.tpl.html, reports/index.php, include/private_key.php, templates/en/reports/open_issues.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/resolution.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_innerhtml.php, templates/en/help/report_assignment.tpl.html, templates/en/resize_textarea.tpl.html, include/Smarty/Config_File.class.php, include/pear/Mail/mimePart.php, include/class.attachment.php, templates/en/manage/general.tpl.html, manage/reminders.php, templates/en/help/report_description.tpl.html, forgot_password.php, include/pear/XML_RPC/Server.php, templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.html, include/pear/DB/pgsql.php, templates/en/notifications/account_details.tpl.html, templates/en/duplicate.tpl.html, include/class.auth.php, include/Smarty/plugins/shared.make_timestamp.php, misc/process_commits.pl, include/Smarty/plugins/function.get_display_style.php, include/pear/DB.php, templates/en/main.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.indent.php, include/class.date.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.truncate.php, templates/en/check_emails_form.tpl.html, setup/index.php, images/help.gif, images/gantt.jpg, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.upper.php, templates/en/error_icon.tpl.html, templates/en/status_legend.tpl.html, include/class.filter.php, templates/en/notifications/new.tpl.html, setup/config.inc.php, templates/en/popup.tpl.html, include/pear/Mail/smtp.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php, templates/en/close.tpl.html, include/class.stats.php, reports/issue.php, rpc/xmlrpc.php, css/style.css, templates/en/view_email.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.string_format.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.strip_tags.php, requirement.php, include/jpgraph/COPYING, templates/en/tips/custom_queries.tpl.html, templates/en/reminders/email_alert.tpl.text, js/global.js, misc/cli/include/pear/PEAR.php, templates/en/help/preferences.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/account_details.tpl.text, templates/en/notifications/new_issue.tpl.text, templates/en/searchbar.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/releases.tpl.html, README, include/class.release.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.popup.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.assign_debug_info.php, css/dynCalendar.css, templates/en/signup.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/function.calendar.php, templates/en/tips/canned_responses.tpl.html, images/icons/edit.gif, templates/en/manage/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/email_form.tpl.html, templates/en/news.tpl.html, images/asc.gif, templates/en/help/view_time.tpl.html, images/lookup.gif, include/class.phone_support.php, templates/en/notifications/new.tpl.text, include/Smarty/plugins/function.debug.php, include/class.project.php, include/pear/PEAR.php, templates/en/help/view_note.tpl.html, include/pear/Mail/RFC822.php, include/class.reminder_condition.php, include/class.custom_field.php, rss.php, include/pear/DB/msql.php, news.php, templates/en/preferences.tpl.html, templates/en/history.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/news.tpl.html, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_spider.php, include/class.issue.php, templates/en/quick_filter_form.tpl.html, templates/en/email_list_form.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_paragraphs.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.escape.php, templates/en/support_emails.tpl.html, include/class.misc.php, templates/en/attached_emails.tpl.html, templates/en/emails.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/files.tpl.html, images/icons/lock.gif, include/class.setup.php, include/class.history.php, templates/en/manage/categories.tpl.html, images/icons/clock.gif, templates/en/manage/reminders.tpl.html, removed_emails.php, templates/en/notifications/updated_password.tpl.html, templates/en/reports/issue_user.tpl.html, images/desc.gif, templates/en/help/adv_search.tpl.html, manage/general.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_characters.php, templates/en/confirm.tpl.html, login.php, templates/en/reminders/sms_alert.tpl.text, templates/en/help/report.tpl.html, manage/email_accounts.php, include/pear/Detect.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_error.php, manage/remote.php, misc/cli/include/class.misc.php, js/dynCalendar.js, js/post_load.js, include/pear/Date.php, templates/en/help/scm_integration.tpl.html, new.php, csv.php, manage/check_email_settings.php, include/class.reminder.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php, images/excel.jpg, templates/en/custom_fields_form.tpl.html, misc/cli/eventumrc_example, include/Smarty/plugins/function.math.php, include/class.report.php, include/class.category.php, templates/en/new.tpl.html, include/pear/Net/UserAgent/Detect.php, close.php, templates/en/notifications/files.tpl.text, include/class.mail.php, templates/en/requirement.tpl.html, templates/en/notifications/updated_password.tpl.text, templates/en/help/view.tpl.html, manage/reminder_actions.php, include/pear/Date/TimeZone.php, include/pear/Benchmark/Timer.php, templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.html, rpc/xmlrpc_client.php, help.php, include/class.reminder_action.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.replace.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.assign.php, manage/resolution.php, include/class.email_response.php, misc/cli/eventum, templates/en/checkins.tpl.html, js/autocomplete.js, include/class.support.php, templates/en/manage/custom_fields.tpl.html, signup.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_gantt.php, images/dynCalendar.gif, templates/en/list_form.tpl.html, include/class.status.php, templates/en/manage/index.tpl.html, templates/en/yellow_note.tpl.html, templates/en/switch.tpl.html, js/overlib_mini.js, templates/en/help/report_priority.tpl.html, INSTALL, images/icons/signs.gif, include/pear/DB/ibase.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.counter.php, images/icons/reply.gif, templates/en/manage/projects.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/remote.tpl.html, include/pear/DB/oci8.php, include/class.news.php, include/pear/DB/mysql.php, js/dtree.js, templates/en/notifications/updated_account.tpl.text, include/pear/DB/odbc.php, index.php, manage/time_tracking.php, templates/en/tips/keyboard_shortcuts.tpl.html, config.inc.php, include/pear/Mail/mail.php, include/Smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php, manage/email_responses.php, include/Smarty/Smarty.class.php, templates/en/list.tpl.html, templates/en/help/main.tpl.html, templates/en/email_filter_form.tpl.html, manage/releases.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_scatter.php, manage/index.php, images/next.gif, include/pear/Net/URL.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.cycle.php, templates/en/view_form.tpl.html, templates/en/help/banner.tpl.html, get_emails.php, templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.html, images/blank.gif, include/class.language.php, templates/en/help/report_category.tpl.html, templates/en/help/report_release.tpl.html, misc/cli/config.inc.php, templates/en/get_emails.tpl.html, include/class.pager.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.wordwrap.php, images/icons/email.gif, templates/en/help/view_attachment.tpl.html, images/icons/error.gif, get_attachment.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.html_select_time.php, include/pear/Mail.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_pie3d.php, templates/en/update.tpl.html, include/pear/Date/Human.php, include/Smarty/plugins/function.fetch.php, images/uploading.gif, include/class.time_tracking.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_dir.php, download.php, view.php, templates/en/help/view_impact.tpl.html, templates/en/help/notifications.tpl.html, include/class.error_handler.php, include/class.help.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_sentences.php, stats_chart.php, misc/check_reminders.php, templates/en/view_headers.tpl.html, templates/en/select_project.tpl.html, view_email.php, main.php, include/pear/DB/sybase.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.count_words.php, templates/en/lookup_field.tpl.html, templates/en/manage/reminder_actions.tpl.html, include/pear/Mail/sendmail.php, templates/en/notifications/updated.tpl.text, benchmark.php, templates/en/top_link.tpl.html, js/validation.js, templates/en/time_tracking.tpl.html, templates/en/offline.tpl.html, templates/en/post.tpl.html, custom_fields.php, misc/route_notes.php, include/class.template.php, misc/cli/include/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php, include/jpgraph/jpgraph_canvas.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.date_format.php, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.capitalize.php, images/icons/rss.gif, include/class.impact_analysis.php, images/icons/report.gif, templates/en/help/scm_integration_installation.tpl.html, include/jpgraph/jpgraph.php, templates/en/help/support_emails.tpl.html, include/class.notification.php, templates/en/update_form.tpl.html, include/Smarty/plugins/modifier.regex_replace.php, 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